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分析了冀东滦下灌区四县稻田土壤耕层的全盐含量和地下水矿化度,并依据我国盐渍土壤划分标准和不同作物的耐盐能力,将该稻区划分为宜稻区、盐生植物种植区、耐盐作物种植区和大田旱作物种植区,并提出了各个区域的种植技术方案及配套的工程技术措施。  相似文献   

本文分析了影响黄淮海地区芝麻生产的主要生态因子,并采用聚类分析方法将黄淮海地区划分为芝麻最适宜种植区、适宜种植区、次适宜种植区和不适宜种植区,为该地区芝麻布局和商品基地建设提供依据。  相似文献   

本文记述了椰子二疣犀甲在我国的发生、分布及对椰子树的为害情况。分析了二疣犀甲在椰子种植区猖獗的原因。根据二疣犀甲在椰子种植区不同的自然因素与人为因素及为害情况,划分成三个不同为害区,并提出了综合防治的意见。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对作物的不利影响使作物生长受到抑制,进而影响产量和品质.水稻也是一样,其产量和品质也会受到盐分胁迫的不利影响.从耐盐水稻品种的选育、水稻耐盐的分子机制、耐盐基因的克隆、现代生物技术与耐盐水稻育种方面进行阐述,以期有助于表征未知的耐盐性机制并促进育种应用.  相似文献   

为给云南大麦种植提供更为客观、科学的理论依据,根据云南干季(11月至4月)降雨量、气温(积温)和日照时数的时间、空间分布与大麦生长适应性之间的关系,利用统计分析软件SPSS中的主成分分析和动态逐步聚类方法与GIS技术结合,对云南大麦种植区进行气候生态类型区划和评价.结果表明,云南大麦气候生态类型可划分为中北部半干旱大麦种植区、中南部富热湿润大麦种植麦区、东部半湿润大麦种植区和西北部温暖湿润大麦种植区,其中中北部半干旱大麦种植区是云南大麦最适宜和优先发展种植区.  相似文献   

以休闲观光和生态农业旅游为核心,将金寨县石碑生态农业园区划分为办公服务区、采摘果树种植区、时令蔬菜种植区、畜禽生态养殖区、垂钓休闲中心、度假村、农家乐、红军街等分区,对各区内相关项目进行了精心策划,同时对典型景点进行了设计,可为国内同类项目的规划与建设提供参考。  相似文献   

大麦耐盐性鉴定方法及耐盐机理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盐分胁迫是导致作物减产的主要非生物因素之一,大麦是公认的耐盐性较强的作物之一,其耐盐机理复杂。本文简要评述了近年来国内外鉴定大麦耐盐性的主要方法,并对大麦耐盐机理进展做了综述。  相似文献   

介绍了埃及糖业的发展历史,甘蔗和甜菜的种植区划、栽培方式、农业生产现状、制糖工业布局、加工能力情况等,旨在给我国的制糖工业和糖料作物的农业生产和科学研究的发展提供一定借鉴.  相似文献   

黄淮夏玉米种植区地处亚热带和暖温带的过渡地带,属大陆季风性气候,特别适应麦秋两季种植,是黄淮地区夏播的主要粮食种植作物之一。近年来,随着农业科技在育种、栽培管理、病虫害防治、化控与农民种植技术等多方面的不断进步,玉米单产和总产都得到了较大幅度提高。根据目前夏玉米生长发育阶段本区的光热资源、推广种植品种的增产潜力、土壤肥力基础、病虫害及化控技术等综合因素分析,黄淮夏玉米种植区在667m2最高产量已达1000kg以上时,  相似文献   

<正> 松嫩平原西部盐碱土的特点是盐分组成以苏打为主,并在春秋两季都有积盐过程,春季土壤融冻水和秋季地下潜水参与积盐危害作物而减产。其次是地势低洼易涝、渗水不良、旱时土质坚硬、地表龟裂、影响作物根系生长。为了解决上述问题,我们采用IS—370型深松机,进行改良盐碱土的效果试验。  相似文献   

