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为帮助广大读者迅速提高中兽医诊疗技术水平,并为参加2015年全国执业兽医资格考试的读者自学提供资料,我们在中兽医讲座中将不定期穿插执业兽医考试中兽医学(中兽医学占临床兽医科目15%)辅导,帮助大家迎考复习。考虑到有些考生没有系统地学习过中兽医学课程,故在此文中介绍较详,希望学过中兽医学的读者能够理解。  相似文献   

契合执业兽医资格考试制度,改革中兽医教学让传统中兽医学薪火相传。通过整合教学内容、丰富教学手段、改进教学方法等改革中兽医学教学,从提高学生实践技能的层面扎扎实实搞好教学,为执业/助理兽医师考试做好充分的准备。  相似文献   

1、执业兽医资格考试的方式是什么? 答:执业兽医资格考试分为兽医全科类和水生动物类两类,自2013年开始,水生动物类执业兽医资格考试每2年举办一次。2014年执业兽医资格考试类别为兽医全科类。考试方式包括兽医综合知识考试与兽医临床技能考试(2014年全国执业兽医资格考试只考查兽医综合知识部分)。兽医综合知识考试包括4科,即基础科目、预防科目、临床科目、综合应用科目。  相似文献   

执业兽医资格是国家认可的准入类职业资格.执业兽医资格考试是行业准入考试,是指评价申请执业兽医资格人员是否具备执业所必需的知识和技能的考试.每年全国通过执业兽医资格考试的比例约为15%.为了提升高职院校的考试通过率,贵州农业职业学院采用了混合式教学方法对学生进行执业兽医资格考试教学培训.结果表明:线上+线下混合式教学充分...  相似文献   

日前,广东省执业兽医资格考试工作已全面展开。据了解,执业兽医资格考试是兽医人员从事动物诊疗、动物保健等经营活动的准人考试.是评价兽医从业人员是否具备执业所必需的法律知识、专业理论、临床技能的国家级考试。《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》和《国务院关于推进兽医管理体制改革的若干意见》明确规定,  相似文献   

骆艳秋 《吉林畜牧兽医》2012,33(11):61-62,66
执业兽医资格考试是行业准入考试,是评价申请执业兽医资格者是否具备从事兽医工作所必须的专业知识与技能的考试,是执业兽医制度的一个重要内容。实行执业兽医资格考试制度,是世界多数国家和地区通行的做法,我国从2009年起,由农业部组织实施"执业兽医资格考试",每年举行一次。  相似文献   

<正>中华人民共和国农业部于2017年6月12号发布新的《执业兽医资格考试管理办法》,自2017年7月1日起施行。新的考试管理办法新增临床技能考试部分,意味着考试难度加大,除了考现有的理论考试,还会增加现场实践操作技能考试,对很多考生又是一个很大的考验。  相似文献   

笔者以适应执业兽医资格考试为目标,将临床兽医各主要课程的理论与实践教学内容进行整合,实施以案例式为主导的教学方式,依据执业兽医考试和兽医职业能力建立相应的临床兽医学课程体系、教学大纲、教学内容、教学方法和考核方案,以培养学生综合分析、解决兽医临床实践问题的能力,适应当前执业兽医制度下对复合型兽医人才的需求。  相似文献   

<正>执业兽医资格考试是对兽医从业人员的一种准入考试,目的是评价兽医从业人员是否具备执业所必需的专业知识、技能水平和职业道德。实行执业兽医资格考试制度,是世界上多数国家和地区的通行做法。我国《动物防疫法》和《国务院关于推进兽医管理体制改革的若干意见》中对推行执业兽医资格考试制度都做出明确规定,提出具体要求,开展执业兽医资格考试,既是全面贯彻落实有关政策法律的重要举措,也是我国兽医制度与国际通行做  相似文献   

一本完整的中兽医学教材包括基础理论、四诊辨证、中药方剂、经络针灸、病证防治五部分,全国执业兽医资格考试中兽医学也是如此,中国兽医协会组编的《执业兽医资格应试指南》)由中国农业大学动物医学院主编,中兽医学内容与现行的本科教材完全一致(因本科教材也是中国农业大学动物医学院主编),现行高职高专教材也已全部采用。如何自学中兽医或者说中兽医能否自学?我认为完全可以,上个世纪五六十年代的中兽医名家,都是自学  相似文献   

