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We examined the relationship between landform types and riparian forest structure and succession in second-growth stands along mid order streams in the Cascade Mountains, Washington, USA. We sampled tree, sapling, seedling, and shrub characteristics across a range of fluvial geomorphic surfaces, which were classified into four landform classes, including low floodplain, high floodplain, terrace and hillslope. Landform classification was based on topographic characteristics, position relative to the stream channel, and estimated flood frequency. Statistical analyses using generalized estimating equations (GEE) showed that landform exerted a strong influence on the distribution and abundance of conifer and deciduous species and of different tree life stages. The floodplain landforms were characterized by initial disturbance from timber harvest, and ongoing fluvial disturbance, which favored the establishment of deciduous communities dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra) and maintenance of early successional riparian stands. In contrast, the terrace and hillslope landforms were also subject to timber harvest as the stand initiating agent but were unaffected by fluvial disturbance. However, based on differences in species distribution, we infer that forest structure on these two landforms differed from one another as a result of differences in soil moisture levels. Terraces and hillslopes were found to have high conifer tree abundance, but frequency of younger conifers was higher on hillslopes. Deciduous tree reproduction was very low on terraces and hillslopes. Our results also suggest that conifer recruitment in these second-growth riparian forests may be more successful on soil substrates than on coarse woody debris. We propose that the interplay between the disturbance regime (including type, frequency and intensity) and soil moisture conditions played an important role in influencing the course of riparian succession, present stand structure, and future successional trajectories and these were the primary mechanisms driving vegetation differences among landforms.  相似文献   

Forest communities across the landscape of the Central Hardwood Forest Region are experiencing a transition from dominance by oak (Quercus) and hickory (Carya) to maple (Acer) driven largely by a prolonged period of fire suppression. In many cases, this shift in community composition, structure, and function is considered undesirable as oak-hickory forests are valued for timber, wildlife habitat, and natural heritage. Considerable management and restoration efforts target the restoration of oak-hickory forest communities, yet treatments have yielded varying degrees of success. In some cases, difficulties in meeting targets may be due to ecological thresholds created by complex vegetation-environment interactions that maintain the maple-dominated community state. We examined direct and indirect interactions among vegetation layers and environmental gradients for the mature, second-growth forest communities of the Ironton Unit of the Wayne National Forest (WNF) in southeastern Ohio. Using a stratified random approach, we identified 72 study communities with trees at least 70 years old and without evidence of recent disturbance. Within these communities, we sampled all overstory vegetation on two-four 500 m2 plots and recorded saplings and ground-flora species in nested sub-plots. At each plot, we also collected soil samples for physical and chemical analyses and recorded physiographic variables. Our first objective was to describe the Ironton forest landscape, where communities were likely transitioning from oak to maple. To identify such patterns, we used ordination analyses that relate species occurrence to implied environmental gradients. Our second objective was to use the relationships to develop a structural equation model (SEM) to quantify the strength of pathways among the canopy, sapling, and ground-flora vegetation layers and environmental factors (e.g., soil chemistry and physiographic position). Our results indicate that the forest landscape of the Ironton Unit of the WNF is at a transition point with communities dominated by either oak or maple, and a sapling layer dominated by maple. Maple may be most likely to replace oak and hickory in the canopies of communities at mid- and lower-slope positions with intermediate soil moisture. This transition will likely have cascading effects throughout the sapling and ground-flora layers, which SEM demonstrates are directly influenced by the canopy. We believe the simultaneous consideration of direct and indirect interactions shaping vegetation structure and composition using techniques such as SEM will advance understanding of the current transition from an oak-hickory to a maple-dominated forest landscape. This information will contribute to the continued improvement of appropriate forest management and ecosystem restoration techniques for the Central Hardwood Forest Region, including those designed to shift the dominance of forest communities from maple to oak.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat segregation and patterns of species diversity of trees in relation to variations in fluvial and geomorphic disturbances (erosion or sedimentation) along a longitudinal stream gradient from V-shaped valley to alluvial fan and between valley and adjacent hill slopes in a warm-temperate mountainous riparian forest in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. We longitudinally divided the riparian area into four geomorphic zones: V-shaped valley (VV-zone), upper fan (UF-zone), middle fan (MF-zone), and lower fan (LF-zone). We surveyed the distribution of tree species (diameter at breast height ≥3 cm) in the four riparian zones and in additional plots on hill slopes (SL-zone) representing the broader, nonriparian forest matrix. Detrended correspondence analysis ordination demonstrated variations in species composition along the longitudinal stream gradient. Species guild analysis based on the detection of the species preferred zone by a bootstrap method revealed a guild structure corresponding to each geomorphic zone. The four riparian zones were differentiated from the SL-zone by having a low proportion of SL-guild species and a high proportion of infrequent species that were characterized by deciduous leaf habit. The LF-zone was the most differentiated and was characterized by low tree density and specialist species established on the flat and unstable soil surface created by frequent deposition of sediment. The UF- and MF-zones were characterized by a high tree density and species richness (particularly of infrequent species) established on the stable ground surface of a high alluvial terrace. Microsite heterogeneity produced by channel formation may also maintain a high species diversity in the riparian zones.  相似文献   

