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本文详述临床一例犬的胃肠道异物的接诊、血液检查、X光确诊后进行手术,取出异物过程,达到挽救宠物生命、改善宠物生活质量的目的。为此类临床病例提供参考,也通过本病例使宠物主人们认识到宠物吞食异物的危害性。  相似文献   

肠系膜肿瘤是发生于肠系膜组织或血管之间的一种极为少见的疾病,它的发生通常非常隐匿,临床上经常出现误诊或漏诊,约60%的患病动物不能被确诊或只能拟诊为不能定论的腹部包块。而肠系膜肿瘤并发腹水的病例就为确诊增加了更高的难度。本文作者在动物医院见一病例,通过X光拍片、血常规检测、生化检查、B超检查及手术法确诊为肠系膜肿瘤并发腹水,经过手术治疗,病犬仍然死亡,作者以此病例为依据,通过对临床资料进行临床和病理证实的总结分析,探讨肠系膜肿瘤并发腹水的诊断、治疗和患犬的死亡原因,以期为此类疾病的临床治疗提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章结合临床病例,对犬子宫蓄脓的病因、诊断和根据不同病症类型制定治疗方案进行总结,指出B超及X光检查对诊断的重要意义,施行子宫卵巢摘除术是根治的有效治疗方法。  相似文献   

2018年10月,宠物医院接到一只10岁龄患犬,为肝脏肿瘤并发糖尿病病例,对其进行体格检查和实验室检查,实验室检查的项目有B超、血常规检测、血生化检测和血气分析检测。诊断该犬为肝脏肿瘤并发糖尿病。用补液、降糖的原则对该犬的糖尿病进行治疗,肝脏肿瘤因宠物主人意愿宠物接受保守治疗。患犬经住院治疗病情稳定后出院。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的城市居民开始饲养宠物,这也间接造成了小动物交通事故发生率的增加。笔者通过对疑似患有髋关节脱位的患病猫进行临床检查、X光和B超检查,确诊为髋关节脱位;通过手术将患病猫断裂圆韧带切除及关节处清理,把术前根据动物体形制定好的人工诺尔斯套环和圆韧带材料植入患病部位,最后成功恢复了患病猫的运动机能及健康。本文详细汇报了该病的诊断、手术治疗过程,希望能为临床上及时确诊和治疗此类疾病提供理论指导。  相似文献   

脾脏血肿是脾脏血管破裂,血液浸入包膜下形成的。该病临床上多由强烈外力造成,发病率低,诊断和治疗难度大。笔者就一经过临床症状检查、B超、X光检查、剖腹探查术等确诊为脾脏血肿的病例进行分析和总结,目的是为该病的临床诊疗提供理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

正近年来宠物饲养量不断增多,人们对宠物的健康也越来越重视。肿瘤是危害宠物健康的重大疾病~([1]),笔者对2014—2015年从天津农学院附属动物医院和天津拓瑞医药科技有限公司检测中心收集的36例犬疑似肿瘤病例进行了临床检查和组织学检查,并对诊断结果进行了综合分析,以期为犬肿瘤疾病的诊治提供参考。1材料1.1病例天津农学院附属动物医院和天津拓瑞医药科技  相似文献   

近日我校动物医院诊治一例公犬双侧腹股沟疝的病例。该犬肛门周围呈现严重肿胀,触诊柔软,右侧有一质地坚实分叶物似肿瘤,左侧柔软似肠管。经X光、B超诊断结合临床症状确诊为双侧腹股沟疝,手术治疗后,患犬恢复正常。1病例情况患犬为一条5岁多犬,已经做过阉割手术。精神正常,体况  相似文献   

本试验对一例患有子宫蓄脓的西施犬通过询问病史、临床检查、血常规检测、X光及B超检查进行确诊,采用手术法治疗。结果显示,血常规检查发现白细胞、中性粒细胞均增多,X光检测到明显膨大的子宫,B超影像可观察到子宫角为圆腔状的黑色暗区,子宫壁增生变厚产生无回声液性暗区。对于子宫蓄脓的诊断,血常规检查显示体内有炎症变化,X光和B超确诊病犬为开放性子宫蓄脓,对病犬采取手术疗法,彻底切除卵巢和子宫。病犬术后恢复良好。  相似文献   

