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1乳腺炎 母狐的乳腺炎一般不会引起母狐死亡,但由于泌乳机能的严重丧失,可影响幼狐的生长发育.乳腺炎可用广谱抗生素进行治疗,但幼狐不能再吃母乳,应进行人工哺乳或保姆狐代养.如果母狐次年分娩又发生了乳腺炎,就应当将其淘汰. 2 狐布氏杆菌病 狐布氏杆菌病在许多狐育种场中发生流行,是隐袭性疾病,除有流产症状外,其他临床症状不明显.本病可以治愈,但不能消除带菌状态,并应将带菌狐隔离离饲养.该病对人和其他狐及动物都有潜在危险性,控制该病的方法是对狐场定期的进行检疫,以早期确定本病,检出狐病.对所有的种狐每月检疫1次,检出阳性狐,直至全部为阴性.对阳性狐隔离饲养,并进行治疗,还应该包括阳性幼狐,杜绝健康狐与其此接触.全面彻底消毒狐笼和狐舍及其附属物品.当整个狐群布氏杆菌凝集试验变为阴性后,对狐群每3个月进行1次凝集试验,大约进行1年;以后每6个月进行1次检疫,进行1年;以后再改为1年1次检疫.在狐群中只要发现了阳性狐,就应该恢复每月1次的布氏杆菌凝集试验.狐场从外地引入新狐,只有布氏杆菌凝集试验阴性者方可引入狐场,并对引入狐场的新狐隔离观察1个月,在1个月内进行3次布氏杆菌的检疫均为阴性者才能解除隔离.  相似文献   

狐的品种是决定养狐行业发展的关键,直接影响狐的经济效益,因此,只有选购优良的种狐,才能保证狐群的产仔率,保证皮张的质量,保证狐场的健康发展.  相似文献   

1.仔狐 仔狐出生后25日内全靠母狐的乳汁满足其营养需要。25日以后,乳汁远远不能满足仔狐的生长发育需要,因此,逐渐开始采食饲料,此时.母狐的日粮要用优质的易消化的肉馅、牛奶、动物肝等调制成稀粥样,由母狐带领仔狐一同采食 30日龄时,可单独用饲盆补喂仔狐,每天饲喂2次。 仔狐开始采食前,母狐吃仔狐粪便;仔狐采食后,母狐便不再吃仔狐粪便。所以,从仔狐开始采食起,每天要打扫窝箱,保持清洁卫生仔狐一般在45~50日龄断奶。断奶初期,每笼可饲养2~3只,3个月后单笼饲  相似文献   

<正> 一、分类与分布人们常说的狐狸是所有狐的总称.狐在动物分类学上属于食肉目、犬科.世界上人工饲养的狐大约有40多种不同的色型,但归纳起来可分为两个不同的属,即狐属和北极狐属.目前,人工饲养的狐有赤狐、银黑狐、十字狐、北极狐以及各种突变型或组合型的彩色狐.(一)狐属  相似文献   

近年来,随着国内外裘皮市场的繁荣,我国养狐业发展很快,养狐数量逐年增加,一些狐场已初具规模.与此同时,狐的多种传染病也流行起来,严重制约着养狐业的进一步发展.因此,如何预防狐的几种主要传染病,已逐步受到人们的重视. 狐用四联活疫苗是由狐狂犬病、狐瘟热、狐细小病毒病及狐脑炎四种弱毒细胞培养物,经浓缩等处理后制成的活毒疫苗,主要用于健康狐群的免疫注射,以预防上述四种传染病,保护狐群健康.  相似文献   

西峡县某狐场,饲养狐138只,其中银黑狐80只、北极狐58只;雌狐96只、雄狐42只;成年狐36只、当年幼狐102只。1997年10月23日发病,2天内死亡9只,后诊断为肺炎链球菌病。经治疗,发病的113只狐全部治愈。1临诊症状病狐体温升高39.7℃...  相似文献   

狐属于食肉目,犬科动物。目前,世界上人工饲养的狐有两个属,即狐属和北极狐属及这两个属的变种狐。狐属中有银黑狐、赤狐及各种彩狐;北极狐属中有北极狐(又名蓝狐)、芬兰北极蓝狐和彩色北极狐。  相似文献   

