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为了准确预报赤松毛虫的发生期,我们于1985年进行了赤松毛虫发育始点温度及有效积温的研究。现将观测结果整理如下。 一、观测方法 (一)越冬后4—8龄幼虫的观测:3月中旬自新泰市土门林场采集幼虫约5000头,在室内检取健壮、发育均一的4龄幼虫2000头,置4—5℃冰箱内贮存备用。自3月24日开始,每隔5天取出50头饲于大(直径13厘米)培养皿内,每皿饲养10头。7龄以后将幼虫饲于中型饲养缸内,至5月9日共饲养10批。每2—3天更换一次新鲜松针,在室内自然变温条件下饲养,每天观测记录一次发育进度,直至化蛹。  相似文献   

[目的]青斑蝶是重要的观赏性昆虫,准确掌握和了解其内生殖器官结构和发育状态,能够为其人工培育和利用提供理论依据。[方法]通过对1 12日龄青斑蝶雌成虫内生殖系统解剖,观察内生殖器官结构组成,并测定内生殖器官特征参数,同时根据内生殖器官各组成部分特征对雌性卵巢发育进行分级,从而系统了解青斑蝶雌成虫内生殖器官形态与发育。[结果]1)雌性青斑蝶的内生殖器官由1对卵巢、1对侧输卵管、1根中输卵管、交配囊腺和受精囊组成;2)内生殖器官发育显著受到日龄影响,卵巢管长度随着日龄增长而显著生长,至10日龄最长,卵巢小管和侧输卵管直径随日龄增长而缓慢增大;3)随着日龄的增长,卵巢中成熟卵的数量先增大后减小,未成熟卵数量始终缓慢增加;4)根据卵巢的发育特征,将卵巢发育分为乳白透明期、卵黄沉积期、成熟待产期、产卵盛期、产卵末期。[结论]雌性青斑蝶内生殖器官结构组成与其它蝴蝶类似,其发育均显著受到日龄影响,卵子发育随日龄增长而逐渐成熟。雌性青斑蝶卵巢分级将为人为调控雌蝶产卵量提供理论指导。  相似文献   

粘捕法可用于日本松干蚧3龄活动雄若虫、雌成虫、雄成虫、初孵若虫发育进度、虫口密度变化的监测调查和预测预报。胶环设置时间:越冬代为4月25日至7月20日,越夏代为7月25日至10月15日。  相似文献   

用马尾松毛虫各龄虫口密度的定期调查资料和积温资料,拟合Logistic随机发育模型,结果表明,该模型能精确地描述马尾松毛虫第1代1~6龄幼虫的发育进程。对各龄虫口的时间分布,模型预测值和观察值的吻合程度达90%。对模型参数进行比较表明,除了温度(积温)以外,还有另外一些因素影响着马尾松毛虫的发育进程。  相似文献   

[目的]研究雄青斑蝶内生殖器官的形态与发育,可以为青斑蝶的人工繁殖提供理论指导。[方法]采用生殖系统解剖的方法,观察了1 12日龄青斑蝶雄成虫内生殖器官的结构组成,测定了内生殖器官的数值特征参数,并根据内生殖器官各组成部分的特征对雄性内生殖器官的发育进行了分级,以期系统了解青斑蝶雄成虫内生殖器官的形态与发育。[结果]1)雄性青斑蝶的内生殖器官包括1个精巢、2个贮精囊、1对输精管、1对复射精管、1条单射精管和附腺;2)复射精管的直径和单射精管的长度都随日龄的增大而增大;3)随着成虫日龄的增加,精巢中精子束的长度持续变长,贮精囊中的精子束长度在7日龄前快速变长且之后长度趋于稳定;4)随着日龄的增长,雄蝶精巢中精子束的数量逐渐减少,贮精囊中的精子束数量在1 7日龄时逐渐增加,之后维持稳定;复射精管中精子束数量则随着日龄的增长而逐渐增多;5)根据贮精囊和复射精管的发育特征,雄虫的内生殖器官的发育可分为:乳白透明期、精子束输送生长期、精子束大量输送成熟期、精子束补充期。[结论]雄青斑蝶内生殖器官的结构组成与其他蝴蝶相同;精子束在成虫6日龄时发育成熟,并依次释放至贮精囊、复射精管中;青斑蝶雄性内生殖器官的发育可划分为四个发育阶段。  相似文献   

