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通过投喂沉、浮性颗粒饵料对淡水石斑生长指标和养殖效益进行了比较。投喂浮性颗粒饵料组比投喂沉性颗粒饵料组平均尾增重高15.4%,平均增重率高15.3%。投喂沉、浮性颗粒饵料对淡水石斑成活率没有显著影响。投喂浮性饵料组比投喂沉性颗粒饵料组节约养殖用水50%,投喂沉性颗粒饵料组平均饵料成本比投喂浮性颗粒饵料组高7.5%。  相似文献   

<正>在养殖生产中,要想提高经济效益,措施之一就是降低饵料系数,降低养殖成本。饵料系数也就是饵料转换率,涉及鱼类摄食、消化、吸收和转化。我们从事鱼类养殖和繁育工作多年[1-4],积累了一些经验,现总结如下,以期对生产提供指导意见,降低生产成本,提高养殖效益。1把握鱼种发育阶段一般来说,幼鱼阶段随摄食和消化器官功能发育完善,对食物消化吸收率提高,饵料系数逐渐降低;成鱼阶段用于生长、繁殖和运动的耗能增加,饵  相似文献   

2017年10月-2018年4月逐月采集长江口生殖洄游期中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)雌蟹,运用胃含物分析法分析雌蟹抱卵前后饵料组成、摄食强度以及营养级,探讨其在长江口抱卵繁殖期间的摄食规律。结果表明:雌蟹摄食率、食物饱满指数、平均胃饱满度系数等3项指标具有明显的月份变动,抱卵前雌蟹的摄食指标在10-11月份(秋季)最高,12-2月份(冬季)最低;抱卵后雌蟹的摄食指标在12-2月份(冬季)最低,3-4月份(春季)最高。洄游期的雌蟹抱卵前后饵料来源多样,包括水生植物、藻类、甲壳类、多毛类、鱼类、软体动物、棘皮动物、卵、颗粒碎屑等。其中,藻类、颗粒碎屑和甲壳类为抱卵前的主要饵料,出现频率分别为68.13%、54.76%和19.05%;藻类、颗粒碎屑和水生植物为抱卵后的主要饵料,出现频率分别为70.35%、73.91%和25.39%。雌蟹抱卵前后饵料组成存在显著差异(χ^2=21.57,P<0.05),对差异贡献最大的饵料组成是颗粒碎屑(χ^2=8.32)、甲壳类(χ^2=5.49)和水生植物(χ^2=4.02)。雌蟹抱卵前后的营养级分别为3.60和3.10,平均营养级为3.35,属于第三营养级动物。  相似文献   

利用挤压膨化的方法生产的牛蛙颗粒饵料为圆柱状颗粒,直径3-5mm,长5-8mm,表面光滑,色泽均匀。一、牛蛙颗粒饵料的特殊性1.牛蛙饵料营养全面,蛋白质含量高,达30%-40%甚至更高。二饵料具有漂浮性、耐水性。低溶性(~般可逆水中保持2-4小时)。3.饵料原料经挤压过程中的高温、高压处理,淀粉糊化,蛋白质组织化,并钝化原料中存在的毒素、抗营养因子刚胰蛋白酶抑制素、棉酚)等,利于牛蛙消化吸收,一般来说可提高消化率10%-35叽。4.饵料原料经高温、高压处理可杀死多种有害微生物,预防牛蛙患消化道疾病,避免水质和底质的…  相似文献   

大连紫海胆幼海胆期的食性开始由摄食单一的底栖硅藻变为多样化,对某些柔嫩的大型海藻(石莼,海带、裙带菜、江蓠)鱼虾贝肉等有机碎片以及人工配合饲料均表现出一定的嗜食性。幼海胆不但对不同种饵料的摄食率有差别,而且不同种饵料对幼海胆的饵料效果也有所不同,其中以海带和裙带菜的效果最好,幼海胆对其的摄食率分别为红藻、石莼、动物性蛋白饵料的1.2~2.3倍,而其饵料效率也分别为红藻,石莼等的1.1~1.4倍。幼海胆可摄食人工配合饲料将为其工厂化人工育苗开辟新的饵料来源。  相似文献   

