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为了研究芬苯达唑片剂、伊维菌素片剂和伊维菌素针剂对绵羊体内捻转血矛线虫的驱虫效果,筛选出高效敏感性的驱虫药物,进行了药物驱虫试验。结果表明:伊维菌素的驱虫效果明显高于芬苯达唑,而且其针剂的作用速度和效果更加明显。  相似文献   

西氏贝蛔虫(Baylisascaris schroederi)是大熊猫体内最常见的一种寄生虫,对野生及圈养大熊猫危害很大,采用药物驱虫是目前控制圈养大熊猫蛔虫病的主要措施。为了评价伊维菌素和噻嘧啶对大熊猫西氏贝蛔虫的驱虫效果,本试验使用伊维菌素(膏剂,0.2 mg/kg体重,每天1次,连用2 d)、伊维菌素(片剂,0.2 mg/kg体重,每天1次,连用2 d)和双羟萘酸噻嘧啶(膏剂,10 mg/kg体重,每天1次,连用2 d)对雅安碧峰峡基地的圈养大熊猫进行了驱虫试验。在驱虫前3天和驱虫后10~15天采集大熊猫粪样,采用饱和硫酸镁离心漂浮法检测蛔虫卵,对阳性粪样进行虫卵定量测定,并通过计算虫卵转阴率评估驱虫效果。结果:伊维菌素(膏剂)组、伊维菌素(片剂)组和双羟萘酸噻嘧啶(膏剂)组的虫卵转阴率分别为44.44%、0.00%和80.00%。试验结果表明:双羟萘酸噻嘧啶(膏剂)对大熊猫蛔虫驱虫效果较好,伊维菌素(膏剂)对大熊猫蛔虫驱虫效果较差,伊维菌素(片剂)对大熊猫蛔虫驱虫效果最差。  相似文献   

为了筛选山羊捻转血矛线虫的理想驱虫药物,对8组检出有捻转血矛线虫感染的山羊群分别采用不同剂量的阿苯达唑、盐酸左旋咪唑、伊维菌素以及阿苯达唑-伊维菌素预混剂进行驱虫效果对比试验。结果盐酸左旋咪唑、伊维菌素以及阿苯达唑-伊维菌素预混剂对山羊捻转血矛线虫驱虫后,虫卵减少率均达95%以上,而阿苯达唑驱虫后的虫卵减少率低于95%。表明左旋咪唑、伊维菌素以及阿苯达唑-伊维菌素预混剂对山羊捻转血矛线虫的驱虫效果较好,而阿苯达唑有一定的抗药性。  相似文献   

为进一步做好寄生虫病防控工作,保证驱虫药品的生物安全,确保驱虫药品防治效果。本试验采用口服伊维菌素溶液、阿苯达唑混悬液、吡喹酮片、伊维菌素-阿苯达唑混悬液和伊维菌素-吡喹酮纳米乳等5种驱虫药的方式,对羊体内寄生虫进行了驱虫试验。结果表明:5种药物的虫卵减少率达83%以上,且伊维菌素-阿苯达唑混悬液和伊维菌素-吡喹酮纳米乳虫卵减少率分别为96.07%和95.56%,对照组前后两次粪检虫卵数无明显变化。说明5种药物均具有良好的驱虫效果,且复方制剂驱虫效果优于单方制剂驱虫效果,羊体重增重效果更佳。复方制剂具有疗效更佳、安全性高、价格低廉、驱虫谱更广等特点,具有更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

本研究旨在观察不同驱虫药物对奶山羊消化道线虫的驱虫效果,为今后寄生虫病的防治筛选更好的驱虫药物.选取奶山羊96只,分3组,每组32只,分别投喂伊维菌素注射液、芬苯达唑粉和伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂3种驱虫药物,采用饱和盐水漂浮法和麦克马斯特法检测驱虫前后线虫的感染情况.结果发现:伊维菌素注射液组虫卵转阴率为6.25%;芬苯...  相似文献   

为了更好地了解常用驱虫药的驱虫效果,选择陕北白绒山羊开展驱虫研究。试验选取3种市场常用驱虫药(伊维菌素注射液、芬苯达唑粉、伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂),应用饱和食盐水漂浮法和虫卵计数法对陕北白绒山羊的消化道线虫驱虫前后的感染情况进行检测。结果表明,伊维菌素注射液组驱虫后虫卵转阴率为6.25%,感染强度由766.7降低至233.3;芬苯达唑组驱虫后虫卵转阴率为31.25%,感染强度由766.7降低至100;伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂组驱虫后虫卵转阴率为50%,感染强度由766.7降低至167.0。建议在陕北白绒山羊生产中将伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂作为消化道线虫的首选驱虫药。  相似文献   

