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本文对缓控释制剂的特点、缓控释装置做了简要介绍,并概述了缓释丸制剂、控释塑囊、缓释凝胶剂、缓释微球、脂质体缓控释制剂、纳米粒缓控释制剂、溶液型注射缓控释剂、乳剂型注射缓控释剂等几种重要的缓释制剂,分析了目前缓控释制剂存在的几个主要问题,对其前景做了展望。  相似文献   

为了研究治疗反刍动物铜缺乏症的有效注射制剂,为反刍动物微量元素缺乏症的防治提供临床参考,试验采用乳化技术制成甘氨酸铜缓释注射乳剂,并从乳剂的类型、颜色、分层、破乳方面对新制剂的稳定性进行考察。结果表明:研制的甘氨酸铜缓释注射剂为油包水型乳剂,光学显微镜下观察无破乳现象,4℃保存8个月无分层,该制剂乳化程度良好,稳定性强。  相似文献   

缓释制剂的开发现状及其在兽药中的应用与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缓释制剂又称缓释药系统,即通常所说的长效制剂.早在我国古代,就有关于缓释制剂的记载和描述.如李杲的"丸者缓也,舒缓而治"是关于缓释制剂的较早的记载.随着现代兽医药学的发展,缓释制剂得到了越来越广泛的应用,为了使更多的人了解缓释制剂,本文对缓释制剂的基本知识和特点、缓释制剂的研究开发现状及发展前景进行了综述.  相似文献   

缓释制剂的开发现状及在兽药中的应用与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缓释制剂又称缓释芍系统,即通常所说的长效制剂。早在我国古代,就有关于缓释制剂的记载和描述。如李杲的“丸者缓也,舒缓而治”是关于缓释制剂的较早的记载。随着现代兽医药学的发展,缓释制剂得到了越来越广泛的应用,为了使更多的人了解缓释制剂,本文对缓释制剂的基本知识和特点、缓释制剂的研究开发现状及发展前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

1 缓释控释制剂的发展现状 从20世纪50年代末期开始国外对缓释控释制剂进行了广泛而深入的研究,不断推出各种类型的缓释控释制剂产品应用于临床。目前国外上市的缓释控释制剂的品种已达上千个,其中口服缓释控释制剂的市场年增长率约为9%。  相似文献   

抗菌药控缓释制剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗菌药制成控缓释制剂可减少服药次数和用药剂量,有利于降低药物的毒副作用,可延长有效浓度维持时间,以便更好地发挥抗菌作用。目前上市的抗菌药控缓释制剂类型和品种日渐增多,有经化学结构改造的长效抗生素,还有非胃肠道给药的乳剂,植入式药弹,缓释片和胶囊,局部药物释放系统,DepoFoam等药物缓释系统,国内外许多医疗领域(如器官移植、五官科、呼吸科、骨科等)均有其研究和应用的报道。文章就抗菌药控缓释制剂的制剂新技术、国内外研究应用概况、在兽医临床上的应用情况以及存在的问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阿维菌素复方缓释制剂在山羊寄生虫病防治中的应用效果及价值.方法:选取我辖区内某畜牧场的具有明显寄生虫山羊80只为研究对象,分为A组、B组、C组和对照组,分别口服维菌达唑片剂、注射迈德-欧克、注射复方长效油胶,比较山羊疥螨病治疗效果、分辨EPG值.结果:复方片剂、伊维菌素-丙硫咪、唑亚砜注射剂和阿维菌素-丙硫咪唑亚砜长效油胶用药7d体内外寄生虫100%,第25d山羊疥螨病症状均已缓解或消除.结论:在山羊寄生虫病的防治上,阿维菌素复方缓释制剂的疗效显著,可预防和控制山羊寄生虫病,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

控释制剂在反刍动物蠕虫学上的应用及发展前景   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
控释制剂是药物从制剂中以受控形式恒速释放到靶器官而发挥治疗作用的一类制剂。它是长效制剂的一种,是在缓释制剂的基础上发展起来的,并在七十年代后期形成控速释药体系。它与缓释制剂的区别在于不仅延长了药物作用的时间,而且可按药物动力学规律恒定补充血药浓度,是一种程序给药方式。近些年来随着新型高分子材料的不断引入和应用于医药领域,控释制剂也得到了广泛研究和迅速发展,美国在八十年代初就已研制生产出一种用于牛的商品化驱虫药卷(paratestplex),并在北美洲和欧洲的畜牧业生产中取得了较好的经济效益。我国对兽药控释制…  相似文献   

