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青海湖裸鲤资源评析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
青海湖裸鲤 [Gymnocyprisprzewalskiiprze walskii(Kessler) ](以下简称裸鲤 ) ,属鲤形目(Cypriniformes) ,鲤科 (Cyprinidae) ,裂腹鱼亚科 ,裸鲤属 ,是青海湖中唯一的经济鱼类 ,对这一鱼类资源的合理利用和科学管理 ,是关系到青海湖渔业可持续发展的一个重要问题。关于裸鲤的研究已有一些报道[1~ 3] ,但仅见于种群生物学研究。本文应用渔业资源评估模式 ,定量地探讨裸鲤资源变动问题 ,试图阐明该资源年际变化 ,寻求合理利用有效途径。1 材料与方法1 1 样本采集1 996年…  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤人工繁殖及鱼苗培育技术的研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
为保证青海湖裸鲤 (Gymnocypisprzewalskiiprzewalskii)原种种质、增殖放流 ,增加青海湖裸鲤资源量 ,我们于 1996~ 1998年对裸鲤的人工繁殖和苗种培育技术作了详尽的研究。经过三年试验 ,形成了《青海湖裸鲤原种生产操作规程》 (草案 ) ,掌握了苗种繁殖、孵化和培育技术 ,授精率、孵化率、出苗率平均达到 80 %以上。并对青海湖裸鲤胚胎发育期和出膜后的仔鱼期做了详尽的观察。现将试验情况报道如下 :1 基本情况1996~ 1998三年间 ,在青海省鱼类原种良种场进行了裸鲤人工繁殖试验。试验材料采自布哈河、沙…  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤与鲤、鲫、草鱼的随机扩增多态DNA分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵凯 《淡水渔业》2001,31(5):49-51
本文利用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术对4 种鲤科鱼类,即裂腹鱼亚科的青海湖裸鲤、鲤亚科的鲤和鲫鱼、雅罗鱼亚科的草鱼基因组DN A进行了分析,目的是探讨青海湖裸鲤的系统分类位置.遗传距离指数计算结果显示,鲤亚科2个鱼种间的相似性显著高于青海湖裸鲤和草鱼间的相似性,而裂腹鱼亚科的青海湖裸鲤与另两个鲤亚科三种鱼类之间的差异(0.8769、0.7145、0.6930)明显高于雅罗鱼亚科草鱼与鲤亚科鲤、鲫鱼之间的差异(0.4718、0.5218).在此基础上讨论了RAPD技术适用性的一些问题.  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤与鲤、鲫、草鱼的随机扩增多态DNA分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵凯 《淡水渔业》2001,31(5):49-51
本文利用随机扩增多态DNA (RAPD)技术对 4种鲤科鱼类 ,即裂腹鱼亚科的青海湖裸鲤、鲤亚科的鲤和鲫鱼、雅罗鱼亚科的草鱼基因组DNA进行了分析 ,目的是探讨青海湖裸鲤的系统分类位置。遗传距离指数计算结果显示 ,鲤亚科 2个鱼种间的相似性显著高于青海湖裸鲤和草鱼间的相似性 ,而裂腹鱼亚科的青海湖裸鲤与另两个鲤亚科三种鱼类之间的差异 (0 876 9、 0 7145、 0 6 930 )明显高于雅罗鱼亚科草鱼与鲤亚科鲤、鲫鱼之间的差异 (0 4718、 0 5 2 18)。在此基础上讨论了RAPD技术适用性的一些问题  相似文献   

<正>青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)属鲤形目、裂腹鱼亚科、裸鲤属,俗称湟鱼。是青海湖中唯一的经济鱼类,处于青海湖整个生态系统核心地位。在青  相似文献   

鲴鱼的生物学特性及养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲴鱼是鲴亚科鱼类的总称 ,在我国有 4属 1 0余种。目前在江河湖泊水库中天然繁殖和生长的鲴鱼主要有银鲴 (XenocyprisargenteaGunther)、细鳞斜颌鲴 (Plagiognathops microlepisBleeker )、黄尾鲴 (XenocyprisdavidiBleeker )和圆吻鲴 (DistoechodontumirostrisPeters ) 4种。其共同的特点是能充分利用水域中的有机碎屑和附生藻类。鲴鱼的生物学特性   1 .形态特征  鲴鱼的个体大小属中等 ,体型稍侧扁。头小 ,呈锥形。口…  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris Przewalskii)属鲤形目,裂愎鱼亚科。主要分布于青海湖及其支流中,是我国重要的经济鱼类之一。为了恢复青海湖裸鲤资源,我们在河北省井陉县鱼泉冷水鱼开发有限公司的养殖场对青海湖裸鲤进行了人工繁育和驯化养殖,成功实现了青海湖裸鲤异地繁养技术的突破。现将青海湖裸鲤的生物学特性及养碛经验介绍如下。  相似文献   

<正>青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)属鲤形目、鲤科、裂腹鱼亚科、裸鲤属,俗称湟鱼,是青海省特有的一种土著鱼类。经过这些年对青海湖裸鲤的研究,其淡水全人工养殖技术逐渐成熟,为了保护和开发这一资源,笔者在2010年5月至2011年9月对青海湖裸鲤进行了商品鱼的养殖试验。现将试验情况介绍如下:一、材料和方法1.材料来源养殖鱼种来源于青海湖裸鲤原种场西6号鱼池的青海湖裸鲤2龄鱼种,数量为6000尾,放养规格平均为28.54克/尾。2.试验鱼池位于西宁市城北  相似文献   

