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郭丽华  冯波  祖蓉 《杂粮作物》2008,28(3):204-204
美洲斑潜蝇学名Liriomyza sativae Blanchard,属于双翅目潜蝇科斑潜蝇属,是一种外来入侵的检疫性害虫,在沈阳地区已经发生10余年,为本地蔬菜生产主要害虫之一。为了有效控制美洲斑潜蝇的危害进而达到彻底防除的目的,我们对其发生危害规律进行了研究,并探索出了一套行之有效的防治方法。  相似文献   

海南省美洲斑潜蝇寄生蜂种类及其控制作用评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查发现,海南省豆类、瓜类和茄类蔬菜上的美洲斑潜蝇寄生蜂常见种类有:姬小蜂科Eulophidae的底比斯釉姬小蜂Chrysocharis penthus(Walker)、异角亨姬小蜂Hemiptarsenus varicornis(Girault)、点腹青背姬小蜂Chrysonotomyia punctiventris(Crawford)、美丽青背姬小蜂Chrysonotomyia formosa(Westwood)和黄潜蝇釉姬小蜂Chrysocharis oscinidis Ashmead,以及茧蜂科Braconidae的甘蓝斑潜蝇茧蜂Opius dimidiatus(Ashmead).其中,底比斯釉姬小蜂是优势种.这些寄生蜂对豆类、瓜类和茄类蔬菜上的美洲斑潜蝇的寄生率分别为29.1%,33.0%和18.0%,平均寄生率为27.1%.应用生命表排除作用控制指数(EIPC)分析法进行寄生蜂对美洲斑潜蝇自然种群控制作用研究,结果表明:美洲斑潜蝇寄生蜂的EIPC值为3.1817,寄生蜂的作用是抑制美洲斑潜蝇种群数量发展的重要因子.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sa-tivae Blanchard)是多食性潜叶害虫。该蝇1993年最早在我国海南省的蔬菜田严重发生,次年6月山西省棉花所首次在棉花上发现此虫的严重为害,受害严重的棉田虫株率为100%,单株受害叶片数36.6%,单叶虫量最高达92头。10多年来,美洲斑潜蝇在我国的分布日益扩  相似文献   

调查美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)田间发生消长规律,结果表明,该虫主要危害茄科、豆科及葫芦科蔬菜。在海南儋州整年发生危害,2-5月份为危害高峰期,其虫口密度与温度、天敌成负相关,即高温和天敌寄生虫可抑制美洲斑潜蝇的发生;其幼虫田间分布型符合奈蔓A(核心分布)和负二项分布;该虫主要通过成虫飞翔和随寄主植物扩散而传播;1.8%爱福丁乳油和40%辛硫磷乳油防治美洲斑潜蝇的效果较好,田间防治效果达80%以上。  相似文献   

采用典型相关分析的统计分析方法,探讨美洲斑潜蝇幼虫自然种群数量动态与气候因子的关系。结果表明:来自种群数量指标与气候因子指标的第1典型相关系数为0.7438(P<0.01),第1对典型变量主要反映美洲斑潜蝇幼虫自然种群发生数量和日平均气温及日平均相对湿度的负相关关系,日平均气温和日平均相对湿度是影响美洲斑潜蝇幼虫自然种群发生数量的主要气候因子。   相似文献   

施爱民  胡国祥 《江西棉花》1999,21(4):F003-F003
美洲斑潜蝇(LiriomyzasativaeBLanchard),原产巴西,是目前世界上最危险的一类检疫性害虫。它分布于40余个国家,1994年在我国的广东,海南首先发现,之后随南菜北运迅速传入内地,据报道,已在全国21个省市发现美洲斑潜蝇的危害,并呈肆虐之势,严重威胁着各地区的农业生产安全及“菜蓝子工程”的实施。1996年我们在棉花实验田中发现美洲班潜蝇为害,至1998年危害逐年加重。该虫主要危害棉花叶片正面,受伤叶面积可达50%以上,一片棉叶上虫量可达数十头,一旦发生危害,若不及时防治,则迅…  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇在海南的发生,危害及其生物学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在海南各县市,调查美洲斑潜蝇对茄科,豆科及葫芦科蔬菜的发生,危害情况,结果表明,美洲斑潜蝇主要危害方式是雌成虫在寄主叶片上刺孔并在其中取食和产卵,幼虫在叶片中潜食,在20,23,27,30,32和35℃,相对湿度70%的特定条件下,美洲斑潜蝇完成一个世代所需时间为12.2-26.6d。据室内多级恒温法测定,该虫全切代发育起点温度为10.4℃,其中卵为9.9℃,幼虫为15℃,蛹为11.9℃,成虫产卵  相似文献   

介绍了西双版纳棚栽辣木存在的主要害虫:朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval)、美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)、斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia litura Fabricius)和小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella L.)为害症状和防治。  相似文献   

