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为了解野生树鼩的寄生虫感染状况,剖检昆明市西郊野外捕获的3只树鼩(雄性1只、雌性2只)后进行寄生虫检查。结果显示,雌性树鼩的体表和体内均未检出寄生虫,在雄性树鼩的肠道发现严重绦虫感染,共检出虫体16条,经鉴定为长膜壳绦虫(Hymenolepis diminuta),绦虫总重量为3.4 g,占该树鼩体重的3.6%。  相似文献   

为了解上海市鸟类寄生虫感染现状,于2012年从上海市部分花鸟市场分批购买了11科21种103只鸟,采用完全剖检法对鸟类消化道及各脏器进行寄生虫检查。结果显示,有14种33只鸟检出蠕虫,鸟种类的蠕虫感染率为66.67%(14/21),鸟个体的蠕虫感染率为32.04%(33/103),其中黄鹂、灰背鸫、灰喜鹊、丝光椋鸟、喜鹊、野鹌鹑等6种鸟的检出率较高,感染率为60%~100%。在检出蠕虫的14种33只鸟中,共检获蠕虫932条,其中从9种16只鸟检获吸虫268条,从8种17只鸟检获绦虫631条,从7种12只鸟检获线虫17条,从4种7只鸟检获棘头虫16条。在检获的932条蠕虫,分别来自肺脏、肾脏、肝脏(胆囊)、肠道,而在心脏、气管、胃、皮下等组织器官未检出蠕虫。肠道是寄生虫寄生的主要场所,从27只鸟的肠道检获746条蠕虫,分别占阳性鸟和蠕虫数的81.82%(27/33)、80.04%(746/932);其次为肝脏(胆囊),从8只鸟的肝脏(胆囊)检获182条蠕虫.分别占阳性鸟和蠕虫数的24.24%、19.53%。在感染强度上,野鸽子和鸟灰鸫的蠕虫感染强度最高,平均每只分别检出171条和123条,其次为灰背鸫(53条/只)。调查结果表明,上海市鸟类寄生虫的种类多,且蠕虫的各大类(吸虫、绦虫、线虫、棘头虫)均有检出,依据检获的虫体数量,绦虫和吸虫是鸟类的主要寄生虫,调查结果为初步掌握上海市鸟类寄生虫的感染现状、做好鸟类寄生虫病的防控提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

目的:进一步探索人工饲养条件下光照强度对树鼩繁殖的影响,以及树鼩种质资源的保护。方法:于配套窗户设整体照明(强度控制在900lx以内)饲养间内应用昆明动物研究所实验动物中心自制3层笼具,各层笼子之间存在光照强度的浮动(已获专利,专利号:ZL 2013 202642719)对24只雄性、48只雌性树鼩进行饲养配对,观察各层笼子树鼩的怀孕率、产仔情况、产仔数、离乳成活率、二胎数等。结果:各层笼子树鼩的繁殖性能存在着一定的差异。结论:光照强度对树鼩繁殖有一定的影响。  相似文献   

梁平县犬肠道寄生虫的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年2月至10月对重庆市梁平县犬只进行了肠道寄生虫调查。共采集100只犬粪样,检出虫卵8种,其中线虫4种(犬弓首蛔虫、狮蛔虫、犬钩虫、犬鞭虫);绦虫3种(犬复孔绦虫、泡状带绦虫、细粒棘球绦虫);吸虫1种(抱茎棘隙吸虫)。检出优势种为犬弓首蛔虫、犬复孔绦虫、大钩虫,是驱虫的主要对象。  相似文献   

为了解沈阳某警犬基地犬肠道寄生虫感染情况,以及不同品种警犬、不同年龄段警犬间寄生虫感染存在的差异,采用直接涂片法和饱和盐水漂浮法对沈阳某警犬基地180只犬进行肠道寄生虫调查。结果表明:144只犬感染虫卵,感染率达到80%;检出虫卵种类有犬弓首蛔虫、狮弓蛔虫、犬复孔绦虫、细粒棘球绦虫等4种,感染率分别为36.67%,15.56%,18.89%和8.89%,其中犬弓首蛔虫和犬复孔绦虫为感染率较高的两种寄生虫;1~3月龄的幼犬与其他年龄犬相比,犬弓蛔虫感染率高达76.67%;只有德牧和德荷杂犬感染细粒棘球绦虫。  相似文献   

对广东省南海市的69只沙皮犬进行了肠道寄生虫调查。采用粪便检查法,检出虫卵9种,其中绦虫2种(细粒棘球绦虫和复孔绦虫);线虫6种(犬弓首蛔虫、犬钩虫、狮蛔虫、巴西钩口线虫、犬鞭虫和犬胃线虫);吸虫1种(抱茎隙吸虫)。检出优势种为犬复孔绦虫,犬钩虫,犬弓首蛔虫,是驱虫的主要对象。  相似文献   

为了解昆明市北郊放养鸡寄生虫感染情况,提供防制措施,对该地区33只放养鸡进行寄生虫学剖解检查,收集虫体,进行计数和鉴定。结果:检出寄生虫7种,隶属于7科7属。其中,体外寄生虫3种为蚤、羽虱和变形膝螨。检出率分别为6.1%、12.1%和12.1%。体内寄生虫4种、665条,其中蛔虫180条,17只感染强度2—60条,检出率51.5%;异刺线虫279条,16只感染强度1~45条,检出率48.5%;旋锐形线虫5条,1只检出,检出率30%;赖利绦虫201条,14只感染强度3~38条,检出率42.4%。结果提示:寄生性节肢动物类感染率最低,绦虫类较高,线虫类最高;混合感染普遍,最高混合感染为5种。  相似文献   