The use of medications to mask defects of wind, limb or temperament in horses offered for sale can be a problem for purchasers, and for veterinarians performing pre-purchase examinations. Drugs which may be used in this way include the phenylbutazone-like drugs, cotricosteroids, local anaesthetics, and tranquilizers. If skillfully used, no signssuggestive of medication by these agents will be detectable by the examining veterinarian. In the absence of information on the medications status of an animal, the usefulness of a pre-purchase examination may be limited.These limitations can be circumvented by the analysis of blood or more expecially blood and urine samples from such horses. Current analytical methodology allows the detection of many medications in blood, and of virtually all significant medications if blood and urine samples are available. Such analysis, therefore, allows the veterinary practitioner to offer a significantly better pre-purchase test, and protects both the veterinarian and the purchaser.  相似文献   

This series of three articles discusses the new income tax rules regarding the incorporation of professionals in general and veterinarians in particular. It points out that while there may be some degree of tax saving or deferral achieved by incorporating, many provincial veterinary associations may not yet permit its members to incorporate. The incorporation of the nonprofessional aspects, however, should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

Horse handling and veterinary examination can induce hazardous stress reactions. Such reactions occur especially in young and less-trained horses, particularly stallions, and make their handling a risk for breeders, grooms, and medical staff. Moreover, these stressful situations will affect the animal’s health and welfare. Because stress reactivity is thought to be partly determined by genetic factors, scientists, veterinarians, and breeders are likely to be interested in adding temperament assessments to stallion selection schemes, as it is already done in some countries. This study assesses young stallions’ temperament and its comparison with their stress reactions during a standardized veterinary examination for studbook admission. The assessment consists of a general examination, a lameness examination including flexion tests, an endoscopy of the upper airway, and a standardized radiological examination. During the years 2008 and 2009, 93 stallions were evaluated. Stallions were observed from the moment they were unloaded from the trailer at the clinic until the end of veterinary examinations. In addition to the behavioral observations made by the experimenter, each staff member in charge of the examination filled in a short questionnaire about the horse’s temperament and the “easiness of manipulation” for the performed examinations. Breeders were asked to complete a longer questionnaire about their horse’s temperament. The assessments of “aggressiveness,” “sociability,” and “learning level” temperament traits were the most consistent, as shown by the significant Spearman correlations between judges’ assessments. Undesirable behaviors during veterinary examinations leading to handling difficulties were associated with a low “easiness of manipulation” score assessed by the clinical staff. These low “easiness of manipulation” scores were positively correlated to temperament traits such as “anxiousness” and “aggressiveness” and negatively correlated to others such as “sociability” or “learning level.” Temperament assessment and behavioral observations can therefore be used to anticipate behaviors that make a horse difficult to handle during veterinary examinations. Thus, it may be important to include temperament assessment as a feature in the selection of breeding stallions—as already practiced for some breeds in some countries. Such evaluations may promote the welfare of horses and ease of handling as well as safety for the handler.  相似文献   

Performance and pleasure horses depend upon their ability to see and assess the environment. Thus, the veterinarian must be able to examine the eyes and recognize abnormalities so that the owner or purchaser can be informed about the visual status and prognosis for the horse's vision. If the veterinarian encounters suspicious or abnormal findings during the examination, a more detailed examination and/or referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist can be recommended to the owner or purchaser.  相似文献   

The veterinary herd health and production control program for year-round calving herds, presented in this paper, comprises a basic system and a flexible system. The basic system is a uniform system of data recording, standard veterinary activities and problem detection for all farms. Record keeping by the farmer includes the updating of a farm diary and a fertility—health chart and the preparation of an examination list before each veterinary farm visit. Record keeping by the veterinarian comprises the updating of a general inventory and four index lists at each monthly visit. The index lists contain all relevant parameters or index figures needed to monitor the various aspects of the farm. These lists serve to detect unwanted situations or problems and to initiate problem analysis. The farm checklist, with time-related veterinary and agricultural attention points, is consulted at each farm visit. In this way, no aspect is omitted in the control program. Problem analysis is performed in the flexible system. This comprises subsystems adaptable to the specific demands on the farm at a given moment and with a given problem. It indicates to what extent action is needed to solve the problem. Agricultural activities must be coupled to veterinary activities in order to provide the farmer with optimal advice. The farm checklist can be considered as a link between the two disciplines: the veterinarian can enlist the agricultural officer at the right moment.The frame-work of the basic system is introduced with emphasis on record keeping by the farmer, veterinary farm visits and the farm checklist.  相似文献   

