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为研究虎红平板凝集试验(RBT)、全乳环状试验(MRT)、间接酶联免疫吸附试验(iELISA)及胶体金检测试纸条对布病的检测效果,本研究采用以上方法分别对感染地区和净化地区的牛群血清、羊群血清、牛群奶样进行了检测效果的比对。结果显示,针对牛群血清,RBT结果阳性率最高,iELISA与胶体金结果阳性率相似,表明RBT的敏感性较好,iELISA与胶体金检测试纸条的特异性较RBT好;针对羊群血清,iELISA与胶体金检测试纸条的敏感性和特异性较RBT好;针对牛群奶样,MRT结果阳性率低于全乳iELISA和胶体金检测试纸条。全乳iELISA和胶体金检测试纸条在试验中显示出具有较高的敏感性和特异性。  相似文献   

原料乳的微生物指标直接影响着原料乳的质量。现在中、小规模乳品厂所用奶源大多为私人奶站收购干乳,通过对几份奶的检测,了解到现用鲜奶质量卫生质量相对较差,这对乳品质量造成一定影响。表1为几份收购原料乳的细菌总数,嗜冷菌数,芽孢总数及耐热芽孢检测结果。(见表1)可见,奶站有自己奶牛场的,细菌污染较轻,收购散户的污染严重。交奶不及时,贮存期长的,嗜冷菌数明显高,饲养条件及挤奶条件对芽孢菌的污染影响较明显。按GB6914-86生鲜牛乳收购标准判断,原料乳整体卫生质量较差,基本都已超出等级范围。不同乳制品对…  相似文献   

本研究的目的是分析奶牛场生产的原料乳中主要微生物及理化指标的季节性变化规律和影响因素。采集奶牛场的奶样及奶厅环境空气样品,在实验室检测原料乳中的主要微生物及理化指标,并进行对比,分析影响其指标的主要因素。检测结果表明,冬季牛乳的营养成分高于春、夏、秋三季,微生物各项指标优于春、夏、秋三季,而且未检测到沙门氏菌、蜡样芽孢杆菌和单增李斯特菌。奶厅环境空气中的细菌含量冬季最高,夏季最低。得出结论:原料乳的理化指标和微生物指标在不同季节间有较大差异,乳中细菌含量与奶厅环境空气中的细菌含量没有必然的关系,只要严格执行原料乳生产过程的卫生管理规范,就能有效控制和减少原料乳细菌总数和病原菌的数量,生产出安全合格的牛乳产品。  相似文献   

正2013年加拿大J.Shire等在美国《奶牛科学杂志》上报道了关于温度对乳酮检测试纸条性能影响的研究。乳酮试纸条名为"keto-Test",它借测定牛奶中β-羟丁酸(BHBA)诊断奶牛酮病,并监测整个牛群酮病的发病率。该研究目的是探明在牛奶和试纸条温度变化后该试纸条的可靠性。该试验从密歇根州荷斯坦奶牛场共选取产后泌乳5天~17天的荷斯坦奶牛118头,每天上午从每头奶牛的右后乳区采集奶样,于4℃下进行测定:(1)试纸条和牛奶均置于室温状态(24.0±0.1℃);(2)冷冻试纸条(10.8±0.9℃)和室温  相似文献   

尿素细菌生长产生的脲酶分解了原料奶中的尿素,导致乳尿素氮(MUN)含量的降低。为了保证原料奶在运输过程中MUN含量的稳定,需要在原料奶中添加防腐剂。研究结果表明,添加浓度为0.13%~0.50%的苯甲酸钠,能够在1d内维持MUN含量的稳定;添加浓度为0.04%~0.08%的布罗波尔,能够在3d内维持MUN含量的稳定;添加浓度为0.08%~0.30%的重铬酸钾,能够在7d内维持MUN含量的稳定。  相似文献   

酒精检测是乳品企业接收原料奶时的一项重要检测指标,只有酒精试验检测结果呈阴性的原料奶,乳企才能正常接收并使用。酒精试验结果呈阳性的原料奶中有一部分是低酸度酒精阳性乳,这部分产生低酸度酒精阳性的原料奶,从乳房挤出来时便可能发生。低酸度酒精阳性乳产生的原因很复杂,它是牛体对各种不良应激因素所产生的一种应激反应。本文对不同条件下致使原料奶低酸度酒精阳性产生的因素进行了分析,并针对分析结果提出防控建议。  相似文献   

嗜冷菌是导致原料乳以及乳制品腐败的主要微生物类群。巴氏杀菌或超高温瞬时(UHT)灭菌后,几乎除去了全部的嗜冷菌,但细菌分泌的热稳定的蛋白酶和脂肪酶却并未完全钝化,进一步影响原料乳风味以及质地。测定原料奶中热稳定蛋白酶和脂肪酶的活性是控制嗜冷菌污染原料奶的前提。本文综述了原料乳中嗜冷菌分泌的热稳定性酶类的快速检测技术,比较了这些方法的优缺点,并对此领域的技术发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