近两年来 ,不少地区报道了美洲斑潜蝇对棉花的为害 ,该虫为害迅速、蔓延快 ,若不及时进行迅速有效的防治 ,会给棉花生产造成较重损失。在海南美洲斑潜蝇对棉花的为害更为猖獗 ,1998年冬 ,本所在三亚市扩繁转基因抗虫棉品系GK19 ,在防治美洲斑潜蝇的过程中 ,选用了几种不同的农药品种 ,进行田间防治效果筛选试验。1试验方法试验设5个处理 ,(1)48 %乐斯本 (美国陶氏益农公司 )1000倍 ;(2)24 %万强 (美国杜邦公司 )750倍 ;(3)1.8 %阿巴丁乳油 (河南新霸王化工有限公司 )2000倍 ;(4)1.8 %爱福丁 (北京农业大…  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇为害对棉花光合生理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美洲斑潜蝇幼虫潜食棉花栅栏组织后,叶片中叶绿素a、b以及叶绿素总量都较对照减少,并且随着受害级别的增高,减少量逐渐增大;当虫害达到5级时,棉花叶片的叶绿素总量仅相当于对照的68.3%.随着叶片受害级别的增高,棉花叶片的光合速率呈下降趋势;当虫害达到5级时,叶片的光合速率仅相当于对照的23.1%.同时,棉花叶片的气孔导度和蒸腾速率也随其受害级别的增高而降低;当虫害达到5级时,叶片的气孔导度和蒸腾速率仅相当于对照的20.7%和33.3%.  相似文献   

Laboratory cultures of three dipteran leafminers, Liriomyza trifolii, Liriomyza sativae and Chromatomyia horticola, and their four most common hymenopteran parasitoids in Japan, Diglyphus isaea, Chrysocharis pentheus, Neochrysocharis formosa and Hemiptarsenus varicornis, were evaluated for their susceptibility to three conventional insecticides following topical application. All the leafminers were far less sensitive to malathion and moderately less sensitive to permethrin compared with the parasitoids. The marked disparity in insecticide susceptibility convincingly explains the increased abundance of leafminers in the field after applications of these insecticides. L. trifolii and C. horticola were also less sensitive to emamectin-benzoate than the parasitoids, although L. sativae was as sensitive as the parasitoids. We also evaluated the susceptibility of a more minor parasitoid species attacking leafminers in Japan, Halticoptera circulus, to malathion and it was less sensitive than the four more common parasitoid species and may, therefore, be suitable for augmentative biological control of leafminers in IPM programmes that include insecticides. In addition, carboxylesterase activity of each insect species was determined and correlations with their insecticide susceptibility discussed.  相似文献   

分别剪去豇豆幼苗1/2片子叶、1片子叶、2×1/2片子叶、1+1/2片子叶、2片子叶,以不剪子叶为对照,研究子叶损伤对豇豆生长发育的影响。结果显示:处理后,植株生育期推迟,真叶变短,始花节位数下降,茎变细,豆荚变短增粗,产量降低10%以上,无论春季还是秋季,子叶损失率与产量都有极显著的直线回归关系。  相似文献   

