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河南退耕还林的经验及问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省开展退耕还林 (草 )工作的主要经验是政策引导、行政监督、法制保障、技术创新。存在的主要问题是对政策理解不透 ,对适宜范围的确定简单化 ;规划设计不够科学 ;造林质量不高 ,管护措施落实不够。解决的对策是做到退耕还林 (草 )与水土保持工作有机结合 ;坚持“五先”原则 ;突出种草养畜 ,适度发展经果林 ;完善激励机制。  相似文献   

陕北丘陵沟壑区退耕还林中有关问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对陕北丘陵沟壑区退耕还林中出现的后续产业不力,重林轻草、轻灌、树种、草种单一且外来物种占优势,不注重生态系统的异质性及政策等方面的问题,提出需加强后续产业建设开发,植被建设要重视先锋物种。模拟天然生态系统及调整退耕还林政策。加速移民建镇,加强科技宣传,提高农民素质等。  相似文献   

为了校正退耕还林草工程操作方面的偏差,用正确的路径保证政策目标的实现,对案例地区———宁夏原州区做了有关政府部门和典型村的农户等2个层面的调查。考察了退耕还林草实施的目标、过程、方式、进度安排,其中存在的问题及各部门的政策建议;访问农户的家庭基本情况、退耕还林草工程参与情况、农地地块退耕前后的利用和投入产出状况、家庭各业生产情况等。结果表明,原州区在实施退耕还林路径上尚存在以下4个方面的主要问题:(1)尊重农民意愿不够;(2)对工程完成后农民的生计考虑不够;(3)工程操作中的乔灌草搭配与自然地理环境不相符;(4)退耕还林工程没有科学规划,操作上的随意性较大。为此提出3条基本建议:(1)加强对退耕还林科学问题的研究,增强政策的科学性;(2)科学规划,实事求是地做好退耕还林还草工作;(3)创造公正的政策环境,让农民做出正确选择。  相似文献   

保护性耕作是防止沙尘暴发生的有效途径   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
由于黄土高原退耕还林工程涉及区域广阔,推进迅速,实施经验欠缺,因此目前存在科学规划、充分论证、有序推进不力,造林成活率低.科技支撑不足等不容忽视的问题。根据黄土高原退耕还林工程的现状及相关调查研究结果,谨提出建议如下:(1)明确退耕还林工程在生态建设中的正确定位;(2)增强退耕区生态环境建设与实施综合治理的政策可操作性;(3)加大配套措施实施力度,确保退耕成果不反弹;(4)国家应明确政策,支持封禁,促进植被自然恢复;(5)重视粮食的风险问题与对策。  相似文献   

退耕还林就是从保护和改善生态环境出发,将易造成水土流失的坡耕地退耕还林,具有群众参与广、投资高、覆盖面多、见效周期长的特点。要扎实推进退耕还林政策实施,须重视对退耕农户的生态补偿问题,不断完善生态补偿机制,提高补偿的公平性、针对性与效率性。分析我国后退耕还林时期的生态补偿政策实施现状及存在的问题,并提出应对措施:建立完善的生态补偿机制;切忌采用"一刀切"标准;实行与市场接轨的补偿制度;明确退耕还林生态受益主体。  相似文献   

退耕还林(草)与水土保持若干问题的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邹军  张明礼  杨浩 《土壤通报》2012,(2):506-512
水土流失作为环境恶化的主要原因之一,是土壤学和环境生态学研究的热点。控制水土流失,有利于人类经济与社会的可持续发展。退耕还林(草)作为一项治理水土流失的有效政策与方法,一直受到人们的关注。从林草植被对水土保持功能的研究现状、退耕还林(草)的技术标准、效益评价等方面进行了回顾总结,在此基础上指出目前存在的主要问题以及发展趋势,对退耕还林(草)与水土保持关系的研究和退耕还林(草)政策的进一步完善和落实,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

退耕还林是党中央、国务院的一项惠民政策,由此,以陕西省渭南市白水县对此项工作的开展情况,简要描述了产业结构的调整,老百姓得到的实惠,农民生活质量的提高,退耕还林政策的落实,并对存在的问题提出了相应的对策,以退耕还林工作,推动生态建设与产业发展,实现人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

