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Urban forests provide opportunities for outdoor recreation to many people. Knowledge of the motives for visiting forests is needed for the planning and management of these forests. Since forests are used for a diverse set of recreational activities, however, the motives for different activities are multifaceted. To explore recreational motives, this scene preference study conducted in Sweden examined relations between setting evaluations (i.e., mystery, legibility, valence, and activation), setting preference, general forest perceptions, and intention to engage in forest activities. Two alternative models were examined in relation to five different activities: walking, going on outings, exercising, picking berries or mushrooms, and studying plants and animals. Results revealed that preference mediated between setting evaluations and intention to go on outings, whereas setting evaluations were direct predictors of intention to walk and exercise. However, the models did not describe antecedents of intention to pick berries or mushrooms, or to study plants and animals, satisfactorily. In addition, general forest perceptions, particularly emphasising the restorative qualities of forests, were important for intention to engage in all the examined recreation activities. Results are discussed in relation to landscape preference research and attitude-behaviour theory. In addition, practical implications for encouraging forest recreation are highlighted.  相似文献   

There is currently increasing pressure on urban woodland in industrialised countries. Management of such areas is shifting towards multiple-use with focus on both recreation and biodiversity conservation. We examined the concept of “openness” as part of a possible tool for planners and decision makers. Our field studies were conducted in oak-dominated urban woodlands in southern Sweden with the focus on understory density. In a field experiment we found that understory density was greatly influenced by management, but effects appeared to be site-dependent. Photographs from the field sites were shown to panels of students to analyse recreational preferences in relation to openness. The photographs showed similar woodland types but with different understory density, although the quantification of this variation was not revealed to the participants. In general, open forests were considered most attractive for recreation but 74% of the respondents claimed that they preferred a mix of open and closed forest. Frequent forest visitors preferred relatively closed forests but infrequent visitors liked more open forests. As an example of management effects on biodiversity, we examined the density and diversity of woodland birds in relation to the management. We found that bird densities decreased in the plots with extensive removal of understory. We suggest that variables related to openness can be used in the planning process, especially at fine-grained scales, to analyse different management options and make trade-offs between interests in multiple-use woodland sites.  相似文献   

基于湖北省利川苏马荡和英山桃花冲2个风景区的森林资源特点与实地调查数据,依据《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(GB/T 38582-2020)定量评估2019年湖北省森林风景区生态系统服务价值。结果表明,苏马荡风景区的森林生态服务总价值为3.94亿元/年,以涵养水源价值和固碳释氧价值主(共占79.56%);生态服务贡献最大的是针阔混交林,其次为马尾松林、柳杉林、日本落叶松林和杉木林。桃花冲风景区森林生态服务总价值为5.47亿元/年,涵养水源价值在森林生态系统服务价值所占比例最大,其次为森林游憩价值、固碳释氧价值、生物多样性保育价值、保育土壤价值、林木积累营养物质价值和净化大气环境价值;森林生态服务价值中针叶林贡献最高,其次是针阔混交林、阔叶林。研究结果客观反映这2个典型区域森林生态体系建设取得的成果和对经济社会发展的贡献,同时可为湖北省相关部门“两山”转化和“双碳战略”实施提供依据,对区域森林经营管理水平的进一步提升、实现森林可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the preferences of urban dwellers for various attributes of urban forests, with an emphasis on forest recreational services. A choice experiment was conducted using face-to-face interviews with 823 urban dwellers in 2010. Urban forest attributes such as trails, slope, biodiversity, environmental education programs and entrance fees were found to influence Korean citizens’ preferences regarding urban forests. Among the six urban forest attributes, biodiversity was the most influential among Korean urban dwellers in their choice of urban forest recreation. Three latent groups with relatively homogeneous preferences over various urban forest attributes were identified. Residential area, family composition and the purpose of their visit determined group membership. It was notable that the preferences of urban forest recreationists differ from the general preferences of visitors to forests located in remote areas. Urban forest planning and management should consider the attributes of urban forests and the preferences of citizens visiting urban forests to improve urban dwellers’ welfare.  相似文献   