X射线诊断是利用X射线检查患畜,借助其特殊性能,观察动物体内组织器官的解剖形态、生理功能和病理变化,从而对疾病作出诊断。X射线在宠物疾病诊断中作用较大,特别是宠物的骨折、脱位、肺炎、食管阻塞、胃肠内异物、膈疝、结石、肿瘤等疾病,通过X射线诊断能准确地掌握发病部位、严重程度、治疗效果,同时还可以对相似病例进行鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

奶牛妊娠的早期诊断--实时B超法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
使用 5 .0 MHz电子扇扫和电子线阵探头通过直肠内探查 ,对不同妊龄的 137头黑白花奶牛进行了妊娠检查。早期妊娠检查声像图主要表现为妊囊和 /或胚斑 ,探查到其中之一者即可确诊为妊娠。配种后 2 6~ 30 d妊娠检查确诊率高达 88.9% ,高于 5 0日龄左右的直肠检查 ;配种后 31~ 35 d时的确诊率为 97.2 % ;配种后 35 d以上者 ,确诊率均达到 10 0 %。B超诊断法快捷、简便、准确率高 ,对早期妊娠以实时图像显示 ,具有客观性 ,是一种良好的早期妊娠诊断法  相似文献   

We fabricated a prototype 3.25-MHz split-focus therapeutic transducer combined with a small 6.5-MHz imaging ultrasonic probe for transrectal treatment of prostate cancer and evaluated the feasibility of using split-focus high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to ablate localized tumor tissue without injuring the surrounding organs. We therefore established a localized tumor model by inoculating VX2 tumor into rabbit livers. The localized VX2 tumors of nine rabbits were transdermally treated with split-focus ablation at a peak intensity in water of 6 kW/cm2 for 4 s (6 shots) under the guidance of ultrasonic B-mode imaging. Necropsy a day after treatment found the surface of the livers and gastrointestinal tracts to be grossly normal. The VX2 tumors were completely coagulated and were surrounded by ablated liver tissue. The six shots of split-focus HIFU destroyed the VX2 tumors without injuring the liver surfaces or the surrounding organs. These results suggest that split-focus HIFU ablation could be an effective treatment of localized tumors.  相似文献   

Domestic ferrets are popular pets and comprise a significant percentage of the caseload in many veterinary practices. This article describes the diagnosis and surgical techniques for treatment of 2 common endocrine disorders affecting ferrets, adrenal gland disease and pancreatic beta cell neoplasms. Although medical treatment options are used to reduce the severity of clinical signs associated with adrenal hyperplasia or neoplasia, surgical removal of the adrenal gland(s) is the treatment of choice. Clinical disease associated with pancreatic beta cell tumors includes hypoglycemia, and in many cases the tumor will metastasize early in the course of the disease. Although achieving a complete resolution of pancreatic beta cell neoplasia is unlikely, surgical removal of insulin-secreting tumors is recommended to temporarily alleviate the clinical syndrome and confirm the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Superficial tumors are not routinely evaluated by two- or three-dimensional diagnostic imaging methods as part of the staging of canine cancer patients, although superficial tumors are readily imaged by ultrasound. The objectives of this study were to characterize the ultrasonographic patterns of superficial tumors and to evaluate whether ultrasound can help discriminate between benign and malignant tumors in dogs. Superficial tumors (n=132) in 86 dogs were evaluated by B mode, color flow mapping, and spectral Doppler ultrasonography. Size, echogenicity, tumor border definition, invasiveness, acoustic transmission, presence and distribution of vascular flow to and within the tumor, as well as perfusion indices were measured. The tumors were classified as lipomas, benign tumors, atypical mammary tumors, and malignant tumors. Multivariate statistics using discriminant analysis was used to determine which parameters may be used to predict the status of the tumor. Tumor echogenicity, border shape, acoustic shadowing, total number of vessels to the tumor and the total flow amount are the parameters that in combination resulted in the lowest classification error (24%), meaning that on average three out of four tumors were correctly classified using these parameters. All the lipomas and atypical mammary tumors were classified correctly by ultrasonography. The results of this study show that ultrasonography has an important role in the evaluation of canine superficial tumors, particularly in the evaluation of tissue homogeneity and tumor vascularity.  相似文献   