盐酸多西环素是一种优良的动物广谱抗生素,兽医临床上广泛应用于敏感菌所致的畜禽细菌性疾病的治疗,效果显著。本文就目前国内盐酸多西环素的药剂学研究概况进行综述,重点介绍缓释注射制剂、泡腾制剂及微囊微球化盐酸多西环素的研究进展。  相似文献   

1控释制剂和缓释制剂 控释或缓释制剂又称控释或缓释系统,是在预定时间内,将药物浓度长时间维持在有效浓度范围内的剂型。控释、缓释制剂的制备原理主要是基于溶出速率的减小和扩散速率的减慢,从而达到缓释和延长疗效的目的。近十几年来,兽药缓释制剂在兽医临床上逐渐被重视并通过兽医药理和药物制剂的结合而研制成功。  相似文献   

To test the effectiveness of pour-on ivermectin in parasitized bison, changes in fecal parasite egg counts after treatment with ivermectin injectable or pour-on preparations were compared to a negative control group. There was no difference between the two ivermectin groups, and both forms of ivermectin were effective in reducing fecal parasite egg counts in parasitized bison.  相似文献   

随着药物制剂研究的不断发展,安全可控的经皮给药方式在临床应用中发挥着越来越重要的作用。经皮给药方式较传统的口服给药和注射给药具有无肝首过效应、血药浓度持久可控、减少给药次数、临床给药方便等优点,有着更广阔的应用空间。论文根据近年来有关经皮给药制剂的相关文献,就经皮给药新载体及促渗技术进行综述,并对目前经皮给药应用存在的问题进行分析,以期为经皮给药制剂的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

Intermediate insulin injections are commonly used for glycemic control in insulin dependent diabetic dogs acting as a replacement for natural insulin. Neutral Protamin Hagedorn (NPH) insulin and insulin glargine are two types of injectable insulin preparations commonly used in humans. In our study, we investigated the time-action profiles of both aforementioned insulin preparations in normal dogs in order to determine whether co-administration of NPH and glargine would be of benefit to insulin dependent diabetic dogs as it is for humans suffering from insulin dependent diabetes. Time-action profiles of NPH insulin and insulin glargine in normal dogs demonstrated a clear difference between both insulin preparations confirming that NPH insulin is an intermediate-acting preparation whereas insulin glargine is a long-lasting preparation. In addition, co-administration of NPH insulin and insulin glargine resulted in tight glycemic control as compared to NPH insulin alone in insulin dependent diabetic dogs. However, co-administration result in hypoglycemia at the dosages tested.  相似文献   

Four groups of six parasite-naive calves were infected at seven day intervals with three doses of infective larvae of Dictyocaulus viviparus. Twenty-one days after the first dose three of the groups were treated either with an injectable formulation of ivermectin at a dose rate of 200 micrograms/kg bodyweight, or with pour-on preparations of levamisole at 10 mg/kg or ivermectin at 500 micrograms/kg. On day 28 two calves from each group were slaughtered and their burdens of lungworms counted. On day 35 the remaining calves were reinfected with D viviparus infective larvae at a rate of 80 L3/kg. The levamisole preparation was 94.6 per cent effective and both ivermectin preparations were 100 per cent effective against the initial infections. The ivermectin-treated calves were protected from the reinfection which subsequently became patent in the levamisole-treated and control calves.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of the acute cardiovascular effects of oxytetracycline, oxytetracycline in propylene glycol, and propylene glycol alone given to conscious dairy calves. The calves were chronically instrumented with intravascular catheters and electromagnetic flowmeter transducers in and on the pulmonary and renal arteries. Injection (IV) of aqueous preparations of oxytetracycline produced no statistically significant (P greater than 0.05) cardiocirculatory changes in these calves. Oxytetracycline in propylene glycol and propylene glycol alone both produced transient (1 to 4 minute) periods of cardiovascular depression characterized by cardiac asystole, systemic hypotension, and decreased pulmonary and renal arterial blood flow. The two preparations, in equivalent doses and volumes, produced statistically similar hemodynamic changes in the calves. The data from this study support the conclusion that the monitored cardiovascular effects of the commercially available oxytetracycline in propylene glycol in the intact, awake calves were due to the solvent propylene glycol. This conclusion is consistent with reports of other injectable products containing the same solvent.  相似文献   