Changes in the concentrations of vicine, convicine and L-DOPA in two cultivars ofVicia faba L. seeds in different stages of pod development were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The vicine and convincine conent was highest in fresh green cotyledons (moisture content about 80%) and gradually declined until a constant level was reached when seed dry matter percentage was around 40%. A similar pattern of variation in glucoside concentration was observed for the seed coat. The pods contained neither vicine nor convicine but they were particularly rich in L-DOPA. These compounds were not homogeneously distributed in the seeds.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of light, seed burial depth, and flooding on germination, emergence and growth of Ludwigia hyssopifolia. Germination was strongly stimulated by light, suggesting that seeds of this species are positively photoblastic. Seeds sown on the soil surface gave the greatest percentage of seedling emergence in plastic trays, and no seedlings emerged from seeds buried in soil at depths of ≥1 cm. Intermittent or shallow flooding suppressed emergence and growth of L. hyssopifolia. Flooding to a depth of 2 cm for 4 days out of 7 days reduced seedling emergence by more than 71% and seedling dry matter by 97% compared to where the soil had not been flooded. Flooding up to a depth of 10 cm however, when delayed to 21 days after sowing, did not significantly suppress growth of this species. This study illustrates the role of seed burial by tillage and flooding as two important tools for the management of L. hyssopifolia.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen fixation as a result of the symbiosis between bacteria and legume species, can result in major advantages in providing host plants with organic nitrogen. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physiological potential during early seedling development for initiation of nodulation and nitrogen fixation activity of four grain legumes species: soybean [Glycine max (L.)], cowpea [Vigna unguiculate (L.) Walp], common bean [Phaseolus vulgaris (L.)], and peanut [Arachis hypogaea (L.)]. Seedlings were grown on a hydroponic solution so that nodule development could be readily observed until about 3 weeks after germination. Nodules developed in all cases. Acetylene reduction activity (ARA) by soybean and cowpea was also found early in seedling development. In contrast, peanut and common bean showed little or no development of ARA during seedling development. The results provided insight into differences in physiological potential among grain legumes in establishing symbiotic nitrogen fixation during crop establishment. These results indicate those species/cultivars that are candidates for readily establishing nitrogen fixation activity during the seedling stage of plant development.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the plasticity of Chloris gayana Kunth cv. Fine Cut to defoliation in terms of tiller size/density compensation (SDC). Twelve mini‐swards were grown in a greenhouse under non‐limiting water and nutrient availabilities for 188 d. Four defoliation treatments were applied as a factorial arrangement of two defoliation frequencies and intensities: 80L, 80H, 100L and 100H (80 and 100 denote percentage of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted at defoliation; L and H denote stubble LAIs of 0·6 and 1·75, respectively). Tiller density, demography, dry weight, leaf area and volume were determined over the final 77 d of the experiment. SDC was observed across 80H and both 100 treatments. The estimated slope of the relationship between tiller size and density was close to ?5/2, the deviation from the ?3/2 line proposed for undefoliated swards being related to changes in LAI and tiller leaf area/volume ratio. The most severe defoliation regime, 80L, resulted in a lower tiller population density relative to the compensation line, suggesting that this defoliation management shifted the species beyond its range of phenotypic plasticity. Cumulative herbage production was significantly reduced in 80L. Despite the similar herbage production of 80H and both 100 treatments, the former was the most favourable defoliation regime for optimizing leafiness and productivity.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1988,18(4):215-226
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is frequently intercropped with cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp subsp. unguiculata] in the tropics. Little is known about the influence of P fertilization practices on the efficiency of land use and yields in cassava/cowpea intercropping systems. Two experiments were conducted on a Typic Dystropept soil with the objective of determining the influence of P application rate on yield and P status of cassava and cowpea grown in sole and intercropping systems, and the influence on land use efficiency. Cassava yields averaged across P rates were reduced 29% from the 28 Mg ha−1 sole crop yield when intercropped with cowpea in 1979–1980. Cowpea yields were reduced by 19–38% from a sole crop yield of 1522 kg ha−1 when intercropped in 1979, and 29–38% from a sole crop yield of 1277 kg ha−1 in 1980. The rate of P application had little influence on cassava yield, except in 1981 when intercropped cassava yields were greater than 40 Mg ha−1. In 1981, increasing the rate of P application from 0 to 44 kg ha−1 resulted in a cassava yield increase from 41 to 47 Mg ha−1. In 1979 and 1980, increasing the rate of P application from 0 to 22 kg ha−1 increased cowpea yield 44 and 92%, respectively, while increasing P rate from 66 to 132 kg ha−1 increased cowpea yield 28 and 18%, respectively. In 1981 and 1982, increasing the rate of P application from 0 to 44 kg ha−1 increased cowpea yield by 1052 kg ha−1. Phosphorus concentration of cassava and cowpea leaf blades increased with increases in rate of P application from 66 to 132 kg ha−1 in 1979 and 1980, and from 0 to 44 kg ha−1 in 1981 and 1982. Intercropping cassava with cowpea resulted in a 30% increase in land-use efficiency when no P was applied, while land-use efficiencies resulting from intercropping were increased by 41–50% with P application rates of 22–132 kg ha−1. Cassava proved to be well-adapted to low-P soils and very competitive even without P application, whereas cowpea required the addition of P for adequate growth and yield. High productivity and a good competitive balance between the two crops were reached with only 22 kg ha−1 of P, showing the great potential of cassava/cowpea intercropping on acid, infertile soils in the tropics.  相似文献   

Smallholder farmers in East-Africa commonly intercrop maize (Zea mays L.) with grain legumes to maximize utilisation of land and labour, and attain larger crop yields. Conventionally, one legume line is intercropped between each pair of maize lines. This study evaluated the potential of a modified two-by-two staggered arrangement (MBILI) to increase crop yields and economic benefits in two sites in Central Kenya with contrasting soil fertility levels during 7 consecutive seasons. Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) were grown as legume intercrops. The MBILI system resulted in increased maize yields in both sites, and increased cowpea yields in the poor site. In the fertile site, using beans as an intercrop was most profitable, and the MBILI system increased net benefits by 40%, relative to the conventional system. In the poor site, groundnut and cowpea were better adapted, and the MBILI system increased net benefit by 12–37%. Positive effects of the MBILI system were most pronounced in the poor site, but occurred independent of soil fertility level. Rainfall amounts and distribution varied widely, but the MBILI system increased yields both under conditions of ample and inadequate rainfall. N balances were negative with beans and groundnut, but neutral with cowpea as the intercrop. A modest N fertilizer application is therefore essential to sustain yields in the long term, especially when beans or groundnuts are intercropped. In conclusion, the MBILI system, when combined with adjusted nutrient inputs, resulted in superior and robust improvements in crop yields and economic benefits, relative to the conventional intercropping system.  相似文献   

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