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充分了解本地奶牛结核病流行病学,预防人畜共患病,采用牛型结核分支杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验,1996~2006年对武威市奶牛结核病感染情况进行调查,结果11年间共检奶牛17 049头,检出阳性牛255头,平均阳性率为1.49%。该期间武威市奶牛结核病在古浪县、天祝县、民勤县和凉州区均有发生。从奶牛结核病的流行趋势分析,11年间奶牛结核病的发病率呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

自2005年以来,奶牛结核病在一些地区悄然流行,使得这些地区的奶牛群体结核病的发病率呈慢升趋势。在某些奶牛养殖场户,其结核病的阳性检出率连年居高不下,甚至出现人畜交互传染的可疑现象。奶牛结核病的流行,已经威胁到人畜的健康和安全,因此,分析其因、追溯其原、掌握其规律,对有效防制结核病尤为重要。  相似文献   

为了保障饮用牛奶的安全和人们健康,本研究对乌鲁木齐市2007~2010年共计47085头奶牛,采用结核菌素(PPD)皮内变态反应方法进行检疫,对检出的199头阳性牛养殖场(户)进行流行病学调查,同时用发达国家通用的比较变态反应和γ-干扰素实验进行比对实验,对阳性牛进行剖检,观察病理变化,采集病变肺脏和肺门淋巴结进行细菌培养和菌型鉴定。结果显示:国外比较变态反应与γ-干扰素检测具有较高的符合率;奶牛结核病分离到的牛型结核分枝杆菌占80%,人结核病分离到的人结核分枝杆菌占92.3%。乌鲁木齐市牛结核病的发病和流行与环境污染、活畜交易市场和集贸市场、畜及畜产品流通环节中的污染、饲养管理不科学、饲草料的污染、养殖人员自身疾病的影响和检疫净化的全面实施等相关。本实验的研究结果有利于乌鲁木齐奶牛结核病防治措施的制定和实施。  相似文献   

柳州市奶牛结核病检测方法及结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用皮内注射结核提纯菌素方法,对柳州市2004~2007年的8304头(次)奶牛进行结核病检疫监测,检出结核阳性病奶牛55头,占总检测牛数0.66%。从检疫情况分析,奶牛结核病呈波浪状,零星散发,老疫点出现反复发病,新疫点多为新建牛场的散养户。表明我市奶牛结核病的防治形势仍然严峻。  相似文献   

奶牛布鲁氏菌病和结核病的检疫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来 ,在利通区人民政府和历届畜牧局领导及广大业务人员的共同努力下 ,在众多的奶牛养殖场、养殖户和各乡 (镇 )领导的辛勤劳作及大力配合下 ,奶牛养殖科技示范园区和养殖大户如雨后春笋般的成长、壮大 ,呈现出勃勃生机。在奶牛数量快速增加的同时 ,利通区奶牛“两病”的检疫工作也成了动物检疫工作的重中之重。奶牛布鲁氏菌病和结核病是二种严重危害人民身体健康和畜牧业发展的人畜共患病。利通区是宁夏回族自治区规定的布鲁氏菌病和结核病稳定控制区达标考核的县 (区 )之一 ,又是宁夏新华百货夏进乳品企业的主要奶源基地。根据农业部…  相似文献   

文章旨在通过介绍一起奶牛养殖场在结核病检疫中,用皮内变态反应试验对261头奶牛进行检测,检测出3头阳性牛,并对其进行无害化处理,采取综合防制措施,净化奶牛场结核病,提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

奶牛结核病是由结核分枝杆菌引起的一种人兽共患慢性传染病。奶牛结核病的发生不仅影响奶牛生产,而且严重威胁畜产品质量安全和人民群众的身体健康。吐鲁番市奶牛结核病主要采取检疫净化。近年来,吐鲁番市认真贯彻落实《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020)》,开展了奶牛结核病检疫净化工作,采取以"监测、检疫、扑杀、消毒和净化"相结合的综合性防治措施,强化了奶牛健康养殖。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着奶制品社会需求量增加,奶牛饲养规模扩大、流通交易频繁,以及外地调运牲畜的检疫监管不严、阳性乳畜扑杀补助费用过低等原因,使奶牛布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)感染率出现反弹趋势,结核病也一直未得到有效控制。这不但威胁着消费者的身体健康,也影响着畜牧业的持续性发展。为促进青海省奶牛养殖业的发展,保障广大消费者的乳品消费安全,维护奶牛养殖户的利益,2015年青海省农牧厅组织实施了奶牛"出户入园"项目,按照项目方案  相似文献   

为初步了解河南省安阳市殷都区奶牛副结核病流行情况与分布特点,于2017年4~10月对安阳市6个规模化奶牛场共480份奶牛血清样品进行副结核病抗体检测,旨在为制定相应的防控措施提供数据。结果显示,共有27份血清样品检测为阳性,平均阳性率为5.63%,不同发育阶段奶牛阳性率存在一定差异,其中以小牛最高,为16.07%。副结核病在安阳市殷都区奶牛场广泛存在,感染率较低,但养殖场(户)仍需制定相应的防控措施。  相似文献   