叶盛 《茶叶通讯》2010,37(4):13-15
茶叶是日照市岚山区最主要的经济作物,通过对其在岚山地区的栽培情况分析,结合岚山区气象、文献资料和实地考察,认为促成日照岚山茶叶生产取得成功的原因是多方面的,其中又以岚山独特的自然原因为主。  相似文献   

A farmers' knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) survey was conducted in the highlands of Tigray, northern Ethiopia, to better understand rodent damage and rodent management from the farmers' perspective. Farmers (n = 191) from Dogu'a Temben district, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. The large majority of the farmers stated that rodents are the main pests in crop fields (92.1%) and storage (88.5%). The farmers (64.2%) reported they experienced 100–500 kg ha−1 damage in crop fields, which is equivalent to 8.9–44.7% loss in annual production. There was some overlap between the most common crops grown in the highlands and the most common crops susceptible to rodent attack. Farmers identified barley as the crop most susceptible to rodent attack (76.4%) and the booting stage as the crop developmental stage with the highest rodent abundance and damage. Rodenticide application was the most commonly practiced management strategy in crop fields (51.8%); in storage, farmers mainly keep domestic cats around granaries (80.6%). We recommend a reduction in reliance on chemical rodenticide in crop fields and a shift to a more sustainable rodent management approach to reduce rodent numbers and damage.  相似文献   

设施菜地夏季休闲期甜玉米经济产量及环境效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在北京市门头沟、房山、大兴和通州等4个区选择15个典型设施菜地,设置田间观察对比试验,研究在北方设施菜地夏季甜玉米作为填闲作物的实际经济、环境综合效益。试验结果表明,种植甜玉米有较好经济效益,经济产量达15 168.0~20 332.8kg/hm2。在环境效益方面,种植甜玉米后可有效减少浅层土壤中的硝态氮含量,降低淋溶风险。与常规休闲(休闲期不种植作物)相比,种植甜玉米可使设施菜地0~100cm土层中的硝态氮含量平均减少290.4kg/hm2。在夏季休闲期种植甜玉米是北方设施菜地兼顾经济和环境效益的有效种植措施之一。  相似文献   

刘文成 《园艺与种苗》2021,(3):58-59,62
以埇桥区为例,在调查农作物病虫测报体系队伍建设、仪器设施设备配备及测报工作开展等基本情况的基础上,提出了“以乡村为重点,夯实乡级测报站和村级测报点基础的现代病虫测报体系”的建设观点,建议进一步强化区植保站(测报站)建设,重点加强乡镇“测报站”建设,探索村级“测报点”建设和新型农业经营主体的基层“测报员”建设,共同形成埇桥区现代病虫测报网络体系。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,57(2):153-162
Cane and sugar yields within a sugar mill region can vary with geographical location, harvest date, harvest age, variety and crop class. It is not possible, due to limited mill capacity, to harvest all cane when maximum yields are attained. Given a prolonged harvest season, an important question is how the harvest of individual paddocks of cane should be scheduled so as to maximise net revenue for the entire mill region. This paper presents the application of an optimisation model to the Mossman mill region with the objectives of maximising sugar yield and net revenue in relation to harvest date and crop age. Six years of block productivity data classified according to district, crop class, variety, harvest date, harvest age, cane yield and sugar yield, were used to generate the input parameters for the model. Other inputs were sugar price, growing and milling costs, and transport and crushing capacity. With current crushing capacity and harvest season lengths, an application of the model to maximise sugar yield showed a 4% increase in sugar yield compared to current practice, but a 23% decrease in net revenue due to a shorter crop cycle with less ratoons before replanting. Optimising with respect to net revenue, gave a 3% gain in sugar yield with an 8% gain in net revenue. When crushing capacity was allowed to increase for current season lengths, the model showed a 14% gain in net revenue given fixed milling costs. It is concluded that there is scope for optimising harvest date to improve profitability in this mill region given current harvest season lengths and land area.  相似文献   

