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Pythium spp. that cause damping-off of seedlings also can cause root rot of older plants and lead to yield reductions. This can be especially severe in soilless cultures where the fungus can spread easily with the nutrient solution. 39Pythium isolates obtained from discolored roots were assayed for their ability to cause damping-off on cucumber seedlings in sand-peat and for their pathogenicity in soilless culture of cucumber in rockwool or hydroponic solution. Isolates ofPythium aphanidermatum, P. irregulare, P. sylvaticum andP. ultimum were highly pathogenic in sand-peat, but onlyP. aphanidermatum strains were pathogenic in soilless conditions and led to root decay, plant death in rockwool culture and growth reduction in hydroponic culture. One strain ofP. aphanidermatum significantly reduced the yield of cucumber grown in rockwool under conditions similar to those of commercial cultures.  相似文献   

A conventional PCR and a SYBR Green real-time PCR assays for the detection and quantification of Phytophthora cryptogea, an economically important pathogen, have been developed and tested. A conventional primer set (Cryp1 and Cryp2) was designed from the Ypt1 gene of P. cryptogea. A 369 bp product was amplified on DNA from 17 isolates of P. cryptogea. No product was amplified on DNA from 34 other Phytophthora spp., water moulds, true fungi and bacteria. In addition, Cryp1/Cryp2 primers were successfully adapted to real-time PCR. The conventional PCR and real-time PCR assays were compared. The PCR was able to detect the pathogen on naturally infected gerbera plants and on symptomatic artificially infected plants collected 21 days after pathogen inoculation. The detection limit was 5 × 103 P. cryptogea zoospores and 16 fg of DNA. Real-time PCR showed a detection limit 100 times lower (50 zoospores, 160 ag of DNA) and the possibility of detecting the pathogen in symptomless artificially infected plants and in the re-circulating nutrient solution of closed soilless cultivation systems.  相似文献   

Data of the annual surveys of circa 100 commerical winter wheat fields were compiled to describe epidemics ofSeptoria spp. in the Netherlands during 1974–1986. In May, during the first node stage,S. tritici was dominant whileS. nodorum was virtually absent. In July, during ripening,S. tritici on average dominated overS. nodorum, though in the most continental districts of the countryS. nodorum predominated.In May between 1974 and 1984, on average 56% of the fields showed leaf infections bySeptoria spp., while in July between 1975 and 1986, on average 83% of the fields showed leaf infections. Prevalence ofSeptoria spp. has increased during the surveys. Annual intensity ofSeptoria spp. in winter wheat crops was positively correlated with precipitation and negatively with average monthly sunshine duration during the harvest-month August of the previous growing season. The correlation with sunshine during August could indicate that ascospores play a major role in subsequent epidemics; but whether it is a causal relation remains to be answered.Present address: Center for Agrobiological Research (CABO-DLO), PO Box 14, 6700 AA Wageningen, the Netherlands  相似文献   

This is the first record of root rot inCampanula carpatica as well as in the genus ofCampanula caused byPhytophthora cryptogea. An attack was observed in potted plants grown in a greenhouse on ebb- and flow benches and with recirculation of the nutrient solution. The fungus caused wilting of the leaves together with discoloration and rotting of the roots. Pathogenicity tests showed that the isolate ofP. cryptogea fromC. carpatica attactedGerbera jamesonii and vice versa. Treatment with the fungicide furalaxyl was able to reduce disease development.  相似文献   

