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雉鸡育成前期能量代谢参数及其需要量的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本项研究采用梯度饲养试验、代谢试验和比较屠宰试验 ,结合营养化验和统计分析 ,对4~8周龄育成前期雉鸡的能量代谢参数及能量需要量进行了全面测定研究。研究结果表明 :(1)雉鸡育成前期维持代谢需要量为每千克代谢体重每天119.61kcal;(2)雉鸡育成前期用于生长的代谢能的利用效率(Kpf)为25.93 % ,每克增重需要代谢能5.30kcal ;(3)雉鸡育成前期随着采食量的增加 ,其体蛋白沉积量、体脂肪能沉积量和体脂肪沉积能占总净能的比例均相应提高 ,但体蛋白沉积能占总净能的比例随着采食量的增加而逐渐降低。  相似文献   

雉鸡产蛋期能量代谢参数及其需要量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用梯度饲养试验、代谢试验和比较屠宰试验 ,结合营养化验和统计分析 ,对36只47周龄产蛋期雉鸡的能量代谢参数及能量需要量进行了研究。结果表明 :(1)雉鸡产蛋期维持代谢能需要量为每千克代谢体重每天113.80kcal;(2)雉鸡产蛋期产卵代谢能的利用效率 (Ke)为54.84 % ,产每克卵需要代谢能3.13kcal;(3)雉鸡产蛋期随着采食量的增加 ,其卵蛋白沉积能、卵脂肪沉积能和体蛋白沉积能均相应提高 ;产蛋期雉鸡在不同采食量梯度下的体脂肪沉积能均为负值 ,但随着采食量的增加 ,雉鸡产卵消耗体脂肪能的数量逐渐降低。  相似文献   

利用"中型开放回流式呼吸测热装置",采用梯度饲养、消化代谢试验,结合生长代谢呼吸测热和绝食代谢呼吸测热试验,对育成期宁夏滩羊公羊的能量需要量和代谢规律进行了系统的研究.结果表明:①在(20±1)℃下滩羊公羊育成期绝食产热为203.49 kJ/(W0.75·d);同样温度环境条件下生长代谢畜体产热为369.53 kJ/(W0.75·d);能量平衡的结果表明,滩羊公羊在育成前期沉积蛋白质的能力高于后期,沉积体脂肪的能力后期高于前期.②通过绝食产热测得滩羊公羊育成期维持净能244.29 kJ/(W0.75·d),维持代谢能305.3 kJ/(W0.75·d),km=0.8.③热增耗HI=125.27 kJ/(W0.75·d).④滩羊公羊育成前期代谢能需要量MER=305.33 kJ/(W0.75·d)·d+618.4×△W0.136(△W,kg).  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究育肥后期锦江去势公牛的能量代谢规律及需要量。在育肥前期不同能量水平饲喂的基础上(育肥前期5种肉牛日粮综合净能(NEmf)依次为6.02、6.38、6.74、7.10、7.46 MJ/kg,每组10头牛,育肥116 d)继续育肥,育肥前期试验结束后,保持分组不变,挑选35头体型接近、体重(355.94±35.11) kg锦江牛继续育肥。按照中国《肉牛饲养标准》(NY/T 815-2004)中350 kg肉牛日增重1.2 kg/d所需净能的100%(A组)、106%(B组)、112%(C组)、118%(D组)、124%(E组)配制5种不同能量水平的试验日粮,5种日粮的NEmf依次为6.21、6.58、6.95、7.33、7.70 MJ/kg。采用饲养试验和消化代谢试验测定育肥后期锦江去势公牛生长性能及能量代谢指标,并建立消化能和代谢能能量需要模型。预试期10 d,正试期128 d。结果表明:①D、E组育肥后期锦江去势公牛的总能采食量较其他组显著降低(P<0.05)。②B组肥后期锦江去势公牛能量利用效率最高,总能消化率、总能代谢率分别为90.59%和83.36%。③育肥后期锦江去势公牛日增重与消化能采食量和代谢能采食量存在高度线性正相关(R^2=0.997、R^2=0.993),其消化能、代谢能需要量的回归方程分别为:DE_m=0.770W0.75+40.088×ADG;ME_m=0.645W0.75+38.603×ADG(其中DE为消化能总需要量(MJ/d);ME为代谢能总需要量(MJ/d);W0.75为单位代谢体重(kg);ADG为平均日增重(kg/d))。综上所述,育肥后期锦江牛的维持消化能总需要量(DE_m)和代谢能总需要量(ME_m)分别为0.770、0.645 MJ/(kg W0.75·d),每千克增重的消化能和代谢能需要量分别为40.088、38.603 MJ。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究牦牛妊娠后期能量和蛋白质的维持需要量,为牦牛饲养标准的建立提供基础参数。利用随机分组设计将15头体重相近、经同期发情处理并本交配种的妊娠牦牛随机分为3组(每组5头牛),分别按自由采食(AL组)、80%采食量(IR80组)和60%采食量(IR60组)3个饲养水平进行饲喂。每组各选3头牦牛在妊娠180~185 d和210~215 d时进行2期消化代谢试验,在妊娠186~190 d和216~220 d时进行2期气体代谢试验,测定其碳代谢指标(食入碳、粪碳、尿碳、甲烷碳、二氧化碳碳)、能量代谢指标(食入总能、粪能、尿能、甲烷能)和氮代谢指标[食入氮(NI)、粪氮、尿氮],计算得出沉积氮(NR)、代谢能采食量(MEI)和能量沉积量(ER),通过回归分析得出牦牛妊娠后期维持净蛋白质和维持代谢能需要量。结果显示:牦牛妊娠180和210 d时NI[g/(kg W~(0.75)·d)]与NR[g/(kg W~(0.75)·d)]的回归方程分别为NR=1.046_((±0.18))NI-0.600_((±0.09))和NR=1.065_((±0.15))NI-0.611_((±0.07)),其纵坐标截距即为维持净氮需要量,乘以系数6.25即为维持净蛋白质需要量;牦牛妊娠180和210 d时MEI[kJ/(kg W~(0.75)·d)]与ER[kJ/(kg W~(0.75)·d)]的回归方程分别为ER=1.722_((±0.55))MEI-755.760_((±184.19))和ER=0.988_((±0.25))MEI-534.870_((±87.35)),当ER=0时的MEI即为其维持代谢能需要量。由回归方程得出,牦牛妊娠180和210 d时维持净蛋白质需要量分别为3.75和3.82 g/(kg W~(0.75)·d),维持代谢能需要量分别为438.81和541.64 kJ/(kg W~(0.75)·d)。  相似文献   