渤海小黄鱼摄食习性   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
根据2009年8月至2011年5月4个航次渤海底拖网调查所获得的样品,采用胃含物分析法、K-W检验和聚类分析等方法,对38~218 mm体长范围小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)的摄食习性及其随体长、季节的变化进行了研究,并探讨了小黄鱼摄食随海域和年际的时空变化。结果表明:渤海小黄鱼摄食的饵料有40余种,主要以鱼类、虾类和浮游动物为食,优势饵料种类为六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys heaema)、日本鼓虾(Alpheus japonicus)、太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifia)、长额刺糠虾(Acanthomysis longirostris)和中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)。渤海小黄鱼在春夏秋这三个季节中,春季的摄食强度最低,夏季和秋季的摄食强度都较高,不同的是夏季摄食率更高,而秋季的摄食量更高。随着体长的增大,渤海小黄鱼的摄食策略发生了相应的变化。从摄食强度分析,在体长较小时,胃饱满指数低,小黄鱼通过高摄食率来提高摄食强度;随着体长的增加,通过高胃饱满指数来提高摄食强度。从摄食的饵料个体分析,小黄鱼采取了随着体长增加摄食饵料个数减少,饵料个体增大的摄食策略。从摄食的饵料组成分析,小黄鱼随着体长增加发生了显著的食性转换现象:体长小于60 mm属浮游动物食性;体长60~99 mm时,属混合动物食性;体长100~119 mm时,属虾食性;体长超过120 mm,包括了虾/鱼食性和鱼食性。小黄鱼摄食的时空变化与环境中优势饵料生物的数量波动密切相关。  相似文献   

根据东海区(26°00'~35°00'N、120°00'~126°30'E)大面调查渔获物的凤鲚(Coilia mystus)样本,对东、黄海凤鲚的食物组成、食性类型及其季节变化进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:(1)凤鲚饵料生物组成共计有10个类群,40种可鉴别饵料(包括未鉴定到种的种类),6种不可辨认类型饵料。依据相对重要性指数指标计算结果分析,桡足类(Copepoda)为最重要的饵料类群,IRI达到1 869,%IRI占56%,糠虾类(Mysidacea)、磷虾类(Euphausiacea)为次重要类群。(2)凤鲚摄食的浮游动物饵料出现频率达93.66%,底栖动物和游泳动物出现频率分别为0.66%、5.68%,属于浮游动物食性。(3)凤鲚的食物组成、摄食强度、食物生态位宽度均存在季节变化,春、夏、秋、冬四季摄食的饵料种类依次为35种、29种、10种和9种,春季主要摄食桡足类、鱼类和糠虾类,夏季主要摄食糠虾类和桡足类,秋季主要摄食桡足类和磷虾类,而冬季则主要摄食磷虾类和桡足类,各季中优势的单一类群%IRI均超过85%。凤鲚摄食等级较低,摄食等级3级以下四季都在70%以上,空胃率较高,秋季空胃率高达59.7%,平均胃饱满系数春季最高,冬季最低。春季相对其它季节摄食等级较高、空胃率最低、平均胃饱满系数最高,摄食强度明显高于其它季节。春、夏季节的食物多样性指数高于秋、冬季节。  相似文献   

在鮸鱼的早繁育苗过程中(6~7月份),用商品微囊饵料和自制饵料,部分或全部替代轮虫、卤虫和桡足类等活饵料,观察其仔稚幼鱼生长速度、成活率和摄食率。结果表明,1、仔鱼阶段全部生物饵料组的鮸鱼仔鱼成活率最高(40.0%),50%配合饵料组次之(31.0%),100%配合饵料组最低(12.5%),生长速度和摄食率没明显差异;2、稚幼鱼阶段的三组饱食率和摄食率没差异,生长速度以50%配合饵料组略快于全部生物饵料组和100%配合饵料组,存活率也以50%配合饵料组最高,生物饵料组其次,100%配合饵料组最低。研究认为,商品配合饵料可作为鮸鱼在春夏季育苗中因生物饵料缺乏时良好的替代品,并对鮸鱼仔稚幼鱼生长发育有良好的营养作用。  相似文献   