Musabyimana  T.  Saxena  R. 《Phytoparasitica》1999,27(1):43-49
Soil applications of powdered neem seed or neem cake at 100 g/plant at planting and, subsequently, at 3-month intervals, reduced the populations ofPratylenchus goodeyi Sher & Allen andMeloidogyne spp. on par with Furadan 5G (carbofuran) applied at 40 g/plant at planting and then at 6-month intervals to banana plants grown in 100-/ containers with controlled levels of banana nematode infestations. Eight months after planting, banana plants treated with powdered neem cake, seed or kernel or with neem oil had 4 to 95 times fewer parasitic nematodes than the untreated control. However, only neem cake powder or neem seed powder applied to unpared banana plants kept the nematode population below the economic threshold.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out at nine locations in the Dutch coastal foredunes to identify the species of soil borne fungi and nematodes associated withAmmophila arenaria (Marram grass).Ammophila arenaria is a sand binding grass that is very important for the stabilization of coastal foredunes. Degeneration of the plants occurs at stabilized sites and is supposed to be caused by a combination of soil-borne fungi and nematodes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) were used to examine which fungal and nematode species usually coexist in the rhizosphere of vigorous and early declining stands ofA. arenaria. In total, 47 species of fungi and 10 genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were found. According to CCA, the community of soil organisms of stands that were more than 10 years old was significantly different from recently established stands of 3 years old. Also, the community of soil organisms isolated from calcareous locations differed significantly from that of lime-poor locations. No relationship between the vigour of the plants (vigorous vs. early declining) and the soil borne species composition was found, although in roots of vigorous stands, the number of nematodes was higher than that of early declining stands. A relatively large group of soil organisms occurred generally. This group possibly contains an ubiquitous pathocomplex that cause the growth reducing effects of biotic origin which generally occur inA. arenaria. Analysis of this group of nematodes and fungi by TWINSPAN resulted in 9 different combinations of concurring soil organisms of which 5 combinations were present at all investigated locations. Two of the latter combinations contained both nematodes and fungi. The first contained three endoparasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne maritima, Heterodera spp. andPratylenchus sp.) that concurred with the fungusMucor hiemalis. The second group containedHeterodera spp.,Telotylenchus ventralis, Filenchus sp. together with the potentially plant-pathogenic fungiMicrodochium bolleyi and Fusarium culmorum, as well as the fungiMortierella sp. andTrichoderma harzianum, all in relatively high numbers.It is concluded that both CCA and TWINSPAN are valuable exploratory techniques, especially when used in combination, to detect possible combinations of soil organisms which may be involved in the degeneration ofA. arenaria. Further identifications of harmful organisms should be obtained from experiments.  相似文献   

New mite-borne virus isolates from rakkyo,shallot and wild leek species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Flexuous viruses were transmitted from rakkyo (Allium chinense) and wild leek species (especiallyA. commutatum) to plants of crow garlic (A. vineale), by transfer of dry bulb mites. By electron microscope decoration tests using three antisera and by inoculations onto test plants, it was concluded that from each of the two natural host species at least two viruses were isolated. The viruses from wild leeks are both pathogenic onAllium spp. and may be of economic importance. Decoration tests on a virus mixture from shallot obtained earlier, revealed another new mite-borne virus in this species. The mite-borne viruses ofAllium spp. appear to be very common; they are largely diverse and their identification remains difficult.  相似文献   

Horizontal dispersal of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) by means of viruliferous zoospores ofPolymyxa betae was studied in greenhouse experiments. BNYVV was not detected in roots of sugar beet plants grown in silver sand for 4 weeks at a root-free distance of 5 cm from eitherP. betae- and BNYVV-infected plants or BNYVV-infested soil. Spread of BNYVV from inoculum sources in the field was studied in the absence and presence of tillage practices. Active dispersal in combination with root growth from and towards point sources of inoculum contributed only little to horizontal dispersal of viruliferous inoculum and spread of disease during the season, as determined for one soil type, two different years and in the absence of tillage and tread. In the second beet crop after application of inoculum to whole field plots, more BNYVV-infected plants were detected at 2 m than at 8 m distance from the infested plots in the tillage direction. In the third year, disease incidence at 8 m was high and equivalent to that at 2 m.  相似文献   