为研究产蛋高峰期蛋鸡代谢能需要量,试验选择220只24周龄尼克粉鸡随机分为5组,分别饲喂代谢能水平为10.07,10.63,10.91,11.41,11.78 MJ/kg的日粮。结果表明:在试验前期(25~38周)、后期(39~51周)和全期(25~51周)随着日粮代谢能水平的升高,各组蛋重、产蛋率、产蛋量、能量采食量差异不显著(P>0.05);采食量、料蛋比逐渐降低;随着日粮代谢能水平的升高蛋鸡增重有增加的趋势,但组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。说明在10.07~11.78 MJ/kg能量浓度范围内,提高日粮能量水平可以降低蛋鸡采食量和料蛋比,但对能量采食量影响不大。  相似文献   

采用比较屠宰试验和消化代谢试验测定了35~50 kg体重德国美利奴杂交育肥母羊的净能(NE)和代谢能(ME)需要量.选用49只5月龄、平均体重34 kg的德国美利奴羊×内蒙古细毛羊育肥母羊,其中34只用于比较屠宰试验,15只用于消化代谢试验.比较屠宰正试期开始时,从比较屠宰羊中随机选取6只屠宰进行初始屠宰测定,剩余28只羊随机分为4组、每组7只,其中3组分别按自由采食量的100%、75%和55%饲喂同种全混颗粒饲料(TMR,精粗比55:45),自由采食组羊体重达到50 kg时,3组羊同时屠宰.剩余的一组羊自由采食同种TMR,当体重达43 kg时屠宰.用于消化代谢试验的15只羊饲养于代谢笼内,随机分为3组,分别按自由采食量的100%、75%和55%饲喂TMR,正试期内同时进行消化代谢试验和甲烷排放测定,以评定TMR在不同饲喂水平的ME值.结果表明:TMR按自由采食的100%、75%和55%饲喂时,能量表观消化率分别为62.2%、64.9%和68.5%,CH4排放分别为52.1、44.3和39.9 L/d,ME分别为9.35、9.64和9.85 MJ/kg干物质.每日的维持净能(NEm)为239.2kJ/kg BW0.75,维持代谢能(MEm)为331.6 kJ/kgBW0.75,MEm的利用效率km(NEm/MEm)0.72.日增重100~300g BW/d时,每千克增重的生长净能(NEg)需要量12.5~15.5 MJ,每千克增重的生长代谢能(MEg)需要量30.2~34.5 MJ,MEg的利用效率kg(NEg/MEg)0.45.  相似文献   