Central European forests are generally multifunctional; the same forest areas are used for timber production and recreation. In frequently visited areas damage to trees can be observed. We developed a method to estimate the actual reduction in timber value due to recreation-induced damage. The method was tested in two suburban (oak–hornbeam and beech) forests sustainably maintained by a selective management system and with free access in northwestern Switzerland. Considering the total forest areas, 9.4% of oak trees and 23.0% of beech trees were damaged by recreational activities. The resulting reduction in timber value averaged 19 and 53  ha?1 a?1 in the two forests. The annual reduction in timber value due to recreation-induced damage can account for up to 16% of the total proceeds. The monetary benefits of forest recreation in these areas, however, by far exceed the damage to trees.  相似文献   

Sustainable development requires, among other things, that development projects not result in the degradation of natural resources for outdoor recreation. There has been a rapid increase in knowledge regarding the importance of the external environment to our health and well-being. Stress is reduced significantly when people are exposed to health-promoting nature and landscape values. Many people are actively choosing to reduce their stress. Doctors today prescribe outdoor walks in peaceful environments for the same purpose. A high level of traffic noise increases stress. This paper discusses the application of silent values in an infrastructure development project, the extension of Sturup Airport, east of Malmö, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark. Through estimating the change in noise resulting from the development, it is possible to integrate mitigating and compensating measures in the planning process discussions. Such measures can be negotiated as conditions for authorization of the project. The airport is situated in an area rich in nature values for recreation. The airport expansion will mean both new noise impacting "silent" areas and increasing noise levels in already noise-affected areas. In this study, we have taken a positive stand on the silent areas, mostly agriculture land, where compensation measures could be taken, thus balancing the loss of silent nature values for recreation. Silent areas that will not be affected are suitable and feassible for compensation measures thus can be called compensation areas. In this way the development of new recreational areas, preferably designed as urban forests, are critical preconditions for the negotiations for the airport extension. The conclusion is that urban forest investments for health and well-being can be an important part of strategic decisions in spatial planning. As preconditions for a permit, the development and financing of new urban forests and green areas can be part of the total development plan. This is an issue of global interest, as many countries are in a process of rapid urbanization, and urban greening and urban forestry have an important role to play in the process of promoting quality of life and improving environmental quality.  相似文献   

Outdoor recreation in forest policy and legislation: A European comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The benefits of outdoor recreation and the need for recreation inventories and monitoring are described in various policy and legislation documents at the European level. The objective of this paper is to analyse how these recreational aspects are reflected at the national level in core forest policy and legislation documents as well as related domains. The COST Action E33 network was used to extract information about national policies and monitoring practices for international comparison, using the Delphi method. The results provide insights into national policy setting and legislation in the field of outdoor recreation, and reveal similarities, differences, gaps and future needs. Among the main findings is a contradiction between the expressed political importance of outdoor recreation at the national level, and the absence of binding commitments for action. The majority of the countries surveyed recognise and express outdoor recreation in some form of political and/or legislative way. However, recreation monitoring or measurements are rarely mentioned in relevant policies or acts at the national, regional or local level, perhaps due to a lack of political will or resources. The analysis indicates that a consistent forest recreation monitoring system, linked to sustainable forest management, as described for example in the Helsinki process, should be better transferred into national policy and legislation. Comparable data across Europe could then provide a sound base for making decisions on outdoor recreation policy, planning and management, and furthermore provide a basis for the detection of societal changes and demands over time.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world there are extensive landscapes where forests and people strongly intermingle, notably in the suburbs and exurbs of cities. This landscape of transitional forest generally receives limited attention from policy makers and researchers who tend to be rooted in traditions centered on either urban planning or management of natural resources in rural areas. The transitional forest is on the periphery of both perspectives, but it is a large area that provides numerous important values (biodiversity, ecosystem function, forest products, and amenities) to the people that live in them and their neighboring cities. Here we argue for increased attention to transitional forests, identify major challenges, and suggest changes to planning and management practices needed to ensure that the values of these forests are sustained.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly evident that cities are important places for biodiversity. Biodiverse urban forests are vital green areas within cities and have favorable impacts on the citizens, including their health. We focused on the effect of the urban forest environment on biodiversity in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. We used a multi-taxon approach with five taxa of different ecological demands: butterflies, bees and wasps, vascular plants, mosses, and lichens. We modeled their responses to the various urban forest attributes at four hierarchical levels – plot, permeability, forest, and landscape. Our results revealed that temporally continuous forests dominated by native oaks with open canopies, a high number of admixed and interspersed tree species and shrubs, together with scattered trees in the surrounding landscape, were optimal biodiverse forest environments. The most influential parameter that positively influenced bees and wasps, plants, and lichens at the plot level was canopy openness. We found that the permeability was suitable mainly on 20 m surroundings and increasing coverage of native oaks and tree species richness were the most important parameters. Continuity was the only found parameter that influenced mosses at the forest level. Scattered tree vegetation was the most important landscape parameter and positively drove the species richness of bees and wasps. Forest management methods can relatively easily solve the improvement of the scattered light gap structure within urban forests. Applying traditional forest management (pasture management, controlled burning and/or coppicing) is also an option but requires sensitive communication with the public. The canopy cover has been used as an indicator of urban forest health conditions, now indicating that artificial disturbances could be important issues for urban forest management and planning in the future. Therefore, active forest management is an essential method for biodiversity maintenance. We conclude that urban forests have a high potential for increasing native biodiversity. The response of the studied groups in urban forests was complementary. The resulting biodiverse stages of urban forests are akin to the established idea of the open temperate deciduous woodlands.  相似文献   

