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由中科院、浙江大学、北京师范大学以及江西省野生动植物研究学者组成的专家组,日前经过对江西省宜丰县的官山自然保护区内的“野山鸡”——野生白颈长尾雉进行长达两年的跟踪考察后确认,这里是目前已知的中国最大白颈长尾雉种群分布地区,存活有1000多只野生白颈长尾雉。专家组成员之一,中国著名鸟类专家、浙江大学生命科学学院博士生导师丁平教授告诉记者,野生白颈长尾雉又俗称“野山鸡”,  相似文献   

以325.00~450.00 g的成年笼养白颈长尾雉为研究对象,对笼养白颈长尾雉(15♂,17♀)的24项血液生理生化指标进行了测定并按性别分组统计进行显著性检验,结果表明:所测生理生化指标在性别之间差异不显著(P0.05)。白颈长尾雉血液生理生化指标具有相对稳定性,这一结果能为白颈长尾雉疾病诊断、治疗和饲养管理提供参考。  相似文献   

白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)为中国特有的珍稀雉类和国家I级重点保护动物,由于砍伐森林、烧山垦植和农业侵占等人类活动的影响而造成栖息地的破坏、丧失和片断化,使白颈长尾雉面临着严重的栖息地片段化和生境丧失的威胁。为了保护白颈长尾雉这个中国特有珍稀物种,本文从栖息地、活动区、空间生态学、食性和繁殖学等领域对白颈长尾雉的研究进行综述,分析了其致危因素并提出了合理的保护建议,以期为白颈长尾雉进一步的研究和保护提供参考。  相似文献   

2001年4月 12日,宁波市林业局会同宁波市动物园,在奉化市斑竹生态林保护区,把人工繁殖的8只白颈长尾雉放归自然。 白颈长尾雉属鸡形目雉科,留鸟,多栖息于海拔300~500米的低山地区,少数分布至海拔1000米以上。生境多样。多见于阔叶林和针阔混交林之中。由于受人类活动的严重影响,白颈长尾雉的栖息地环境不断恶化,分布区域逐步缩小;种群数量急剧减少,在自然养数量十分稀少,已被列为世界濒危物种和国家一级保护动物。 宁波市动物园自80年代开始,把白颈长尾雉的人工繁殖作为一项重要的工作来抓,每年拨出专项…  相似文献   

皖南的白颈长尾雉   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticusellioti)是一种珍稀的雉类。体形似雉,尾羽甚长,羽衣华丽,颈项具一白色羽圈,故称白颈长尾雉,为我国特产雉类,已被列为国家第一类保护动物。此鸟数量稀少,分布范围较狭小,由于长期盲目猎捕,  相似文献   

李宁  周伟  李伟  张庆  王学荣 《中国鸟类》2010,1(2):132-140
黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus humiae)和白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)在中国云南的大中山呈同域分布.我们于2004年2月至4月在研究区调查这两种雉类的夜栖特征,并采用多重统计、生境套娃和栖息地分类树等方法分析它们对夜栖地的选择倾向.栖息地分类树的结果表明,在研究区内从宏生境到微生境它们的栖树有着多项分离.两种雉类对至关重要的夜栖生态因子的需求和选择基本相同,这使它们能生活在相同的宏生境中.而空间要素,如栖树和地形特征的分离又避免了黑颈长尾雉和白鹇之间的竞争.就安全需求策略而言,黑颈长尾雉采用了"栖境隐蔽-易于逃逸型"的基本方法;而白鹇夜栖采用了"栖境隐蔽型"的方法.对于保温策略来说,黑颈长尾雉主要选择"适合植被环境-地形辅助型"方式,而白鹇选择了独特的"适合植被环境型"方式.  相似文献   

浙江省珍稀雉类的分布生境和资源保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江省拥有国家一类保护动物黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticusellioti)和二类保护动物白鹇(Lophura nycth-emera)勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)等珍稀雉类。有关这些珍稀雉类的生态学国内外已有一些报道(Anon,1976;Delacour,J,1977;Allen  相似文献   

在一起以眼炎、呼吸道症状及腹泻为主症的白颈长尾雉中,高比率分离到奇异变形杆菌。所得分离物具有较相似的药物敏感性,且表现出对小鼠较强的致死性作用及由雏伊莎公鸡人工攻菌造病成功。据此确认,奇异变形杆菌是引起本次白颈长尾雉发病死亡的主要致病菌。  相似文献   