<正>牛结核病(bovine tuberculosis)是由牛分枝杆菌引起的一种慢性传染病,该病传染性强,且能通过奶制品传染给人和其他动物,危害严重,我国将其列为二类动物疫病。近年来,随着结核分枝杆菌耐药性菌株的产生及规模化奶牛养殖场的增加,结核病的阳性检出率也在逐年上升。我国奶牛结核病检疫的国家标准是牛型结核菌素(PPD)皮内变态反应(GB/T18645-2002),但该方法操作较繁琐,耗时长,较易  相似文献   

为预防、控制和净化北流市奶牛结核病,采用提纯牛型结核菌素(PPD)皮内变态反应诊断,开展奶牛结核病流行学调查。结果表明,厩棚阴暗潮湿、通风不良,无露天运动场,长期圈养,久而容易引起机体抵抗力降低,诱发奶牛结核病,11个奶牛养殖户中,有6户因如此环境饲养被检测有结核阳性牛共14头;4个奶水牛养殖户共奶水牛360头无一感染结核病,表明奶水牛更能适应北流市自然环境和对结核病不易感。  相似文献   

目的:利用可以鉴别分支杆菌属中结核分枝杆菌、牛分支杆菌、非结核分枝杆菌多重PCR方法,检测奶牛场麻雀组织中分支杆菌感染情况。方法根据结核分枝杆菌种特异基因目的片段MTP40、分枝杆菌属特异基因32kD、结核分枝杆菌复合群特异基因IS6110插入序列,设计合成三对特异性引物,扩增对32kD的506bp、MTP40的396bp和IS6110的984bp片段,以此方法检测奶牛场麻雀肺组织中分支杆菌感染情况,并对阳性结果的目的片段进行克隆测序。结果在分析的21份麻雀肺组织中,检测出2例非结核分枝杆菌阳性病料,阳性率9.52%。2例阳性样本PCR扩增得到的片段与GenBank收录的32kD基因同源性分别为95.8%和97.2%。结论麻雀肺组织中存在分支杆菌感染阳性病例提示该牛场中生物体内存在分支杆菌潜伏感染,并可能导致奶牛的潜伏感染以及干扰结核检疫。  相似文献   

为了加快四川省结核病和布鲁氏菌病的净化工作,作者在四川选定了5个奶牛场,开展了奶牛两病净化示范工作。应用γ-干扰素体外释放试验检测结核病,应用ELISA技术诊断布鲁氏菌病,提高了两病的检测准确性。另外,实行全面监测、引种监管、强制隔离、强制消毒、强制扑杀、强化饲草监管等一系列措施,形成了一整套净化方案,从目前的净化效果来看,取得了比较明显的净化效果。  相似文献   

The State of Texas had the most (cumulative) tuberculous cattle herds of any state in the United States during the decade ending in 1997. Of the cumulative 18 infected herds in Texas, 12 herds were concentrated in El Paso County (designated the 'El Paso milkshed'). To identify whether non-bovine reservoirs were a source of Mycobacterium bovis infection of cattle in this region, an investigation was conducted on the premises of 14 dairy herds (12 tuberculous and 2 non-affected herds) between May 1995 and June 1997. None of the 670 mammalian, avian and environmental (soil, water and air) samples collected and cultured from the premises of these herds was positive for the presence of M. bovis. None of the 119 human urine samples obtained from employees of these dairies was culture positive for M. bovis. Of 124 dairy-farm workers with tuberculin skin-test results, 48 showed positive test results. There was, however, no difference in percentages of positive skin-test results between farms without, and farms having, bovine tuberculosis within the last two years or longer. The percentage of positive reactions did not increase with length of time employed at a dairy with a history of confirmed tuberculosis. These findings suggest that non-bovine reservoirs appear not to be a factor responsible for tuberculosis of cattle in the El Paso milkshed.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted between May 2003 and January 2004 on 130 households and 655 (246 indigenous and 409 crossbred) cattle to determine the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and assess risk factors associated with prevalence in smallholder dairy and traditionally managed herds in the Tanga region of North-eastern Tanzania. Random sampling, single intradermal tuberculin (SIT), comparative intradermal tuberculin (SCIT) tests and a questionnaire were used to gather individual animal and herd level information. From 642 animal tested by SIT, 35 (5.4%) were positive reactors for tuberculosis. Out of those 35 bTB positive reactors, eight (1.25%) proved to be positive reactors for tuberculosis upon further testing by SCIT. Based on the SCIT test, individual animal prevalences of bTB in the smallholder dairy and traditionally managed cattle was 2% and 0%, respectively. The corresponding overall herd prevalence was 5.7% and 0%, respectively. In conclusion, bTB prevalence seems low; however, its potential risk to public health is of concern; underscoring the need for further research, active surveillance to better understand the epidemiology of the disease in different cattle production systems in Tanzania.  相似文献   