皮用狐也称商品狐,指不能留种用的幼狐和从种狐中淘汰的成年狐,这些狐均在毛皮成熟期宰杀取皮。为了获得优质的皮毛,在日常的食物搭配和管理上应合理安排。  相似文献   

种狐体况是指繁殖母狐的体质状况,肥瘦程度。种狐体况与繁殖力密切相关,种狐过肥或过瘦繁殖力都差。  相似文献   

<正>随着裘皮市场的日渐兴旺,养狐已成为我国高效的新兴养殖业.狐属犬科动物,人工饲养的共分两属,即狐属和北极狐属.狐属有银狐(即银黑狐)、赤狐、彩狐;北极狐属有蓝狐、彩色北极狐.彩狐和彩色北极狐是狐属和北极狐属中毛色变异出来的突变种.因为狐的毛色变异是在自然条件下进行的.一般突变率仅为十万分之一到百万分之一,物以稀为贵,因此彩狐在养狐业中显得尤为珍贵,一张优质彩狐皮售价高达几千美元.养狐业在我  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate lactoferrin and lysozyme content in various ocular glands of bison and cattle and in tears of bison. SAMPLE POPULATION: Tissues of ocular glands obtained from 15 bison and 15 cattle and tears collected from 38 bison. PROCEDURE: Immunohistochemical analysis was used to detect lysozyme and lactoferrin in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of the ocular glands. Protein gel electrophoresis was used to analyze ocular glands and pooled bison tears by use of a tris-glycine gel and SDS-PAGE. Western blotting was used to detect lactoferrin and lysozyme. RESULTS: Immunohistochemical staining for lactoferrin was evident in the lacrimal gland and gland of the third eyelid in cattle and bison and the deep gland of the third eyelid (Harder's gland) in cattle. Equivocal staining for lactoferrin was seen for the Harder's gland in bison. An 80-kd band (lactoferrin) was detected via electrophoresis and western blots in the lacrimal gland and gland of the third eyelid in cattle and bison, Harder's glands of cattle, and bison tears. An inconsistent band was seen in Harder's glands of bison. Lysozyme was not detected in the lacrimal gland of cattle or bison with the use of immunohistochemical analysis or western blots. Western blots of bison tears did not reveal lysozyme. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Distribution of lactoferrin and a lack of lysozyme are similar in the lacrimal gland of cattle and bison. Differences in other tear components may be responsible for variability in the susceptibility to infectious corneal diseases that exists between bison and cattle.  相似文献   

Crown width, height and buccal surface areas were measured on heads or skulls of four dogs and four cats, and were compared with similar measurements on models of human dentition. Buccal surface area variability was greater in dogs and cats than in humans, and teeth of cats were smaller. Horizontal (gingival and occlusal halves) and vertical (mesial, middle, and distal thirds) buccal surface area variability was also greater in canine and feline teeth compared with human teeth. This increased variability suggests the need for testing of reliability and repeatability of scoring when using plaque and calculus indices based on horizontal or vertical segmentation. Buccal surface area variability between teeth also prompts questioning the validity of equal weighting of smaller, irregularly-shaped teeth when calculating a mean mouth score. Whether equal or more reliable results would be obtained from scores of whole teeth in comparison with segmentation indices used currently has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

胭脂虫开发利用的研究及前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统阐述了胭脂虫分类、生物生态特性、人工繁养、胭脂虫红色素的性质及加工利用、胭脂虫产业的发展等,并对其开发应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

秦川牛因原产于陕西八百里秦川而得名,具有体躯高大、遗传稳定、适应性强、肉用性能好等特点,是我国著名的地方品种和国家级资源保护品种,是肉牛新品种培育和产业化发展的基础.文章介绍了秦川牛种质资源保护利用情况和取得的成效,并针对当前存在的问题提出了相应的对策和建议,以期对秦川牛种质资源的保护和开发提供科学指导,推动肉牛产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine the effects of the cyclicity and the presence of a dominant follicle (DF) in ovary on the recovery and in vitro growth of pre-antral follicles (PFs) in sheep and buffalo. Small pre-antral follicles (SPFs, 100–250 μm) and large pre-antral follicles (LPFs, 250–450 μm) were isolated from slaughterhouse ovaries in the breeding seasons by a mechanical and enzymatic method. The sheep and buffalo PFs were cultured in vitro for 6 and 15 days, respectively, and examined for their growth, survival and antrum formation rates and growth rates of oocytes in cultured pre-antral follicles. The follicles of the sheep and buffalo were recovered and cultured simultaneously within replicates. The recovery rates (number per ovary) of both SPFs and LPFs were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in cyclic ewes (SPFs: 22.0 ± 3.3 vs 12.1 ± 2.6 and LPFs: 16.0 ± 3.6 vs 9.2 ± 1.8) and buffaloes (SPFs: 9.2 ± 1.3 vs 4.1 ± 1.0 and LPFs: 10.3 ± 2.7 vs 5.4 ± 0.7) compared with those recovered from acyclic ones. Presence of a DF in ovary significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the recovery rates of LPFs in ewes (9.06 ± 2.7 vs 16.4 ± 3.8) but had no effect in buffalo. Cyclicity of animals or follicular dominance had no effects on in vitro growth, survival and antrum formation rates and growth rates of oocytes in cultured PFs of SPFs and LPFs in both sheep and buffalo. The in vitro growth, survival and antrum formation rates of LPFs and growth rates of oocytes in cultured LPFs were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those observed in SPFs in both sheep and buffalo. The overall recovery and growth rates of the PFs were lower in buffaloes compared with ewes.  相似文献   

《贝类增养殖学》是高等院校中的水产专业本科人才培养中极为重要的一门专业课,具有直观性、实践性强等高要求特点。从课堂教学、课程实验和产学研方面进行了探讨,以期为《贝类增养殖学》课程教学的改革和创新提供参考。  相似文献   