Erwinia soft-rot is an important disease of many ornamental potted crops and is one of the most limiting factors in greenhouse calla lily (Zantedeschia spp.) production. Experiments were conducted to test the effect of phosphorous added to soil-less mixes or to nutrient solutions used for irrigation on soft-rot caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc). Soft-rot incidence increased to 51% when soil-less mix was amended with superphosphate in comparison to regular soil-less mix (no superphosphate added) (31%). In contrast, addition of phosphorous in the nutrient solution met the phosphorous needs of the plant without enhancing soft-rot. Plant height, fresh mass, and number of flowers per plant were greater in calla lilies irrigated with nutrient solution containing phosphorous than no phosphorous treatments. Similar results were obtained in tests conducted in a commercial greenhouse with larger sample size. No statistical differences were found between tubers sprayed with water (control) or with a 0.5 mM solution of KH2PO4 in laboratory experiments to determine the effect of phosphorous on tuber root development. In other experiments, tubers were sprayed with either water, a bacterial cell suspension 1 × 102 cfu ml–1, a solution of 0.5 mM KH2PO4, or a suspension of bacteria in KH2PO4. The results from these tests showed a significant increase of soft-rot development in tubers treated with the suspension of Ecc prepared in a solution of KH2PO4 relative to other treatments. Further laboratory tests indicated that enzymatic activity (polygalacturonase and pectate lyase) of Ecc increased when grown in the presence of phosphorous. These experiments suggest that increased soft-rot in the presence of phosphorous is due to increased virulence of Ecc.  相似文献   

Roots of seedlings of wheat and barley affected by bare patch disease at a field site in Western Australia were assessed for root damage and plated to isolate fungi. The patches were variable in shape and size and had the most severely affected plants in the centre. Of the 165 isolates ofRhizoctonia spp. obtained, 90% were multinucleate and 10% binucleate, the former being predominant in the plants at the centre of the patch. The relative frequency of binucleate isolates increased with proximity to the periphery. The increase in activity of avirulent binucleate isolates towards the periphery of the patch may be related to the sharp and abrupt edging of the patch. A variety of other species of fungi such asFusarium spp.,Mortierella spp.,Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pythium sp. andTrichoderma sp. were encountered within the patches. The multinucleate isolates belonging to anastomosis groups (Ag) 2–1, 2–2 and 8 (Thanatephorus cucumeris) were most pathogenic to wheat. The binucleate isolates of Ag C, D, E, and K (Ceratobasidium sp.) were less pathogenic. It is suggested that the bare patch disease is caused by a complex of root rot fungi composed of one or more anastomosis groups ofRhizoctonia spp. and other associated fungi.Samenvatting Van kiemplanten van tarwe en gerst, afkomstig van een met kale-plekkenziekte besmet perceel in West Australië werd de mate van wortelbeschadiging bepaald en werden schimmels uit de wortels geïsoleerd. De plekken waren verschillend van vorm en afmeting; de zwaarst aangetaste planten werden in het centrum ervan aangetroffen. Van de 165 verkregen isolaten vanRhizoctonia spp. was 90% meerkernig en 10% tweekernig. De meerkernige overheersten in de centra van de plekken. Relatief gezien nam het aantal tweekernige isolaten toe naarmate de herkomst dichter bij de periferie van de plekken was. De scherpe begrenzing van de ziekte aan de randen van de plekken zou in verband kunnen staan met het toenemen van de activiteit van de avirulente tweekernige isolaten in de nabijheid van de periferie van de plekken. Een aantal andere schimmels, zoalsFusarium spp.,Mortierella spp.,Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pythium sp. enTrichoderma sp. werd eveneens in de plekken aangetroffen. De meerkernige isolaten die tot de anastomosegroepen Ag 2–1, 2–2 en 8 (Thanatephorus cucumeris) behoren, waren voor tarwe het meest pathogeen. De tweekernige isolaten van de anastomosegroepen Ag C, D, E en K (Ceratobasidium sp.) waren minder pathogeen. Gesuggereerd wordt, dat de kale-plekkenziekte veroorzaakt wordt door een complex van verschillende wortelschimmels, die behoren tot een of meer anastomosegroepen vanR. solani en andere daarmee geassocieerde schimmels.  相似文献   