魏明  崔志浩  陈志强  郑月  颜培实 《草业学报》2017,26(11):113-122
旨在应用直接法和回归法测定肉牛玉米青贮的消化能、代谢能和净能值,并探讨精料回归法用于估测肉牛单一粗饲料原料能值的可行性。试验选取12头体况良好、体重相近[(259±14.08)kg]的生长期公牛,随机分为3组,每组4头牛。分两期试验进行,试验一按试验牛自由采食量的95%、80%和60%3个水平饲喂全玉米青贮日粮;试验二在固定玉米青贮投喂量的基础上,各组分别按青贮饲喂量的15%、25%和50%(干物质基础)添加精料补充料。试验每期14d,其中前10d为预饲期,后4d为正试期。正试期消化代谢和呼吸代谢试验同期进行,测定玉米青贮对肉牛能量代谢规律。结果表明:1)肉牛对全玉米青贮日粮的各种营养物质消化率和能量消化率及代谢率随饲喂水平的提高总体逐渐降低;肉牛能量采食量(总能、消化能、代谢能和净能)随饲喂水平的提高逐渐升高,组间差异显著(P0.05)。2)玉米青贮对肉牛的消化能、代谢能和净能值随着饲喂水平的提高呈下降趋势,各有效能值变化范围分别为10.58~11.48 MJ/kg,8.33~9.44 MJ/kg和5.20~6.21 MJ/kg。3)添加精料补充料显著提高了肉牛对日粮的干物质采食量和粗蛋白消化率(P0.05),而洗涤纤维消化率精料添加比例组间差异不明显(P0.05);随着精料添加比例的增加,肉牛对日粮的能量采食量(总能、消化能、代谢能和净能)和能量消化率及代谢率逐渐上升,消化能代谢率各组之间无显著差异(P0.05)。4)根据试验日粮有效能值与精料添加量之间的关系建立线性回归方程后,外推估测得玉米青贮的消化能、代谢能和净能值分别为10.53 MJ/kg、8.29 MJ/kg和5.35MJ/kg,与95%饲喂水平组直接测定结果(10.58 MJ/kg、8.33 MJ/kg和5.20 MJ/kg)差异不显著(P0.05)。综上所述,回归法测定玉米青贮对肉牛的有效能值与直接法测定结果差异不明显,精料回归法可以用于估测肉牛单一粗饲料的有效能值。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究妊娠期云南半细毛羊的能量需要量。选取30只体重相近的妊娠期云南半细毛羊,随机分为5组,每组6个重复,每个重复1只羊。在不同饲粮代谢能(ME)水平(妊娠前期、中期分别为7.41、8.43、9.06、9.44和10.07 MJ/kg,妊娠后期分别为7.42、8.37、9.02、9.43和9.98 MJ/kg)下,通过饲养试验、消化代谢试验、气体代谢试验相结合的研究方法,探究妊娠期云南半细毛羊的能量代谢规律以及能量需要量。结果表明:云南半细毛羊妊娠期的ME需要量与代谢体重(W_(0.75))和平均日增重(ADG)间的关系为:妊娠前期,ME (kJ/d)=373.304W_(0.75)+19. 579ADG (R~2=0. 971);妊娠中期,ME (kJ/d)=385. 711W_(0.75)+20. 725ADG(R~2=0.952);妊娠后期,ME(kg/d)=425.267W_(0.75)+26.693ADG (R~2=0.952)。由以上回归方程可知,云南半细毛羊妊娠前期、中期和后期的维持代谢能(MEm)需要量分别为373. 304、385.711和425.267 kJ/kg W_(0.75)。妊娠前期、中期和后期云南半细毛羊每100 g日增重的ME需要量分别为1 957.9、2 072.5和2 669.3 kJ。产热量(HP)与代谢能采食量(MEI)间符合对数模型:妊娠前期,lgHP=0.000 3MEI+2.449 3 (R~2=0.691 8);妊娠中期,lgHP=0.000 2MEI+2.482 2(R~2=0.674 8);妊娠后期:lgHP=0.000 2MEI+2.530 6 (R~2=0.673 0)。因此,妊娠前期、中期和后期云南半细毛羊维持净能(NEm)需要量分别为281.38、303.53和339.31 kJ/kg W_(0.75),代谢能用于维持的效率(Km,Km=NEm/MEm)分别为0.754、0.787、0.798。  相似文献   