本文系统地回顾了近60年以来国内外乡土灌草青贮利用与牛羊健康饲喂的研究现状与进展。通过对已有研究文献的年度分布、研究内容与研究区域进行分析,结合饲草青贮技术领域、草食畜牧业领域以及社会发展的背景,将乡土灌草青贮与牛羊健康饲喂划分为3个阶段,20世纪50年代到80年代末期为萌芽阶段、20世纪80年代末期到21世纪初期为缓慢增长阶段、21世纪初期至今为快速增长阶段。其次,根据研究内容从理论研究、监测评价、技术示范、技术研发4个方面进行归纳总结,分析了各分支领域的主要成果与关键问题,提出下阶段应重点研究的内容,应加强对乡土灌草饲料生产与牛羊健康饲喂的研究,综合提高饲料能量与蛋白质的利用率,尽可能改善牛羊的能氮平衡,促进畜牧业和饲料加工业的发展。  相似文献   

Henri, J., Maurice, R., Postollec, G., Dubreil‐Cheneau, E., Roudaut, B., Laurentie, M., Sanders, P. Comparison of the oral bioavailability and tissue disposition of monensin and salinomycin in chickens and turkeys. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap.  35 , 73–81. The current study describes the pharmacokinetic parameters of two carboxylic polyether ionophores: monensin in turkeys and salinomycin in chickens. These data can be used to understand and predict the occurrence of undesirable residues of coccidiostats in edible tissues of these animal species. Special attention is paid to the distribution of residues between the different edible tissues during and at the end of the treatment period. For the bioavailability studies, monensin was administered to turkeys intravenously, in the left wing vein, at a dose of 0.4 mg /kg and orally at a dose of 20 mg /kg. Salinomycin was administered to chickens intravenously, in the left wing vein, at a dose of 0.25 mg /kg and orally at a dose of 2.5 mg /kg. Residue studies were carried out with supplemented feed at the rate of 100 mg /kg of feed for monensin in turkeys and 70 mg /kg for salinomycin in chickens, respectively. Coccidiostats had a low bioavailability in poultry (around 30% for monensin in chickens, around 1% for monensin in turkeys and around 15% for salinomycin in chickens). Monensin in chickens had a longer terminal half‐life (between 3.07 and 5.55 h) than both monensin in turkeys (between 1.36 and 1.55 h) and salinomycin in chickens (between 1.33 and 1.79 h). The tissue /plasma partition coefficients showed a higher affinity of both monensin and salinomycin for fat, followed by liver and muscle tissue. The depletion data showed a fairly rapid elimination of coccidiostats in all the tissues after cessation of treatment. According to the results of depletion studies, a withdrawal period of 1 day seems sufficient to avoid undesirable exposure of consumers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate in mares the effect of parturition on plasma and milk levels of retinol, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol and cholesterol over 12 weeks around parturition. In blood plasma of horses around parturition an increase of all these components was observed. This increase was most impressive in beta-carotene (P<0.05) and less pronounced for vitamin E, vitamin A and cholesterol. The magnitude of increase around parturition corresponded well with the magnitude of accumulation in colostrum; levels of beta-carotene in colostrum were 65 times higher compared to mature milk while vitamin A, vitamin E and cholesterol were only 3 to 8 times higher. Beta-carotene concentrations in colostrum were positively correlated with corresponding plasma levels (r = 0.9; P<0.001). Reasons for the increase in plasma beta-carotene around parturition may include an improved absorption of carotene and/or reduced conversion into vitamin A as well as mobilisation from tissue storages or a reduced uptake in tissues other than the mammary gland. In conclusion, the results may point to possible component- and species-specific differences involved in the transfer of fat-soluble vitamins, beta-carotene and cholesterol from blood plasma into colostrum.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of attaching and effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) in diarrheic and healthy small ruminants. ANIMALS: 502 lambs and kids with diarrhea and 511 healthy sheep and goats. PROCEDURE: Fecal samples from diarrheic and healthy sheep and goats were screened for the eae gene. In addition, E coli isolates with positive results for the eae gene (E coli eae+) were analyzed for the espB gene, production of verotoxins (VT), and serogroup. RESULTS: A significantly higher prevalence of healthy lambs and kids were infected with AEEC, compared with diarrheic lambs and kids and healthy adult sheep and goats. Some differences in the characteristics of E coli eae strains isolated from diarrheic and healthy animals were detected. Thus, the espB gene was detected more frequently among E coli eae+ strains isolated from healthy animals than in those isolated from diarrheic animals, and VT production was only detected in E coli eae+ strains isolated from healthy lambs and kids. The E coli eae+ isolates belonged to several O serogroups. However, 17 of 40 (42.5%) isolates from diarrheic lambs and only 4 of 168 (2.4%) isolates from healthy sheep belonged to serogroup 026. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our results suggest that E coli eae+ 026 strains may play a role in diarrheal disease in lambs, whereas E coli eae+ strains that also had VT production and eae+ strains that had positive results for the espB gene did not appear to be associated with diarrhea in small ruminants.  相似文献   

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