在(25±1)℃、光周期16L:8D条件下研究麻疯树柄细蛾成虫的交尾行为、交尾节律及雄虫对性信息素粗提物的触角电位反应。结果表明:无论雌雄,成虫1日龄均可交尾,在1日龄时达到最高交尾率(70.12%),随着日龄的增加,交尾率降低,最低交尾率仅为5.81%,但交尾持续时间从89.33min增加到171.67min;在不同光照强度下,不同日龄成虫均能交尾,随着光照强度的增加,1日龄成虫交尾率从53.33%增加到69.40%;不同光强对4,5日龄成虫交尾持续时间影响不大;雄虫对性信息素粗提物的触角电位反应表明:在正己烷、正戊烷、二氯甲烷和乙醚4种溶剂中,正己烷是提取性信息素效果最好的溶剂;随着雄蛾日龄的增加,其对性信息素粗提物的反应逐渐下降;腺体提取比空气提取效果好;雄蛾对性信息素粗提物的反应最低浓度为10-3FE·(10μL)-1。  相似文献   

笼养东北虎(Panthera tigiris altacia)的行为观察(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从1998年3月至2001年3月,采用全事件取样法和焦点动物取样法对哈尔滨动物园的4只笼养东北虎(1雄3雌)进行了系统的行为观察。笼养东北虎的行为可以分成5种主要的方式:运动、卧息、睡眠、取食和其他行为(饮水、排尿、修饰、嬉戏和站立)。在所有的行为类型中,睡眠和运动所占的比值很高(占整个时间分配的75.18%);而卧息、取食和其他行为仅占24.82%。除了取食,一只雄性和其中两种雌性东北虎的其他4种主要行为具有相似的活动规律,在白昼和夜晚各有一个活动高峰;而另外一只雌性东北虎在夜晚则具有两个活动高峰期。表2参16。  相似文献   

连续四年调查了浙北龙山林场大山雀的生育力及第一批雏鸟阶段食物中松毛虫食块的比率。根据雏鸟形态发育并结合外侧尾羽量度,利用关系式Y=2.42X-14(X≥6日龄,r=0.99)准确判断雏鸟日龄。对10窝424只次雏鸟连续30d扎颈取食分析,估计每只雏鸟日平均消费13.8个食块,重量为209mg(X_D=65.7),且从2—3日龄至离巢前,食物中都有松毛虫,平均为食块总数的24.9%(X_D=14.8)。随着龙山林场松毛虫种群密度的周期变化,大山雀的窝卵数、窝雏数、生殖季节开始时间及雏鸟食物中松毛虫的此率也发生变化。初步分析表明大山雀对松毛虫种群密度变化有明显的功能反应,但由繁殖而引起的数量反应不明显。  相似文献   

适宜的孵化条件直接影响丹顶鹤卵的出雏率及鹤的成活率。与雏鹤采食有关的器官发育时间早,即雏鸟的跗跖、嘴峰、嘴裂的发育从7日龄开始达到高峰,而翅和尾的发育从14日龄开始增长,因此,可根据雏鸟的生长特点在不同生长阶段给予相应的饲料配比饲喂。  相似文献   

2016年7月26~28日,2017年2月7~9日两个时段,通过瞬时扫描法,利用FLIR热成像仪测定了云南西双版纳亚洲象种源繁育及救护中心的一头救护野生幼象的体温,并用记忆式温湿度计测定环境温湿度,同时观察幼象的行为节律,对数据分析处理后,将圈养幼象的行为分为五大类:玩耍、踱步、睡觉、取食、其他,得出幼象昼夜活动节律中,夏季各行为所占比例:玩耍(21%)、踱步(20%)、睡觉(25%)、取食(18%)、其他(16%),冬季各行为所占比例:玩耍(20%)、踱步(21%)、睡觉(25%)、取食(20%)、其他(14%),两个季节各行为所占时长基本相同;幼象体温变化与环境温度呈正相关,与湿度呈负相关,幼象夜晚体温较低,但基本稳定,白天随着各种行为及环境的变化,体温波动较大。  相似文献   