应用呼吸面具测热法测定湖羊妊娠期4个阶段(即0—60天,61—90天,91—120天与121—147天)每日产热量(HP),并用消化代谢试验测出不同阶段每日代谢能采食量(MEI),将测得数据,套入Lofgreen(1968)曲线回归方程,然后推算妊娠期4个阶段的每日维持代谢能需要量(千焦耳/W~(0.75)公斤)依次为432.58、437.52、461.70与458.40。本研究阐明妊娠后期的维持需要(MEM/W~(0.75)公斤)较妊娠前期为多,符合妊娠母畜能量代谢的生理变化规律。  相似文献   

Effects of genetic changes in reproduction, growth, body composition or lactation on the efficiency of market lamb production depend partly on the associated changes in feed intake requirements for maintenance and for protein and fat deposition. To evaluate these relationships, feed intake and body weight changes were monitored for six pairs of open, dry, mature ewes from each of seven diverse breeds fed pelleted alfalfa (53% TDN) ad libitum (AL) or restricted (MN) to 64% of ad libitum levels, for an average of 41 d. After a 56-h fast, heat production (FHP) was measured calorimetrically for 16 h before slaughter and analysis of empty body composition. The estimated daily metabolizable energy intake/kg(.75) of body weight for no change in body energy (MEm) was 167 kcal for the AL vs 147 kcal for MN ewes, and ranged from 139 to 169 among breeds (P less than .05). Estimated above-maintenance ME requirements, kcal/g tissue deposited, were 30 to 50 for protein and 10 to 14 for fat deposition. Mean FHP/d, adjusted by regression to zero activity, was 72 kcal/kg(.75) weight and was nonsignificantly higher (3.3) for the leaner MN than for AL ewes. Thus, the lower total MEm for MN than for AL ewes was necessarily derived from reduced metabolic and physical activity and(or) higher digestibility. Genetic increases in lean vs fat deposition would reduce above-maintenance feed by one-third to one-fourth because of the high water content of lean, but more lean mass may increase maintenance costs.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究不同饲喂水平对育成生长期雄性北极狐生长性能、血清生化指标及机体能量沉积的影响。试验选取46只85日龄,平均体重为(3 198±281)g的健康雄性北极狐,其中6只北极狐作为试验初屠宰试验对照,另外40只北极狐随机分成4组(每组10个重复,每个重复1只),分别为自由采食组(AL)(I组)、自由采食量的80%组(IR80)(II组)、自由采食量的60%组(IR60)(III组)和自由采食量的40%组(IR40)(IV组)。预试期7 d,试验期55 d,通过饲养试验、血清学试验、屠宰试验并结合化学分析方法来评定生长性能、血清生化指标及机体能量沉积的各项指标。结果表明:1)IV组100日龄体重极显著低于I和II组(P<0.01),与III组差异不显著(P>0.05),IV组115日龄、130日龄、145日龄体重和平均日增重(ADG)极显著低于其他3组(P<0.01),3组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。随饲喂水平降低,平均干物质采食量(ADMI)呈极显著降低趋势(P<0.01),III组料重比(F/G)极显著低于I和II组(P<0.01),与IV组差异不显著(P>0.05)。2)IV组血清葡萄糖(GLU)显著高于III组(P<0.05),与I和II组差异不显著(P>0.05);IV组血清胆固醇(CHO)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)极显著高于其他3组(P<0.01),I、II和III组间差异不显著(P>0.05);IV组血清总蛋白(TP)和白蛋白(ALB)显著高于I和III组(P<0.05),与II组差异不显著(P>0.05);对血清甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、球蛋白(GLOB)、免疫球蛋白A(IgA)、M(IgM)和G(IgG)、补体3(C3)和补体4(C4)、胰岛素(INS)均无显著影响(P>0.05)。3)随饲喂水平减少,毛皮脂肪沉积及其产热显著降低,I和II组显著高于III和IV组(P<0.05),II组毛皮增重和沉积总能量显著高于IV组(P<0.05),与I和III组间差异不显著(P>0.05);IV组胴体增重极显著低于其他3组,3组间差异不显著(P>0.05);对毛皮蛋白沉积及其产热、胴体脂肪沉积及其产热、蛋白沉积及其产热和胴体沉积总能量均无显著影响(P>0.05)。采取适当限饲(IR60)降低了育成生长期北极狐血清中糖脂类指标含量,保证了机体正常的生长和健康状态,提高了饲料转化效率,进而增加了养殖生产效益。  相似文献   