湿颗粒饲料是用新鲜或冷冻的小杂鱼与具有特定营养成分的粉状配合饲料,按一定比例搅拌混合,经软颗粒机挤压成型而成。它可综合鲜鱼和硬颗粒饲料的长处,适合肉食性鱼类的摄食习性,适口性好。据报道,投喂湿颗粒饲料,鱼类的摄食率可达80%~90%。残饵量仅为投喂鲜饵的1/6~1/4,可明显减少残饵对海区水质的污染。为此我们进行了双斑东方湿颗粒饲料的初步饲养试验,以期对改变目前用小杂鱼投喂双斑东方的现状有所帮助。一、材料与方法1.试验条件试验用鱼为当年生幼鱼,平均体重C9池为24.6克/尾、C10池为14.8克/尾,平均体长C9池为9.7厘米、C10池为8…  相似文献   

目前各地用普通饵料机压制出的颗粒饵料,其湿制品马上用来投喂则下沉很快,不利于上层鱼类的摄食,而且遇水下沉后很快泡散,饵料利用率很低。采用膨化饵料机械成本又显高,若将湿制品晒干或烘干再行投喂,虽然在水中不易泡散,但下沉速度仍然较快,解决不了漂浮问题。我们发现,将湿制品发酵一段时间再行烘干,其漂浮时间大大延长,而且发酵增加了饵料的芳香气味,能提高鱼的食欲。在不同条件下,漂浮时间一般都在半小时以上,在某种条件处理下,  相似文献   

Three feeding experiments were conducted in open circuit balance respirometers, to determine the effect of dietary protein level on growth rate, feed utilization and energy metabolism of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell). The feeding level was 2% of the fresh body weight per day. Three energy levels, 8.4, 12.6 and 16.8 kJ calculated metabolizable energy (ME) per gram of feed, were used, while crude protein levels in the diets were 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40%.Growth rate, heat production, metabolizability (ME as percentage of gross energy intake) and protein gain were maximal at the intermediate energy level. Digested protein per gram of growth was lowest at this energy level (determined ME = 13 kJ/g). Growth rate, metabolizability and protein gain increased as protein intake increased. There was no effect of the different protein levels on heat production. The efficiency of protein gain (% of the digestible protein intake) was highest (45–49%) at the intermediate energy level. Efficiency of protein gain (% of digestible intake) decreased slightly when protein intake increased. ME intake per gram of growth was minimal at the 8.4 kJ energy level and decreased at higher protein intake levels.At the highest energy level, growth rate was reduced compared to the intermediate energy level, but efficiency of energy gain, retention of fat and energy were highest. Much of the dietary fat was deposited as lipid reserves. After 4 weeks the growth rate, digestibility, metabolizability, and efficiency of protein- and energy gain (% of digestible or metabolizable intake respectively) were strongly reduced at this energy level.  相似文献   

本研究在“肉鸭3~7周龄基础日粮优化配方研究”的基础上,将筛选出的肉鸭3~7周龄2套基础日粮优化配方与3套不同类型的预混料配方进行组合,进行饲养试验与屠宰测定,观察肉鸭的生长速度、饲料报酬、成活率、单位增重饲料成本、屠体品质等性状。结果显示:本试验设计的预混料配方Ⅲ是肉鸭3~7周龄预混料优化配方,优化基础配方Ⅰ与预混料配方Ⅲ、Ⅱ的组合均为肉鸭3~7周龄全价饲料优化配方。  相似文献   

Formulated feed for freshwater prawn farming under semi-intensive conditions is expensive, presenting a significant portion of the farm's operating costs. Production and availability of natural food in earthen ponds may reduce the needs for formulated feed. This paper evaluates growth of freshwater prawn Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii under three feeding regimes, where supplemental feed was reduced and natural productivity of the ponds was increased by a fertilization program that included the addition of lime, phosphorus and nitrogen. Prawns (4.35 g) were stocked into 12 50-m2 earthen ponds (6 juveniles/m2) and grown for 84 d feeding on 25% crude protein ration. Chemical and physical water parameters were monitored routinely. Growth and production were similar at 100% formulated feed supplementation with no fertilization and at 50% formulated feed with fertilization, as determined by weight gain, specific growth rate, and net yield ( P >0.05). However, further reduction in feed supplementation (0, 25%, and 50% of feeding rate, respectively, for each subsequent 28-d period) with fertilization, yielded shrimp smaller than market size. Feed conversion ratios were significantly higher ( P 0.05) for the 100% versus the 50% feed supplementation. Survival rate averaged 86% with no significant differences among treatments. Reducing up to 50% of the supplemental feed with added fertilization for increased natural productivity does not reduce yield of M. rosenbergii raised under semi-intensive conditions in northeastern Brazil. Under the local conditions of semi-arid and warm water temperatures (24.0–33.5 C), increasing natural productivity of ponds significantly improves feed conversion ratio, which is reflected in feed cost savings and potential savings of the farm operating cost.  相似文献   