We analysed the individual-animal data from six of the nine outbreaks of tuberculosis in Canadian cattle and cervids from 1985 to 1994. A “positive/reactor” animal was one which had either a positive culture or a positive or suspicious reaction on a mid-cervical, comparative cervical, or gross or histopathological test for tuberculosis. Individual-animal data were collected only for herds which had one or more positive/reactor animals. Data were collected from the outbreak records in the Regional or District offices of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada’s Animal and Plant Health Directorate. The within-herd spread of Mycobacterium bovis was studied by determining the most-likely date at which the herd was first exposed to M. bovis and the number of reactions which had developed by the time the herd was investigated. The animal-time units at risk in the herd were probably overestimated, resulting in conservative estimates of the within-herd incidence rates. Negative-binomial regression was used to investigate factors which might have influenced the within-herd spread of tuberculosis. Increasing age appeared to be a risk factor for being a positive/reactor animal. When compared to animals 0–12 months old, animals 13–24 months old had an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 7.6, while animals >24 months old had an IRR of 10.4 (p=0.009). Actual and predicted incidence rates for tuberculosis in mature (>24 months old) animals were calculated. Actual and predicted incidence rates were similar for cervids, within an outbreak. There was more variability between actual and predicted rates in the dairy and beef animals. In the one outbreak (Ontario) where there were positive/reactor cervid, dairy and beef herds, the actual incidence rate for cervids (IR=9.3 cases per 100 animal-years) was almost twice that of dairy cattle (IR=5.0) and three times that of beef cattle (IR=3.1).  相似文献   

We analysed the individual-animal data from six of the nine outbreaks of tuberculosis in Canadian cattle and cervids from 1985 to 1994. A “positive/reactor” animal was one which had either a positive culture or a positive or suspicious reaction on a mid-cervical, comparative cervical, or gross or histopathological test for tuberculosis. Individual-animal data were collected only for herds which had one or more positive/reactor animals. Data were collected from the outbreak records in the Regional or District offices of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada’s Animal and Plant Health Directorate. The within-herd spread of Mycobacterium bovis was studied by determining the most-likely date at which the herd was first exposed to M. bovis and the number of reactions which had developed by the time the herd was investigated. The animal-time units at risk in the herd were probably overestimated, resulting in conservative estimates of the within-herd incidence rates. Negative-binomial regression was used to investigate factors which might have influenced the within-herd spread of tuberculosis. Increasing age appeared to be a risk factor for being a positive/reactor animal. When compared to animals 0–12 months old, animals 13–24 months old had an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 7.6, while animals >24 months old had an IRR of 10.4 (p=0.009). Actual and predicted incidence rates for tuberculosis in mature (>24 months old) animals were calculated. Actual and predicted incidence rates were similar for cervids, within an outbreak. There was more variability between actual and predicted rates in the dairy and beef animals. In the one outbreak (Ontario) where there were positive/reactor cervid, dairy and beef herds, the actual incidence rate for cervids (IR=9.3 cases per 100 animal-years) was almost twice that of dairy cattle (IR=5.0) and three times that of beef cattle (IR=3.1).  相似文献   

A field comparison of the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) assay and the single intradermal cervical tuberculin (SICT) test for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis was conducted. A total of 1136 cattle belonging to 85 herds placed in 'Castilla y León' (northwestern Spain) were chosen, and 21 of these herds were subjected to the diagnostic assays two or three times at intervals of at least 4 months. All the animals positive to any of the tests were slaughtered and tuberculosis was confirmed by culture isolation method (CIM) and further identification by means of PCR. Only 10.6% of cattle reacted with the bovine PPD in the SICT test, a percentage that increased to 12.8% in the IFN-gamma assay. The sensitivity of the IFN-gamma assay compared to CIM was shown to be higher (84.9%) than that of the SICT test (80.2%), but the combination of both tests offered the highest sensitivity (92.9%). The number of false positive reactors (those animals in which CIM was negative) was considerably higher for the IFN-gamma assay than for the SICT test and, conversely, the number of false negative animals (M. bovis isolation but negative immunological result) was higher for the skin test than for the interferon assay. In the herds tested twice, tuberculosis was eradicated after the second cycle of testing in 50%, and in 75% after the third cycle in herds tested three times. The combination of these two techniques instead of separately seems, therefore, to be useful in eradication programmes against bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

本研究中采用常规皮内变态反应(TST)对广西南宁、柳州共计2 818头黑白花奶牛进行牛结核病检测,采用抗原特异性IFN-γ试验方法对PPD检测结果为阳性、可疑的牛以及部分阴性牛进行复检。将抗原特异性IFN-γ试验与TST检测结果相比,其敏感性为53.33%,特异性为70.49%,符合率为67.11%。本研究证实单独使用PPD皮内变态反应方法在牛结核病的诊断方面存在非特异性强等缺点,易造成假阳性牛的误杀;用抗原特异性IFN-γ试验对TST试验阳性和可疑牛进行复检可以提高特异性,该方法在临床上有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

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