选用36头3.5月龄的生长期湖羊,根据体重分为4组,以稻草为粗饲料,以等量菜籽粕为蛋白补充料,以玉米淀粉为能量补充料,研究淀粉补饲引起的组合效应对湖羊生长性能和血液生化指标的影响,并探讨组合效应在代谢层次的产生机理。结果表明:淀粉补饲,显著提高了湖羊日增重(P<0.05),但日增重不随淀粉的增加而线性升高,过多的淀粉不会带来额外增重;淀粉补饲显著降低血中的尿素氮浓度(P<0.05),提高血糖水平(P<0.05)。上述结果显示,对于生长期的反刍动物,在日粮等氮的情况下,适当的能量补饲会对生长性能产生正组合效应,但过多的能量补饲将会产生负效应;提高日粮的能量水平可以促进机体蛋白质的利用效率和沉积,这可能是能量在机体代谢层次发挥正组合效应的主要机理。  相似文献   

The net and metabolizable energy (NE and ME) requirements of Dorper cross‐bred female lambs with BWs of 20–35 kg were assessed in a comparative slaughter trial. Thirty‐five Dorper × thin‐tailed Han cross‐bred female lambs weaned at ~50 days of age (20.3 ± 2.15 kg BW) were used. Seven randomly selected lambs were slaughtered at the start of the trial (baseline group). An intermediate group consisting of seven randomly selected lambs fed ad libitum was slaughtered when the lambs reached an average BW of 28.5 kg. The remaining 21 lambs were allotted randomly to three levels of dry matter intake: ad libitum or restricted to 70% or 40% of the ad libitum intake. All the lambs were slaughtered when the sheep fed ad libitum reached a BW of 35 kg. Total body energy, nitrogen, fat, ash and moisture content were determined. In a digestibility trial, an additional 15 Dorper × thin‐tailed Han cross‐bred female lambs (28.7 ± 1.75 kg BW) were housed in metabolism cages and used in a completely randomized design experiment to evaluate the ME value of the diet at the three feed intake levels. The maintenance requirements for NE and ME were 245.5 and 380.3 kJ/kg metabolic shrunk body weight (SBW0.75) respectively. The partial efficiency of energy use for maintenance was 0.645. The NE requirements for growth ranged from 1.18 to 5.18 MJ/d for the lambs gaining 100–350 g/d from 20 to 35 kg BW. Partial efficiency of ME for growth was 0.44. In conclusion, the current study suggests that the NE requirement for maintenance and growth of Dorper early‐weaned cross‐bred female lambs is lower than the current AFRC and NRC recommendations.  相似文献   