为缩短乌鳢养殖周期,笔者于1997-1998年,在沅江市鱼类良种繁育场选择2口面积均为333m^2的池塘,进行了使用乌鳢当年孵化的鱼苗,当年养成商品鱼的高产试验,现综述如下:  相似文献   

A factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of dietary protein (28% or 32%), animal protein (0, 3, or 6%), and feeding rate (satiation or >90 kg/ha per d) on production characteristics, processing yield, and body composition of pond-raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus . Fingerling channel catfish (average weight: 55 g/fish) were stocked into 60, 0.04-ha ponds at a rate of 18,530 fish/ha. Five ponds were used for each dietary treatment. Fish were fed once daily to satiation or no more than 90 kg/ha per d for 147 d. Fish fed at a rate of >90 kg/ha per d consumed about 85% of the amount of feed consumed by fish fed to satiation. Dietary protein did not affect the total amount of feed fed, amount of feed consumed per fish, weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, or fillet protein. Animal protein had no effect on the total amount of feed fed, amount of feed consumed per fish, weight gain, or fillet protein and ash. Fish fed a diet containing 6% animal protein converted feed more efficiently than fish fed diets containing 0% and 3% animal protein. Fish fed to satiation daily consumed more feed, gained more weight, converted the feed less efficiently, and had a higher carcass yield, a higher level of visceral fat as compared to fish fed at a rate of >90 kg/ha per d. Feeding rate had no effect on fillet protein. Results from this study indicated that both a 28% and a 32% protein diet with or without animal protein provided the same growth rate of channel catfish raised in ponds from fingerlings to marketable size if feed is not restricted below a maximum rate of 90 kg/ha per d. Even though there were some interactions among the three factors evaluated, dietary protein levels of 28% to 32% and animal protein levels of 0% to 6% do not appear to markedly affect carcass yield and fillet proximate composition of pond-raised channel catfish.  相似文献   

Biofloc technology system (BFT), recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) and polyculture promote efficient use of water, area and nutrient recycling, which are essential practices for sustainable aquaculture development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth, feed efficiency, biofloc composition and water quality of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in monoculture and polyculture with giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1906) in BFT and RAS, over a period of 30 days. Fish (n = 128; 7.29 ± 0.67 g) were distributed randomly in 16 experimental tanks (8 fish/tank). Prawn (n = 96; 0.50 ± 0.09 g) were allocated in 8 experimental tanks (12 prawn/tank) in a polyculture. The experimental design was completely randomized with four treatments with four replicates each, in a factorial design 2 × 2 (BFT and RAS vs. monoculture and polyculture). The experimental diet (28% of digestible protein; 3100 kcal kg−1 of digestible energy) was used both to fish and prawn in BFT and RAS. There was significant effect (p < 0.01) of the system and the culture for weight gain, apparent feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio. The average weight gain and apparent feed conversion of tilapia in monoculture (30.04 g and 1.39) and in polyculture (36.44 g and 1.27) were superior (p < 0.01) in BFT than in monoculture (23.64 g and 1.74) and in polyculture (24.14 g and 1.61) in RAS. Weight gain and survival of giant freshwater prawn was superior (p < 0.01) in BFT (0.43 g and 87%) compared to RAS (0.26 g and 79%). The data showed that BFT provides better growth performance responses in monoculture for Nile tilapia and in polyculture with giant freshwater prawn compared to RAS.  相似文献   

黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)的营养学研究主要体现在食性分析、肌肉营养成份的测定等基础研究上,而营养需求上的研究主要体现在配合饲料配方上的饲养试验,对于确定某种营养素需要量的研究报道较少。本文综述了黄颡鱼对蛋白质、脂类、碳水化合物、维生素及无机盐的需要量。黄颡鱼配合饲料中蛋白质的适宜含量(稚幼鱼)为39%~45%、(成鱼)为34%~38%,脂肪的适宜含量为7%~9%,碳水化合物的适宜含量为20%~23%、粗纤维的适宜含量为5%~6%,无机盐的适宜含量为1%~2.5%。  相似文献   