对不同地区的牛奶采样,并对牛奶中掺入的尿素、蔗糖、淀粉、豆浆、血和脓汁、有乳房炎的病理乳等物质进行了检验,在检测项目中,掺水乳出现程度较高,为10.99%,其次为乳房炎5.49%,蔗糖为 4.40%,血(脓汁)出现率也高,为4.40%,尿素为2.20%,而这次检测中没有发现掺有淀粉和豆浆;从不同地区采样的检测结果,农村地区的散养户以掺水的检出较高,建议在今后收购中应重视;而某奶牛场以检出有乳房炎的病理乳较高,建议对乳房炎进行治疗,防止同群牛被感染,并注意药残和奶抗的发生,提高奶产品质量。  相似文献   

本研究分析了原料奶营养成分随季节变化的规律。利用2010年1~12月期间赤峰市宝民牧业有限责任公司原料奶成分的检测结果,分析不同季节对原料奶营养成分的影响。结果表明,1~4季度乳中干物质含量平均分别为13.00%、12.53%、12.06%和12.48%,第一季度高于其他三个季度。1~4月份乳脂肪含量大于4.00%,5~12月份处于标准奶的正常值范围之内(2.90%~3.20%)。乳蛋白质随季节呈"V"字形变化,1月~6月~12月为下降-上升趋势,4~9月份乳蛋白率低于3.2%。由此可见,夏季牛奶营养成分含量低于其他季节。  相似文献   

日前,记者从内蒙古自治区政府获悉,内蒙古乳制品生产或生鲜乳收购量较大的盟市正在组建生鲜乳质量第三方检测中心.仲裁和解决乳制品生产企业与奶站因原料奶质量而发生的争议问题,切实保护奶农利益。  相似文献   

荷斯坦奶牛产奶量与乳成分的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨湖北地区荷斯坦奶牛产奶量、乳成分的相关性,本研究选择2016年湖北省3个牧场的DHI数据,运用SPSS17.0中的双变量相关分析和偏相关分析,分析产奶量与乳成分的相互关系。结果表明:3个牧场产奶量与乳脂率、乳蛋白率、体细胞数、乳尿素氮呈负相关(P0.01);乳脂率与乳蛋白率、体细胞数、乳尿素氮均呈正相关(P0.01);乳蛋白率与体细胞数呈正相关(P0.01),与乳尿素氮呈负相关(P0.01);体细胞数与乳尿素氮均呈负相关(P0.01);产奶量与体细胞数简单相关系数-0.003(P0.05),偏相关系数-0.054(P0.01);体细胞数与乳尿素氮含量简单相关系数0.003(P0.05),偏相关系数-0.134(P0.01)。在产奶量与乳成分间关系研究中简单相关分析与偏相关分析结果不一致,在多个变量相关性研究中,偏相关分析更能真实反映2个变量间本质联系。  相似文献   

A rapid method for the determination of urea in milk was evaluated. The method employed was a urease/glutamate dehydrogenase procedure where the decrease in absorbante of NADH is monitored spectrophotometrically at 340 nm. The repeatability expressed as a coefficient of variation, was 1.4 % and 0.8 % for whole milk and skim milk, respectively. The accuracy of the method for urea determinations in whole milk was satisfactory (coefficient of variation, 2.6 %). Adding the preservative bronopol (0.02%) to the milk or freezing of the milk samples for one week did not alter urea levels significantly (P > 0.05). The storage of preserved whole milk in a refrigerator for 14 days, however, increased milk urea levels measured by 3.1 % (P < 0.001).It was concluded that the method evaluated is simple, rapid (40–50 samples/h) and yields reliable results also when whole milk is used. Since the determination of milk urea may be useful in assessing the feeding of energy and protein, the method is suitable for integration in the existing milk recording system in Sweden.  相似文献   

The content of urea in milk was studied as a parameter of dairy cow nutrition. It is possible to use for the analysis whole milk where the values are lower by 5.96% than in defatted milk (this fact must be borne in mind when the results are interpreted). Protein can be removed from whole milk within 24 hours after sampling provided that it was placed in a refrigerator within four hours from milking to be stored there at 4 degrees C. In such a case the decrease in urea level is not greater than 4%. No significant differences were found between urea concentration in milk collected by stripping and that in bulk milk. It is not recommended to take samples at the end of milking because such milk contains less urea. Urea concentration in the bulk milk samples corresponds to the average urea concentration in the milk samples taken from dairy cows in the stable.  相似文献   