A postal questionnaire survey about the forest situation and management in urban woodland was carried out around the three largest urban agglomerations in each of the five Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Twenty estate managements responded, giving a respondent rate of 54%. Our material from 13 cities includes 108,888 ha productive forests, representing approximately 13% of all urban woodland areas in the Nordic region. The tree species composition in the urban woodland areas largely reflected the typical tree species distribution in the respective vegetation zones. It is expected that the percentage of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus spp. in the nemoral zone, and boreal hardwoods will increase in the future. The proportion of young and middle-aged forests is high in all urban woodlands, despite the focus on old forests in urban woodland management policy and research since the 1970s. Current silvicultural systems belonging to even-aged forestry prevail in most cities. However, the use of clear-cutting has decreased over the last 30 years. A conservative felling policy makes it likely that the proportion of old stands will increase. Various restrictions on forest management are briefly discussed. Reasons for changes in silvicultural practices differ from city to city, but recreation and conservation are most commonly reported.  相似文献   

Latvian legislation demands that forest protection belts are established around all cities and towns. The main goal of a protection belt is to provide suitable opportunities for recreation to urban dwellers and to minimise any negative impacts caused by urban areas on the surrounding environment. Legislation states the main principles to be adopted, which include the maximum area of protection belts, their integration in territorial development plans and restrictions placed on forest management activities. The largest part of the forest area around Riga is owned by the municipality of Riga, which, as a result, has two competing interests: to satisfy the recreational needs of the inhabitants of Riga, and to maximise the income from its property. In order to compile sufficient background information to solve this problem, the Board of Forests of Riga Municipality initiated the preparation of a proposal for the designation of a new protection belt.The proposal was based on the development and application of a theoretical framework developed during the 1980s. The analysis of the recreational value of the forest (5 classes of attractiveness) was carried out based on categories of forest type, dominant tree species, dominant age, stand density, distance from urban areas and the presence of attractive objects. Information was derived from forest inventory databases, digital forest maps and topographic maps. Additional information was digitised and processed using ArcView GIS 3.2. Local foresters were asked about the recreation factors unique to different locations, such as the number of visitors and the main recreation activities. From a recreational point of view and taking into account legal restrictions and development plans for the Riga region, it was proposed to create three types of zones in the forest: a protection belt, visually sensitive areas and non-restricted areas.  相似文献   

Urbanization pressures on the natural forests in Turkey: An overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forests used to be the main field of interest for rural communities, but now they attract the attention of urbanites too. The forest–public relationship is important as forests protect water resources, preserve the soil and increase its productivity, provide positive effects on climate and health in general, and can be used for recreation and tourist purposes. This study aims at assessing how the current rapid urbanization process in Turkey affects forests. Urban requirements such as biomass for heating, education facilities, settlements, recreation, tourism and employment exert various pressures on the forest. In this study we assessed these pressures and suggest that forest legislations should be developed to respond to expectations of urbanites from forests, new recreation areas should be developed and urbanites’ interest in and knowledge of the forests should be increased, where all social groups including the forestry authority should work together.  相似文献   