由广西林业厅和中国野生动物保护协会下达的黑颈长尾雉的分布数量与生态生物学研究成果最近通过鉴定。黑颈长尾雉是我国一类保护动物,是世界珍稀名贵的观赏鸟,国内动物园尚无人工饲养记录。本课题由广西科学院生物所和广西林业厅动植物自然保护区管理站共同承担。课题承担人刘小华、赖月梅等同志用4年(16个月)的时间,对黑颈长尾雉在广西的分布、主要产地、相对数量、自然环境下的繁殖月份、产卵量,孵化期、全年的动植物食物种类及室内人工初步孵化饲养进行了研究。由钱燕文、郑光美、吴至康、温业棠等专家组成的鉴定委员会认为,这一课题首  相似文献   

本文从物种系统分类进化关系的角度提出了中国大陆地区特有鸟类新的保护优先度。通过使用和比较7个系统发育多样性指数(Phylogenetic diversity,PD),确立了前5个值得优先保护的中国特有鸟类物种,分别为海南山鹧鸪(Arborophila ardens),白眉山鹧鸪(A.gingica),四川山鹧鸪(A.rufipectus),绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysii)和大石鸡(Alectoris magna)。通过Wilcox signed rank检验和Pearson相关性检验,基于本文PD指数和国际保护联盟红色物种名录(IUCN Red List)的物种保护优先度排序有显著区别。因此,从进化遗产的角度来说,基于系统发育多样性指数的物种保护优先度排序也许可以作为IUCN红色物种名录排序的一种补充体系。  相似文献   

A number of explanations have been proposed for the occurrence of sex ratio bias in primates, including the Trivers-Willard hypothesis on differential investment, local resource competition or enhancement as a result of sex-biased dispersal, dominance-related advantages conferred on one sex but not the other, and the fragile male hypothesis. However, none of these theories was thought to be applicable to monogamous primate species. Here, we examine data on zoo-housed populations of three hylobatid species to test the null hypothesis of equal sex ratio. We analyzed over 40 years of demographic data on Nomascus leucogenys, Hylobates lar and Symphalangus syndactylus. We identified a strong male-biased birth sex ratio in N. leucogenys. Male infant mortality was consistently higher than female infant mortality for N. leucogenys, but this difference was not significant. We found that prime-age N. leucogenys females (aged 13-20) produced significantly more male offspring than female offspring, and young S. syndactylus females (<13 years) produced significantly more female offspring. Recent field evidence of more flexible mating systems in H. lar and S. syndactylus may also be occurring in N. leucogenys. However, N. leucogenys has not been well studied in the wild. Ecological differences among species may further contribute to these observed patterns.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(1):94-106
The African wild silk moth (Gonometa postica) exhibits large inter-annual population size fluctuations in the Kalahari region of southern Africa. Spent cocoons from this species are currently being utilized in a local silk industry. An understanding of the recolonization dynamics of a particular harvested site, and of the population genetic effects of such dispersal, are crucial for designing a scientifically-based harvesting strategy. I link morphological estimates of flying ability to microsatellite genotyping in the determination of dispersal ability of this species. Morphological results suggest that the moth is a poor disperser with high wing loadings and males are better fliers than females. There is a significant effect of isolation-by-distance. Spatial population genetic analyses of microsatellite data further indicate lower and upper bounds on dispersal of 90 m and 50 km. The combined evidence suggests male-biased dispersal over several dozen kilometers with females that do not disperse over large distances. I discuss the potential influences of large population size fluctuations on patterns of genetic diversity and the implications for the inference of dispersal in my study species.  相似文献   

于2002-2003年对陕西省秦岭红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)的冬季食性和消化道的形态结构进行了研究.利用标准分类法鉴定了嗉囊中的食物种类.红腹锦鸡冬季为植食性,食物包括农作物和其他种类等至少14种植物.红腹锦鸡消化道由食道、胃、小肠(标准体长的3.4倍)、两个发达的盲肠和较短的直肠组成,具典型的植食性鸟类的特征.肌胃中含有大小不等(直径为0.5-3 mm)的石粒,石粒的平均干重10.4±2.5 g,与肌胃中食糜的重量成正相关(Pearson r=0.747,P<0.01,n=37).红腹锦鸡消化道粘膜呈弱酸性,尤以嗉囊和肌胃粘膜酸性较强.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and the spatial structure of a species are likely consequences of both past and recent evolutionary processes, but relevant studies are still rare in East Asia where the Pleistocene climate has unique influences. In this study, we examined the impact of past climate change and recent anthropogenic activities on the genetic structure and population size of the greater long‐tailed hamster (Tscherskia triton), an agricultural rodent pest species in northern China. DNA sequence data of 2 mitochondrial genes and genotypic data of 11 microsatellite DNA loci from 41 populations (545 individuals) were gathered. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses, as well as species distribution modeling and coalescent simulations, were conducted to infer its historical and demographic patterns and processes. Two deeply diverged mitochondrial clades were recovered. A small one was restricted to the Shandong Peninsula while the main clade was further divided into 3 geographic clusters by their microsatellite DNA genotypes: Northwest, North‐center and Northeast. Divergence dating indicated a Middle‐to‐Late Pleistocene divergence between the 2 clades. Demographic analysis indicated that all 3 and pooled populations showed consistent long‐period expansions during last glacial period; but not during the Holocene, probably due to the impact of climate warming and human disturbances. Conflicting patterns between mtDNA and microsatellite markers imply an anthropogenic impact on North‐center populations due to intensified agricultural cultivation in this region. Our study demonstrated that the impact of past glaciation on organisms in East Asia significantly differs from that of Europe and North America, and human activity is an important factor in determining the genetic diversity of a species, as well as its spatial structure.  相似文献   