In total records of 363 East Friesian breed of sheep and 15 Lacaunes from 15 flocks located in Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria were available to investigate the influences on milk urea content. In one flock different groups of ewes were fed with low, medium and high amounts of energy and protein, but constant protein and energy ratio. The milk urea levels exhibited to statistically significant differences but the tendency of the feeding effect could be confirmed. Additional parameters influencing the urea content of milk of ewes are: herd specific factors, stage of lactation, mastitis, preservation and different analytical methods. The content of urea in milk is not suitable for assessment of the energy/protein-ratio of ewes with mastitis problems. Due to the special composition of sheep milk it is important to take account of the analytical method for determination of urea. Thus milk urea of one flock should be evaluated but not of individual sheep. In spite of these influence factors the determination of milk urea is a valuable tool for assessment of the energy and protein intake.  相似文献   

本研究采用尿素氮测定仪对牛乳中尿素氮(简称乳尿素氮)进行测定,并对乳尿素氮与乳脂率、乳蛋白率和体细胞数等关系进行了分析。乳尿素氮在奶牛营养方面反映了奶牛个体摄入的蛋白和能量的平衡情况,并且与奶牛泌乳、繁殖性能以及氮的排泄等有很大关系。乳尿素氮的测定具有取样方便、对奶牛无应激、测定结果稳定等优点,已逐渐成为DHI项目中必不可少的一项。  相似文献   

The relationship between milk urea concentration and the fertility of dairy cows was examined in two studies. The first examined the relationship between bulk milk urea concentration and overall herd fertility, using data collected from 250 herds in the UK. There was no relationship either between bulk milk urea concentration and fertility, or between changes in bulk milk urea concentration and fertility. The second study compared the relationship between the milk urea concentration five days after service, and the fertility of individual cows on 11 UK dairy farms. There was no significant difference between the milk urea concentration of the cows that became pregnant and those that did not.  相似文献   

综述了国内外测定乳尿素氮浓度的情况,评价了国内外测定乳尿素氮的优缺点以及乳成分和:样保存条件对乳尿素氮浓度测定的影响.  相似文献   

Milk urea concentrations in dairy cattle. There has been increased use of milk urea concentration as an indicator of dietary protein intake and protein metabolism in dairy cattle over recent years. The value of milk urea content data in predicting dietary composition, particularly for pasture-fed cattle, has not been well described.

Protein metabolism and urea synthesis. Many factors influence the degradation of dietary proteins in the rumen, post-ruminal protein metabolism and urea synthesis in cattle. Strong positive correlations between nitrogenous fertiliser use and the crude protein content of pastures were identified by use of meta-analysis. Similar strong positive correlations were noted between dietary protein intake, rumen ammonia and plasma urea concentrations. The costs of urea synthesis include energy losses, and importantly, the loss of endogenous amino acids, which are deaminated in the synthesis of urea.

Milk urea as an indictor of protein metabolism. Urea concentrations in blood, plasma and milk are strongly correlated. Milk is an adequate indicator of blood and plasma urea content, but non-nutritional factors may significantly influence milk urea concentrations. Recommendations for dietary protein management based on milk urea concentrations must be undertaken with care.  相似文献   

Six Swedish Red and White dairy cows, producing 20-39 kg of 4% fat-corrected milk were given a ration balanced in energy and protein. They had access to feed from 05.15 to 09.00 and from 13.00 to 16.30 and were milked at 06.15 and 15.30. The milk was analysed for urea with a FIA technique.There was a significant diurnal variation in milk urea. The highest values were found 3–5 h after the beginning of the morning feeding and the lowest values (down to 60% of the max. values) during late night. Within 1 h after the start of the morning feeding the urea values had increased significantly, but they had decreased within the same time after the start of the afternoon feeding. Since there was a pronounced diurnal variation in the milk fat content, the urea concentration was also recalculated to concentration in the water phase of the milk. It was higher in that phase, but the pattern of the diurnal variation was not changed significantly. However, analyses on milk with a very high fat content may give misleading results.There were no important differences in the milk urea concentration of different udder quarters. When calculated as concentration in the water phase of the milk, no differences in urea concentration were found between the beginning and the end of milking. The analytical method had a good precision (coefficient of variation max. 3%). The milk urea concentration was not changed significantly after storage during 10 days at 4°C when no preservative was added; but after 17 days the milk had turned sour and the urea value had increased. When a preservative (bronopole) was added the urea concentration remained unchanged during 17 days. Deepfreezing did not influence the urea concentration.  相似文献   

糊化淀粉尿素是新型高效的尿素缓释产品,用其饲喂反刍动物,能减缓尿素氮的释放,提高反刍动物对尿素氮的代谢率,增强菌体蛋白的合成量,提高尿素氮在反刍家畜日粮中使用的适口性及生产性能。本文就其在反刍动物上的使用,尤其是对泌乳牛产奶水平及使用糊化淀粉尿素产品饲喂反刍动物的配方要求等进行生产性验证,对于解决使用尿素的适口性、安全性、利用率等问题具有参考意义。  相似文献   

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