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为了解决油茶花期蜜蜂中毒问题,研究蜜蜂采集油茶花时蜂群的生态变化,在油茶花期,将中华蜜蜂放置于油茶基地饲养,观察蜜蜂采集油荼蜜粉时蜂群状况。结果表明:油茶花期,中华蜜蜂会积极采集油茶花蜜,但蜂群出现花子现象,不同幼虫个体对油茶花粉、花蜜消化存在较大差异。  相似文献   

蜜蜂采集油茶蜜粉时蜂群的状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决油茶花期蜜蜂中毒问题,研究蜜蜂采集油茶花时蜂群的生态变化,在油茶花期,将中华蜜蜂放置于油茶基地饲养,观察蜜蜂采集油茶蜜粉时蜂群状况。结果表明:油茶花期,中华蜜蜂会积极采集油茶花蜜,但蜂群出现花子现象,不同幼虫个体对油茶花粉、花蜜消化存在较大差异。  相似文献   

湘西山区的冬挂花,在11月中旬开放,到12月上旬结束,是冬季粉蜜源最丰富的一个好蜜源。抓好冬桂花期的中蜂管理,不仅能取到大量的好蜂蜜,还能繁殖大量的越冬幼蜂,对蜂群的安全越冬和翌年早春繁殖、造脾,分蜂、取蜜创造有利条件。一、花期前的准备和管理 1.群势的组织:八小时蜂群的摆放,应有计划地以3箱为一组并排放置,以便冬桂流蜜时安排采蜜。 2.保管好空巢脾:蜂群在越夏期间,群势有不同程度的削弱,蜜蜂护不严的边脾,  相似文献   

蜂箱的摆放方位对设施草莓蜜蜂授粉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂授粉是设施草莓生产配套技术,西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)是设施草莓的主要授粉蜂种。在设施环境中,蜂群的摆放位置对蜜蜂活动有重要影响,本研究通过比较设施草莓园内不同摆放方位的蜂群活动规律及群势下降情况,结果表明,蜜蜂蜂群在设施草莓园内的摆放方位对于蜜蜂访花密度有显著影响(p0.01),其中蜜蜂蜂箱坐东朝西摆放时,蜜蜂访花密度显著高于其他3种摆放方式;在草莓整个花期授粉过程中,蜜蜂蜂群群势呈现逐渐下降趋势;然而,蜜蜂蜂群在设施草莓园内的摆放方位对群势下降程度无显著影响(p0.05);蜜蜂访花密度与蜂群群势呈正相关,与草莓开花数量无显著相关性。本研究明确了设施草莓园内授粉蜂群的放置方位对蜜蜂访花行为及蜂群群势的影响,为设施草莓内蜜蜂科学授粉技术提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

今年去广东省高州市放蜂采荔枝蜜的蜂群大量增加 ,约计8万多群 ,并取蜜3次以上 ,群产蜜量达30~50kg ,总产值约1600万元。8万群蜜蜂给高州“中华红”荔枝授粉提高了坐果率和果品质量 ,其经济效益也将十分可观。目前 ,高州市的荔枝花期基本结束 ,不少蜂场已转到广西荔枝龙眼蜜源场地 ,希望再夺一次丰收。今年有8万群蜜蜂为高州市荔枝授粉@玉昆南  相似文献   

我国蜜源植物种类繁多,近千余种,面积大、分布广、花期长,这些蜜源条件是养蜂致富最好的天然礼物和蜜源基地.近年来北京郊区生态绿化成绩显著,有效增加了蜜蜂的食物来源,蜜粉源从早春3月下旬的榆、柳、山桃、杏花期到晚秋的山栗子和野菊花,长年蜜源花期达7~8个月,有效促进了养蜂业的快速发展.在当地政府的支持下,郊区蜂群数量由过去的5~6万群已发展到目前的10多万群,蜂群数量增长了近2倍.  相似文献   

蜜蜂的转地饲养是充分利用蜜源。增加蜂产品产量和发挥蜂群生产潜力的饲养方式。我国目前蜂群保有量达700多万群,是世界养蜂大国。幅员辽阔,蜜粉源植物种类繁多.南北气候差异明显,花期交错,为蜂群的转地饲养提供了有利条件。搞好转地饲养,取得较好的养蜂经济效益.必须做好以下几方面工作。  相似文献   

