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随着空调技术的发展,送风方式也日益多样化。探究满足整体舒适度而且节能的送风方式是现代商场空调系统研究的重点。本文基于常见顶板送风方式的基础上,重点介绍了商场地板送风、工位送风和置换通风的空调系统送风方式的基本原理,对采用不同送风方式影响商场整体舒适度的因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

针对大型公共建筑中央空调系统能耗在建筑能耗中所占的比重越来越大的现象,对长沙市的一些大型公共建筑进行了的调研,运用全建筑能耗模拟软件EnergyPlus对某商场进行了能耗模拟,对其模拟结果与调研结果进行了比较与分析,提出了运用自动控制系统来实现公共建筑空调系统的节能的建议。  相似文献   

我国空调设备具有多样性和复杂性,应在空调冷源、空气处理设备、空调末端产品、控制系统、机房专用机、家用空调、通风设备等方面开发新技术,新产品,在引进和消化国外技术的基础上,大力保护和发展民族产业。供热设备应开发适用性广的散热器,发展低温地板辐射供热方式和远红外辐射供热设备,研制适合中国国情的热计量手段。  相似文献   

在林区小城镇建设中,中央地温空调设备在供暖等方面与锅炉设备相比可保护天然的绿色生态家园,环境不受污染,不用一次性资源(木材、原煤、油料),同时运行安全,费用经济,适合林区发展。  相似文献   

26℃热不热? 6月15日,上海正式开始执行包括写字楼在内的公共场所空调温度不低于26℃的规定。继广州、深圳、上海推出公共场所空调温度不得低于26℃的措施之后,日前北京市党政机关、企事业单位带头节能节电,倡导各大商场尽量把空调温度控制在26℃。以前一旦走进商场、写字楼时,就会感觉到"温度骤冷",然而,如今虽然能感觉凉快许多,但绝不是骤冷,倒有  相似文献   

对长沙市各类型的部分大型商场进行了实地考察,总结了商场主要内部环境状况,分析概括了植物造景对商场的影响,并以长沙金满地为实例进行了探讨,提出了相应的植物造景对策。  相似文献   

陈杨 《林业科技情报》2015,47(1):64-65,67
随着人们经济收入的提高与生活理念的转变,对室内环境的要求也就越来越高,舒服安逸的生活办公环境成为了人们的追求。本文先后对暖通空调设备的节能设计的现状、节能设计及热回收装置与措施等方面进行了阐述,希望对未来暖通空调系统的设计起一定参考作用。  相似文献   

简单介绍水系统的组成、分类、竖向分区等内容,并对水系统运行的常见故障进行了阐述,对空调水系统的基本概念以及空调水系统故障诊断有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

甘家口大厦在自身盈利发展的同时,勇于承担环境使命,并将低碳节能贯穿于经营活动的每一个细节,形成一套符合行业特征和企业特质的节能模式,包括水、电、天然气使用等一系列节能规范。其中,日光灯全部更换为节能灯,使商场电费下降了5%;通过对空调系统进行保温处理,仅此一项就使夏季每月排水量由原来的1000吨减少到400吨左右。在商业流通领域节能减排、环境保护等方面,甘家口大厦起到了示范带头作用。  相似文献   

生态空调窗和幕墙集空调设备、双向换气扇、空气换热器、富氧器、灭菌器、太阳能和地温能空调系统、冷凝水能量回收系统、遮阳罩、防盗网和窗帘等多种器件的功能于一体,结构紧凑,并可开发出五大类、至少380多个不同结构的系列产品和2000多个不同结构的子系列产品.  相似文献   

小型家用中央空调作为一种新型的家用空调形式正在悄悄的普及,本文介绍了家用小型中央空调的基本原理和系统型式,结合我国国情特点,特别是家用空调行业特点,提出了我国发展小型家用中央空调的思路。  相似文献   

