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Radiographic evaluation of the tympanic bulla is limited. Improper obliquity or angulation of the skull for radiographs or malpositioning of the tongue can result in an inadequate study [4]. Additionally, because of the complex anatomy of the canine and feline skull, with superimposition of multiple osseous structures, radiography can result in false-negative examinations or understimation of the disease present [2]. When compared with surgical findings of 19 clinical cases of presumptive middle ear disease, false-negative radiographic findings were found in 25% of the surgically confirmed cases of otitis media [4]. Therefore, radiographs are not considered to be a highly sensitive mode of diagnosing otitis media. Radiographs may be helpful in determining lysis associated with neoplasia; however, the extent of involvement is still underestimated. In a study comparing CT and radiographic evaluation of otitis media, CT was determined to be more sensitive but less specific than radiography [11]. CT is the preferred modality for the evaluation of the tympanic bulla at our institution. This opinion may be biased by the fact that most cases are presented for recurrent or chronic otitis. Although radiography is more accessible, the availability of CT in local referral settings is increasing as opposed to being limited to university settings. After the cost (i.e., anesthesia, radiographs) and amount of time necessary to make optimum radiographic studies are taken into account, a CT study may actually be faster and more informative. Given our preference for the CT examination, the cost of the examination has been adjusted to make it more appealing to the owner and clinician. For example, a bulla CT study is only 1.3 times the cost of a radiographic bulla study. In conclusion, imaging of the ear canal can provide important information about ear disease, including unilateral or bilateral ear disease, the degree of middle or inner ear involvement, peripheral versus central vestibular disease, an infectious or inflammatory versus neoplastic process, the chronicity of the disease process, involvement of adjacent structures, and postsurgical complications.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic assistance in the management of articular fractures should be the standard of treatment because of the numerous advantages afforded by the technique. Arthroscopic evaluation of the entire joint as well as fracture reduction are superior to that obtained by radiography, fluoroscopy, or direct observation. Condylar fractures and third carpal slab fractures are the most commonly performed procedures with the technique but simple phalangeal fractures, mid-body sesamoid fractures, and other injuries can be managed similarly. The arthroscopic evaluation should be combined with intraoperative radiographic/fluoroscopic imaging of the internal fixation.  相似文献   

Thirteen dogs with fractures requiring surgical repair were evaluated by standard two-view (i.e., lateral and ventrodorsal) radiography, tangential view (ventro 20 degrees cranial-dorsocaudal [inlet] and ventro 20 degrees caudal-dorsocranial [outlet]) radiography, and computed tomography (CT). Radiographic and CT examinations were reviewed independently by the three authors, and specific anatomic sites were graded for the presence or possibility of lesions. The results of radiographic interpretations were compared to CT scan interpretations. Eighty-one percent of skeletal lesions detected by CT scans were diagnosed definitively radiographically. Differences between the interpretation of CT and radiographic examinations included abnormalities associated with soft-tissue structures (P < 0.0001), the sacroiliac joints (P = 0.02), and the acetabula (P = 0.04). Interpretation of the lateral/ventrodorsal and inlet/outlet radiographic series were not statistically different, although inlet views may be complimentary to the standard radiographic examination. Its use deserves further study. Reader variation was less on evaluation of CT examinations than radiographic examinations. CT multiplaner reformations and three-dimensional reconstructions were useful for surgical planning in seven dogs. CT scanning is superior to survey radiography in assessing skeletal and soft-tissue injuries in dogs with pelvic trauma, although all clinically significant surgical lesions were described accurately radiographically. Based on this small series, the routine CT examination of dogs with pelvic trauma may not be justifiable for diagnosis but may be advantageous for surgical planning, especially if acetabular fractures are suspected on radiographs.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: An alternative technique of radiographing the pelvis in the standing horse is required, to avoid the risks associated with general anaesthesia. HYPOTHESIS: That lateral oblique radiography in the standing horse would be a useful technique in the investigation of pelvic injury. OBJECTIVES: To describe the technique of lateral oblique pelvic radiography in the standing horse and demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of this technique. METHODS: A technique for lateral oblique radiography in the standing horse was devised and retrospective review made of radiographic findings in 18 clinical cases. RESULTS: The caudal iliac shaft, greater trochanter of the femur, femoral head, acetabulum and coxofemoral articulation on the side under investigation were visualised consistently using this technique. Of the 18 cases, 3 iliac shaft fractures, 1 acetabular fracture, 2 coxofemoral luxations and 4 horses with new bone formation around the coxofemoral joint and/or proximal femur were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral oblique radiography in the standing, conscious horse can be used to investigate conditions affecting the caudal iliac shaft, coxofemoral articulation and proximal femur in the horse. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The technique is straightforward, noninvasive and useful in the investigation of horses with suspected pelvic injury. However, not all pelvic injuries would be identified, and normal radiographic findings do not rule out injury or fractures elsewhere in the pelvis.  相似文献   

