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供受体羊发情同期化程度对胚胎移植效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将2008枚鲜胚移植给1146只受体羊,移植单胚和双胚的受体总妊娠率为63.1r3/1146,移植胚胎成羔率为52.861/2008。结果表明供、受体发情同步差在 1~ 0.5d、0d和-0.5~-1d时,移植单胚的受体妊娠率和胚胎成羔率没有明显的差异P>0.05;移植双胚的受体差异显著P<0.05,同步差为0d时的胚胎移植效果最好。移植双胚的受体中,奶山羊受体与供体同步差为-0.5~-1d和0d时,胚胎成羔率显著高于同步差为 1~ 0.5d的受体P<0.05;成都麻羊与供体同步差在 1~ 0.5d、0d和-0.5~-1d时,其胚胎成羔率均有显著差异P<0.05;南江黄羊和大耳羊做受体时,供、受体同步差在 1~ 0.5d、0d和-0.5~-1d时进行胚胎移植,胚胎成羔率无统计学差异。  相似文献   

生产条件下安哥拉山羊胚胎徒手分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生产条件下,徒手二分割安哥拉山羊桑椹胚和囊胚,并将裸半胚手术移植于受体羊子宫角。1993年用0.5%链霉蛋白酶处理胚胎1~6min软化透明带后,在玻璃培养皿中的含12.5%蔗糖和5%新生犊牛血清(NCS)的PBS液内分割,将33枚半胚移植到21只受体,有2只受体妊娠。1994年用0.25%链霉蛋白酶处理胚胎0.5~1min软化透明带后或不经处理而直接在磨砂玻璃皿中的含20%血清的PBS液内分割,移植受体34只,有10只受体产羔(29.4%),共产羔11只,其中1对为同卵双生,半胚成羔率为20.0%(11/55)。1995年,囊胚不经处理直接在磨砂玻璃皿中的含20%NCS的PBS液内分割,半胚成对移植于受体羊黄体侧子宫角,产羔受体率为50.0%(13/26),共产羔16只,其中3对为同卵双生,半胚成羔率为30.8%(16/52),胚胎成羔率为61.5%(16/26)。  相似文献   

为了进一步扩大良种波尔山羊的推广,提高胚胎移植效率,该文就饲养在不同牧场间的供体和受体实现鲜胚移植进行了系统研究,得到了以下结果:①洪体运输1h、2~3 h、>4h、0h(对照)收集胚胎,分别得到可用胚胎数为15.8枚±4.3枚、13.0枚±5.7枚、13.8枚±6.6枚和14.2枚±6.3枚,不同运输时间回收可用胚胎数之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).回收可用胚胎移植后,受体妊娠率分别为71.6%、67.6%、76.7%和80.7%,胚胎成羔率分别为74.1%、67.2%、69.9%和71.5%,供体不同运输时间回收胚胎移植妊娠率和胚胎成羔率无显著差异(P>0.05).②胚胎在20℃,36.5℃和38.5℃运输2h后移植,受体妊娠率分别为42.0%、64.5%和66.7%,胚胎成羔率分别为41.7%、63.6%和66.7%.20℃运输胚胎受体妊娠率和胚胎成羔率显著低于36.5℃和38.5℃下运输胚胎(P<0.01);胚胎在36.5℃分别运输0.5 h、1h、2h后移植,受体妊娠率分别为72.5 %68.7%和64.9%,胚胎成羔率分别为69.1%、67.8%和63.0%,受体妊娠率和胚胎成羔率之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).③受体在手术前2~4h通过卡车运输到另一畜牧场,运输时间分别为0.5 h、1h、≥2h,胚胎移植后受体妊娠率分别为61.2%、49.6%和42.0%.随着受体运输时间的延长,受体妊娠率呈下降趋势,运输时间超过2h的妊娠率显著低于运输0.5 h的妊娠率(P<0.05).胚胎成羔率分别为60.9%、45.6%和32.0%,随着受体运输时间的延长,胚胎成羔率显著下降(P<0.05或P<0.01).从以上研究得出以下结论:山羊供体和受体饲养在不同饲养场,欲进行鲜胚移植,选择供体运输是最好的方法,其次为胚胎运输后移植.受体运输对胚胎移植效果(即受体妊娠率及胚胎成羔率)均有不利影响,不宜在生产中采用.  相似文献   

牛胚胎性别鉴定与取样胚胎移植应用技术的研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
本研究应用PCR技术扩增牛SRY序列进行奶牛胚胎性别鉴定。经109枚鲜、冻胚的移植,获鲜胚移值妊娠率58.6%(34/58),常规冷冻胚胎移植妊娠率44.4%(12/27),一步细管冷冻解冻胚胎移值妊娠率16.7%(4/24)。犊牛性别验证与SRY鉴定结果均相符合。实验中对胚胎发育时期的划分,胚胎质量评定和胚龄的确定,胚龄与受体发情时间在移植中的关系,胚胎的切割取样,取样胚胎的冷冻进行了研究。  相似文献   