三峡地区河岸带植物群落的特征及其分类与排序研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以长江三峡干流河岸植物群落为研究对象,对群落的物种组成、物种多样性进行了分析,并利用TWINSPAN和DCA对植物群落进行等级式划分。结果表明:河岸植物区系组成较为复杂,以温带成分为主,有着较高比率的世界分布成分。灌、草丛群落之间的物种多样性差异不显著,但部分草丛的不同层次间存在较大差异。TWINSPAN 和DCA分析显示,河岸植物群落呈现沿湿度梯度方向的分布格局。图2表3参8。  相似文献   

Forested riparian buffers in California historically supported high levels of biodiversity, but human activities have degraded these ecosystems over much of their former range. This study examined plant communities, belowground biodiversity and indicators of multiple ecosystem functions of riparian areas across an agricultural landscape in the Sacramento Valley of California, USA. Plant, nematode and soil microbial communities and soil physical and chemical properties were studied along 50-m transects at 20 sites that represented the different land use, soil and vegetation types in the landscape. Riparian zones supported greater plant diversity and nearly twice as much total carbon (C) per hectare compared to adjacent land managed for agricultural uses, but had generally lower soil microbial and nematode diversity and abundance. When woody plant communities were present in the riparian zone, plant diversity and species richness were higher, and soil nitrate and plant-available phosphorus levels were lower. Belowground diversity and community structure, however, appeared to depend more on plant productivity (as inferred by vegetation cover) than plant diversity or species richness. Greater plant species richness, nematode food web structure, total microbial biomass, woody C storage and lower soil nitrate and phosphorus loading were correlated with higher visual riparian health assessment scores, offering the possibility of managing these riparian habitats to provide multiple ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

以贵州省森林公园自然类景观资源为评价对象,对森林公园的生物、地文、水文、天象四大自然类景观资源进行了定性评价.结果表明,独具特色的喀斯特植被,多种多样的森林类型、繁多的珍稀植物种类等构成了丰富的生物景观资源;典型的喀斯特地貌以及独具特色的丹霞地貌景观等构成了地文景观资源;瀑布、泉、湖泊、水库等水文景观资源表现出清秀潋滟等特点;旭日朝晖、夕阳晚霞、苍山如海、云移峰动等天象景观丰富而绚丽.  相似文献   

依据景观生态学的基本原理体系 ,以哈巴河小流域为研究对象 ,探讨横断山高山峡谷景观的生态规划与设计原理及方法。结果认为 :哈巴河流域地形地貌在横断山区具有典型性 ,可按高山山地景观和中山山地与河谷景观进行功能分区。规划设计时 ,高山山地景观功能区以发挥其整体生态环境保护功能为主 ,不宜作更细微的划分 ;中山山地和河谷景观功能区规划设计为护岸经济林带单元、农田耕作单元和植被恢复单元。  相似文献   