活框活格养蜂法的特点是根据蜜蜂群势、蜜源季节条件而确定蜂群巢脾数量由少增多。随着蜜源季节结束、蜜蜂群势下降,所采集花蜜成熟,蜜脾被抽出生产、加工蜂蜜,蜂群巢脾数量再由多变少。始终保持蜂脾相称,为下一个蜜源或秋繁培育越冬适龄蜂创造良好条件。7月中旬,我地荆条流蜜期基本结束。笔者将蜂群继箱所有巢蜜脾提出,每群巢脾均调整为4~6张,即巢箱4张子脾,继箱2张蜜脾。2012年我地荆条流蜜特好,7月下旬荆条仍流蜜良好,供应蜜蜂当天食用有余,但花粉供应不足,于7月15日将全场蜂王全部关起来,休整治螨。进入8月份,采用活框活格养蜂法生产蜂蜜,整个荆条花期巢箱留4张供蜂王产子的脾,根据群势、蜂王年龄,部分蜂群在蜜源期间加1~2张巢脾增至5-6张子脾,继箱是巢蜜脾6-8张,整个荆条花期没有摇取一次蜜,只是在7月中旬一次性生产成熟蜂巢蜜,全场平均群产25kg。“立秋”之后,蜂群治螨放王时,蜂群群势均在4-6框蜂。采用生产成熟蜜而不取蜜的方法,蜜蜂长期处于自然积累蜂蜜的状态,群内饲料充足,幼虫成长发育良好。加之7月中旬后适时补喂花粉,其结果荆条花期结束时群势下降缓慢,仍能保持5-7框蜂。  相似文献   

甘薯不但是主要粮食作物和经济作物,而且也是蜜蜂从秋季过渡到冬季,以及整个越冬期的主要蜜源植物。蜂群能采到大量商品蜜,群单产约5~15公斤,群势下降少,是蜂群越冬不可多得的好蜜源。一、分布及泌蜜规律在福建,甘薯花期时间长,泌蜜量大,一般开花后即流蜜,其中流蜜较好的地区有莆田、惠安、晋江、南安、泉州、福清等地。花期从10月上旬至11月底,冬季温暖的  相似文献   

<正>2015年,我省早春气温偏低,影响了蜜蜂的春繁,也使发病蜂群较往年增多。但荆条花期,泌蜜稳定,蜂群繁殖较好,此外蜜蜂授粉产业和辽东地区大力发展中蜂,全省蜂群数量较2014年同期略有增加。洋槐花期全省干旱,采蜜量好于2014年,但赶不上正常年份生产水平;荆条花期采蜜与2014年同期基本持平。蜂农收益总体水平可观,具体分析如下:一、养蜂总体形势1.蜂群数量及分布据统计,目前我省蜜蜂总量约为40万群,其中西  相似文献   

Microsporidiosis caused by infection with Nosema apis or Nosema ceranae has become one of the most widespread diseases of honey bees and can cause important economic losses for beekeepers. Honey can be contaminated by spores of both species and it has been reported as a suitable matrix to study the field prevalence of other honey bee sporulated pathogens. Historical honey sample collections from the CAR laboratory (Centro Apícola Regional) were analyzed by PCR to identify the earliest instance of emergence, and to determine whether the presence of Nosema spp. in honey was linked to the spread of these microsporidia in honey bee apiaries. A total of 240 frozen honey samples were analyzed by PCR and the results compared with rates of Nosema spp. infection in worker bee samples from different years and geographical areas. The presence of Nosema spp. in hive-stored honey from naturally infected honey bee colonies (from an experimental apiary) was also monitored, and although collected honey bees resulted in a more suitable sample to study the presence of microsporidian parasites in the colonies, a high probability of finding Nosema spp. in their hive-stored honey was observed. The first honey sample in which N. ceranae was detected dates back to the year 2000. In subsequent years, the number of samples containing N. ceranae tended to increase, as did the detection of Nosema spp. in adult worker bees. The presence of N. ceranae as early as 2000, long before generalized bee depopulation and colony losses in 2004 may be consistent with a long incubation period for nosemosis type C or related with other unknown factors. The current prevalence of nosemosis, primarily due to N. ceranae, has reached epidemic levels in Spain as confirmed by the analysis of worker honey bees and commercial honey.  相似文献   

转基因产品对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着更多的转基因农作物商业化,人们需要更多的信息以了解它对蜜蜂和熊蜂的影响.如果转基因在花粉、花蜜或树脂中得到表达,那么转基因编码所表达的蛋白被蜜蜂吸收后,会对蜜蜂产生直接影响;如果改变了花的表现型,将会对蜜蜂产生间接影响.讨论了Bt、蛋白酶抑制剂、几丁质酶、葡萄糖酶和生物素结合蛋白基因等对蜜蜂的影响.迄今为止的结果表明转基因植物对授粉者的影响将依赖于所涉及基因的个案分析以及被蜜蜂吸收植物的基因表达情况.  相似文献   

环境或气候变化引起蜜蜂采集有毒蜜源植物的花蜜或蜜露,导致生产出含有植物源毒素的有毒蜂蜜,食用此类有毒蜂蜜容易引发中毒。尽管国内外食用蜂蜜中毒的具体原因存在差异,但多数食用蜂蜜中毒事件与有毒蜜源植物之间存在着较大的关联性。我国地域广阔,蜜源植物种类多样,梳理清楚有毒蜜源植物资源及其毒性对蜂蜜安全生产、毒性成分溯源等工作具有极其重要的意义。在广泛文献调研的基础上,对我国分布的15科29种有毒蜜源植物种类、分布区域及花期等进行总结,并结合文献报道的急性毒性试验结果对有毒蜜源植物毒性进行归纳,以期为蜜蜂放养场地选择、蜂蜜安全生产及中毒原因追溯提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为了弄清西方蜜蜂在不同方法下进行分蜂后的繁蜂效果和生产性能,对2011年石榴花期前1个月左右已达11脾的蜂群,采取异地和本地分蜂两种方法进行人工分蜂,并对两种分蜂方法的蜂群增殖情况和蜂蜜产量进行了分析。结果表明,第1种分蜂方法优于第2种分蜂方法。第1种分蜂方法分出的蜂繁殖快、进蜜好,是一种理想的分蜂方法。  相似文献   