With increased demand for outdoor recreational spaces, it is imperative to understand the experience of recreational hikers. This study explored users’ recreation choices and behavior-based setting preferences for certain trails in one forest park. Using on-site intercept surveys, a total of 1019 samples were collected from users of hiking trails and greenways in Purple Mountain Forest Park, Nanjing, China. The results from multiple regressions revealed that visitors’ recreation choices for trail settings, companions, and activities were associated with personal attributes, usage patterns, visitor motivations, and their preferences for the trail’s landscape attributes. The findings provide insights for the design and maintenance of trail settings in forest parks to satisfy the needs of various recreational hikers.  相似文献   

Urban forests provide multiple ecosystem services for a range of user groups. However, teenagers are commonly underrepresented in studies about forest recreation and cultural ecosystem services. This paper examines teenagers' forest use and perception of ecosystem services compared to adult populations. We used an online panel survey to elicit motives for forest visits, frequency of visits, forest activities and constraints for visitation, and what ecosystem services participants expect from forests more generally. We then elicited perceived cultural ecosystem services of different forests by showing participants photographs of forest inventory plots for which we had detailed measures of physical forest characteristics to statistically assess the influence of forest characteristics and other parameters on perceived cultural ecosystem services. Results show that teenagers visit forests less often and also differ from adults in their preferences and activities, their motives for forest visits and reasons for not visiting forests. Teenagers exhibit more social and active forms of forest use, whereas adults use forests in more contemplative ways. Perception of cultural ecosystem services on forest photos was influenced by individual factors such as motives for forest visits, preferences, importance of forest during childhood and socio-demographic factors. Environment- and forest-related factors such as forest type, stand structure and single elements such as root plates and stumps had an influence on ecosystem service perception. We conclude that teenagers have different needs than adults concerning the provision of cultural ecosystem services from forests and therefore should be considered as a user group of its own in the management of recreational forests.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal continuity of resources often benefits both ecological and economic goals in landscape management. Consideration of multiple and conflicting goals is also needed to view the future production possibilities of forests in successful forest management. Our aim was to estimate the production potential of a planning area in Finland by examining different forest management strategies from ecological and economic perspectives using long-term forest planning calculations. Economic objectives referred to timber production, whereas ecological objectives were based on suitable habitats for arboreal Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans). Suitable habitats were defined using an empirical site-specific model, which includes a spatial variable reflecting the availability of habitat within an individual’s activity area. Five alternative forest plans were worked out with different objectives for flying squirrel habitat and timber production. The alternative plans were compared with respect to values of objective variables at the end of the planning period of 60 years and against a production possibility frontier among net present value and flying squirrel habitat. Varying objective values in our analyses resulted from different utilization of production possibilities, and the changes were in line with the objectives used. The formation of flying squirrel habitat clusters in the landscape was enhanced, and it did not always incur severe reductions in harvestable timber volume. Possibilities to combine ecological and economic goals, both spatial and aspatial, in the planning process seems to be an encouraging alternative for the long-term forest management in the future.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the landscape characteristics and the residents’ recreational activities in the urban green spaces in Fuyang, Hangzhou, China. It explores the correlation of the desire to be in close proximity to urban green space to engage in recreational activities (the need for recreation) related to residents’ demographic and socio-economic factors: gender, education, monthly income and dwelling location. Residents’ preferences for landscape elements and attributes of urban green space are examined using principal components analysis. In addition, regression analysis identifies that coherence and vegetation are the most relevant factors correlated with perceived overall recreational appropriateness of the three most frequently visited urban parks. The purpose of the study is to attempt to quantify people's recreation needs in urban green space; identify the landscape components in urban green space which can encourage more outdoor visits and/or greater recreational activities; and provide proposals and strategies on planning, management and conservation for recreation-oriented urban green space which will enhance people's enjoyment and wellbeing by improving landscape esthetic quality, recreational and ecological function.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of patterns and abundance of deciduous trees in thepre-industrial landscape of boreal Sweden is limited. This is due to a dramatictransformation of the forest landscape during the last 100 years and the lackofrepresentative forest reserves. We used historical records to study change infive mixed deciduous forests between 1866 and 1999. The results show that largechanges occurred due to complex interactions between fire disturbance, firesuppression, logging and silviculture. Before fire suppression, the presence ofdeciduous trees was mainly determined by earlier fire influence. Laterselectivelogging disturbed natural succession and favoured regeneration of deciduoustrees. During the 20th century deciduous trees were removed bygirdling, thinning and herbicide spraying. Much of the mixed deciduous standschanged to coniferous stands between 1906–15 and 1969–70, and thendeciduous trees were totally removed from these stands between late 1960s and1999. Today mixed deciduous forest occurs mainly in young stands and on othersites than previously. Our results also show that large coniferous trees andmulti-aged forest occurred in all sites in the early 1900s. Most sites weredominated by coniferous species and forest dominated by deciduous treesoccurredonly in smaller areas. These results are not consistent with the current viewthat deciduous-dominated forest occupied substantial areas in boreal Swedenbefore fire suppression. Appropriate changes in forest management arediscussed,as is the value of historical data in interpreting changes in forestlandscapes.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention (ELC) has called for a broad anchoring in all sorts of landscape issues in local society. The connoisseur approach aims to improve communication in decision making processes by ensuring that personal and local knowledge on people, and their knowledge and feelings of everyday landscape is considered in projects on landscape development. The approach described here was tested in three Swedish case studies. Two were part of the European NeighbourWoods research project: the Skrylle Recreation Forest in south-west Sweden and the Ronneby Brunn area in south-east Sweden. Two areas that are heavily used for recreation by groups unrelated to the management of the forests. The Tinnerö area near Linköping was included as a third case. Our approach involved identifying and testing methods for introductory phase of management planning and countryside development.The methods developed in the connoisseur approach included in-depth interviews during field walks, walk-and-talk encounters, designating favourite places and routes on maps and management meetings between connoisseurs (local people, planners, and experts). Such concrete methods, which benefit from being mainly conducted outdoors, sought to empower local people, nurture a sense of belonging to a place and the management process, raise awareness of the local landscape and its potential, and identify shared values. The connoisseur approach proved to be a useful tool in the introductory phase, by clarifying the varying interests of local user groups, and was successful in creating links between the user groups, manager team, local politicians and administrators. Although unfamiliar to many people, the connoisseur method may effectively complement standardized, expert-dominated, top-down concepts of planning.  相似文献   