布尔山羊超数排卵胚胎移植试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验采用置入炔诺酮阴道栓 FSH 氯前列烯醇同期发情、超数排卵处理方法,对8只布尔山羊(供体羊)、90只洪洞奶山羊(受体羊)进行了同期发情和超排数排卵胚胎移植试验。其结果如下:(1)8只供体羊回收胚胎数量、可用胚胎数量、羊均回收胚胎数量、羊均可用胚胎数量、可用胚比率分别为182枚、172枚、22.8枚、21.5枚、94.5%;(2)90只受体羊共有81只羊达到同期发情效果,发情同期率为90.0%;(3)150枚可用胚胎共移植洪洞奶山羊73只,妊娠51只,产羔80只,妊娠率69.9%,胚胎成羔率53.5%。  相似文献   

以沈阳市奉东优良畜禽繁育基地饲养的纯种安格斯牛为供体,以基地和东陵区农户饲养的杂种牛为受体,进行胚胎移植,共获得169枚胚胎,其中可移植胚胎95枚,平均每头(次)获得可用胚胎数5.9枚。将13枚鲜胚和16枚冻胚移植给同期发情的受体牛,结果为鲜胚的产犊率为38.5%(5/13),冻胚为43.8%(7/16);将61枚冻胚移植给自然发情的受体牛时,产犊率为42.6%(26/61);冻胚的总产犊率为42.9%(33/77)。  相似文献   

用便携式分割仪在现场分割7日龄鲜胚。二枚半胚成对移植给172头黄牛受体.受体移植妊娠率50%(86/172),现已有68头受体产犊91头.其中23对为同卵双胎.双胎率33.8%(23/68)。对分割胚胎的移植妊娠率产犊率、妊娠期、季节、黄体状况等多种因素进行了研究和比较,结果表明差异皆不显著。  相似文献   

对进口的加拿大牛冻胚胎进行解冻后移植效果观察。结果共解冻24枚冻胚,解冻后直接移植给24头受体牛,妊娠19头,移植妊娠率79.2%,其中荷斯坦奶牛冻胚移植21头,妊娠17头,移植妊娠率达81.0%,创造我国牛冷冻胚胎移植成功率的最高记录。  相似文献   

奶牛新鲜和冷冻胚胎分割移植试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用简单方法,分割7~8日龄新鲜牛胚胎(1分为2),裸半胚成对移植给66头受体,90天妊检,移植妊娠率为56.1%(37/66)。除6头流产和尚有5头待产外,已有26头受体产犊35头,其中有9对同卵双胎,双胎率为34.6%(9/26),半胚产犊率为29.2%(35/120)。对影响成对半胚移植妊娠率和半胚产犊率的诸多因素如胚胎质量,胚胎在体外停留时间、胚胎发育阶段、受体牛品种、黄体状况等进行了较系统的研究。同时对冷冻胚胎进行了分割试验,移植妊娠率为45.5%(5/11),已产3头犊牛。对快速冷冻和常规冷冻胚胎分割后的移植妊娠率进行了比较,分别为25.0%(1/4)和57.4%(4/7)。  相似文献   

试管水牛技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水牛卵巢卵母细胞经体外成熟培养、体外受精和受精卵在体外培育的胚胎移植给受体母水牛,结果表明:①卵母细胞体外培养成熟率71.6%、受精分裂率52.8%、囊胚率(占授精卵母细胞)27.2%。②双鲜胚移植受胎率36.2%(30.0%~44.8%),双胎率24%;双冻胚移植受胎率20.0%;生产试管水牛24头,全部成活,其中冻胚试管水牛3头;双胞胎3对。③胚胎冷冻方面:采用玻璃化胚胎冷冻技术,冷冻胚胎解冻后存活率64.4%。  相似文献   

波尔山羊胚胎移植影响因素的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
代相鹏  王锋 《家畜生态》2004,25(4):230-232
波尔山羊胚胎移植效果受诸多因素的影响,供体状况、药物、季节等因素使供体超排效果产生较大的差异,而受体状况、胚胎质量等对受体的妊娠率产生较大的影响,这些因素阻碍了波尔山羊胚胎移植的产业化应用。本文对以上影响波尔山羊胚胎移植效果的因素进行了分析,以期为提高胚胎移植效率提供依据,从而促进波尔山羊胚胎移植产业化进程。  相似文献   