Pet birds are frequently viewed as difficult patients for anaesthesia. The present paper revises the current anaesthetic procedures for injectable and inhalant anaesthetics. Currently the method of choice for the anaesthesia of pet birds is the isoflurane inhalation anaesthesia. Special emphasis is given to the preanaesthetic preparations. Fasting is shorter for pet birds than for mammals. Anaesthetized birds are at special risk for hypothermia. Methods for the prevention of heat loss are given. The use of analgesics are recommended both for welfare reasons but also because of the possibility to reduce the concentration of inhalation anaesthetics and therefore the amount of possible exposure of personnel to waste gases.  相似文献   

An injectable preparation of flunixin meglumine was administered orally and intravenously at a dose of 1.1 mg/kg to six healthy adult horses in a cross-over design. Flunixin meglumine was detected in plasma within 15 min of administration and peak plasma concentrations were observed 45-60 min after oral administration. Mean bioavailability of the oral drug was 71.9 +/- 26.0%, with an absorption half-life of 0.76 h. The apparent elimination half-life after oral administration was 2.4 h. The injectable preparation of flunixin meglumine is suitable for oral administration to horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify the lowest single dose of lufenuron injected s.c. that results in a 90% disruption of the flea (Ctenocephalides felis) life cycle for 6 months in cats. ANIMALS: 40 domestic shorthair cats (20 males, 20 females) between 5 and 7 months old. PROCEDURE: Cats were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 eight-cat groups and experimentally infested with C. felis on days -8, -7, -6, and -4. On day 0, cats in the 4 treatment groups were treated with an injectable formulation of lufenuron at doses of 2.5, 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. Control cats received the injectable formulation without lufenuron. Experimental infestations were repeated and flea eggs collected at various intervals for 196 days after treatment. Eggs were placed in media and incubated in an insectary for 28 days to determine effects of injectable lufenuron on egg and larval development. Number of adults that emerged from eggs were compared among groups. RESULTS: Lufenuron injected once at a dose of 10 or 20 mg/kg, but not at 2.5 or 5 mg/kg, resulted in a 90% decrease in number of adult fleas emerging from eggs for 196 days after treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate that control of flea egg and larval development for at least 6 months can be achieved in cats with a single s.c. injection of lufenuron (10 mg/kg). The injectable formulation may provide veterinarians and cat owners an alternative to the tablet formulation of lufenuron.  相似文献   

The activity of moxidectin was evaluated in 1988 and 1989 against natural infections of internal parasites in 20 critical tests (n = 20 equids) and three controlled tests (n = 20 equids). Two formulations, injectable administered intramuscularly (i.m.) or intraorally (i.o.) and gel i.o., were given at dose rates of 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 mg kg-1 body weight. For the critical tests (all three dose rates evaluated), removals of second instar Gasterophilus intestinalis were 93-100%, except (89%) for the injectable formulation (i.m.) at 0.2 mg kg-1. Removals of third instar G. intestinalis were 88-100% for the injectable formulation given i.m. or i.o. and 93-100% for the gel formulation, except (53%) for one batch (0.4 mg kg-1). Activity was 100% for third instar Gasterophilus nasalis, Parascaris equorum, Strongylus vulgaris and Strongylus edentatus. For Oxyuris equi, removals were 91-100%, except (27%) for one batch of the injectable formulation given i.o. at 0.3 mg kg-1. There was apparent activity against migrating S. vulgaris and S. edentatus at various dose rates and routes of administration for both formulations. At necropsy, there were local reactions observed at the injection site of three equids. In the controlled tests, dose rates were 0.2 or 0.4 mg kg-1. Removal of third instar G. intestinalis was highest for the injectable formulation given i.m. All formulations and dose rates were highly effective against S. vulgaris and S. edentatus, but variable and incomplete against O. equi. Removal was excellent on Habronema muscae and on migrating S. vulgaris and S. edentatus, although incomplete on S. vulgaris. Gasterophilus nasalis third instars and P. equorum were present in low numbers in some non-treated equids, but none were recovered from treated equids. Toxicosis was not evident.  相似文献   

概述了用亲水性或疏水性缓释材料制备的溶液型长效注射剂、用氢化蓖麻油或乙基纤维素等疏水性缓释材料制备的类似于胶体状态的长效注射剂和长效混悬注射剂等几种含阿维菌素类药物(AVMs)的长效注射剂.其中长效混悬注射剂包括AVMs以微粒状态或以载药微粒状态悬浮于制剂中的水悬或油悬注射剂;侧重概述了用AVMs/明胶微球制备的一种具有脉冲式释药的长效注射剂和用AVMs/氢化蓖麻油固体分散体制备的长效注射剂.同时对制剂的组成特点、缓释原理和缓释效果都作了综述和分析.  相似文献   

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