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本研究观察表明,猞猁的胃为单室有腺胃,呈略扁而弯曲的囊状,大部分位于左侧腹前部和腹中部,小部在腹腔右侧。分布于胃的动脉来胃左动脉,胃右动脉、脾动脉、胃网膜左动脉和胃网膜右动脉。肠管分小肠和大肠,小肠分为十二指肠,空肠和回肠,大肠分为盲肠、结肠和直肠。肠管各段有明显的分界特生回肠短,盲肠不发达。分布于小肠的动脉来自胃右动脉、胰十二指肠前动脉、胰十二指肠后动脉、空肠动脉和回肠动脉,分布于大肠的动脉来自  相似文献   

1例肝有巨大肿瘤的鸡,其肝右叶与右侧肾上腺愈着为一体,肝的巨形肿瘤与肾上腺的肿瘤的结构一样,完全由与肾上腺皮质组织细胞相似的肾上腺皮质癌组织及与肾上腺髓质神经上皮细胞相似的细胞瘤组织相互交织而成,褐色细胞瘤组织内散在神经母细胞增殖巢,肿瘤被的纤维组织内可见呈花环样结构的神经母细胞结节及交感神经节肿瘤结节,因瘤体巨大,肿瘤成分复杂,恶性度极高,诊断为鸡肝恶性肾上腺瘤。  相似文献   

通过解剖观察了川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的门静脉系和肝静脉系。门静脉分为左、右2支,左支发出左外侧叶背侧静脉、左外侧叶腹侧静脉、左中央叶静脉、方叶支、左尾状叶支、右尾状叶支;右支发出右中央叶静脉、右外侧叶静脉和尾状突支。肝静脉分肝左静脉、右中央叶肝静脉、方叶肝静脉、右外侧叶肝静脉、左尾状叶肝静脉、右尾状叶肝静脉、尾状突肝静脉。方叶肝静脉的血液注入右中央叶肝静脉而成为其属支。无肝中静脉。  相似文献   

兔肝内管道研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
兔肝内门管鞘系统所包含的门静脉分为左、右2支:左支供应左内叶、左外叶、右内叶及尾状叶,左外叶静脉可分出背、腹侧静脉,左内叶静脉及右内叶静脉各分出内、外侧静脉,尾状叶的静脉也分出左、右侧静脉;右支供应右外叶,分出右外叶静脉和右叶间静脉,右外叶静脉分出背、腹侧静脉。与人肝相似,兔肝内部也分为左、右2叶及左外段(叶)、左内段(叶)、右外段(叶)、右内段(叶)4段,尾状叶的左、右侧部分别隶属于左、右叶。兔肝的外形可分为左外叶、左内叶、右外叶、右内叶、尾状叶及位于胆囊左侧、门静脉左支横部腹侧及方叶支分布区的方叶。肝动脉和胆管的分支与门静脉的相应支伴行,但其分支形式较复杂。兔的肝静脉系统,除肝中静脉外,汇集各叶血液的肝大静脉还有左外叶肝静脉、左内叶肝静脉、右内叶肝静脉、右外叶肝静脉及尾状叶肝静脉,肝小静脉很少。  相似文献   

为了探究黄牛心室蒲肯野纤维的分布和结构特点,为动物比较解剖学与组织学增添新的资料,本研究采用碳素墨汁灌注、红色ABS树脂灌注铸型、常规石蜡切片H&E染色、Masson三色染色技术,观察40只普通黄牛心室蒲肯野纤维的分布及结构特征。结果显示:黄牛心室左束支和右束支的分布不对称,左束支较发达;左束支短而宽位于室间隔左侧壁心内膜下上1/3部分,并向心室腔面下方延伸;右束支与左束支相比细而长,位于室间隔右侧壁心内膜下,并沿着室间隔右侧面向前下方心内膜下呈弓形延伸。黄牛心室蒲肯野纤维在心内膜下呈逐级多边形网状结构分布,并深入心肌层中发出大量分支,在黄牛心室室间隔中下部心尖、乳头肌基部分布比较丰富,在室间隔上部、动脉口周围、心底部分布较少,左、右心室乳头肌顶端心内膜下没有观察到蒲肯野纤维的分布。  相似文献   