本文阐述了PCR(基因扩增 )技术的原理、基本操作方法 ,及其在兽医生物制品疫苗污染病毒检测中的应用。着重介绍了应用PCR技术检测新城疫病毒和瘟病毒的方法 ,具有快速、敏感、特异性高等优点 ,对兽医生物制品的研究、生产和临床应用具有一定的指导意义  相似文献   

New owners usually have many questions regarding their puppy’s behavior during the first physical examination. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the behaviors expressed by puppies when exposed to a veterinary clinic environment. The puppies’ response to physical examination was also studied. A total of 102 puppies, between 8 and 16 weeks of age and of various breeds, were filmed during a standardized physical examination at the veterinary clinic. The study included an observation of the puppy free on the floor (FF) followed by a physical examination on a table (PET) and various manipulations on the floor (MF). During FF, the behavioral categories recorded were: activity, exploration, facial expression, puppy solicitation of interaction with the veterinarian, vocalization, and others. During PET and MF, the type of interaction with the veterinarian, facial expression, and ear position were examined. The study revealed some significant differences between behaviors exhibited by puppies according to their sex, age, and estimated adult weight. Behaviors generally varied widely among puppies, but some individuals showed “extreme behaviors” (outliers) compared to the median puppy. These behaviors included more active avoidance, more locomotion, more panting, or more vocalization, which were often correlated across contexts. These findings suggest that even at a young age, some puppies can be differentiated from others by specific behaviors. Whether or not these individuals are at higher risk of developing behavioral disorders as adults remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Every veterinarian can be confronted with the request from a law enforcement agency to conduct a veterinary examination based on the Animal Health and Welfare Act and to produce a written report of that examination. This Veterinary Statement can be used in court. The Veterinary Statement is an important piece of evidence, so it should be formulated with care. The veterinarian in charge must be aware of the requirements that the Veterinary Statement must meet and the legal procedures that must be followed.  相似文献   

This contribution is not about animals in music; it rather attempts to describe how veterinary medicine as a discipline and veterinarians as representatives of the profession are perceived of and portrayed in music. Aside from Gioacchino Rossini's "Barber of Seville", in which Count Almaviva impersonates a veterinarian of the day, the most sympathetic veterinarian character ever created by a lyricist or composer in surely Hans Stadinger, the "armourer" and vet in Albert Lortzings opera. In other musical genres such as artsongs and folksongs, the only such figure worthy of musical interpretation seems to have been those masters of the fiery forge who were also wise in the veterinary healing arts. In the past 20 years vets and veterinary medicine have been included in new musical trends: There are musicals and radio plays in which even the youngest members of the audience are exposed to the veterinarian profession. A number of pop groups are also to be mentioned here. For example, animal welfare has been thematized by punk rockers, and a pop group for Hamburg has put a medieval horse blessing to music. Last but not least, a number of vets in Berlin turn their everyday troubles and worries into musical parodies.  相似文献   

Veterinary medicine is failing both to sustain its academic base and to meet national needs for research in the fields of comparative medicine (translational research), public health, and food production. The basis for the shortage of veterinarians with research expertise is multi-factorial and related to the substantial commitment of time and money required to obtain both a DVM and advanced training, as well as the lack of motivation among veterinary students to engage in biomedical science. Effective strategies for increasing the number of veterinarian scientists must address these issues using a balanced combination of money, marketing, and mentoring. Success will require not only that we increase and improve opportunities for research training, but also that we create and sustain veterinary college environments that attract, foster, and reward dedication to research. The 'research pipeline' needs to be transformed into a 'research manifold' with multiple portals for entry and re-entry of trainees. Age-appropriate educational and mentoring programs should be implemented at K-14, baccalaureate, veterinary college, post-graduate, and junior faculty levels to promote recruitment, training, and retention of veterinarian scientists. New initiatives are especially needed to attract students with primary interests in science and biomedical research to the veterinary profession and to facilitate transition of motivated veterinary graduates from private practice to research careers. Specific examples of such programs are presented and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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