Following the increasing public health concerns related to physical inactivity in the population, the relationship between outdoor recreation and public health has been increasingly acknowledged over the last decades. To improve public health, planners and policy-makers aim to provide good accessibility to recreational landscapes to facilitate outdoor recreational activity. At the same time, they are facing development pressure due to urban growth. In order for planners and policy-makers to secure people access to urban and near urban recreational areas, there is a need to map and measure access in a way that is adequate as a basis for decision-making in planning and design processes. Access is often defined as distance, or proximity, from residents’ homes to recreational areas. This paper explores different ways to map and measure distance to recreational areas, and aims to provide better decision support for planners and decision-makers. Moss municipality in Norway serves as a case study. We begin by addressing the meaning of the term ‘recreational landscape’ and how the choice of definition affects the results when mapping recreational areas. We also discuss who we are measuring distance for, and how different user groups will have different thresholds or critical distances affecting their frequency of visits to a recreational area. Last, we explore different methods for measuring distance within a GIS environment. The paper shows how the purpose of the analysis must be decisive when defining recreational landscapes and choosing methods for measuring access to recreational landscape, in order to provide valuable input to planners and policy-makers aiming at enhancing the possibility for outdoor recreation for people.  相似文献   

李宇雪  黄桂丹 《现代园艺》2012,(12):122-124,126
本文以广东省国有林场建立的森林公园植物景观为典型,对森林公园绿化景观中普遍存在的问题进行了归纳,提出了诸多改造思路。森林植物景观要通过合理的选择、配置、改造,才能为游客提供独具特色的森林景观,让人们尊享健康、收获视觉美感,让森林公园有良好的经济收益和社会效益。  相似文献   

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