以铸型方法观察了家禽肝门静脉的分支。其中,鸡有左、右肝门静脉各1支,左叶有左外叶颅侧支、左外叶尾侧支和左内叶支,右叶有右叶颅侧支及右叶尾侧支;鹅、鸭则有左肝门静脉2支,右肝门静脉1支。左叶有左外叶颅侧支和左外叶尾侧支,右叶有右叶颅侧支和尾侧支。左、右肝门静脉于横部汇集,并向颅侧及尾侧发出许多分支。此外,还强调和讨论了家禽肝门静脉系统在分布上的一些特点  相似文献   

正专利申请号:CN201410435416.6公开号:CN104255568A申请日:2014.08.31公开日:2015.01.07申请人:青岛田瑞牧业科技有限公司本发明公开了一种散养禽类脚链,散养禽类用脚链,可有效解决因踩死啄伤而造成鸡的伤亡,影响鸡的出售的问题,其解决的技术方案是,包括左链圈、右链圈和链条,左链圈、右链圈皆呈开口的圆环状,左链圈开口处有左卡扣和相配应的左卡槽体,右链圈开口处有右卡扣和相配应的右卡槽体,  相似文献   

驯鹿肾上腺组织学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
驯鹿肾上腺的组织结构分为被膜、皮质和髓质。被膜下分布有类似未分化细胞。皮质最厚,明显分为3个带,其中,球状带占皮质厚的3.5%,束状带厚占皮质的93.4%,网状带占皮质厚的3.1%,各带均见少量体积略小、着色深的细胞。髓质分为内、外区,外区细胞呈高柱状,双行排列成索状者多见。  相似文献   

<正>徐州生物工程职业技术学院接诊一例发病可卡犬,经诊断确诊为左后肢股骨远端骨折,右后肢股骨干骨折。左后肢采用接骨板固定法进行整复固定,右后肢采用钢针交叉固定法进行整复固定,经过2个月的精心护理,愈合良好,现报道如下。1病例基本情况及临床症状可卡犬,雌性,体重2.5 kg,5月龄。患犬精神沉郁,两后肢不能起立。抬起患犬后躯可见下肢下垂无力,触诊皮肤肿胀,疼痛,呈捻发音,皮肤表面无明显  相似文献   

山羊肺淋巴系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
24例山羊肺经肺实质和肺胸膜下注射30%普鲁士蓝氯仿溶液,剖查其器官内淋巴管及淋巴流向。结果表明,山羊肺的器官内淋巴管有浅淋巴管和深淋巴管2种。左肺尖叶淋巴管注入左支气管肺淋巴结和气管支气管左淋巴结,左肺心叶淋巴管注入左支气管肺淋巴结、气管支气管左淋巴结和气管支气管中淋巴结,左肺膈叶淋巴管注入气管支气管左淋巴结、气管支气管中淋巴结和纵隔后淋巴结;右肺尖叶淋巴管注入右支气管肺淋巴结和气管支气管前淋巴结,右肺心叶淋巴管注入右支气管肺淋巴结和气管支气管右淋巴结,右肺膈叶淋巴管注入气管支气管右淋巴结、气管支气管中淋巴结和纵隔后淋巴结,右肺副叶淋巴管注入右支气管肺淋巴结、气管支气管中淋巴结和纵隔后淋巴结。  相似文献   

The aorticorenal gland belongs to the paired splanchnic ganglion, which is the main component of the coeliac plexus. It lies near the renal artery and suprarenal gland. The research was conducted on 13 1-day-old infant sheep – eight males and five females. Based on the conducted studies, it was concluded that the aorticorenal ganglion is characterized by the variable location in relation to the abdominal aorta, renal artery, caudal vena cava and suprarenal gland (holotopy), the thoracic and lumbar segment of the vertebral column (skeletotopy) (between L1 and L3) and also a different shape (elongated, round, triangular, oval) as well as variable length (the aorticorenal ganglion is longer on the left side of the body; 2.72 mm) and distance from the caudal end of the suprarenal gland (longer on the left side of the body; 8.34 mm). With regard to the sex of the animal, the ganglion is the longest on the left side in ewes (3.02 mm), while in rams it is the longest on the right side (2.68 mm). Regarding the division according to sex, the longest segment was observed on the right side in ewes (9.27 mm), and the shortest segment in rams was also on the right side (6.84 mm).  相似文献   