The limited spatial scales of many bird–habitat studies restrict inference regarding large scale bird–habitat relationships. A potential solution to this challenge is integrating the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) and USGS Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) databases. We describe a methodology for integrating these databases into a uniform dataset for modeling bird–habitat relationships at multiple spatial scales. We accumulated route-level BBS data for four species guilds (canopy nesting, ground-shrub nesting, cavity nesting, early successional), each containing a minimum of five bird species. We developed 43 forest variables at the county level using FIA data from the 2000 inventory cycle within 5 physiographic regions in 14 states. We examined spatial relationships between the BBS and FIA data at three hierarchical scales: (1) individual BBS routes, (2) FIA units, and (3) physiographic sections. At the BBS route scale, we buffered routes at 100 m, 1 km, and 10 km radii, intersected these buffers with county boundaries, and developed weighted averages for each forest variable within each buffer width. Weights were a function of the percent of area each county had within a buffer. We calculated 29 landscape structure variables from 1992 National Land Cover Data (NLCD) imagery using Fragstats within each buffer width. At the BBS route scale, we developed models relating variations in bird occupancy and abundance to forest and landscape structure within each buffer width using classification and regression trees (CART). We aggregated the FIA variables to the FIA unit and physiographic section scales and recalculated the landscape variables within each unit and section using NCLD imagery resampled to a 400 m pixel size. We used regression trees (FIA unit scale) and general linear models (GLM, physiographic section scale) to relate variations in bird abundance to the forest and landscape variables. At the BBS route scale, 80% of the best CART models accounted for >50% of the variation in bird occupancy and abundance. Among FIA units and physiographic sections, the regression trees accounted for an average of 54.1% and the GLMs accounted for an average of 66.3% of the variability in bird abundance, respectively. This methodology shows promise for integrating independent databases for evaluating bird–habitat relationships across broad spatial extents, and the hierarchical nature of these models provides a potentially consistent means of evaluating management options at varying spatial scales.  相似文献   

城市河岸带是城市最具生态效能和活力的空间,创造近自然植物群落能够提高城市的生物多样性,形成万物共生的可持续生态景观。国内外相关研究学者在积极探寻城市河岸带植物群落构建的方法和标准,但这方面的综述文章寥寥无几。在web of science和中国知网数据库中查新国内外相关文献50余篇,评述了国内外城市河岸带植物群落构建现状以及近自然植物群落构建途径两方面研究进展,以期梳理整合城市河岸带植物群落构建现状与趋势,拓宽城市河岸带植物群落新视野,为城市河岸带植物群落构建研究的体系框架提供研究思路。  相似文献   

研究以黄山市率水流域水陆交错带典型植物群落为对象,沿主河道设置了 33 个样方,采用 法瑞学派调查法记录样方的物种组成和群落结构;并根据离水面距离和土壤基质类型划分了 3 种生境类 型:砾石型河漫滩、粘土型河漫滩以及河岸边坡,进而进行群落类型划分与生态梯度分析。结果表明: 调查区域有维管束植物共计 67 科 124 属 146 种;水陆交错带植被可分成 15 个群落类型,包含 3 个森林 群落、3 个灌丛群落和 9 个草本群落;森林群落均出现在河岸边坡生境类型中,灌从群落多见于粘土型河 漫滩,草本群落主要集中于砾石型河漫滩;非度量多维标度分析表明,存在于上下游之间和水陆之间的 两个生态梯度是影响群落物种组成的重要因素,并且在两个生态梯度中心过渡区,植物群落丰富度达到 最大。  相似文献   

滇西北地区生物多样性保护现状与对策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
滇西北地区是金沙江、澜沧江、怒江三江并流大峡谷地区 ,地处青藏高原东南部边缘的横断山纵谷区 ,由于喜马拉雅造山运动的影响 ,山河交错 ,峰奇谷秀 ,地貌类型复杂 ,孕育了丰富的动植物资源、景观资源和水能资源。滇西北横断山区是全国三大特有物种分化中心之一 ,也是世界 2 0 0个保护关键地区之一 ,动、植物区系具有东西过渡、南北交汇的特点 ,生物多样性保护具有非常特殊的地位和价值。本文通过对滇西北地区生物多样性保护现状和存在问题的分析 ,提出相应的保护对策及建议  相似文献   