红腹锦鸡推广应用性人工饲养繁殖试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据山区农民的实际情况,用比较简易的方法对红腹锦鸡的人工饲养繁殖进行了分组对照试验,在改进笼舍、简易饲料以及用粪蛆幼虫替代面包虫育雏方面取得了成果,并提出了红腹锦鸡人工饲养繁殖推广应用的方法和建议。  相似文献   

Although seed dispersal is a key process determining the regeneration and spread of invasive plant populations, few studies have explicitly addressed the link between dispersal vector behavior and seedling recruitment to gain insight into the invasion process within an urban garden context. We evaluated the role of bird vectors in the dispersal of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), a North American herb that is invasive in urban gardens in China. Fruiting P. americana attracted both generalist and specialist bird species that fed on and dispersed its seeds. The generalist species Pycnonotus sinensis and Urocissa erythrorhyncha were the most frequent dispersers. Seedling numbers of P. americana were strongly associated with the perching behavior of frugivorous birds. If newly recruited bird species use seedling‐safe perching sites, the P. americana will regenerate faster, which would enhance its invasive potential. Based on our observations, we conclude that the 2 main bird vectors, P. sinensis and U. erythrorhyncha, provide potential effective dispersal agents for P. americana. Our results highlight the role of native birds in seed dispersal of invasive plants in urban gardens.  相似文献   

中国东北羊草自然种群的扩增片段长度多态性研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
梁宇  刁亚瑞  刘公社  刘杰 《草业学报》2007,16(2):124-134
羊草是我国北方草原群落重要的建群种和优势种。本研究应用AFLP(扩增片段长度多态性)的方法研究了4个羊草自然群落的遗传结构。应用8个引物组合,共得到489个AFLP带,从85到550 bp,结果表明,1)4个群落的遗传多样性和平均多态条带百分率有相似的趋势,即W(锡林浩特)>H(海拉尔)>D(大庆)>J(长岭)。2)用非加权配对算数平均法(UPGMA)聚类分析的结果表明,同一种群的个体亲缘关系近,而在不同种群之间经向基因流较纬向基因流更为频繁。探讨了形成这种现象的原因,即风向和候鸟在种群间基因流中的作用。  相似文献   

王超  查林松  许青 《野生动物》2013,(4):208-214
2010年10月~2011年10月,对大庆萨尔图机场及周边生境的鸟类种类和数量进行了调查,调查共记录到鸟类15目29科89种,其中夏候鸟57种,约占鸟类总数的64.0%;旅鸟8种,约占鸟类总数的9%;冬候鸟6种,约占鸟类总数的6.7%;留鸟18种,约占鸟类总数的20.2%,在机场飞行区内发现鸟类20种。采用Geo InSight国际有限公司根据合同与美国空军共同开发的US BAM的避鸟模型,对大庆萨尔图机场飞行区内鸟类进行危险指数测定及排序,以便驱鸟人员明确对飞机构成威胁的鸟类种类,从而达到有针对性地驱除危险指数高的鸟类的目的。  相似文献   

The Japanese Crested Ibis Nipponia nippon is a critically threatened bird. The post‐hatch eggs of the current captive population of this species on Sado Island have been stored at room temperature for the long‐term. In this study, we investigated the suitability of the vascularized chorioallantois membrane from the eggs as a non‐invasive DNA source. Using microsatellite loci developed for the Japanese Crested Ibis, we performed three experiments for comparison of genotypes obtained among DNA. First, DNA from five different sites of the identical membrane showed the same genotypes at either of two loci examined. Second, DNA from the membrane of each full‐sibling birds and blood of their parents showed the genotypes that were consistent with Mendelian parent–offspring relationships at any of eight loci examined. Third, DNA from the membrane and blood of the same bird showed the matched genotypes at any of eight loci examined. These results indicate that the vascularized chorioallantois membrane from post‐hatch eggs stored at room temperature for the long‐ term can be used as a reliable DNA source of offspring that had hatched from the egg. This study will promote a molecular genetics study on genetic diversity of the current captive Japanese Crested Ibis population on Sado Island.  相似文献   

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