Three strains ofPseudomonas fluorescens (63-49, 63-28, and 15), one strain ofPseudomonas corrugata (13) and one strain ofSerratia plymuthica (R1GC4) were tested on rockwool-grown cucumbers for their ability to reduce Pythium root-rot caused byPythium aphanidermatum. These strains were previously selected for biocontrol ability from collections of >4000 bacteria. Strains 63-49 and 63-28 were tested on cucumber plants grown in rockwool in two replicatedPythium-inoculated trials conducted in British Columbia (B.C). Another inoculated, replicated trial was conducted in Quebec with all five strains. Cucumber yields (fruit number and weight) were measured over a ten-week harvest period. Strain 63-49 caused an early promotion of plant growth and increased cucumber yields at early harvests. No measurable effect ofPythium inoculation on disease development was observed in the Quebec trial, due to unfavourable cool weather. However, 63-49 significantly increased the total number of cucumbers (12%) and cucumber weight (18%), compared to the non-treated control. Strains 13, 15 and R1GC4 slightly increased the cumulative cucumber yields, but strain 63-28 had no effect. In the B.C. trial, inoculation withP. aphanidermatum reduced the number and weight of cucumbers by 27%. Treatments ofPythium-inoculated cucumbers with 63-49 significantly increased fruit number and weight by 18%, compared to thePythium-inoculated control. Strain 63-28 increased the cumulative number of cucumbers over time, compared to thePythium-inoculated control, but the increase was less than with 63-49. The use ofPseudomonas spp. in rockwool-grown cucumbers can increase yields, both in the presence and absence of Pythium root rot, and with variable seasonal conditions and disease pressures.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to determine the effects ofTrichoderma spp. combined with label and sublabel rates of metam sodium on survival ofRhizoctonia solani in soil. Soils were infested with wheat bran preparations ofTrichoderma hamatum Tri-4,T. harzianum Th-58,T. virens Gl-3, andT. viride Ts-1-R3. Soil was also infested with sterile beet seeds that were colonized withR. solani. Beet seeds were later recovered, plated onto water agar plus antibiotics, and the growth ofR. solani was recorded. Preliminary experiments showed thatT. hamatum andT. virens reduced survival and saprophytic activity ofR. solani when the biocontrol fungi were incorporated into soil at 1.5% (w:w) or greater. Based on these data, biocontrol fungi in subsequent experiments were incorporated into soil at 2%. Metam sodium at label rate killed all biocontrol fungi andR. solani. At 1:2 and 1:5 dilutions, metam sodium reduced survival ofR. solani and allTrichoderma spp. When biocontrol fungi plus the label rate of metam sodium and 1:5, 1:10, 1:50 or 1:100 dilutions of the label rate were tested together, there were no interactions between any biocontrol agent and the fumigant with respect to colony diameter, reflecting that allTrichoderma isolates tested reacted similarly to increasing concentrations of metam sodium. At the label rate of metam sodium, allTrichoderma spp. significantly reduced colony diameter, but not growth rate, ofR. solani from beet seed. For the levels of metam sodium tested in combination withTrichoderma, it does not appear feasible to use a reduced rate of metam sodium to controlR. solani. However, the combination ofTrichoderma with metam sodium does reduce growth ofR. solani in comparison with that provided by metam sodium at the label rate. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 11, 2004.  相似文献   

In 1991 serious losses caused byVerticillium wilt were found on two holdings in the Westland glasshouse district in the Netherlands in which theVerticillium resistant tomato cultivars Calypso and Criterium were grown in soilless systems. Isolates from diseased plants were identified asVerticillium albo-atrum.In inoculation experimentsVerticillium resistant tomato cultivars were seriously affected by the new isolates but not by a control isolate. Moneydor, a susceptible cultivar without the Ve gene, was the most seriously diseased by all isolates. The isolates from theVerticillium resistant tomato cultivars were less virulent on the susceptible cultivar than the control isolate.  相似文献   

