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二季作区脱毒马铃薯种薯繁殖技术规程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 前 言马铃薯脱毒只是脱除了已经侵染到块茎内的各种病毒 ,但并不能解决植株遭受病毒再侵染的问题。事实上 ,脱毒马铃薯在繁殖过程中 ,只要接触毒源或遭到传毒介体的侵害 ,就会重新感染病毒而再次发生退化。因此 ,在繁殖脱毒种薯的过程中 ,必须采取严格的隔离措施以防止病毒的再侵染。脱毒种薯的繁殖过程包括脱毒试管苗快繁、脱毒微型薯 (原原种 )工厂化生产、一代原种生产和二、三代原种生产及一级脱毒种薯生产等过程。2 脱毒试管苗快繁保存的脱毒试管苗在进行大量扩繁时 ,首先要进行病毒检测 ,确信不含各种病毒后再开始切繁。基础苗在…  相似文献   

<正> 1978年以来,我场在开展马铃薯脱毒种薯繁殖工作的同时,认真加强种薯的生产管理工作,有效地保证了脱毒种薯韵质量。一、加强基础建设脱毒种薯繁殖生产是一项技术性较强的工作。为实现脱毒种薯投入生产,我场从1978年开始,相继建成脱毒苗培养室、化验  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒原种一年制生产技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>马铃薯脱毒种薯在生产过程中,为保证种薯质量,防止病毒再感染,常用温室、防虫网室以无土栽培的方式生产脱毒原原种。我国自20世纪70年代引进马铃薯茎尖脱毒技术以来,从茎尖脱毒、培  相似文献   

1 前 言脱毒后的种薯,在继代繁殖过程中,不可避免地重新感染病毒,逐年积累加重,最后完全失去使用价值。因此,在脱毒薯继代扩繁中,能否控制和减轻病毒侵染,在最短的时间内繁殖出大量可以满足大田生产的优良种薯,是充分发挥脱毒马铃薯增产潜力的关键。本试验是1998年在宣威市农技中心东山马铃薯基地进行,对7个不同规格的脱毒种薯进行切芽快繁比较,目的是对各规格种薯在快繁使用中提出比较合理的意见,为脱毒马铃薯繁育体系建设提供依据。2 材料与方法2-1 供试材料“合作88”脱毒薯不同规格种薯,平均单薯重是336…  相似文献   

利用马铃薯茎尖脱毒技术,开展无病毒马铃薯种薯生产,解决了马铃薯因病毒病退化而减产的问题,从而使国内外马铃薯产量有了大幅度的提高.荷兰、加拿大、英国等发达国家,均有完整的脱毒种薯生产体系,种薯质量得到了保证,实现了稳产高产.而我国单产仅1 000 kg·667 m-2左右,低于世界平均单产1 300~2000 kg·667 m-2,相当于高产国的1/3.为此,搞好马铃薯脱毒种薯生产,对于提高我地马铃薯产量,缩短和发达国家产量差距,加快发展农业经济意义十分重大.要做这项工作,马铃薯脱毒种薯生产应该走依法经营,标准化生产,市场化运转之路.  相似文献   

1前言脱毒后的种薯在继代繁殖过程中,普遍存在着不可避免的重新感毒,逐年积累加重,最后完全失去脱毒作用的问题。因此马铃薯脱毒后,在继代扩繁中能否控制和减轻病毒侵染,在最短时期内繁殖出大量可以满足大田生产用的优质脱毒种薯,是马铃薯脱毒技术能否在生产上充分...  相似文献   

病毒病是制约马铃薯产量和质量的重要因素。马铃薯脱毒试管苗、微型薯是生产脱毒种薯的重要环节。本研究于2010~2013年对收集自云南省的试管苗274个、微型薯356个,共计630个样品。应用电子显微镜观察,并采用DAS-ELISA检测了8种病毒:马铃薯S病毒、马铃薯卷叶病毒、马铃薯Y病毒、马铃薯X病毒、马铃薯A病毒、马铃薯M病毒、番茄斑萎病毒和烟草环斑病毒,发现试管苗和微型薯中马铃薯S病毒检出率最高(21.27%),其次是PLRV(5.71%);还检测到了新出现的侵染马铃薯的番茄斑萎病毒和烟草环斑病毒。研究结果为马铃薯种薯生产过程中病毒病的检测防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