The direct control of feed efficiency is feasible only in test stations and experimental farms. Here coefficients of heritability were found below those for milk yield. Between milk yield and feed efficiency there exist strong genetic correlations, while the correlations between feed intake and feed efficiency are smaller. In spite of these favourable correlations, breeding for higher milk yield entails a serious energy deficit during the first part of lactation. The feed intake reaches its maximum not earlier than 10 to 12 weeks post partum, but peak daily milk yield has already been reached by two to four weeks post partum. Due to energy deficiency the feed efficiency during the first part of lactation seems to be very high, but in fact the feed intake at this time does not cover the energy demand of the high yielding dairy cow.In future more research on genetic factors controlling the feed intake during the first 10 weeks of lactation is required. As potential single factors the capacity of the digestive tract, the production of saliva, the ruminal fermentation, the rate of passage and the overall physiological status of the animal should be investigated. To estimate the real feed efficiency one should observe not only the direct production in milk, milk fat, protein and lactose but also the metabolism of depot fat, growth, nutrition of the foetus, maintenance requirements and a genetically affected resistance against metabolic disorders. Higher feed intake at beginning of lactation can reduce the feed costs, increase the protein content in milk and improve the conception rate in dairy cows. For breeding purposes we need indirect parameters for feed intake under field conditions, e.g. changes in body measurements, urea content in milk, oleic acid proportion in milk fat or content of ketone bodies.  相似文献   

Three replications of mouse selection populations for high heat loss (MH), low heat loss (ML), and a nonselected control (MC) were used to estimate the feed energy costs of maintenance and gain and to test whether selection had changed these costs. At 21 and 49 d of age, mice were weighed and subjected to dual x-ray densitometry measurement for prediction of body composition. At 21 d, mice were randomly assigned to an ad libitum, an 80% of ad libitum, or a 60% of ad libitum feeding group for 28-d collection of individual feed intake. Data were analyzed using 3 approaches. The first approach was an attempt to partition energy intake between costs for maintenance, fat deposition, and lean deposition for each replicate, sex, and line by multiple regression of feed intake on the sum of daily metabolic weight (kg(0.75)), fat gain, and lean gain. Approach II was a less restrictive attempt to partition energy intake between costs for maintenance and total gain for each replicate, sex, and line by multiple regression of feed intake on the sum of daily metabolic weight and total gain. Approach III used multiple regression on the entire data set with pooled regressions on fat and lean gains, and subclass regressions for maintenance. Contrasts were conducted to test the effect of selection (MH - ML) and asymmetry of selection [(MH + ML)/2 - MC] for the various energy costs. In approach I, there were no differences between lines for costs of maintenance, fat deposition, or protein deposition, but we question our ability to estimate these accurately. In approach II, selection changed both cost of maintenance (P = 0.03) and gain (P = 0.05); MH mice had greater per unit costs than ML mice for both. Asymmetry of the selection response was found in approach II for the cost of maintenance (P = 0.06). In approach III, the effect of selection (P < 0.01) contributed to differences in the maintenance cost, but asymmetry of selection (P > 0.17) was not evident. Sex effects were found for the cost of fat deposition (P = 0.02) in approach I and the cost of gain (P = 0.001) in approach II; females had a greater cost per unit than males. When costs per unit of fat and per unit of lean gain were assumed to be the same for both sexes (approach III), females had a somewhat greater estimate for maintenance cost (P = 0.10). We conclude that selection for heat loss has changed the costs for maintenance per unit size but probably not the costs for gain.  相似文献   

Seventy-two crossbred (Large White X Landrace) pigs were used in a 3 X 7 factorial experiment to investigate the response of two strains of boars (strains A and B) and of castrated male pigs (strain B) to seven levels of intake of a single diet (ranging from 5.3 Mcal digestible energy [DE]/d to ad libitum) between 45 and 90 kg live weight. All aspects of growth performance and body composition were affected to different degrees by both strain and sex. At all levels of energy intake strain A boars grew faster, had a lower feed to gain ratio and contained less fat and more water in the empty body than strain B boars, which in turn exhibited faster live weight gain and more efficient and leaner growth than castrated males. The magnitude of the differences in growth performance between strain A and strain B boars and castrates increased with increased energy intake above 7.88 Mcal DE/d, and these differences were associated with concomitant strain differences in their respective capacity for protein growth and in the relationship between energy intake and protein deposition. For strain A boars the rate of protein deposition increased linearly from 92 to 188 g/d with increased energy intake from 5.3 Mcal DE/d to ad libitum. For strain B boars and castrates the rate of protein deposition increased linearly with increased energy intake up to 7.88 Mcal DE/d, but thereafter it remained constant at 128 and 85 g/d, respectively. For castrates protein deposition was depressed (P less than .01) when the diet was offered ad libitum. Strain A boars had a higher energy requirement for maintenance (3.55 Mcal DE/d) than strain B boars (2.77 Mcal DE/d) or castrates (2.60 Mcal DE/d). Strain A boars also contained less protein and more water in the fat free empty body than the other two pig types.  相似文献   

