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鲻鱼与梭鱼同属于鲻科鱼类,广泛分布于太平洋、印度洋、大西洋、地中海、黑海等热带和亚热带水域。我国沿海均有分布,一般南方沿海以鲻鱼为多,北方沿海则以梭鱼为主,故有“南鲻北梭”之称。鲻、梭鱼为广盐性的浅海中上层鱼类,喜欢栖息、在沿海近岸。海湾及江河入海口水域。鲻鱼的适盐范围为0~40‰,在海、淡水中部能生活,梭鱼从纯淡水到38‰的海水中均可生活,既能在海水中养殖也能在淡水中养殖。鲻、梭鱼对温度的适应范围也很广,鲻鱼的适应水温为3~35℃,12~25℃是最适水温;梭鱼较之鲻鱼耐温低,冬季冰下水温1℃时也能生活。  相似文献   

鲻科鱼类是常见的海产鱼类,广泛分布于太平洋、大西洋、印度洋和中国沿海等热带、亚热带、温带水域。鲻鱼虽产于海中,但对盐度的适应范围很广,在海水、成淡水中均能正常生活,有些种类能完全适应淡水生活,是近年来沿海才发展起来的海水养殖和咸淡水池塘养殖的优良品种。养殖的主要品种有鲻鱼、乌头鲻(青鲻)、梭鱼(黄尾鲚)、棱梭(俗称棱鲻)等。笔者结合多年生产经验,探索出了一套适宜在南方进行的梭鱼(Liza haemacocheila)人工繁育技术。  相似文献   

梭鱼是鲻科鱼类中较耐低温的种类,是我国长江口以北沿海地区咸淡水养殖的重要经济鱼类。在多年人工繁殖试验中,我们发现梭鱼肝脏常有变化。因此,对肝脏标本进行了单项解剖记录。肝脏是鱼体重要器官,鱼类从食物中摄取的营养物质大量贮存于肝脏,並在肝细胞  相似文献   

正梭鱼俗称尖头西、红眼鲻等,隶属鲻形目、鲻科,属于广温、广盐性鱼类,盐度从35的高盐度海水到5的浅海、河口、盐水沟、内陆咸水湖、淡水湖泊、大小池塘梭鱼都能生活。从0~35℃水温都能忍受,以18~28℃为最适生长温度。喜欢栖息在沿海近岸、海湾和江河入海口处,是我国南方沿海咸淡水养殖的主要经济鱼类之一。梭鱼在南方养殖比较普遍,  相似文献   

淡水饲养鲻科鱼类人工繁殖是世界性攻关的课题。以色列、美国等国和地区研究多年,均未解决“淡水不育症”问题。我国河北省水产研究所研究人员对淡水环境中养殖的梭鱼,首创一条全新的鱼类人工繁殖技术路线,即创造性将现代医学神经学新领域脑神经介质成功地应用于梭鱼人工  相似文献   

<正> 一、引言梭鱼(Mugil So-iuy)属鲻科(Mugil idae)鱼类,渤海沿岸各海区均有分布,资源丰富,产量较多,一九六五年黄骅县梭鱼年捕捞量曾达1260吨。梭鱼肉细味美营养丰富,是我省沿海主要经济鱼之一。它具有生长快,适应性强,食性广,食物链短等特点,因此是海水养殖的主要对象。梭鱼在pH 7.6—9.3,比重在1.001—1.030之间的水域中均能正常生长。海淡水中的许多浮游生物和有机碎屑是梭鱼良好的天然  相似文献   

鲻、梭鱼是世界广泛分布的广盐性鱼类。是太平洋、印度洋、地中海沿岸各国咸淡水养殖的主要对象之一。鲻、梭鱼类具有生长快、繁殖力强、肉味鲜美等优点,而对食物要求不高,主要摄食单细胞藻类和有机碎屑,通过一般施肥或投以植物性饵料,就可以进行养殖生产,因而国际上己把鲻科鱼类的研究列入当前生物学研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

陆忠康 《水产科学》1985,(2):30-33,9
鲻科鱼类在世界热带和亚热带水域中分布较广,是水产养殖的重要对象。特别是鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus)和大头鲻(Mugil capito)适合于池塘混养.近十几年来,国内外普遍开展鲻科鱼类混养的试验研究。在施肥池塘中,常常出现藻类大量繁殖与生长,这些藻类对鲤或罗非鱼不能充分利用。  相似文献   