<正>马铃薯的种性退化是生产中造成马铃薯产量逐年下降的主要原因,而马铃薯脱毒技术则能显著提高其产量,脱毒种薯比普适种薯一般增产30%~50%,高者一倍以上。脱毒后的种薯在繁殖过程中,普遍存在着不可避免地受病毒感染并逐代积累、加重,最后完全失去脱毒作用的问题。因此,马铃薯脱毒后,在扩繁过程中能否控制和减轻病毒侵染、短期内生产出大量可以满足大田生产需要的优质脱毒种薯,是马铃薯脱毒技术能否在生产上充  相似文献   

<正> 马铃薯是云南省高寒冷凉地区重要的粮食作物。在马铃薯生产中因病毒病引起的种质退化是产量损失的重要原因,目前许多国家建立了脱毒快繁供种体系以解决这一问题。脱毒种薯的一个重要评价指标是脱毒率,因此,病毒的检测鉴定是生产过程中一个关键的环节。为调查收集本地马铃薯病毒病原,1991年7月我们从会泽马铃薯  相似文献   

马铃薯在营养繁殖时易受病毒的浸染,当条件适合时,病毒就会在植株内增殖、转运和积累于所结块茎中,随着世代传递,病毒危害逐年加重,一般可造成减产50%以上。研究发现,有30多种病毒能感染马铃薯,并引起品种退化,严重影响到马铃薯生产。通过微茎尖组织培养技术能从马铃薯体内脱除PLRV、PVY、PVA、PAF、PVG、PVM、PSV等病毒。因此,采用组培技术,通过一定良种繁殖体系,生产优质脱毒种薯,是保证马铃薯优质、高产、稳产的一项有效措施。  相似文献   

Expansion of potato production in lowland tropical regions has been constrained by the lack of planting materials, given that adapted genotypes and suitable field management practices now exist.

The respective performance of transplanted materials (i.e., true potato seed (TPS) seedlings or rooted stem cuttings) produced in situ in the warm tropics were compared with that of genetically identical seedling tubers (tubers produced from seedlings) or seed tubers. Seed and seedling tubers had been previously produced under optimal cool conditions. Transplanted materials achieved lower maximum leaf area index than did tuber materials (1.3–2.2 vs. 2.7) but relative growth rates of cuttings and seedlings were greater. This was in part due to the greater net assimilation rate of cuttings and to greater leaf:stem ratio for both compared with plants originating from tubers. Stolon and tuber formation were greater in seed tubers than in cuttings and in seedlings versus seedling tubers. On average, seedlings produced 14 tubers per plant, apical cuttings 12, seedling tubers 8, and stem cuttings 6.

Tuber yields within a genotype were statistically similar for crops from seed tubers or cuttings and for crops from seedling tubers or seedlings. However, the proportion of marketable (i.e., > 3.5 cm diameter) tubers was approximately 12% less in the crops from seed tuber and seedlings compared with those from cuttings and seedling tubers, respectively. Within a genotype, the crop duration in the field was similar whatever the type of planting material. Maximum yields, at 23 t/ha in warm sites, were still below those of temperate potato crops, but could be achieved equally well with transplanted in situ-produced materials or imported cool-climate seed tubers.  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒种薯生产繁育体系不健全,种薯生产不规范,种薯质量检测制度不健全,品种结构不合理,贮藏设施不配套是山西省马铃薯种薯生产中的主要问题,针对这些主要问题,提出了加强种薯繁育体系建设,规范生产行为,加快马铃薯专用型品种的引进筛选和培育,增加科技投入,加强基础设施建设,加强质量检测体系建设等项符合山西省马铃薯生产实际的发展对策。  相似文献   

Summary The production of healthy and high yielding seed potatoes is closely related to the control of virus diseases and to other cultural practices, like those modifying the physiological age of tubers. Seed crops from cv. Bonaerense La Ballenera MAA, were defoliated early in 3 seasons, 1983/84, 84/85 and 85/86. After harvest, the seed tubers were stored in heaps in the field and, later, their sprouting capacity and physiological age, and their tuber yield were evaluated. Results showed that early haulm killing did not affect these variables nor diminish the quality of the seed potatoes obtained.  相似文献   

云南马铃薯贮存损失的调查和评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
调查了云南马铃薯主产区 17个农户家庭贮存马铃薯的现状和损失。作为商品薯贮存失去商品价值的损失率达到 4 7 4 % ,其中发芽薯占 35 4 % ,损失最大 ,贮存时间 12 0d块茎发芽率仅1 5 % ,但 15 0d迅速增加到 5 6 88% ;破损块茎占 7 2 % ;病害烂薯占 4 8%。马铃薯种薯与商品薯同仓混贮 ,在同样无光照的条件下 ,造成种薯过早发芽 ,而且芽细弱 ,降低了种薯的质量。马铃薯疮痂病 (S .scabies)发生普遍 ,在一些地方发病率高达 10 0 % ,应当引起重视。讨论了马铃薯贮存中存在的问题 ,提出了马铃薯贮存技术发展的意见。  相似文献   