Dogs and cats of our society have outgrown their status as merely pets and are now considered our close companions and even family members. This shift in their roles has led to pet owners seeking improved preventative medicine for their four-legged friends. Subsequently, dogs and cats are living longer lives than ever before and developing more old-age-related diseases. One of the most devastating diseases of older animals is cancer. Once a veterinarian has detected cancer in a pet, pet owners seek advice on their next course of action. This article is intended to provide concise information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of intranasal tumors of the dog and cat. This article outlines the forms of nasal tumors that are the most common, the recommended imaging and biopsy techniques to diagnose the tumor, and the most appropriate treatments of them.  相似文献   

介绍了1例老龄犬睾丸精原细胞癌的诊断和手术治疗.通过临床症状检查、B超检查、电解质检测、血常规检查、生化检查和肿瘤组织病理检查,确诊为睾丸精原细胞癌,运用手术方法摘除瘤体后,3个月后回访该犬正常生存,饮食正常,体重增加.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare and correlate B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonographic characteristics with the histologic findings of benign and malignant mammary tumors in dogs. STUDY POPULATION: 49 mammary tumors in 26 dogs. PROCEDURES: Before excision, tumors were evaluated via B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonography to assess size, echogenicity, echopattern, acoustic transmission, invasiveness, and vascularity. Paraffin-embedded microsections of the tumors were stained with H&E and examined for presence of necrosis, cysts, cartilage, bone, mineralization, invasion of surrounding tissue, and tissue heterogeneity. To assess vascularity, the number and distribution of vessels that were stained by the Verhoeff van Gieson technique were recorded. RESULTS: Tumor echogenicity and echopattern on ultrasonographic images correlated with tissue heterogeneity detected histologically. Acoustic enhancement was correlated with the presence of necrotic or cystic areas. Tumor invasion into surrounding tissues as determined ultrasonographically did not correlate with the histologic findings. There was a significant correlation between the number of detected vessels and distribution of flow within the tumors determined via ultrasonographic and histologic examinations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In canine mammary tumors, ultrasonographic characteristics appear to be correlated with histopathologic changes. Data suggest that ultrasonography may have an important role in the evaluation of mammary tumors in dogs, particularly in the evaluation of tissue composition and tumor vascularity.  相似文献   

本试验对健康犬进行了彩色多普勒超声探查,建立了健康犬多普勒超声参数的参考值。首先对19只健康犬进行普通B型超声,彩色多普勒血流成像(color doppler flow imaging,CDFI),脉冲多普勒频谱检查,对探查的数据进行统计分析,得出健康犬正常多普勒超声参数的参考值(以平均值±标准差表示)。对健康犬进行多普勒超声探查统计后发现,肾动脉阻力指数有较好的重复性,左、右肾脏之间的相似度较高,可以作为健康犬正常超声参数的指标。  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy is the treatment of choice for adrenal tumors that are producing adverse clinical signs. Surgical planning prior to adrenalectomy is aided by identifying tumors with invasion into adjacent vessels or the presence of a tumor thrombus extending into the caudal vena cava. In this paper, we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound in determining if vascular invasion or tumor thrombus is present. Thirty-four dogs with 36 adrenal tumors were reviewed retrospectively. Overall, 36% of tumors had vascular invasion. Abdominal ultrasound was 100% sensitive and 96% specific in identifying the presence of a tumor thrombus in the caudal vena cava. The sensitivity and specificity was 76% and 96%, respectively, when all forms of vascular invasion were evaluated and included patients with vascular wall invasion without concurrent thrombus. Abdominal ultrasound is a good screening tool for identifying vascular invasion or tumor thrombus associated with adrenal tumors in dogs.  相似文献   

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