We investigated the acquisition of plant materials from which Nigerian chimpanzees manufacture wooden tools to harvest insects and honey from nests of army ants, honey bees and stingless bees. Slender trunks of juvenile trees and branches are most commonly used, and bendable vines rarely, probably reflecting the need to work with relatively sturdy tools to extract resources. While several tools are sometimes sourced from the same plant, there is also evidence for a depletion effect, as multiple tool sources at the same site are often spaced several metres apart. Identified tool sources belong to 27 species of at least 13 families. Honey-gathering implements are often chewed upon by chimpanzees. Interestingly, twigs of the most commonly used honey-gathering species possess antibacterial propensities and are favoured by Nigerians as chewing sticks. This suggests that extractive tools might possess associated medicinal or stimulatory properties. We do not know if chimpanzees actively select specific plant parts or species as we cannot compare observed with expected frequencies. Nevertheless, about three quarters of tools are picked from plants more than 6 m away from the extraction site, potentially indicating some degree of forward planning.  相似文献   

本文对蜂鸟的分类地位、分布、习性、生态作用及蜂鸟的保护等方面进行了综述,并对蜂鸟与蜜蜂及蜜源植物的生态关系进行了探讨,提出蜂鸟与蜜蜂一样,为植物传花授粉,是长期与植物协同进化的产物,属于蜜蜂的生态竞争者,并非仅仅是蜜蜂敌害。  相似文献   

Disposition of mirosamicin, a macrolide antibiotic, to honeybee adults, larvae, honey and royal jelly in the beehive after in-feed administration to adult bees was studied. Treatment was initiated at the end of July when the availability of natural pollen and nectar was poor. The drug was mixed with pollen-substitute paste and administered to honeybee colonies continuously for a week at a dossage of 200 mg/hive/week. High distributions in adult bees, jelly, larvae and a relatively low distribution in honey, of mirosamicin were observed. One day dosing of microsamin in sucrose syrup, a nectar substitute, resulted in a very high and long lasting residue in honey. Both royal and worker jelly, secreted from the jelly glands of adult bees, are acidic, so that a high distribution of a basic drug, such as mirosamicin, in jelly can be expected. This mechanism was considered to be responsible for a high concentration of mirosamicin in honeybee larvae, the host of Paenibacillus-larvae infection (American foulbrood), as primary larval food is jelly.  相似文献   

张巧  董霞 《蜜蜂杂志》2011,31(12):17-19
简单介绍了昆虫的嗅觉识别过程和分子机制,对蜜蜂强大的嗅觉能力进行了简要说明。综述了蜜蜂的嗅觉受体基因的研究进展与概况,为进一步研究蜜蜂的嗅觉行为及分子机理提供依据,同时也为通过嗅觉研究蜜蜂的社会性行为提供参考。  相似文献   

Nosemosis caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are among the most common pathologies affecting adult honey bees. N. apis infection has been associated with a reduced lifespan of infected bees and increased winter mortality, and its negative impact on colony strength and productivity has been described in several studies. By contrast, when the effects of nosemosis type C, caused by N. ceranae infection, have been analysed at the colony level, these studies have largely focused on collapse as a response to infection without addressing the potential sub-clinical effects on colony strength and productivity. Given the spread and prevalence of N. ceranae worldwide, we set out here to characterize the sub-clinical and clinical signs of N. ceranae infection on colony strength and productivity. We evaluated the evolution of 50 honey bee colonies naturally infected by Nosema (mainly N. ceranae) over a one year period. Under our experimental conditions, N. ceranae infection was highly pathogenic for honey bee colonies, producing significant reductions in colony size, brood rearing and honey production. These deleterious effects at the colony level may affect beekeeping profitability and have serious consequences on pollination. Further research is necessary to identify possible treatments or beekeeping techniques that will limit the rapid spread of this dangerous emerging disease.  相似文献   

Viruses of the honey bee have been known for a long time; however, recently the attention of scientists and apiculturalists has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni. Although clinical symptoms indicated the presence of some of the viruses of bees in Hungary, none have previously been isolated or identified. During July unusual adult bee and brood mortality was observed in some colonies of an apiary in Budapest known to be infested with Varroa jacobsoni. Large amounts of acute paralysis virus (APV) were detected serologically in healthy honey bee pupae killed by the injection of a bacteria-free extract of diseased adult bees. Crystalline arrays of 30 nm particles were seen in ultrathin sections of the tissues of injected pupae and naturally infected adult bees. In spite of the application of acaricide treatments the bee population in several colonies had collapsed by the end of summer and the apiary suffered severe wintering losses.  相似文献   

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