Fractures of the central tarsal bone are a rarely recognized cause of acute severe hind limb lameness in nonracehorses. Diagnosis of these fractures can be challenging and little is known about their configuration or outcome. The objectives of this retrospective case series study were to describe the clinical features, imaging findings, and outcomes of fractures of the central tarsal bone in a sample of nonracehorses. Medical records from 2001 to 2014 were searched for cases of central tarsal bone fractures in nonracehorses. All available imaging findings including radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and/or nuclear scintigraphy were reviewed. History, clinical presentation, and outcome were collected from the records. Four horses met the inclusion criteria. All had a similar configuration as a simple nondisplaced slab fracture in a dorsomedial to plantarolateral orientation. Initial radiographs failed to reveal the fracture in three of four cases. When additional plantarolateral‐dorsomedial oblique radiographic views were obtained, the fracture could be identified in all cases. Fractures of the central tarsal bone seemed to occur in a consistent dorsomedial to plantarolateral orientation in this sample of nonracehorses, which is different from the configuration previously reported in racehorses. While CT can be used for detection and assessment of these fractures, authors propose that radiography can also identify these fractures with the appropriate view. Authors recommend the use of several plantarolateral to dorsomedial radiographic projections at varying degrees of obliquity for horses with a suspected central tarsal bone fracture.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to establish the sensitivity and negative predictive value of radiography for acute spinal osseous lesions in the canine trauma patient, and to evaluate the interobserver variability in radiographic assessment of the spine in traumatized dogs. This was a retrospective multiple observer blinded study. The study population included 30 canine patients that presented following acute trauma, with clinical signs attributable to the spinal column. Radiography and computed tomography (CT) were performed in all cases. Radiographic interpretation was performed independently by four observers with different experience levels who were blinded to clinical information (other than trauma) and the CT results. CT studies were interpreted by a further three radiologists who formed a consensus opinion on the presence of specific osseous lesions. Using the CT results as a gold standard, the sensitivities and negative predictive values of radiography for specific osseous lesions were calculated. Interobserver agreement was also evaluated. Radiography was found to have only a moderate sensitivity for fractures (72%) and subluxations (77.5%). Low negative predictive values were found for the presence of vertebral canal narrowing (58%) and fracture fragments within the vertebral canal (51%). Interobserver agreement was only moderate to fair for most lesion types. In conclusion, radiography cannot be used to reliably rule out potentially unstable acute vertebral lesions in the canine trauma patient, and further imaging is therefore often indicated in the patient with a high risk of such injuries.  相似文献   

The radiographic and arthroscopic findings in 150 carpal joints in 114 lame horses were compared. Chip, slab, or sagittal fractures were identified in 130 (87%) joints. In 101 (78%) of these there was good agreement between radiographic and arthroscopic findings on the number and position of fractures. In 23 (18%) joints, chip fractures additional to those seen radiographically were found arthroscopically. In one joint a large chip fracture from the craniolateral aspect of the distal radius was identified only by arthroscopy, while in 6 joints fractures were identified only by radiography. Observed causes of lameness, other than intra-articular fractures, included degenerative joint disease, synovitis, ruptured intra-carpal ligaments, and haemarthrosis. Correlation between the radiographic and arthroscopic assessment of degenerative joint disease was poor. It was concluded that both radiography and arthroscopy should be used to obtain the most accurate assessment of the equine carpus.  相似文献   