广州市公园滨水植物及其景观应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以广州市16个城市公园中的滨水绿地为主要研究对象,对滨水植物种类、出现频率、配置方式和生境特点等进行调查分析。共记录了广州公园滨水园林植物372种,分属107科264属,其中,水生植物78种;将广州滨水植物景观按不同营造特点及效果划分为人工式驳岸水景、自然式驳岸水景、与建筑小品结合式水景、可亲水式水景、绿岛式水景及小型面状水景等6种配置方式,并分析了这些配置模式常用的植物及其配置特点;分析了广州市公园滨水绿地植物应用中存在的问题,并提出促进优良滨水植物在城市公园景观应用的建议。  相似文献   

根据云南省岩溶地区石漠化土地空间分布特征和各区域地质地貌、气候、水文、岩溶土壤和森 林植被分布,结合碳酸盐岩的类型、岩性组合特征、不同岩溶地貌对区域环境和水土资源的制约、石 漠化在不同地貌条件下的形成和发育特征,统筹考虑岩溶生态系统的完整性、地理单元的连续性和 经济社会发展的可持续性等因素,将全省88 个岩溶监测县划分为6 个治理区,并就各分区地理区 位、地质地貌、成土母岩、水文、气候类型、森林植被类型分布以及各石漠化区不同类型岩溶土地面 积占比等进行描述。  相似文献   

深圳梅林山公园自然景观资源及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对梅林山公园植被类型、特色植物资源、地质地貌和水体等进行实地考察,结果表明:植被可分为沟谷季雨林、低地常绿季雨林、山地常绿阔叶林、灌草丛和人工林等类型,植物群落多样;植物资源丰富,有大量观赏植物、芳香植物、食用植物和珍稀濒危植物;地质地貌多样,花岗岩石蛋较多,低山、缓坡平地、沟谷和水体景观各具特色;水体景观资源丰富,包括溪流和天然湖。梅林山公园具有较好的利用和开发价值。文章还对梅林山公园今后的规划和管理提出建议。    相似文献   

无人为干扰下不同生境阔叶林的群落结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江西武夷山国家级自然保护区核心区为无干扰环境,选取河岸带、内陆森林和林线3种生境阔叶林群落为研究对象。群落结构特征分析结果显示:1)不同生境类型的群落建群种不同,但群落各层主要优势种的重要值均呈差异不显著,物种组成上均以壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、山矾科、杜鹃花科、蔷薇科、冬青科等为常见,且种属数较多。2)立木总株数(乔灌木)林线群落高于其他生境群落,但不同生境类型的群落间乔木与灌木平均株数均呈差异不显著。3)群落各层物种的种数及各物种多样性指数均有河岸带>内陆森林>林线,乔木层、草本层与层间植物物种种数以及物种多样性Patrick、Gleason、Margalef和Shannon-Weiner指数,河岸带均与其他生境类型群落差异呈显著性;而灌木层物种种数及多样性Simpson和Pielou指数差异不呈显著性。4)散点图和线性回归得出林线群落活立木平均高度和平均胸径均高于其他生境类型的群落。  相似文献   

Fire in riparian areas has the potential to influence the functions riparian vegetation provides to streams and aquatic biota. However, there is little information on the effects of fire on riparian areas. The objectives of the present study were to: (i) determine how fire severity interacts with riparian topographic setting, micro-environmental conditions, and pre-fire community composition to control post-fire regeneration; (ii) determine how riparian regeneration patterns and controls change during early succession; and (iii) determine how critical riparian functions are influenced by and recover after fire. Study locations included the Biscuit Fire in southwestern Oregon and the B&B Complex Fire in the Cascade Mountain Range of west-central Oregon, USA. We measured post-fire woody species regeneration, and measured factors such as fire severity, pre-fire species composition, and stream size as potential factors associated with post-fire regeneration patterns. At a relatively coarse spatial scale, patterns in post-fire colonization were influenced by elevation. At finer spatial scales, both conifer- and hardwood-dominated riparian plant communities were self-replacing, suggesting that each community type tends to occur in specific ecological settings. Abundant post-fire regeneration in riparian areas and the self-replacement of hardwood- and conifer-dominated communities indicate high resilience of these disturbance-adapted plant communities.  相似文献   



The remaining riparian stretches are often the unique suitable habitats for forest breeding birds in Mediterranean landscapes undergoing long-term changes. Understanding the interactions between riparian zones and their surroundings is critical to establish successful management actions.