A series of chemical and biological control agents were tested for compatibility with the Rhizoctonia-specific biocontrol fungus Verticillium biguttatum aimed at designing novel control strategies for black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) and other tuber diseases in potato. The efficacy of chemicals, alone and in combination with V. biguttatum was tested in in vitro assays on nutrient agar plates, in bio-assays with minitubers and in the field. Generally, there were both antagonistic, neutral and additive interactions with V. biguttatum among the combinations tested; there were no indications for synergistic interactions. Broad-spectrum fungicides (azoxystrobin, chlorothalonil, thiabendazole) were fungitoxic to V. biguttatum as shown in in vitro assays, and hampered black scurf control by V. biguttatum in bio-assays. Oomycete-specific chemicals (cymoxanil and propamocarb) and various biocontrol strains (Gliocladium spp., Pseudomonas spp. and Trichoderma spp.) did not interfere with the growth of V. biguttatum on agar nutrient plates and did not affect black scurf control by V. biguttatum in co-applied treatments in the minituber bio-assay. Rhizoctonia-specific (pencycuron, flutalonil) fungicides co-applied with V. biguttatum showed additive effects on black scurf control. When combinations of V. biguttatum and cymoxanil or propamocarb were applied to immature potato tubers at green crop lifting, a reduction of both black scurf and Pythium- or Phytophthora-incited tuber rot was observed at harvest. In conclusion, the biocontrol fungus V. biguttatum is compatible with selected chemical control systems and may improve control efficacy in combination with Rhizoctonia-specific fungicides or may extend control spectrum in combination with Oomycete-specific fungicides.  相似文献   

Considerable losses in pepper production by Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) have been reported worldwide. In breeding programs, an assay for resistance that accurately estimates field occurrence of TSWV during pepper production is critical because the virus is vector transmitted. Here, we establish an assay system of TSWV-resistant Capsicum spp. using insect-mediated inoculation within an acrylic chamber in which environmental conditions such as temperature, light intensity, and nutrient supply are controlled. This chamber enables transmission of TSWV from viruliferous plants to plants used in the resistance assay with Frankliniella occidentalis safely, quickly, and precisely.  相似文献   