Eucalyptus polybractea (blue mallee) is the key species used in the commercial production of pharmaceutical-grade (>70% 1,8-cineole) eucalyptus oil in Australia. The establishment of plantations based on clones of selected, elite oil-producing plants has been recognized as the best means by which to increase oil and cineole yields. Blue mallee can be micropropagated using axillary bud proliferation of explants collected from the coppicing lignotubers of decapitated plants. To date, this has been successful for ortets from three different ontogenetic stages: 8-month-old ‘seedlings’, 4-year-old ‘saplings’ and ‘mature’, biannually harvested plants of indeterminate age. The issue of ontogenetic control of oil quality and quantity is an important consideration when selecting ortets for cloning and also when examining the success of a cloning programme. Our aim is to examine if clones derived from ortets of the three different ages reflect their respective ortets, in terms of oil quantity and quality (cineole proportion), and to appraise at what age the clones best reflect the ortets for these traits. Our results suggest that the age of ortets prior to explant collection does not influence micropropagation success or clonal consistency, and that clones generally exhibit the leaf oil traits of their respective ortets. Leaf oil quantity accumulation in ramets followed the ontogenetic trajectory of a relatively rapid increase to a maximum between 3 and 9 months, followed by a period of relative constancy for at least 12 months before beginning to gradually decrease after 21 months. Although oil quality of ramets reflected their corresponding ortets relatively well after 9 months, apparent ontogenetic constraints to cineole accumulation suggest that harvesting at a time between 9 and 21 months may better reflect the ortets for both traits. It appears likely that the proliferation of selected blue mallee genotypes using micropropagation will result in selection gains for key oil traits, thus potentially increasing cineole yields in future plantations.  相似文献   

Bamboo shoots can be harvested at different ages but the data on the changes in nutritional composition with age are scanty. We standardized harvesting age of bamboo shoots in central India to obtain best quality produce with respect to nutritional composition. The shoots harvested on different days (2 20 days after emergence from ground) were analyzed for their nutritional (dietary fibres, carbohydrates, proteins, total phenols, ascorbic acid, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and phenolic acids) and anti nutritional (cyanogen) constituents. A significant variation (at p≤0.5) was observed in the nutritional composition of shoots of Dendrocalamus asper, D. strictus and Bambusa tulda harvested at different days. An overall decrease was observed in proteins and total phenols while dietary fibres and carbohydrates increased with ages. Significant variation (at p≤0.5) was also observed in phenolic acids while minerals did not vary significantly. Results revealed that the optimum harvesting age for D. asper, D. strictus and B. tulda was on 10 14 days, 6 10 days and 10 16 days (after emergence from the ground) respectively. These results can be used to obtain quality bamboo shoots.  相似文献   

1999~2004在牡丹江市西效林缘内对苍眉蝗莺繁殖生态进行了研究,苍眉蝗莺(Locustllafasiollata)每年4月下旬至5月中旬迁来,8月初迁走,居留期约3个月。繁殖期间,苍眉蝗莺的配偶关系为一雄一雌,筑巢一般由雌鸟,大约在4~5d内完成。筑巢期间交配。巢筑成后的4~5d开始产卵。每窝4~9枚,平均6枚,年产1窝。最后1枚卵产出后,进入孵卵期。孵化期约为12~14d。经亲鸟喂食10d左右羽毛齐满,20d可飞行,24d基本成鸟。  相似文献   

In implantation trials carried out with Prosopis chilensis and Prosopis flexuosa, the following variables were considered: implantation time (December and March), implantation technique (direct seeding and seedling transplantation) and age of the seedlings at the time of transplantation (60, 105 and 150 days). Survival was evaluated for more than 9 months after implantation and trials were repeated in 3 consecutive years.

Results from both species were similar and they show that survival after transplantation was higher (60–80%) than from direct seeding (35–45%). Survival from transplantation was independent of the size and age of the seedlings and it was less affected by climatic conditions than direct field sowing. Survival from direct seeding was higher in March than in December. The best time for either implantation alternative would be the end of the summer or beginning of fall, when climatic conditions increase the probability of seedling survival.  相似文献   

The effects of pre-storage CO(2) enrichment on growth, non-structural carbohydrates and post-storage root growth potential of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry) seedlings were studied. Seedlings were grown from seed for 202 days in growth chambers with ambient (340 micro l l(-1)) or CO(2) enriched (1000 micro l l(-1)) air. Some seedlings were transferred between CO(2) treatments at 60 and 120 days. Photoperiod was reduced at 100 days to induce bud set and temperature was reduced at 180 days to promote frost hardiness development for storage at -5 degrees C for 2 or 4 months. Stored seedlings were planted in a growth chamber after thawing for one week at +5 degrees C. At 80, 120, 140 and 202 days, and at each planting time after storage, seedlings were harvested for growth measurements and analysis of starch and soluble sugar concentrations. Planted seedlings were assessed for bud break every two days and new roots > 5 mm long were counted after four weeks. Carbon dioxide enrichment increased root collar diameter and almost doubled seedling biomass, with the most obvious effects occurring after bud set. Stem height was affected only slightly and shoot/root ratios were not affected at all. Carbon dioxide enrichment increased the rate of reserve carbohydrate accumulation, but did not influence the final concentration attained before storage (accounting for 32% of seedling dry weight). Needles were the major storage organ for soluble sugars, whereas roots were the major storage organ for starch. Soluble sugars were not strongly affected by two or four months of storage, but starch was reduced by more than 50% in all plant parts. None of the CO(2) treatments had an impact on bud break or root growth potential.  相似文献   