北京市生态清洁小流域建设与管理   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
在深入调研的基础上,总结了北京市生态清洁小流域建设和管理的基本做法和经验,指出了建设和管理中存在缺乏统筹规划、重建设轻管理、农民参与不够等主要问题,提出了因地制宜、分类指导,完善政策、建立机制,加强科技、科学推进,提高农民参与程度等对策和建议。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,为了更好地保护环境,华亭县坚持推行强化宣传、典型带动、法律推动、上下联动的工作机制,使水土保持预防监督工作取得了不错的成效,既提高了全民的水土保持基本国策意识、较好地落实了水土保持"三同时"制度,又推进了建设单位水土保持法制观念的转变、有效地保护了综合治理成果。分析了存在的问题:重"两费"征收,轻水保治理;重方案审批,轻监督实施;重项目,轻农村;重自身工作,轻部门配合。  相似文献   

西北地区退耕还林工程的实施和政策落实   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 西北地区6省(区)退耕还林工程从1999年实施以来,各级领导高度重视,广大干部和农民群众认真贯彻落实,工程进度快,任务完成得较好,取得了重大进展。2003年初的中期评估认为:一次种植成活率低(特别是荒山造林)是干旱半干旱地区退耕还林工程实施中应引起重视的问题;经过多次补栽后,大部分省(区)验收时成活率较高,验收合格率也较高;各省(区)在退耕还林工作中的工程验收、钱粮兑现、林权证发放等政策执行方面总体上较好,从而为项目的扎实、稳妥、健康开展提供了政策保障。  相似文献   

Issues related to the cost-effectiveness of biodiversity conservation policies have not yet been prominent in European conservation research and policy-making. Nevertheless, there is a small but growing literature which analyses such issues. The article reviews this literature, and focuses on reserves and compensation payments for conservation measures as the two most relevant conservation policy instruments in Europe. Understanding of the cost-effective allocation of conservation measures and reserve sites has improved, and further light will be shed by integrating knowledge from ecology and the economic analysis of policy instruments. Although research on cost-effective monitoring, enforcement and decision-making has addressed certain issues, others very relevant to conservation policy such as implementation problems related to NATURA 2000 have been neglected.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区提倡节水型水土保持   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 基于黄土高原几十年的治理成就和经验,对干旱和半干旱地区的水土保持建设进行再认识,指出水土保持措施的减水作用不容忽视,乔木林要适度种植,治坡和治沟是互相依存和互相补充的关系,在西部地区开发建设中注重生态环境建设,避免基础设施建设中的水土流失。从全流域整体考虑,在黄土高原地区应提倡节水型水土保持,并重点治理多沙粗沙区,依据植物的群落特征和地带性理论,因地制宜进行林草建设,尽量选择耐旱的林草,少种高耗水量的植被,工程措施中不同规模淤地坝应建有排水设施,做到淤沙排水,以达到节水的目的。  相似文献   

Wind erosion is not as significant or a widespread problem in Europe as in dryer parts of the world, but it can cause major damage in small areas. The hazard is greatest in the lowlands of northwestern Europe with more than 3 million ha at high-potential wind erosion risk. Crop damage and off-site damage have prompted farmers and policymakers to pay more attention to wind erosion control. A great variety of measures have been developed in the last decades. Most farmers, however, only use measures to protect their high value crops. In existing policies, little attention is paid to the off-site effects and long-term effects of wind erosion. There are no direct policy measures at a European level to control soil erosion, and few measures exist in individual Member States. Agricultural or environmental EC policies offer different policy tools to approach the wind erosion problems related to agricultural practices. Tools like subsidies for the re-afforestation of arable land can help regional policy makers with the implementation of wind erosion control measures. A case study concerning the ‘Code of Good Agricultural Practice’ shows that regional differences result in different control measures that fits best given the physical, social and economic context. The formulation of the practical details of such code should therefore remain a task of the local or regional government. The main objectives of a Code of Good Agricultural Practice could be formulated at national or European level.  相似文献   

<正> 随着我国水土保持法律法规体系的不断完善和执法力度的加大,开发建设项目水土保持方案的编制工作日趋繁重.为了保证水保方案编制的质量,国家实行了资质证书制度,并制定了方案审批、监督实施的具体办法,使开发建设项目造成的水土流失逐步得到科学合理的治理.与此同时,由于开发建设项目工程类别多,造成的水土流失特点各异,以往遵循的水土保持各类标准和规范不适应新的情况,而编制开发建设项目水保方案的技术规范还未颁布,在当前的水保方案编制过程中遇到了许多新的技术问题,这些技术问题若解决不当势必影响水保方案的编制及水土流失的防治工作.本文根据近几年编制各类建设项目水保方案的实践,就有关问题与大家商讨,以期提高水保方案编制质量.1 开发建设项目水土保持方案的  相似文献   