为了研究几种药物的驱虫效果以及药物对山羊生产的影响,分别对阿苯达唑50mg/kg;依维菌素注射液0.2 mg/kg;吡喹酮片50 mg/kg;以上三种药物进行驱虫试验。实验结果表明:驱虫羊的增重速度显著高于不驱虫羊;从增重效果来看,以阿苯达为最佳,驱虫效果最佳的是伊维菌素,因此,建议龙里县选择阿苯达+伊维菌素驱虫药物组合进行大面积推广。  相似文献   

用广谱抗寄生虫药伊维菌素对肉牛进行驱虫对比试验。选择20头患寄生虫病的雄性肉牛空腹称重,随机分为两组,每组10头。一组为治疗组,按1ml/50kg用伊维菌素进行皮下注射给予驱虫;另一组为对照组,不给予任何驱虫药物。在同等饲养管理条件下,饲喂到第61天称重,观察试验组和对照组的驱虫育肥效果。结果表明,治疗组在用药后第61天10头牛总增重700kg,每头平均增重70kg,平均日增重1.15kg;对照组10头牛总增重625kg,每头平均增重62.5kg,平均日增重1.02kg。初步说明伊维菌素用于肉牛驱虫育肥效果良好,是比较好的肉牛驱虫药。  相似文献   

伊维菌素对不同品种赛马体内寄生虫的驱虫效果观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对内蒙古马术队123匹马体内寄生虫检查,发现共有6种寄生虫。分别是马副蛔虫、马尖尾线虫、圆线虫、毛线虫、马网尾线虫、马胃蝇寄生于体内,它们的感染率分别为51.22%、27.64%、86.18%、87.80%、70.70%、65.85%。敌百虫按0.05g/kg的剂量给马匹投药驱虫和伊维菌素按0.2mg/kg的剂量给马匹混饲给药驱虫2次,其用敌百虫驱虫后的虫卵减少率仅达到了46%,而用伊维菌素驱虫后的虫卵减少率可达到99%以上,即伊维菌素驱虫效果明显要优于敌百虫驱虫效果。  相似文献   

国产伊维菌素注射液对猪蛔虫的驱虫效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国产伊维菌素注射液对猪蛔虫的驱虫效果汪明,韩谦北京农业大学动物医学院(100094)宁长申河南农业大学牧医系伊维菌素(Ivermectin)是国际公认的一种高效、广谱的新型驱虫药剂,是从阿佛曼链霉菌发酵产物中分离出的并经化学处理而制成的独特物质,能有...  相似文献   

A field test was carried out in different production systems to evaluate the effect of vaccination against swine enzootic pneumonia with an inactivated vaccine. A total of 13,691 pigs of four different genetic origins were used, of which 7,351 were vaccinated and 6,340 were used as controls. The animals were housed in 16 fattening units, in which the 'one-site', 'two-site' and 'three-site' production systems were represented. There were the following statistically significant differences in favour of the vaccinated animals: a 1.89 per cent lower mortality (P<0.001), a 0.09 lower feed conversion ratio (P<0.030), a 3.12 per cent lower cost per kilogram gained in fattening (P<0.031), a 4.02 per cent lower cost per kilogram of carcase (P<0.018), a 3.77 per cent lower cost of feed per kilogram gained in fattening (P<0.012) and a 56.75 per cent lower potential loss of profit per kilogram gained in fattening due to mortality (P<0.001). An analysis of variance of the effects of genetic origin, treatment and production system on the different parameters showed that only the treatment had any statistically significant effect on the percentage mortality (P<0.002), feed conversion ratio (P<0.030), cost per kilogram gained in fattening (P<0.019), cost per kilogram of carcase (P<0.020), cost of feed per kilogram gained in fattening (P<0.015) and potential loss of profit per kilogram gained in fattening due to mortality (P<0.002).  相似文献   

Sixteen female and 16 male lambs were used in 4 groups to determine the effect of monensin on naturally occurring and experimentally induced coccidiosis. Determinations of numbers of oocysts discharged, quantities of feces discharged, feed consumption, and weight gain were made for female and male lambs in each group. The effect of experimentally induced and naturally occurring coccidiosis on the performance of each group was compared. Nonmedicated lambs, experimentally inoculated with Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae, gained the least weight. Lambs naturally infected with coccidia gained next best and inoculated lambs, in 2 groups medicated with 10 or 20 ppm of monensin in the feed, gained best. The average net gain for the 4 groups was 7.8, 9.7, 13.7, and 13.7 kg. The medicated lambs required less feed/kilogram of weight gain than did the nonmedicated lambs. In general, female lambs were more severely affected by the coccidia, consumed more feed, produced more fecal material, and gained less weight than did male lambs.  相似文献   