Treatment with 100 mg/kg of Clitoria ternatea aqueous root extract (CTR), for 30 days in neonatal and young adult age groups of rat, significantly increased acetylcholine (ACh) content in their hippocampi as compared to age matched controls. Increase in ACh content in their hippocampus may be the neurochemical basis for their improved learning and memory.  相似文献   

Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the developmental stages of Acrotylus insubricus Scop. (Orth., Acrididae) The effect of different temperatures and photoperiods on the developmental stages ofAcrotylus insubricus Scop. was studied. The species has no embryonic or nymphal diapause. The relatively low temperature of the winter months prolonges the incubation period as well as the nymphal development. By rising temperature both eggs and nymphs began to continue their development. The shortest nymphal duration at 27 °C (63.9 days) was obtained when rearing nymphs at long photoperiod (16L:8D), while the longest duration (92 days), was recorded at short photoperiod (8L:16D). In intermediate photoperiod (12L:12D), the nymphal duration was 82.8 days, between the long and the short photoperiods. At 37 °C, the nymphal durations were shorter than at 27 °C and still the shortest at a long day (4310 days) than the two other conditions. The total nymphal mortality was higher at short day-length than that at the other photoperiods tested. The incubation period as well as the percentage of hatching were not affected by the different photoperiodic regimes while the low temperature prolonges the incubation period and nymphal development. The higher temperature (37 °C) tended to mask or abolish the effect of the photoperiod while the moderate temperature (27 °C) clarified this effect when the two factors were combined together.  相似文献   

马尾松胚胎发育的观察研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在自然条件下,马尾松成熟花粉粒发育需6个月,授粉有效期在珠鳞展开的头5天,授粉后雌配子体游离核时期持续12个月,从游离核到细胞约需7天,颈卵器2-3个,受精作用发生在授粉后第13个月,原胚期约30天,幼胚期约40,成熟胚期约60天;从球花芽分化到种子成熟约需24个月,在形态发育的观察中,发现低温冻害会引起花粉在发育各阶段的形态异常及大量败育。  相似文献   

To determine the effects of lifting time and storage on water-stress resistance of nursery-grown white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings, we compared gas exchange, water relations and mortality of 3-year-old seedlings lifted in October 1991 and stored at -2 degrees C for 3 months with seedlings lifted in January 1992. The seedlings were placed in nutrient solution and subjected to -1.1 or -2.7 MPa water stress induced by polyethylene glycol 3350 for 9 days. Water stress, but not lifting time, had a significant effect on seedling net assimilation, symplastic volume and turgor loss point. In a second experiment, seedlings lifted in October 1991 were stored at -2 degrees C for 7 months and compared with seedlings lifted in May 1992. The seedlings were planted in pots, and their gas exchange and water relation parameters measured in response to gradual water stress. The results suggest that prolonged cold storage retards photosynthetic recovery of seedlings after planting. Higher rates of net assimilation in seedlings lifted in May were not directly related to their water status. Nonstomatal limitations were the primary factor influencing photosynthetic rate. We conclude that the inferior ability of cold-stored seedlings to tolerate water stress was due to poor osmotic adjustment and a lag in recovery of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

This study tries to clarify the conflicting results from previous studies on cell wall thickening in bamboo culms by applying light and transmission electron microscopy in combination with image analysis. It focused on both fibre and parenchyma wall thickness of both temperate (Phyllostachys spp.) and tropical (Gigantochloa levis and Dendrocalamus asper) bamboo species of different ages in the light of their suitability for the wood industry. The observations indicated a great heterogeneity in cell wall thickness and cell wall layering pattern of fibres within one culm. Nested design ANOVA’s revealed a rising trend in wall thickness of late maturing fibres and parenchyma cells during the first year but significant wall thickening during later years could not be demonstrated. The high variability within one culm and between culms of the same age from 1 year on is partly masking a clear increased cell wall thickening at higher age. Nevertheless, the highest mean values for fibre wall thickness were recorded in culms of 44 months old or older, suggesting that some kind of late cell wall maturing can take place within one culm.  相似文献   

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