Damage to the subchondral bone has been associated with a number of orthopaedic diseases. Diagnostic imaging is, therefore, critical in identifying disease and damage of the subchondral bone, not only for the diagnosis of joint and subchondral bone disease causing lameness, but also for identifying early/pre-symptomatic damage. The aims of this Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) were to assess the published evidence for the use of advanced imaging techniques (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and computed tomography [CT]) in the diagnosis of subchondral bone disease in the distal limb joints (metacarpo/metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints) of the adult horse, and to compare the diagnostic value of these techniques with radiography. In the studies reviewed in this CAT, advanced imaging modalities (MRI and CT) were superior to routine radiography for the diagnosis of subchondral bone injury of the distal limb joints. In a small percentage of horses, post-MRI reevaluation of the initial radiographs or acquiring further lesion-orientated radiographs allowed the identification of the subchondral bone injury. Extended radiographic examinations, including non-standard views, might increase the sensitivity of radiography to detect subchondral bone injuries, however, currently CT and MRI may be considered the “gold standard” imaging modalities. More studies comparing the identification of subchondral bone lesions on imaging and by histopathological/gross examination would be useful to assess more precisely the sensitivity and specificity of the different modalities.  相似文献   

Thoracic injuries caused by blunt trauma are commonly encountered emergencies in veterinary medicine. However, published studies are lacking that compare radiology to CT in blunt trauma caused by motor vehicle accidents in canine patients. The aim of this prospective diagnostic accuracy, methods comparison study were to estimate the sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of thoracic radiology relative to CT for detecting lung contusions, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and rib fractures. The study further aimed to develop a severity scoring system for radiology and CT and to compare the findings between the two modalities. The hypothesis was that radiology would be less sensitive than CT at detecting these injuries and that radiology would underestimate the severity of lung contusions. Fifty‐nine patients met the inclusion criteria. Radiology underestimated the presence of lung contusions (Se = 69%, 95% confidence interval) and overestimated the severity of the contusions relative to CT. There was high interobserver variability in evaluating lung contusion severity (coefficient of variation = 91%). Both the three‐view thoracic and horizontal beam radiography had poor sensitivities for the detecting pneumothorax (Se = 19% and 63%, respectively) and pleural effusions (Se = 43% and 71%, respectively). Similarly, the sensitivity (56%) of radiographs for the detection of rib fractures was poor relative to CT. Findings from the current study indicated that thoracic radiography had low sensitivity for detecting lesions related to blunt thoracic trauma caused by motor vehicle accidents and supported the use of CT as an additional diagnostic imaging modality in these patients.  相似文献   

Detection and accurate classification of traumatic tarsal fractures are important for identifying cases requiring surgical intervention. The aim of this prospective, experimental, methods comparison study was to directly compare the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of tarsal computed tomography (CT), ten‐view and two‐view digital radiographs for detecting traumatic fractures of the canine tarsus. The working hypothesis was that tarsal fractures would be detected with higher accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity using CT imaging compared to radiography, and a ten‐view would be superior to a two‐view radiographic study. Ten cadaver hind limbs of medium to large dogs received a CT scan and ten‐view radiographic study before and after induction of fractures with a hydraulic press. All bones included in the radiographic images were assessed for fractures by two observers and gross dissection was used as the gold standard. The two‐view radiographic study (dorsoplantar, lateromedial) was created from the ten‐view study and reviewed 2 years later. All limbs sustained fractures, the most common locations were the talus and calcaneus (n = 7). The sensitivity of CT was greater than ten‐view radiographic study (77% vs. 57%), while the specificity was similar (97% vs. 98%). The sensitivity and specificity of the ten‐view and two‐view radiograph studies were similar (57% vs. 55%; both 98%). Computed tomography images were reassessed postdissection to determine if failure to identify fractures resulted from observer error. Overall, CT was better than radiography for detecting fractures of the canine tarsus, however there was little improvement with ten‐view compared to two‐view radiographic studies.  相似文献   

The psittacine skull is a complex anatomic structure, frequently traumatized but difficult to adequately image with standard radiographic procedures. Multiple views including a ventrodorsal, a lateral, and complementary oblique projections are necessary to fully evaluate potential skull fractures in the avian patient. Magnification radiography is a relatively easy procedure that aids the review of small osseous structures. Familiarity with psittacine skull anatomy greatly facilitates radiographic interpretation of cranial trauma.  相似文献   

The psittacine skull is a complex anatomic structure, frequently traumatized but difficult to adequately image with standard radiographic procedures. Multiple views including a ventrodorsal, a lateral, and complementary oblique projections are necessary to fully evaluate potential skull fractures in the avian patient. Magnification radiography is a relatively easy procedure that aids the review of small osseous structures. Familiarity with psittacine skull anatomy greatly facilitates radiographic interpretation of cranial trauma.  相似文献   

The clinical features, radiographic findings and management of traumatic lesions in the orang utan are described with reference to 21 cases. Eight cases had fractures of the femur and five had humeral fractures; all the fractures were successfully treated. One case with a skull fracture (frontal parietal) died before treatment could be instigated. Five orang utans with contusions recovered with symptomatic treatment and rest.  相似文献   