Red Gold is a midseason maturity potato with pink-red skin and a bright yellow flesh. It is characterized by having a high set per plant of medium-small sized tubers. Marketable yields in Ontario, Canada are similar to or slightly less than Conestoga, Yukon Gold, and Superior. Boiling, baking, and field chip quality are acceptable with medium specific gravities (1.070–1.080). Short tuber dormancy makes this variety well adapted for whole seed tuber production for fall export markets. Red Gold has performed well in trials in Uruguay. Red Gold is moderately resistant to scab, field resistant to virus Y and leafroll, and susceptible to mild mosaic.  相似文献   

氮素形态与马铃薯品质的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在田间条件下研究了不同形态氮素对马铃薯块茎硝酸盐含量、淀粉、蛋白质及还原糖含量的影响。结果表明,马铃薯块茎内硝酸盐含量从块茎形成期到成熟收获期是逐渐降低的。使用铵态氮肥并加硝化抑制剂双氰胺可以显著地抑制马铃薯块茎硝酸盐的积累;与硝酸盐含量变化相似,从块茎形成期到收获期蛋白质含量也逐渐降低,不同氮素形态处理对马铃薯块茎内蛋白质含量的影响无显著差异;铵态氮添加双氰胺处理可降低块茎还原糖含量。虽然马铃薯被认为是喜硝作物,但本研究表明,不同氮素形态处理不仅没有造成马铃薯产量的显著差异,而且块茎内淀粉含量也无显著差异。  相似文献   

本研究以马铃薯极早熟品种“东农303”脱毒种薯为试验材料,将种薯分成(20±5)g和(30±5)g两组,分别按5个密度进行种植(行距均为70cm,株距分别为12.5、15.0、17.5、20,0和22.5cm).试验结果表明,在哈尔滨的自然条件下,马铃薯块茎产量和单位面积块茎数目随着种植密度的增大而增加,单个块茎重量则随着密度的增加而减少.大种薯(30±5)g播种可以获得较高的块茎产量.在本试验中,种薯重量为(30±5)g、株12.5和15.0cm时,获得了较高的块茎产量和较多的块茎数.通过对植株地上部鲜重和叶面积指数变化的分析,表明高密度群体具有发育快、生长旺盛的特点。  相似文献   

A two year experiment was conducted to test if the temperature environment under which seed potatoes are produced significantly affects the tuber development and yield of the resultant potato plants. Six temperature regimes were established in the controlled facility of the Biotron. Two generations ofSolanum tuberosum ‘Kennebec’ tubers were grown in these environments and the yielding ability of plants produced from these tubers was tested in greenhouse facilities. Plant growth and tuber yields were similar to those which might be expected under field conditions, and marked differences in the development and productivity as a result of the production environment of the seed tubers were apparent. However, no evidence was found to support the contention that seed potatoes originating from cooler environments had any increased potential to produce higher yielding plants than comparable seed from warm environments. Even within a generation, the highest yields were found in the warmest environments, somewhat modifying the concept that the potato is strictly a cool-season crop. Other possible non-pathogenic explanations for previously observed differences in seed quality as a result of the production environment are discussed.  相似文献   

孙炜 《中国马铃薯》2012,(3):167-168
嫩江县位于黑龙江省西北部,土质肥沃,林、草、水源丰富,具有优越的地理位置和丰富的自然资源。该地区昼夜温差大,有利于马铃薯块茎淀粉的积累,所以种植的马铃薯产量高,且品质好。为了充分利用脱毒马铃薯的无病毒感染、结薯早、膨大快、产量高和品质好等优点,总结了适合该地区的脱毒马铃薯高产高效栽培技术,包括品种选择与种薯处理、选地整地、合理施肥、田间管理、病虫草害防治以及收获贮藏。  相似文献   

为加快高产、高抗晚疫病的国审马铃薯新品种"鄂马铃薯5号"的推广应用,进一步降低马铃薯脱毒种薯的生产成本,本试验在高海拔地区(1 880 m)对标准原种(≥5g)的高效生产进行了初步试验。试验对脱毒原原种以不同的密度进行栽培,统计标准原种的产量及效益。试验结果为:原原种的种植密度每667 m2为32 000株时,标准原种产量及效益最高,分别达14.22万粒和10 220元。试验结果还表明:随着种植密度的增大,低重量标准种薯的比例逐渐增加,尤其是5~15 g的种薯比例增加较大,标准种薯的平均单薯重逐渐降低,以利减少种薯的运输成本。  相似文献   

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