In respiration experiments with 16 piglets the effect of feeding level on energy metabolism was studied with the aim of estimating energy requirement and costs of protein and fat deposition. Four groups of 4 animals each were fed on different levels of digestible protein and metabolisable energy (ME). Group 1 was fed intensively, whereas the piglets of group 2, 3 and 4 received 92, 76 and 55% respectively of the amounts given to group 1. In the group 1-4 mean daily weight gain was 457, 437, 360 and 205 g respectively. As a consequence the rearing period increased from 44 days to 46, 56 and 98 days. The variation in feed intake affected not only significant differences in energy deposition but also changes in gain composition. In the groups 1-4 the average energy deposition was 4.2 MJ, 4.0 MJ, 3.0 MJ and 1.4 MJ per day and protein gain exceeded fat gain in all groups. Estimations of energy requirement for maintenance were carried out by means of multiple regression analysis using different models. As a result a value of 428 MJ ME per kg live weight 0.75 was obtained and the models used have hardly shown any influence. It seems that higher values for maintenance requirement, as formerly published, are due to different conditions of livestock management, such as temperature. For all groups the average efficiency of ME-utilisation for growth was 0.77, ranging from 0.73 to 0.82. The variation can be attributed to the changes in protein and fat formation. The groups with a higher proportion of protein in the accretion utilised metabolisable energy more efficiently than the intensively fed group 1 with the highest proportion of fat, the difference between the groups being in the range from 0.73 to 0.82. The efficiency of ME-utilisation for protein deposition was calculated to be 0.83 and for fat deposition 0.73. As a higher coefficient for fat formation may be expected in the light of the high fat content in the ration, calculations with an assumed coefficient from 0.75 and 0.80 had been carried out, showing that the efficiency of ME-utilisation for protein gain would only decrease to 0.79 and 0.73 respectively. According to these results the statement must be called in question, that the energetic efficiency of protein deposition of about 50 to 55% - as measured in numerous experiments mainly with older pigs - can generally be accepted.  相似文献   

Four energy concentrations (10.5, 11.5, 12.6 and 13.6 MJ ME) and four protein concentrations (15.0, 17.5, 20.0 and 22.5% CP) were tested with a total of 1,900 female broilers of the breed White Plymouth Rock in their first 56 days of life in 16 experiment groups. The animals were kept in cages and were directly exposed to the natural Cuban winter temperatures from their 15th day of life. As six repetitions were carried out in every test group, the results could be variance-analytically calculated. In winter the female broilers of the breed White Plymouth showed a lower intake of feed, metabolic energy and crude protein than male animals. They achieved a lower live weight, lower amount of body protein and fat and worse feed, protein and energy utilisation. Possibilities are shown to meet the crude protein and energy requirement in monophase feeding systems with 11.5 MJ ME and 20% CP or with 12.6 MJ ME and 17.5 or 20% CP.  相似文献   

105 growing sows in the live weight range were fed with 7 test rations with graduated energy and amino acid levels. The growth intensity was very much influenced by the daily energy consumption. On the basis of regression analysis the following linear relation between daily weight increase (y in g per kg live weight0,75) and the daily energy consumption (x in energetic feed units for pigs per kg live weight0,75) was calculated: y = -13,79 + 0,7037 x (r = 0,84, sb -0,0295). The interpolation with regard to live weight balance resulted in a maintenance requirement of 19,8 energetic feed units for pigs resp. 70 kcal net energy fat for pigs per kg live weight0,75. The methods of assessment chosen showed an increase of the energy requirement per 100 g additional live weight increase per day of a constant amount, independent of the live weight, of 142 energetic feed units for pigs resp. 497 kcal net energy fat for pigs.  相似文献   

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