正梭鱼为广温广盐性鱼类,是我国沿海重要的经济鱼类。在浙南温州,梭鱼俗称"黄眼鲻",消费市场很大,但未有梭鱼人工养殖产业发展。2017年项目组从江苏大丰保活运输淡水养殖的大规格梭鱼至浙南乐清湾的海水网箱进行人工养殖试验,在海水网箱养殖半年后,梭鱼不仅生长增重,尤其是鱼肉的口感明显改善,市场售价大幅提高且销量大。现将试验情况总结如下,为开辟  相似文献   

<正>鲻[zī]鱼(Mugil cephalus linnaeus),属鲻形目鲻科鱼类,俗名乌头、乌鲻、葵龙、田鱼、脂鱼、白眼、丁鱼、黑耳鲻。鲻科鱼类是常见的海产鱼类,分布极广,遍布热带、亚热带和温带水域。全世界鲻科鱼类有70多种,我国沿海已发现20多种。形态特征体修长,前部近圆筒形,后部侧扁,成鱼一般体长20厘米~40厘米。全身被圆鳞,眼大。背鳍两个,尾鳍深叉形。体、背、头部呈青灰色,腹部白色。鲻鱼外型与梭鱼相似,主  相似文献   

Grey mullet include a number of species belonging to the family Mugilidae and are a typically catadromous group of fish with a very wide geographical distribution. Mullet are an important group from the point of view of culture, particularly in the tropics. Aspects of the biology of the juvenile grey mullet, from the onset of metamorphosis to a length of 10 cm, are reviewed. Migration, growth in the natural environment, food and feeding habits, environmental tolerances, parasites, diseases and body composition of the juvenile grey mullet are discussed.  相似文献   

The Mugilidae family is an important fish group representing a major source for fisheries and aquaculture. In the south Mediterranean bank, no data are available on this fauna, except for some morphological studies on Tunisian samples. In this study, 16 allozymic loci were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships within Tunisian mugilids. The results obtained from Hergla lagoon samples highlight five operational taxonomic unit corresponding to the well‐known species (Liza aurata, Liza ramada, Liza saliens, Chelon labrosus, Mugil cephalus). Several loci appeared to be diagnostic of these species, but in contrast to Greek mugilid samples, we did not find any diagnostic locus fixed differently for the five species. These results can help aquaculture units to identify accurately the mullet species they subsequently use for stocking aquaculture ponds and inland waters. However, species identity represents very important information, as each species has a different growth rate and salinity tolerance. On the other hand, when compared with North Mediterranean Mugilidae analysed until now, Tunisian samples show a genetic differentiation that could be related to different physicochemical conditions between the North and South banks, similar to those recorded in the eastern and western two Mediterranean basins separated by the Siculo‐Tunisian strait. In addition, this study confirms the morphological taxonomy, except for the subdivision of the Liza genus into two sub‐genera. The phylogenetic tree is in agreement with that on Languedoc Mugilidae samples (France), indicating that the subdivision of the Liza genus into two sub‐genera appears to be without any genetic base.  相似文献   

Grey mullets (Mugilidae) are important to recreational fisheries throughout the developed world. In Australia, several species are angled and then released in large numbers; all with virtually unknown fate. In response to the need for such data to facilitate effective stock management, this study sought to quantify the post-release mortality and key causal factors for sand mullet (Myxus elongatus). A total of 125 fish were conventionally angled, and then released along with 50 controls into floating cages in a south eastern Australian estuary, where they were monitored for four days. Five treatment fish died, providing a non-significant mortality of 4%. The few fatalities were mostly explained by a significant positive relationship with the length of trace (between the float and hook) used, and bleeding during release. While sand mullet appear quite tolerant of catch and release, their welfare nevertheless could be improved through simple changes to fishing strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract. The existence of a pleomorphic development cycle is demonstrated in epitheliocystis organisms obtained from fish of the following families: Sparidae, Sparus aurata L.; Mugilidae, Liza ramada (Risso), Liza aurata (Risso) and Mugil cephalus L.; Cichlidae, Tilapia mossambica (Peters) and Tilapia aurea × nilotica; and Serranidae, Dicentrarchus labrax L. Ultrastructure of the successive developmental stages, primary long cells, intermediate long cells and small cells are described as well as the division process between stages. An additional stage, the round cell, was found in infected chloride cells. The affinities between epitheliocystis organisms and known chlamydial organisms of vertebrates and invertebrates are discussed.  相似文献   