Artificial inoculation experiments were carried out at 25°C to determine the effects of inoculum density of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris races 0 (Foc-0) and 5 (Foc-5) and susceptibility of chickpea cultivars P-2245 and PV-61 on development of Fusarium wilt. Foc-5 proved much more virulent than Foc-0. Increasing the inoculum density of F. oxysporum f.sp. ciceris caused an exponential reduction in disease incubation period and a monomolecular increase of disease incidence and the area under the disease intensity progress curve. The extent of these effects was highest in the most conducive P-2245/Foc-5 combination and decreased in the less susceptible PV-61 and for the less virulent Foc-0, in that order. For P-2245/Foc-5, the highest disease intensity was attained with 6 chlamydospores g–1 of soil, the lowest inoculum density in the study. One thousand chlamydospores g–1 of soil of the same race were needed to attain a comparable disease intensity in PV-61. Twenty thousand chlamydospores g–1 of soil of Foc-0 were required for maximum disease intensity in P-2245.The disease intensity curves were adequately described by the Gompertz model. Using this model, a response surface for disease intensity was developed, in which the model parameters are expressed as a function of both time from inoculation and inoculum density. This response surface confirmed that the final amount of disease intensity increases in a monomolecular relationship with increasing inoculum density and showed that the relative rate of disease progress increases exponentially with increasing inoculum density of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) was shown to be efficiently transmitted between tomato plants grown in a closed recirculating hydroponic system. PepMV was detected in all plant parts after transmission via contaminated nutrient solution using ELISA, immunocapture RT‐PCR, RT‐PCR, electron microscopy, and by inoculation to indicator plants. Detection of PepMV in nutrient solution was only possible after concentration by ultracentrifugation followed by RT‐PCR. Roots tested positive for PepMV 1–3 weeks after inoculation, and subsequently a rapid spread from the roots into the young leaves and developing fruits was found within 1 week. PepMV was only occasionally detected in the older leaves. None of the infected plants showed any symptoms on fruits, leaves or other organs. Pre‐infection of roots of tomato cv. Hildares with Pythium aphanidermatum significantly delayed PepMV root infections. When mechanically inoculated with PepMV at the 2–4 leaf stage, yield loss was observed in all plants. However, only plants of cv. Castle Rock recorded significant yield losses when infected via contaminated nutrient solution. Yield losses induced by infection with PepMV and/or P. aphanidermatum ranged from 0·4 up to 40% depending on experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Pythium aphanidermatum causes damping-off and root rot of vegetable crops in hydroponic systems. A DNA probe was isolated and modified from a library ofHindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA ofP. aphanidermatum that strongly hybridized to DNA ofP. aphanidermatum and weakly hybridized to DNA ofPythium deliense. Cross-hybridizing sequences were absent from DNA of plants and other related fungi. The probe detected as little as 5 ng ofP. aphanidermatum DNA and 250 ng ofP. deliense DNA in slot-blot assays.P. aphanidermatum was detected by a hybridization assay of total DNA extracted directly from infected roots. A pair of oligonucleotide primers P1 and RP2, which allowed amplification of a specific 0.65 kb DNA fragment ofP. aphanidermatum using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), was designed from a specific DNA probe. Specific amplification of this fragment fromP. aphanidermatum was highly sensitive, detecting template DNA as low as 0.1 pg total DNA by booster PCR. Specific booster PCR amplification using P1 and RP2 was successful in detectingP. aphanidermatum in naturally infected nutrient solution and roots of vegetables in a field hydroponic system. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 22, 2002.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, treatment of radish seed with the bacteriumPseudomonas fluorescens WCS374 suppressed fusarium wilt of radish (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.raphani) in a commercial greenhouse [Leemanet al., 1991b, 1995a]. In this greenhouse, the areas with fusarium wilt were localized or expanded very slowly, possibly due to disease suppressiveness of the soil. To study this phenomenon, fungi were isolated from radish roots collected from the greenhouse soil. Roots grown from seed treated with WCS374 were more abundantly colonized by fungi than were roots from nonbacterized plants. Among these were several species known for their antagonistic potential. Three of these fungi,Acremonium rutilum, Fusarium oxysporum andVerticillium lecanii, were evaluated further and found to suppress fusarium wilt of radish in a pot bioassay. In an induced resistance bioassay on rockwool,F. oxysporum andV. lecanii suppressed the disease by the apparent induction of systemic disease resistance. In pot bioassays with thePseudomonas spp. strains, the pseudobactin-minus mutant 358PSB did not suppress fusarium wilt, whereas its wild type strain (WCS358) suppressed disease presumably by siderophore-mediated competition for iron. The wild type strains of WCS374 and WCS417, as well as their pseudobactin-minus mutants 374PSB and 417PSB suppressed fusarium wilt. The latter is best explained by the fact that these strains are able to induce systemic resistance in radish, which operates as an additional mode of action. Co-inoculation in pot bioassays, ofA. rutilum, F. oxysporum orV. lecanii with thePseudomonas spp. WCS358, WCS374 or WCS417, or their pseudobactin-minus mutants, significantly suppressed disease (except forA. rutilum/417PSB and all combinations with 358PSB), compared with the control treatment, if the microorganisms were applied in inoculum densities which were ineffective in suppressing disease as separate inocula. If one or both of the microorganism(s) of each combination were applied as separate inocula in a density which suppressed disease, no additional suppression of disease was observed by the combination. The advantage of the co-inoculation is that combined populations significantly suppressed disease even when their individual population density was too low to do so. This may provide more consistent biological control. The co-inoculation effect obtained in the pot bioassays suggests that co-operation ofP. fluorescens WCS374 and indigenous antagonists could have been involved in the suppression of fusarium wilt of radish in the commercial greenhouse trials.Abbreviations CFU colony forming units - KB King's B - PGPR plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria - CQ colonization quotient  相似文献   

Root and crown rot of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) was observed in a plantation at the experimental station of small fruits in Kostinbrod, Bulgaria. Isolates ofPhytophthora spp. were obtained from diseased plants. Colony morphology, growth rates, features of asexual and sexual structures were studied and as a result twoPhytophthora species were identified:Phytophthora citricola Saw. andPhytophora citrophthora (R.E. Sm. & E.H. Sm.) Leonian. Their pathogenicity was confirmed in artificial inoculation experiments. The isozyme (-esterase) patterns ofP. citrophthora andP. citricola isolates from raspberry and from the collection of the CBS, Baarn the Netherlands were compared, using micro-gel electrophoresis. Both species are reported for the first time as pathogens of raspberry in Bulgaria. This is only the second report in phytopathological literature ofP. citrophthora on raspberry, the first being from Chile [Latorre and Munoz, 1993].  相似文献   

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