陡坡地种植农作物害多利少   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国山丘区占国土面积的三分之二,坡耕地面积约5亿亩,其中25°以上的陡坡耕地约1亿亩,水土流失十分严重。本文根据水利部组织的调查,论证了垦种陡坡地的深远危害和逐步退耕还林还草的可行性及经济合宜性;认为,应认真贯彻水土保持法规的有关规定,严禁陡坡垦植农作物,有计划地退耕现有陡坡地,难以退耕的必须采用水土保持措施;并提出当前要广泛开展宣传教育、加强基本农田建设和制定陡坡地退耕的优惠政策等措施。  相似文献   

我国现代农业发展中的若干问题   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
现代农业是农业发展的现代化阶段,也是我国当今农业发展的必然趋势。我国现代农业的发展方向是走集约化农业发展的道路,即加强集约经营;力争粮食稳产;坚持持续发展。今后在面临人口与粮食,资源与环境严峻挑战的情况下,现代农业必须为人类享有充足与健康的食物和清洁的环境作出贡献。当前我国现代农业发展中存在的问题,主要是农业持续发展与生态,环境建设及其相互关系问题。为解决此问题,需要采取建立四大观点;解决四大矛盾  相似文献   

我国水土保持生态修复及其存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态修复是迅速有效治理水土流失的新措施,其主要做法分为两类:一类是修复措施,包括封山禁牧、封育保护,退耕还林(草),造林种草等;另一类是保障措施,包括以粮代赈、舍饲养畜、生态移民、建设高标准农田、能源替代、调整产业结构等。我国生态修复存在的主要问题是:短期行为,科技支撑不够;模式单一,管理落后;配套资金不足,支持措施不力等。应通过广泛宣传,树立长期坚持的意识,并加强科研、创新政策,建立多层次投入机制,以确保生态修复的可持续发展。  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(1):134-146
It has long been realized that the conservation of soil capital and ecosystem services are of paramount importance, resulting in a growing case for a change in attitude and policymaking in respect of soils. Current UK and EU approaches are risk‐based and focused on measures to manage and remediate the adverse impact of current policies and practices directed at maximizing productivity and profit, rather than one of resource conservation. Increasing soil loss and degradation is evidence that current policy is not working and a new approach is needed. In the UK there is governmental ambition to progress towards natural capital‐led land use policies but, in the absence of a framework to determine the relative condition of the soil resource, the delivery of sustainable soil conservation policies will continue to be inhibited. Common Standards Monitoring (CSM ) is an established monitoring and management framework (based on ecosystem structure, function and process) and has been effectively deployed for almost two decades by the UK Government for the monitoring and reporting of key biological and earth science natural capital and ecosystem services from ‘field’ to local, regional and national levels to the European Commission. It is argued that a CSM for soils could be developed for the UK 's soil resources as well as for those elsewhere, and would be able to deliver a conservation rather than the current risk‐based approach. It is capable of accommodating the complexities and variation in soil types and functions and potentially being practical and cost‐effective in its implementation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods that can be used to determine the distribution of metal species in soil solution are critically reviewed and assessed. They are divided into two groups: those that can provide free ion activity, and those that measure labile species in solution. Ion selective electrodes have long been regarded as a promising technique, but there are practical problems in performing accurate measurements and only the Cu electrode has been used routinely. The Donnan membrane technique is capable of measuring the free ion activity of many metals, but adequate sensitivity can be a problem. Although resin competition methods are versatile, care must be exercised to avoid perturbing the solution excessively. Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) measures labile species, so the approximation involved in interpretation as simple inorganic species, from which free ion activities can be derived, should be recognized. Diffusive gradients in thin-films also measures labile species, but it is applicable to a much wider range of metals than ASV. It requires larger volumes of solution, but it can be used directly on the whole soil where it also measures the metal that can be rapidly supplied to solution. Other techniques such as permeable liquid membranes have yet to be used for measurements on soil solution. All of these methods have strength and weaknesses, and measure different aspects of speciation. Knowledge of the availability of the metals to biota is likely to be best advanced by the critical use of one or more of these speciation methods with a thorough understanding of exactly what is being measured.  相似文献   

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