This study was performed to produce transgenic Korean native goat (Capra hircus) by laparoscopic embryo transfer (ET) to overcome the limitations of ET performed by laparotomy. Transgenic embryos were produced by DNA pronuclear microinjection of in vivo zygotes. The recipient goats were synchronized for estrus by using an introvaginal progesterone devices as a controlled internal drug-releasing insert (CIDR) for 13 days and injection of 400 IU PMSG 48 h before removal of the insert. Embryos were transferred on day 3 and 4 after removal of the insert. Recipient goats were deprived of feed for 48 h, then suspended in a laparotomy cradle at an angle of 45°. After obtaining a sufficient pneumoperitoneum, the laparoscope and forceps were inserted abdominally through 5 mm trocar sleeves. Examination of the ovaries and uterus was performed and then 213 embryos were transferred into the oviducts via the infundibula of 76 recipient goats. To compare pregnancy rates, ET was also performed by laparotomy in 82 recipient goats. The pregnancies in the recipient goats were diagnosed by ultrasound on day 30 after embryo transfer. The pregnancy rate with laparoscopic ET was significantly higher than with ET performed by laparotomy (46.1% vs. 28.6%, p < 0.05). In addition, the pregnancy rates were compared between ovulated and non-ovulated ovaries of the recipient goats in the laparoscopic ET group. No significant difference was observed between the pregnancy rates of ovulated and non-ovulated ovaries (41.3% vs. 33.3%, p < 0.05) suggesting that ET may also be possible in non-ovulated recipients through artificial rupture of Graafian follicles. These results suggest that laparoscopic ET is a highly efficient method for the transfer of goat embryos.  相似文献   

The transfer of fresh and frozen embryos in an elite swamp buffalo herd   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To investigate the development of fresh and frozen swamp buffalo embryos after transfer to synchronized recipients, 14 fresh embryos and 28 frozen embryos, collected from Thai swamp buffalo cows of an elite herd at the Surin Breeding Center, were transferred nonsurgically to 31 synchronized recipients buffalo cows. One fresh embryo was transferred to each of 14 recipients. Twenty eight frozen embryos were transferred to 17 recipients of which 7 cows received I embryo, 9 cows received 2 embryos and 1 cow received 3 embryos. Pregnancy was diagnosed by real time B-mode ultrasonography one month after transfer and confirmed by rectal palpation one and two months later. The pregnant cows were kept under observation until calving. The results of fresh embryo transfer showed that 5/14 (35.7%) were pregnant after 30 days, 4/14 (28.6%) remained pregnant until the 3rd month and 2/14 (14.3%) calved. With the frozen embryos, only one cow which received three embryos became pregnant and remained so for 3 months although the embryo did not survive to full term. The overall pregnancy rate using frozen embryos was 5.9% (1/17). The study demonstrated the possibility of performing embryo transfer in elite buffalo herds for genetic improvement, however the use of frozen embryos needed further investigation.  相似文献   

Transfer of porcine embryos after 3 days of in vitro culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments were conducted to determine the viability of porcine embryos transferred after long-term in vitro culture. In Exp. 1, four-cell embryos were kept in culture for 120 h. Embryos that were exposed to fresh culture medium every 12 h survived better than embryos kept in the same medium throughout the culture period. In Exp. 2, four- and eight-cell embryos were cultured in vitro for 72 h before transfer to estrus-induced recipient gilts. Each gilt received, on average, 19 embryos. If recipients were synchronous with donors 3/32 (9%) recipients remained pregnant with an average of 4.0 +/- .6 viable young. If the sexual cycle of the recipients was 24 h behind that of the donors the pregnancy rate was 18/34 (53%) with 4.4 +/- .5 viable young. Average embryo survival rate for the two groups was 1.8 and 12.5%, respectively. A 24-hourly medium replacement during the in vitro culture period had no significant effect on transfer results. When transferring freshly collected blastocysts, pregnancy rate, number of viable young and survival rate of embryos were 6/10 (60%), 7.8 +/- 1.4, and 23.9% for synchronous recipients and 7/10 (70%), 9.3 +/- 1.8, and 32.9% for asynchronous recipients, respectively. Recipients with very high plasma progesterone levels or numerous follicular cysts at the time of transfer were less likely to remain pregnant than others.  相似文献   

为了优化山羊核移植胚胎体外培养体系,提高核移植效率,本研究检测了山羊体细胞核移植(SCNT)胚胎在序贯培养液G1/G2中的发育率和囊胚细胞凋亡,以及核移植胚胎移植后的妊娠率,以传统mSOF-FBS培养液作为对照组,评估序贯培养液G1/G2支持山羊核移植胚胎的发育能力。结果显示,与对照组相比,G1/G2组的囊胚发育率差异不显著((27.7±3.1)%vs(25.3±1.0)%,P>0.05),囊胚细胞数和囊胚细胞凋亡率显著降低(分别为(93.2±4.5)vs(109.1±6.2)和(4.9±0.2)%vs(11.3±0.1)%,P<0.05),但移植后的妊娠率显著增高(21.4%vs 8.0%,P<0.05)。结果表明,与传统的培养液mSOF-FBS相比,序贯培养液G1/G2能更好地支持山羊核移植胚胎的发育。  相似文献   