封闭内净养虾技术试验报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为减少养虾业排污对海的污染,防止虾病传播,进行了封闭内净养虾技术试验。在全封闭条件下,采用在池内净化的措施,5个试验池平均亩产对虾65.19kg,比对照组增产70.61%;平均成活率为43.38%,比对照缄提高86.98%,投饵系数2.78,比对照组的4.48降低37.72%。  相似文献   

为了探讨高脂肪条件下不同的蛋白和能量水平对斑点叉尾鮰生长及体组成的影响,试验设2个蛋白水平(22%,28%),2个脂肪水平(10.0%,14.0%),2个消化能水平(12.56 kJ/g,14.23 kJ/g),共8组,分别为P28L10E14.23,P28L14E14.23,P22L10E14.23,P22L14E14.23,P28L10E12.56,P28L14E12.56,P22L10E12.56和P22L14E12.56。试验饲料配方使用鱼粉和豆粕调节蛋白含量,混合油脂(鱼油∶玉米油=1∶1)调节脂肪含量,α-淀粉、次粉和麸皮调节消化能含量,并以微晶纤维素为填充物,每组3个重复,每个重复20尾鱼(141.5?1.0) g。饲养60 d后,进行生产性能测定,并采集组织样本,测定相关指标。结果表明,鱼体末重(FW)、增重率(WG)、特定生长率(SGR)和饵料系数(FCR)不受饲料蛋白、脂肪和消化能单一营养水平影响(P>0.05);但与饲料蛋白、脂肪和消化能三者的交互作用(P<0.01)有关。胴体蛋白、脂肪含量与饲料脂肪和消化能水平相关(P<0.05)。由此可见,饲料过高脂肪和消化能对斑点叉尾鮰没有额外的促生长作用;饲料蛋白水平达到22%时,即可满足140~300 g斑点叉尾鮰的营养需要;饲料中22%的蛋白、10%的脂肪、12.56 kJ/g的消化能即可满足斑点叉尾鮰仔鱼的生长需要,同时又能保证其正常生理机能,建议可在实际生产配方中作参考值。  相似文献   

Fingerling Cromileptes altivelis of less than 50 g have been shown to require feeds of 50–56% crude protein (CP) and 9–15% lipid. The requirements of larger, market‐size fish have not been reported. A total of 324 hatchery‐produced C. altivelis were weight sorted into three groups of 136, 175 and 225 g start weight and equally (12 seacage?1) and randomly distributed to floating net seacages in accordance with a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement of CP (42%, 47% or 53%; estimated digestible CP of 40%, 46% or 52%) and lipid (8%, 12% or 16%; equivalent to estimated digestible energy (DE) contents of 14.0, 15.8 or 17.5 MJ kg?1). Changes in dietary CP and lipid content were achieved at the cost of wheat flour by proportionally varying the protein mixture (essentially a 0.62:0.22:0.16 ratio of fish meal, mysid meal and casein respectively) and oil mixture (a 2:1 ratio of fish oil and soybean oil respectively). Fish were fed twice daily to satiation for 180 days. There was no significant (P>0.05) interaction between the main effects of dietary protein and lipid for any growth, nutrient retention or whole‐body composition measurements. Increasing dietary CP significantly improved the survival rate (80.6%, 88.9% and 87.0%), specific growth rate (SGR; 0.24%, 0.28% and 0.31% day?1), feed conversion ratio (FCR; 2.77, 2.21 and 2.00) and DE retention (18.2, 21.3 and 23.2%), respectively, but did not significantly affect digestible protein retention. Increasing dietary lipid increased SGR (0.25, 0.29 and 0.29% day?1) and the whole‐body lipid (and energy) composition, and reduced the survival rate (87.0%, 88.9% and 80.6%), respectively, but FCR and retentions of digestible protein and DE were not significantly affected. These results indicate that humpback grouper of 150–400 g require a dietary specification of not less than 51% digestible protein (~53% CP), 10–12% lipid and digestible protein:DE of 31–32 g MJ?1 for optimal growth.  相似文献   

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