The mullets of the family Mugilidae, and in particular the species of the genus Mugil, are characterized by highly conserved morphological features, which hinder taxonomic classification considerably. Given this, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the 5S rDNA gene – a rapid and low cost genotyping marker – for the discrimination of Mugil species. Variations in the banding pattern permitted the reliable differentiation of four species –Mugil curema, Mugil incilis, Mugil sp. and Mugil hospes– although those of three others (Mugil liza, Mugil platanus and Mugil cephalus) were identical. This suggests that these three forms have diverged very recently, on a time scale that has limited changes in the length of the fragments of the 5S rDNA gene. The results of the study confirm the efficiency of this marker as a diagnostic tool for the identification of Mugil species, and its usefulness for population management and pisciculture, an important economic activity involving this group.  相似文献   

A DNA methodology was developed to discriminate fry of six Mugilidae species found in the Mediterranean, namely Mugil cephalus, Mugil so‐iuy, Chelon labrosus, Liza aurata, Liza ramada and Liza saliens. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the 5S rDNA gene was used for the identification of the above six species. PCR products of two species showed different patterns on EtBr‐stained agarose gels; M. so‐iuy gave a pattern of three bands, while L. saliens gave a pattern of one band. Mugil cephalus, C. labrosus, L. aurata and L. ramada gave a pattern of two bands. Subsequent sequencing analyses revealed unique haplotypes for each of the remaining four species. This is a genetic technique that could be applied in hatcheries, for identification of fry mullet's species. Furthermore, 5S rDNA sequences of each of five of the studied species (i.e. M. cephalus, C. labrosus, L. aurata, L. ramada and L. saliens), as well as a sequence of Oedalechilus labeo that belongs to the Mugilidae family, were aligned and used for the examination of the phylogenetic relationships among them. Phylogenetic trees produced in our study are in general agreement with those presented in the literature. This is the first study to use a nuclear marker to elucidate the phylogeny of Mugilidae species.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium marinum is a slow‐growing non‐tuberculous mycobacterium, and it is considered the most common aetiologic agent of mycobacteriosis in wild and cultured fish. The diagnosis is principally made by histology when positive Ziehl–Neelsen stain granulomas are detected. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence of mycobacteriosis in extensively cultured Mugilidae of two lagoons (Cabras and San Teodoro) from Sardinia by the use of histology, microbiology, PCR and DNA sequencing. Nine of 106 mullets examined were affected by mycobacteriosis, and the spleen was the most affected organ. The histology detected higher rate (100%) of infection in spleen than the culture and PCR (75% and 62.5%, respectively). The sequencing of hsp65 gene identified M. marinum as the primary cause of mycobacteriosis in the mullets examined. Mullets affected by mycobacteriosis were mainly fished in the San Teodoro lagoon characterized by critical environmental conditions. Histology remains the most common method in detecting fish affected by mycobacteriosis, and PCR‐based methods are essential for species identification. Our finding are worthy of attention because mycobacteriosis caused by M. marinum in reared mullets was evidenced for the first time in Sardinia, suggesting that this disease may be underestimated also in other cultured fish species.  相似文献   

朱传坤  潘正军 《水产学报》2022,46(4):657-673
开展鱼类核型分析对鱼类的遗传、变异、分类、系统演化、性别决定、杂交育种以及环境污染监测等研究具有重要意义.鲇形目鱼类在我国水产养殖中占有重要地位,同时也是研究鱼类染色体进化与性染色体分化的良好材料.本文综述了我国35种鲇形目鱼类及其杂交子一代和多倍体的核型研究进展,分析了不同类群中的核型特征,并对部分类群的染色体进化关...  相似文献   

All native fishes living in the Caribbean island rivers are considered diadromous but few species have been validated as diadromous. In Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) as well as in the other tropical islands, the riverine habitats are subject to strong anthropogenic pressure due to resource modifications or dams. The management of fish biodiversity requires knowledge concerning their life history traits and behaviour that are still unknown for most species at a local scale and at the whole distribution area of the species. In a Guadeloupe river, we inferred the migratory patterns of four freshwater fishes common to Caribbean rivers by the analysis of otolith microchemistry. We found two species Eleotris perniger (Eleotridae) and Sicydium plumieri (Gobiidae) to be completely amphidromous with a marine larval phase and a freshwater adult phase. Agonostomus monticola (Mugilidae) was also found to be amphidromous in this system. The fourth species Gobiesox cephalus (Gobiesocidae) showed elemental ratios suggesting an estuarine larval phase and was defined as “limited amphidromous”. The identification of such life history traits, with limited dispersion abilities, argues for specific management measures in tropical island rivers at a basin scale for the conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

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