As part of a commercial embryo transfer programme, 20 embryos were transferred to spontaneously synchronous or synchronized recipient mares. In 14 cases, embryo recipients were treated with non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAID), receiving flunixin meglumine i.v. at the time of transfer and vedaprofen orally twice a day on the 3 days after embryo transfer, while six embryos were transferred to untreated mares that served as controls. Out of the 14 recipient mares treated with NSAID, 11 (79%) were pregnant at 6–8 days after transfer and in 10 mares, the pregnancy was continued. From the six untreated recipients, only one became pregnant but underwent early embryonic death between day 14 and 35 after ovulation. In conclusion, pregnancy rate in NSAID‐treated recipients is higher than that in untreated recipients and above reported average values, indicating that treatment of recipient mares with NSAID helps to increase pregnancy rates after transcervical transfer and can be recommended for equine embryo transfer.  相似文献   

试验通过使用人工授精后绵羊作为受体进行胚胎移植,以寻找一种更加有效的方法提高绵羊胚胎移植的经济效益。试验中使用FSH对10只无角道赛特绵羊进行超数排卵处理,同时对60只受体小尾寒羊进行同期发情。供体羊在发情配种后4.5~5.0d从子宫角收集胚胎。同时,将胚胎移植到同期发情并进行人工授精的受体羊子宫内。总共有57枚可用胚移植给44只受体小尾寒羊,32只怀孕到分娩,共产下羔羊51只(无角道赛特羔28只,道赛特与小尾寒羊杂种羔23只)。此外,经人工授精但未进行手术移植的7只小尾寒羊产下15只杂种羔羊。移胚植受体妊娠率72.7%(32/44),移胚受体繁殖率118%(51/44),受体利用率88.3%(53/60)。移胚受体总妊娠率和受体利用率均显著高于常规ET组(P<0.01)。与常规胚胎移植相比,受体羊人工授精后移植胚胎不仅提高了无角道赛特母羊的繁殖率,而且提高了受体羊的利用率。  相似文献   

白绒山羊性控胚胎生产及移植应用研究初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用X性控冷冻精液对超排供体白绒山羊进行人工授精,生产性控胚胎并进行鲜胚移植。结果发现,①用性控冻精和鲜精输精的供体母羊,平均卵子回收数分别为13.3和12.5枚,其中性控冻精组受精卵比例为29.6%(55/186),极显著低于鲜精组94.0%(281/299)的比例(P<0.01);②性控胚胎和普通胚胎移植受体母羊产羔率分别为42.2% 和58.1% ,二者差异极显著(P<0.01);③性控胚胎移植受体母羊所产羔羊雌性所占百分数为100%,极显著高于普通胚胎移植(P<0.01)。表明通过白绒山羊X、Y精子分离、人工授精生产性控胚胎,同时结合胚胎移植技术,可以达到按照生产实际中的意愿得到性别控制子代白绒山羊的目的。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the efficiency of embryo collection and transfer in Angora goats during the breeding season. Synchronization was obtained by placing an intravaginal sponge for either a short period of time (11 days + PGF) or a long period (17 to 21 days). Thirty-three goats were superovulated, embryo collection was not attempted on seven goats (four did not respond to the superovulation treatment, three did not show estrus), and four gave oocytes only. The embryos of one goat are still frozen. The remaining 21 goats produced 285 embryos of which 187 (66%) were transferred (fresh or thawed) to 66 recipients; 36 (55%) recipients remained pregnant and gave birth to 63 kids (34% of the transferred embryos). The superovulation and transfer techniques used in this study provided a large number of transferable embryos. However, the percentage of embryos that reach term could be improved by more strict selection of the recipients and of the embryos to be transferred, and by improving the embryo freezing technique.  相似文献   

Bovine embryos obtained from donors six to nine days after oestrus were transferred non-surgically at a rate of one per recipient using a sterile insemination instrument, protected from contamination by the vagina with a plastic sheath. The percentage of recipients pregnant increased with the age of embryo transferred and for day 6 and 7 embryos was 33% compared to 58% for day 9 and 8 embryos. This difference approached statistical significance. Bacterial contamination of the instrument on withdrawal after transfer was not related to the success or failure of pregnancy. Maintenance of pregnancy to term and calving appeared to be normal. It is suggested that this method could be used for the routine transfer of eight and nine day embryos.  相似文献   

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