[目的]探索肉牛改良大别山牛的育肥效果。[方法]从大别山黄牛及其与利木赞和夏洛来的杂交牛中分别选择体重150 kg左右的育肥牛各6头;均饲喂我们设计的同一饲料配方日粮,预试期同健胃驱虫法处理。[结果]在日常饲养管理相同的情况下,经30 d观察记载,大别山黄牛日增重0.46 kg、利杂牛日增重0.99 kg、夏杂牛日增重1.28 kg;两种杂交牛分别比大别山黄牛提高115.22%和178.26%。[结论]每增重1 kg毛重,大别山黄牛需精饲料5.43kg;而利杂牛和夏杂交牛只需要2.85 kg和2.38 kg。  相似文献   

兴义市退化天然草地改良试验初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究结果表明,退化天然草地通过补播,鲜草产量每公顷提高68%,经t检验差异显著(p<001)。施肥试验组与对照比较,各处理差异极显著(p<001),其中每公顷施1875kg尿素效果最佳。刈割试验与对照比较差异极显著(p<001),鲜草产量每公顷提高611%。  相似文献   

In growing billy goats, bulls and heifers, the supplementation of 10 g elementary S/kg ration dry matter reduced the daily weight gain by about 15%. The offer of 10 g S and 10 mg Mo/kg ration did not intensify growth depression. It occurred, however, when 10 g S were applied together with 3 mg Cd. Under these conditions, fattening bulls gained 19% less weight. The monogastric pig reacted less sensitively to the same exposure. The growth depression only reached about 10% and remained insignificantly. On the other hand, pigs with 10 g S and 3 mg Cd gained 17% less weight (p less than 0.05). The supplementation of 20 g elementary S/kg reduced their growth dramatically. These pigs only gained 89 g weight per day. The effect of S (and Mo or Cd) supplementation was mainly due to decreased feed consumption.  相似文献   

戚俐  孟宪民  刘凤云  徐亮  宿桂梅  焦阳 《北方蚕业》2011,32(2):16-17,20
以柞蚕高饲料效率品种9906和多丝量品种H043为亲本进行杂交分别获得P1、P2、F1、F2、B1、B26个世代材料,利用干量折合法获得6世代的茧重转化率和茧层生产率,按照Mather和Cavalli,L.L.等的方法进行基因效应分析,结果表明:这两个性状均符合简单的加性—显性遗传模型,基因作用比较简单,茧重转化率和茧层生产率的基因加性效应作用方向不同,茧重转化率表现为正值,茧层生产率表现为负值,而显性效应的作用方向相同,均为正值,即表现为正向杂种优势。  相似文献   

中国大鸨研究进展及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过统计1959-2005年关于大鸨的研究文献,分别从就地保护、迁地保护两个方面进行分析。结果表明:有关大鸨的研究虽从1959年开始,但直到80年代才逐渐形成系统,其中,就地保护研究数量(67.2%)多于迁地保护的研究数量(32.8%)。迁地保护和就地保护都存在研究内容比较基础的问题。在大鸨的就地保护中,保护区没有真正发挥其功效;大鸨迁地保护工作虽取得一定成就,能够保持人工饲养种群数量的基本稳定,但人工繁育技术只在部分地区取得成功,另外,应激和疾病仍是影响大鸨迁地保护工作的主要因素。本文针对目前中国大鸨现状提出保护对策,着重强调环境保护和科研合作。  相似文献   

提高奶牛冷冻精液使用效果的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何提高奶牛冷冻精液的使用效果,在奶牛繁殖中是人们一直追求的目标。作者根据多年的实际生产经验,在冷冻精液的解冻液配方、冷冻方式、解冻温度、解冻后的保存温度等方面进行了改进,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

羊肠毒血症是由D型魏氏梭菌在羊肠道中大量繁殖并产生毒素所引起绵羊的一种急性毒血症。我们用羊肠毒血症是由D型魏氏梭菌接种小白鼠复制本病获得成功,并用课题组研制的黄连解毒汤进行治疗试验,保护率为65%,取得了良好的效果,为今后在临床上治疗羊肠毒血症提供了依据。  相似文献   

Our aims were to evaluate the published literature concerning the effect of swine vaccination against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on the average daily weight gain (ADWG). This was done by re-evaluating the influence of selected factors on ADWG by a meta-analysis of published studies from 1991 to 1999, fulfilling certain inclusion criteria.With ADWG as the outcome, an analysis of variance was performed for such variables as treatment, vaccination schedule, age during study, housing system and publication quality. Each clinical trial was considered as a random effect and the numbers of pigs in each trial were weightings.Of 63 published studies, 16 describing three commercial vaccines fulfilled the criteria for the meta-analysis. Due to few studies with one of the vaccines (n=3), only two vaccines were included.Vaccinated pigs gained an average of 592g (S.E.=15) with Stellamune and 590g (S.E.=15) with Suvaxyne compared to non-vaccinated pigs that gained an average of 569g (S.E.=14)(P<0.01) when adjusted for age during the study. Vaccine type, vaccination schedule, housing system and publication quality were not significantly associated with ADWG.  相似文献   

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