将WGA-HRP注入75~90日龄鸡肾上腺内,追踪支配鸡肾上腺传出神经元的胞体。结果显示,鸡肾上腺接受交感性节前和节后神经元的支配,以节后神经元支配占主导;迷走神经的传出神经元也支配鸡肾上腺,但处于次要地位  相似文献   

Heads of ten healthy adult ostrich obtained from slaughter house were the constituted materials of the study. The Harderian gland (HG) was dissected out, and all of the gross morphometrical parameters including length, width and thickness as well as weight of left and right glands were recorded. Tissue sections were stained, using haematoxylin and eosin, Masson trichrome, periodic acid‐Schiff and Alcian blue (pH 2.5) techniques. In ostrich, HG was an orbital organ located ventromedially around the posterior part of the eyeball. It was an oval flatted shape, light pink colour with irregular outline and was pointed in the dorsal end. Its mean length was 35.30 ± 2.84 mm and 35.55 ± 3.58 mm in left and right sides, respectively, and mean width 15.30 ± 1.20 mm and 15.65 ± 1.18 mm in left and right sides, respectively. There was no significant difference between length, thickness, weight and width of left and right glands. Histological results showed that the glandular epithelium was multilobular and compound tubuloalveolar. The gland was surrounded by a connective tissue capsule, and the epithelium was lined by simple columnar epithelial cells of varying height. The secretion of HG was mucous and the secretion type was apocrine. Mucosubstance analysis revealed that secretory units contained acidic and neutral glycoproteins. The granules within the epithelial cells lining the intralobular and inter‐lobular excretory ducts of the gland were positive for periodic acid‐Schiff and Alcian blue (pH 2.5).  相似文献   

将WGA-HRP注入75~90日龄鸡肾上腺内,追踪支配鸡肾上腺传出神经元的胞体,结果显示:鸡肾上腺接受交感神经节前和节后神经元的支配,以节后神经元支配占主导;迷走神经的传出神经元也支配鸡肾上腺,并处于次要地位。  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective study in presumed normal dogs to determine the adrenal gland attenuation and volume values. Multidetector computer tomography (MDCT 16) analysis of the gland was carried out in 48 adult dogs without evidence of adrenal gland disease that underwent CT examination for acute spinal injuries. The mean nonenhanced attenuation value +/- SD of the left adrenal gland was 36.0 +/- 5.3 HU (range: 22.0-42.0 HU). The mean nonenhanced attenuation value +/- SD of the right gland was 34.3 +/- 7.0 HU (range: 20.4-48.6HU). The mean enhanced attenuation value +/- SD were: left gland 101.5 +/- 10.6HU (range: 86.8-128.0 HU), and right gland 97.4 +/- 12.4 HU (range: 58.9-123.6 HU). The mean CT volume +/- SD were: left gland was 0.60 cm3 (range: 0.20-0.95; SD 0.17), and right gland (0.55cm3, range: 0.22-1.01; SD 0.19). Attenuation values and volume data were related to age, weight, and gender, using ANOVA. There was no statistically significant difference between the left and right side or in adrenal measurements, because of body weight class effects. The animal effect was the most important source of variation for all adrenal measurements. Based on our study, CT is an effective method for assessing adrenal characteristics in the dog. Normative CT data are provided to allow estimation of normal adrenal gland size and volume.  相似文献   