We assessed the influence of surrounding matrix on riparian bird communities and the use of riparian galleries as surrogate habitats for the forest passerine communities of southwestern Iberia.


We used point counts in three simultaneous sampling stations, one in the riparian gallery and two in the adjacent matrix. Three matrix types were selected with a decreasing tree density gradient: dense montado, sparse montado, and open agricultural areas. Data were analysed with redundancy analysis and differences in species’ occurrences were tested with one-way ANOVA.


In riparian galleries, we found bird species belong to three ecological guilds: riparian, woodland, and edge guilds. The richness of bird guilds and the occurrence of some species depended on the surrounding matrix type. Riparian bird richness was constant in all surrounding matrices, woodland bird guild was richer in galleries embedded in dense montados, and edge guild in riparian galleries surrounded by sparse montados. Five among 19 assessed species were influenced by matrix type, within particular a few strictly riparian species. Species richness increased close to riparian galleries, due to the increase in habitat heterogeneity and resource availability for birds in densely vegetated riversides. However, the occurrence of some bird species differed according to the type of surrounding matrix.


The matrix type explained most of the variance in riparian bird assemblages. Some woodland birds have used riparian galleries as surrogate habitat. Our study suggests that land use in the surrounding matrices must be taking into account for the management and rehabilitation of watercourses and bird conservation actions.  相似文献   

我国河岸带生态学的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国河岸带植被生态学的研究目前主要集中在河岸带植物的群落格局、生物多样性、珍稀濒危分布以及荒漠河岸带植被与环境关系等方面,河岸带土壤和污染生态学研究主要集中在土壤反硝化过程、污染物的分布格局和苯胺降解机理等方面。针对国内河岸带研究现状及存在问题,建议未来我国河岸带的研究从6个方面进行:1)河岸带及其背景区植被景观空间镶嵌格局分析。2)河岸带边界的判定方法及河岸带植被特征沿横向空间梯度的变化格局。3)对河岸带生境类型的划分,在斑块、河段和支流3个尺度上对河岸带物种多样性格局进行分析,并阐明其控制因素和机制。4)河岸带对高地面源营养物、沉淀物和污染物的拦截过滤过程研究,建立量化传输模型。5)对典型流域河岸带向溪流输入有机质输入过程及数量进行研究,并建立周转过程模型。6)对河岸带的研究成果进行系统整合,建立能够揭示河岸带空间格局、组成结构与功能过程概念模型和数量模型。  相似文献   

河岸带自然度综合评价指标体系的构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对我国北方河岸带的特点,提出了从地貌结构、植被群落、景观三个方面的13个因子组成的河岸带自然度综合评价指标体系,包括:河岸弯曲度、河岸断面几何形态、河岸带宽度、河岸林群落物种多样性、均匀度、郁闭度、顶级适应值、乡土树种比例、建群种胸径级、实生幼株丰富度、群落形态指标、群落色彩指标、动物指标;并根据近自然程度,将河岸带划分为自然、较自然、半自然、人工四种类型。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the pattern and changes in forest cover types over the last two decades on three landscape level physiographic provinces of the state of Alabama, USA: (i) The Great Appalachian Valley Province, (ii) The Blue Ridge Talladega Mountain Province, and (iii) The Piedmont Province. Studies of spatial patterns of landscapes are useful to quantify human impact, predict wildlife effects or describe various landscape features. A robust landscape index should quantify two distinct components of landscape diversity: composition and configuration. Composition refers to both the total number of “patch” types (i.e., forest cover types) and their relative proportions in the landscape, whereas configuration refers to the spatial pattern of patches in the landscape. The U.S. Forest Service conducts periodic surveys of forest resources nationwide from plots distributed on a 3 mile by 3 mile (4.8 km by 4.8 km) grid randomly established within each county using forest inventory and analysis survey data stratified by physiographic province, a relative contagion (RC) diversity value and its variance were calculated for each province for the survey years 1972, 1982, and 1990. One-way analysis of variance was used for hypothesis testing of RC values across time and between provinces. A view of each landscape at each point in time was generated with GIS software using Thiessen or proximal polygons of the forest cover types identified at each survey point on the landscape.  相似文献   

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