In the large-scale irrigation schemes of the lower Ili River Basin of Kazakhstan, crop rotation combines paddy rice and non-rice crops. Continuous irrigation is practiced in paddy fields, whereas other crops are sustained from groundwater after only limited early irrigation. The water table in non-rice crops is raised by seepage from canals and the flooded paddy fields. We investigated the areal extent to which the groundwater level of non-irrigated fields is influenced by seepage from canals and paddy fields by examining the relationship between distance (from canal and paddy field) and groundwater level in upland fields. The groundwater level was influenced for up to 300 and 400 m from the canals and paddy fields, respectively. Geographic information system analysis of crop and canal patterns in the 11 selected years showed that if the zone of influence is 300 and 400 m from the canals and paddy fields, respectively, the groundwater level of most of the area of upland fields was raised by seepage. We conclude that the water supply to cropping fields by seepage from irrigation canals and paddy fields is adequate, but the spatial distribution of the paddy fields may be an important factor that needs more attention to help improve water use efficiency in this irrigation district.  相似文献   

Five groups of crop health syndromes, four production situations, and three patterns of germplasm deployment were identified and characterized from a data set consisting of information from 129 Indian districts, which were surveyed in 2005 as part of the Production-Oriented Surveys conducted by the Directorate of Rice Research of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. ANOVAs and MANOVAs indicated that these groupings from hierarchical cluster analyses correspond to clearly different levels of disease and animal pest injuries (crop health syndromes): of crop rotation, crop management, agricultural resources, and inputs (production situations); and of deployment of traditional, high yielding, or hybrid plant material (patterns of germplasm deployment). Correspondence analysis and discriminant analyses further indicated that crop health syndromes, and their change, are strongly associated with production situations, and patterns of germplasm deployment. A few specific hypotheses were tested, indicating that false smut is statistically associated with the involvement of hybrid rice in patterns of germplasm deployment. This highlights the need for research on the biology and the epidemiology of this disease in order to develop suitable management tools. Importantly, this work shows that national surveys, such as the Production-Oriented Surveys conducted by the Directorate of Rice Research, generate extremely valuable information to guide research and development through the characterization of production environments, contexts, and crop health responses, in times of unprecedented agricultural change. This work concurs with earlier results obtained at the field level, and thus opens important methodological questions regarding the up- and down-scaling of information between different scales (e.g., field, district). We propose that our ability to predict emerging diseases and crop health syndromes in the face of global and climate change will necessarily entail our ability to link different scales, where a range of different processes, biological and socio-economic, take place.  相似文献   

Monterrey metropolitan area’s growth has resulted in water transfers from the Río San Juan basin with significant impacts for downstream water users, especially farmers in the Bajo Río San Juan (BRSJ) irrigation district. El Cuchillo dam is the centerpiece of the basin’s water management infrastructure and has become the flashpoint of a multi-faceted water dispute between the states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas as well as between urban and agricultural water interests in the basin. Subsequent to El Cuchillo’s implementation in 1994, the BRSJ irrigation district has been modifying its irrigation operations to adjust to the new water availability scenario. Compensation arrangements for farmers have been established, including crop loss payments on the order of US$ 100 per hectare un-irrigable due to the diversion of water to Monterrey plus 60% of the water diverted to be returned to farmers as treated effluent via the Ayancual Creek and Pesquería River, a process with its own water competition and environmental implications. The Mexican irrigation sector will continue to face intense competition for water given: (a) low water productivity in agriculture leading decision-makers to allocate water to higher productivity uses particularly in cities, (b) priority accorded to the domestic use component of municipal water supply, and in the BRSJ case, (c) Mexico’s national interests in meeting its water sharing obligations with the United States.  相似文献   

再生稻头季倒伏对再生季生育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
再生稻头季成熟前一周遭台风倒伏,略有减产,但茎秆折伤,抑制茎生腋芽萌发,再生季大幅减产。头季倒伏后及时扶起,可显著减轻再生季失收的程度。  相似文献   

小麦叶枯性病害在黑龙江省的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对黑龙江省不同地区720个点的调查,初步查清了小麦叶枯性病害在全省的分布,根据温度和降雨量气象条件和初始病指可初步将全省病害分为三个区:即病害流行强度I级区、包括嫩江、呼玛地区;流行强度Ⅱ级区,包括泰来、哈尔滨、牡丹江、宝清、佳木斯等地;流行强度Ⅲ级区,包括北安、饶河、伊春地区。并明显了Septoria属病害和Biploria属病害的各地区叶枯性病害中所占比例。  相似文献   

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