介绍了几种常见的住宅空调方式和不同规模住宅小区的空调方式如何进行经济评价的方法。  相似文献   

首先分析了通风与空调系统主要噪声源的来源,继而论述了针对其噪声来源采取切实可行的消声措施,其控制噪声的方法和措施是值得借鉴的。  相似文献   

柞水县地处秦岭南麓,五味子野生资源极为丰富,尚待开发利用。本文对柞水县南五味子的品种资源及分布情况进行调查求证,对当地气候环境因子进行分析,对环境安全因子进行检测,对照《药典》载南五味子生长环境进行比对分析,结果证明:柞水县南五味子生长环境与《药典》载南五味子相吻合,是南五味子的适生区;柞水南五味子生长地土壤、水、空气含重金属、农药残留符合规定,是南五味子的优生、安全区域。  相似文献   

阐述了大气污染的定义、来源及大气污染物的种类,分析了我国的大气状况,并对植物对大气污染物的抗性机理进行了综述。  相似文献   

肚倍蚜,美灰藓最佳生态条件与肚倍基地建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肚倍蚜,美灰藓最佳生态条件研究表明,由光照强度、湿度以及风速等因素决定的环境是制约肚倍丰产、稳产的关键;据此对肚倍基地建设提出若干建议。  相似文献   

In the 1970s unexpected forest damages, called “new type of forest damage” or “forest decline”, were observed in Germany and other European countries. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Federal States implemented a forest monitoring system in the early 1980s, in order to monitor and assess the forest condition. Due to the growing public awareness of possible adverse effects of air pollution on forests, in 1985 the ICP Forests was launched under the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (CLRTAP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE). The German experience in forest monitoring was a base for the implementation of the European monitoring system. In 2001 the interdisciplinary case study “concept and feasibility study for the integrated evaluation of environmental monitoring data in forests”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, concentrated on in-depths evaluations of the German data of forest monitoring. The objectives of the study were: (a) a reliable assessment of the vitality and functioning of forest ecosystems, (b) the identification and quantification of factors influencing forest vitality, and (c) the clarification of cause-effect-relationships leading to leaf/needle loss. For these purposes additional data from external sources were acquired: climate and deposition, for selected level I plots tree growth data, as well as data on groundwater quality. The results show that in particular time series analysis (crown condition, tree growth, and tree ring analysis), in combination with climate and deposition are valuable and informative, as well as integrated evaluation of soil, tree nutrition and crown condition data. Methods to combine information from the extensive and the intensive monitoring, and to transfer process information to the large scale should be elaborated in future.
Sabine AugustinEmail:

空调水系统的保温直接影响空调系统的制冷效果和经济效益,对建筑的节能占有重要地位。 本文通过保温原则和推荐的材料及材料厚度,有效地指导空调系统施工,起到节能的目的。  相似文献   

Vibrational properties of Sitka spruce heat-treated in nitrogen gas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Carr.) wood was heated for 0.5–16.Oh at temperatures of 120°–200°C in nitrogen gas or air. The values for Young's modulus, shear modulus, and loss tangent were measured by free-free flexural vibration tests. X-ray diffractometry was carried out to estimate the crystallinity index and crystallite width. The results obtained are as follows: (1) Density decreased at higher temperatures and longer heating times. The specific Young's modulus, specific shear modulus, crystallinity index, and crystallite width increased during the initial stage and were constant after this stage at 120°C and 160°C, whereas they increased during the initial stage and decreased later when the temperature was high. Loss tangent in the longitudinal direction increased under all conditions, whereas that in the radial direction increased at 120°C and decreased at 160°C and 200°C. (2) From the relation between Young's modulus and moisture content, it can be safely said that Young's modulus is increased by the crystallization and the decrement in equilibrium moisture content, and that crystallization (rather than degradation) is predominant at the initial stage of the heat treatment, whereas the latter is predominant as the heating time increases. (3) It is implied that the specific Young's modulus, specific shear modulus, crystallinity index, and crystallite width decreased more in air than in nitrogen gas because of oxidation in air.This study was presented in part at the 43th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society at Morioka, August 1993, the 44th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society at Nara, April 1994, and the 45th Annual Meeting of Japan Wood Research Society at Tokyo, April 1995  相似文献   

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