A wide range has been reported for the ultrasonographic measurements of the normal adrenal gland in rabbits. Therefore, having sufficient information about the normal measurements of the adrenal gland and their relationship with indicators such as weight, sex and the diameter of the internal abdominal aorta will be of great help in diagnosing diseases of the adrenal gland. In the present study, 21 healthy adult intact rabbits were selected. The abdominal cavity of the animals was examined using ultrasound; adrenal gland parameters such as length, width, height, circumference and area on the right and left sides were measured in both sagittal and transverse planes. Additionally, the diameter of the abdominal aorta in the sagittal plane was imaged. After statistical analysis, the parameters of the adrenal glands on the right and left showed a positive significant correlation with the weight and the diameter of the abdominal aorta, although no significant correlation was found between these parameters and sex. The ratio of adrenal gland parameters to abdominal aortic diameter was calculated and the statistical analysis of the values showed that, except for the ratio of left adrenal area to aortic diameter, the other ratio of adrenal gland parameters to abdominal aortic diameter was not significantly related to weight. Therefore, these ratios can be used as suitable indicators for assessing the change in size of the adrenal gland of rabbits of different sizes. Knowing the relationship between normal adrenal measurements and the indices such as weight, sex and diameter of the abdominal aorta can help clinicians and researchers evaluate the changes in the size of the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The adrenal glands of 20 normal ferrets were imaged with ultrasound. Of the forty glands, only 4 (three right and one left) could not be clearly identified. Mean (±standard deviation) dimensions of the right (7.6 ± 1.8 mm length by 2.6 ± 0.4 mm width) and left (7.2 ± 1.8 mm length by 2.8 ± 0.5 mm width) glands were similar. Both adrenal glands were wider (p<0.05) sonographically in males than females. Measured length and width of the right gland positively correlated (p<0.05) with body weight. The glands had a hypoechoic outer zone and hyperechoic central region, were elongate to avoid in shape and located medial and, variably, at the level of the cranial pole of the ipsilateral kidney. This study demonstrates that normal adrenal glands can be imaged in ferrets.  相似文献   

We assessed factors that affected ultrasonographic visualization of the pylorus, duodenal papilla, pancreas, adrenal glands, and jejunal and medial iliac lymph nodes in the dog. An abdominal ultrasonographic examination was performed on 100 canine patients, equally divided between two facilities. The pylorus was visible in 64% of the dogs, the major duodenal papilla in 42%, the left pancreatic lobe in 56%, the body of the pancreas in 60%, the right pancreatic lobe in 87%, the left adrenal gland in 91%, the right adrenal gland in 86%, the medial iliac lymph nodes in 54%, and the jejunal lymph nodes in 51%. The parameters that negatively influenced the visibility of these organs were the presence of air or food in the gastrointestinal tract (pancreas, duodenal papilla), age (lymph nodes), and body weight (pancreas, duodenal papilla). The parameters that positively influenced their visibility were the presence of air or food in the gastrointestinal tract (lymph nodes), body weight (lymph nodes), body condition score (right adrenal gland), and inherent image quality (left pancreatic lobe). There was a significant difference between the two institutes for the visualization of the pylorus, pancreas, and lymph nodes, which was probably related to different body positions used for scanning in each institution.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective study to determine whether multidetector computed tomography (CT) could be of value for adrenal gland assessment in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Adrenal gland attenuation and volume values of 49 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism were recorded and age, body weight, and gender were examined to determine if a relationship existed between these variables and adrenal gland morphology. There was not a statistically significant difference in mean X-ray attenuation of the left vs. right adrenal gland in normal dogs (35.3 +/- 6.1 HU), or in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. The mean adrenal X-ray attenuation (+/- standard deviation [SD]) in dogs with microadenoma was 33.1 +/- 6.8 vs. 31.8 +/- 12.7 HU for dogs with macroadenoma, and these values were not statistically different. The mean volume of the left adrenal gland in normal dogs (0.59 +/- 0.17 cm3) was greater than that of the right adrenal gland (0.54 +/- 0.19 cm3) (P < 0.05). The mean CT volume (+/- SD) of the adrenal glands in dogs with microadenoma vs. macroadenoma were 1.60 +/- 1.25 vs. 2.88 +/- 1.60 cm3, respectively. There was no effect of age or gender on adrenal gland morphology or X-ray attenuation. The weight effect was the most important source of variation for the volume measurement in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

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