正青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)属鲤形目、鲤科、裂腹鱼亚科、裸鲤属,俗称湟鱼,是青海湖中唯一的经济鱼类。近年来青海湖裸鲤苗种培育工作由传统的池塘养殖逐步转型于工厂化循环水养殖。青海湖裸鲤一龄苗种工厂化循环水养殖车间面积共15000米~2,每个车间由7个独立的循环水系统构成,每个系统拥有配套的养殖  相似文献   

用24种随机引物对雅罗鱼亚科(Leuciscinae)的草鱼,鲤亚科(Cyprininae)的柏氏鲤和3个地理种群鲤(荷包红鲤、黑龙江野鲤和德国镜鲤)进行RAPD分析,构建了这5种鱼类的基因组指纹图谱。通过对获得的基因组指纹图谱的量化分析,利用UPGMA重建了它们之间的亲缘关系。结果鲤种内3个地理种群之间的相似性高于鲤和柏氏鲤种间的相似性,而草鱼与另4种鲤亚科鱼类亚科之间的差异明显高于柏氏鲤、黑龙  相似文献   

Comparative karyological studies on Chinese carps (Ctenopharyngodon idella, Aristichthys nobilis, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) were carried out to determine the possiblities of hybridization. The diploid chromosome number, the morphological distribution of chromosomes, the arm ratio, the total and relative lengths of chromosomes, the total length of chromosome sets, and the number of arms were determined. Cross-breeding of grass carp and bighead was tested, and resulted in viable progeny. Karyological analyses of the F1 hybrid generation were made. The hybrid proved to be triploid.  相似文献   

为提升水产良种化水平,帮助广大养殖户选育经济价值更高的鲤鱼品种,2020年6月到10月,笔者在通辽市早繁鱼种试验场和巴彦淖尔市纳林湖黄河鲤种质资源场分别开展了福瑞鲤与建鲤、黄河鲤与津新鲤的生长对比试验。试验结果显示,相同养殖条件下,福瑞鲤在生长速度、产量及成活率方面均优于建鲤,经济效益更高。  相似文献   

鲤鱼种内、种间抗寒能力的遗传差异及遗传特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲤鱼种内、种间对水体温度变化适应性存在很大差异,种内、种间的正反杂交组合不同,其抗寒能力表现也不同。种内杂交可将抗寒基因传递给后代,随着世代而增加,可育成抗寒品种。种间杂交组合不但亲合力差,其后代抗寒基因不稳定,有消失可能,这可能与脂肪酸代谢的特性有关。  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted with purified test diets to ascertain the optimum levels of protein and carbohydrate needed in carp feed, the details of which are indicated. Both by direct inference and by statistical analysis, it was observed that the optimum growth of carp spawn, fry and fingerlings was reached with test diets having 45% protein (casein) and 26% carbohydrate (dextrin).  相似文献   

Concentration, ability to motility, motility during the second activation (reactivation), and endogenous respiration were studied in sperm from two experimental groups of carp males. Group 1 was maintained for 7 days at 15°C (cold water (CW) group), whereas the second group was subjected to a temperature of 20°C (warm water (WW) group) before sperm sampling. Reactivation were achieved after incubation of firstly activated sperm in media with osmotic pressure adjusted up to 300 mOsm*kg−1 by increasing K+ concentration. Statistically significant reduction of spermatozoa concentration in CW samples versus WW (from 46.0 ± 12.5 (15°C) to 59.3 ± 7 109 (20°C) spermatozoa /ml) have been observed. The sperm of the CW group required a significantly longer incubation time (37 min) under isotonic conditions to achieve a maximum percentage of potent motility at repeated activation than the WW group (23 min). After activation of sperm motility, an increase of respiration rate up to maximum level has been found, this level remained the same under condition of recovering the potential to repeated activation. During the sperm movement respiration rate, in CW group (6.1 nmolO2/min/109spermatozoa) and WW (3.9 nmolO2/min/109spermatozoa), was significant higher compared to nonactivated sperm (2.4 nmolO2/min/109spermatozoa for CW and 1.1 nmolO2 /min/109spermatozoa for WW). And keeping males for 7 days at 15°C increase the respiration rate of sperm.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fingerlings of the three major types of Indian carp, i.e. Catla catla (Hamilton), Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and Cirrhunas mrigala (Hamilton), were immunized using a haemolysin-negative mutant of Aeromonas hydrophila . Very high titres of antibodies were induced in C. catla , followed by C. mrigala and L. rohita . Immunized fish showed good protection against homologous challenge. Moderate protection against heterologous challenge was observed in C. mrigala and L. rohita .  相似文献   

Abstract. The synthetic LH-RH analogue, des-GLY10[D-Ala6] LRH ethylamide was shown to be effective for induced spawning of Chinese carps. Ovulation was induced in 23 of 34 female grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella Val., receiving a single injection of synthetic LH-RH analogue. Spawning success was 92% for 3-year and older fish at optimum temperatures (22–26°C). Reduced spawning success was noted for 2-year-old female fish, and when temperature exceeded 27°C. No mortality of study fish was observed following a single injection. Hybrid carp, grass carp x bighead carp, Aristichthys nobilis Val., and grass carp x silver carp, Hypophthal-michthys molitrix Val., were produced using synthetic LH-RH analogue. Male grass carp, bighead carp and silver carp exhibiting pearl organs were stimulated to produce milt regardless of the presence or absence of free flowing milt at the time of injection. The potential importance of synthetic LH-RH analogue in fish culture and mechanisms of hormonal action are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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