A 2‐year‐old Thoroughbred filly presented to the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of California at Davis for whole body nuclear scintigraphic evaluation after an acute onset of nonweightbearing right hindlimb lameness post race. The use of computed tomography (CT) enabled visualisation of additional pathology that was not initially appreciable using combined imaging modalities of nuclear scintigraphy and digital radiography, which ultimately altered the selected course of treatment. Computed tomography in horses with fractures of the cuboidal bones of the hock can provide valuable additional information regarding fracture configuration and radiographically occult pathology, which may help to guide clinical decisions about treatment.  相似文献   

Objective— To compare the diagnostic yield of conventional radiographs and computed tomography (CT) images of the skulls of dogs and cats with maxillofacial trauma (MFT).
Study Design— Prospective study.
Animals— Dogs (n=9) and 15 cats with MFT.
Methods— CT-scans and skull radiographs (4 standard projections) for each animal were evaluated using a semi-quantitative scoring system for the ability to identify 26 predefined, clinically relevant anatomic features (Part 1), and 27 predetermined potential traumatic injuries (Part 2). For Part 1, mean scores for each anatomic feature were recorded for every view and imaging modality. For Part 2, studies were evaluated for the frequency of cases where each predetermined traumatic injury was identified.
Results— Part 1: On radiographs it was easy to identify 17 of 26 anatomic features whereas 6 features were very difficult or impossible to identify on any view. All structures were considered easy or very easy to identify on CT. Scores for CT were lower than radiographs for evaluating dental occlusion and the integrity of the mandibular body. Part 2: CT scans demonstrated 1.6 times more maxillofacial injuries for dogs and 2.0 times more for cats than conventional radiographs. The average number of MFT injuries per animal by radiographs and CT-scan was 4.8 and 7.6 in dogs, and 3.8 and 7.7 in cats, respectively.
Conclusion— CT is superior to conventional skull radiography for identification of anatomic structures and traumatic injuries in dogs and cats. Skull radiography is useful for visualizing the mandibular body and dental occlusion.
Clinical Relevance— CT allows for accurate assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning of MFT in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Fifteen clinical cases of gunshot fractures were studied. A radiographic classification of the fractures was developed to aid in fracture evaluation. Type I fractures involved a simple transverse or oblique fracture with minimal soft tissue damage. Type II fractures were severely comminuted with no cortical bone defect and minimal soft tissue damage. Type III fractures were "shatter" fractures, characterized by severe comminution, cortical bone defects, and extensive soft tissue damage. Type I and Type II fractures (combined 26.7%) healed in 8 weeks or less. Eleven of the 15 cases evaluated (73.3%) were found to be Type III fractures, requiring more than 14 weeks for complete cortical healing. Osteomyelitis was associated with 3 cases of Type III tibial fractures, 2 of which developed after a second surgical intervention. Management, complications, and prognosis of gunshot fractures are discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the complex nature of the anatomy of the equine head, superimposition of numerous structures, and poor soft tissue differentiation, radiography may be of limited value in the diagnosis of basilar skull fractures. However, in many horses radiographic changes such as soft tissue opacification of the guttural pouch region, irregular bone margination at the sphenoccipital line, attenuation of the nasopharynx, ventral displacement of the dorsal pharyngeal wall and the presence of irregularly shaped bone fragments in the region of the guttural pouches are suggestive of a fracture of the skull base. These findings in conjunction with physical examination findings and historical information may lead to a presumptive diagnosis of a fracture. When available and when the patient will accommodate the equipment, computed tomography may give a definitive diagnosis owing to its superior resolution and differentiation of soft tissue structures.  相似文献   

The radiological examination of bone lesions can be challenging, considering the complex superimposition of the 3D anatomy of a region on to a 2D image. This report describes the findings achievable with different diagnostic imaging modalities (radiography, arthrography, spiral computed tomography) and the correlation with the post mortem and histopathological findings in a horse with a fracture associated with an osseous cyst‐like lesion in the third phalanx. CT was highly superior to radiography to evaluate the spatial configuration and completeness of the fracture, relationship between the fracture and osseous cyst‐like lesion, architecture of the cyst, presence of its communication with the joint and secondary degenerative joint disease. In conclusion, CT represents an asset in these cases for an accurate prognosis and therapy.  相似文献   

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