为了解河南省槐山羊肠道寄生虫的感染情况,应用寄生虫常规检测方法对周口市某规模化养羊场150份粪样进行寄生虫感染情况调查。结果共检出5类虫卵和卵囊,其中原虫2类(球虫、隐孢子虫)、线虫2类(类圆线虫、鞭虫)、绦虫1类。调查150份粪便样品全部为寄生虫阳性,寄生虫总感染率为100%,其中隐孢子虫感染率为5.33%,球虫的感染率为100%,鞭虫的感染率为10.67%,类圆线虫的感染率为57.33%,绦虫的感染率为44.67%。调查结果说明槐山羊肠道寄生虫混合感染现象较严重,寄生虫感染率呈随着年龄增长而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

为摸清兰州市宠物犬、猫胃肠道寄生蠕虫的感染情况,于2008年6月~2009年5月通过肛门直接收集,或采集自然排出的粪便,册沉淀法和漂浮法相结合对256只犬、57只猫进行了虫卵或虫体检查。结果显示,256只犬中有48Z犬感染胃肠道寄生虫,感染率18.75%,主要检出犬弓首蛔虫、泡状带绦虫、犬钩虫、犬复孔绦虫、细粒棘球绦虫、华支睾吸虫6种虫卵或/和虫体;57只猫中有14只感染胃肠道寄生虫,感染率24.56%,主要检出犬复孔绦虫、华支睾吸虫、泡状带绦虫3种虫卵或/和虫体。  相似文献   

绵羊肠道寄生虫感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解河南省绵羊肠道寄生虫感染情况,应用寄生虫常规检测方法对5个规模化养羊场共1265份粪样进行了寄生虫感染情况调查。结果显示,共检出虫卵和卵囊5类,其中原虫2类(球虫、隐孢子虫)、线虫2类(类圆线虫、鞭虫)、绦虫1类。本次调查中共发现1178份粪便样品为寄生虫阳性,寄生虫总感染率为93.12%(1178/1265),5个绵羊场的隐孢子虫平均感染率为3.10%,球虫平均感染率为88.94%,鞭虫平均感染率为10.83%,类圆线虫平均感染率为59.11%,绦虫平均感染率为43.96%。本次调查发现绵羊寄生虫混合感染现象比较严重,其中球虫、绦虫和类圆线虫混合感染的比例达到60.10%;绵羊寄生虫感染率呈现随着年龄的增长而减少的趋势。  相似文献   

[目的]对野生瑶山亚种树鼩进行实验室饲养驯化,繁殖培育瑶山亚种树鼩实验动物化种群。[方法]将野生瑶山亚种树鼩饲养在温度、湿度等条件可控的实验室中,引进初期以果蔬为主要饲粮,后期逐步过渡到以日常饲料为主,经过1个月左右使其适应实验室饲养环境;挑选符合种源要求的瑶山亚种树鼩,按公母比例为1∶1进行配种合笼,以体重增加以及腹部触诊判断母树鼩是否怀孕,对繁殖期母树鼩及仔树鼩进行特殊饲养管理。[结果]野生瑶山亚种树鼩经过1个月左右的饲养驯化,成活率达到96%,平均增重达到50g左右;母树鼩配种受孕率为24.53%,产仔12胎,产仔数42只,每胎平均产仔3.5只,出生存活率为92.86%,离乳存活率为42.86%。[结论]实现了对野生瑶山亚种树鼩的实验室饲养驯化,瑶山亚种树鼩的实验室繁殖工作虽已取得一定突破,但仍需进一步解决实验室饲养条件下母树鼩配种怀孕率低和仔树鼩存活率低等问题。  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty-three horses were screened for the presence of roundworms by faecal egg counts (FECs) and for tapeworms by an ELISA specific for antibodies to the immunodominant 12 kDa and 13 kDa tapeworms antigen. The 62 horses were found to be infected with both parasites were treated with a combination of 0.2 mg/kg ivermectin and 1.5 mg/kg praziquantel. The treatment suppressed the median FEC of the horses to zero for 10 weeks and significantly reduced their anti-12/13 kDa antibody levels. The estimated risk of tapeworm-associated colic in these horses was halved by 12 weeks after the treatment.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-four dogs brought to the Ahmadu Bello University Veterinary Clinic for routine examination, in which an eosinophil count of 8% or higher was observed on laboratory examination, were found to be infested with one or more types of intestinal parasites. These included hookworms, tapeworms, coccidia, ascarids and spirocerca, with hookworms accounting for 51% of parasites found. Although dogs of all ages were affected, a higher incidence was observed in those under 2 years. The clinical and public health significance of these findings are emphasized.  相似文献   

旨在探究大熊猫粪便中微生物组成以及耐药基因和寄生虫的真实情况。采集6只健康成年大熊猫的新鲜粪便,利用宏转录组学测序技术分析大熊猫粪便微生物组成及功能、耐药基因种类、丰度和寄生虫的组成,探讨优势细菌与耐药基因的相关性。结果表明,大熊猫粪便内微生物种类多样,包括细菌、真菌和病毒等,但以细菌为主。在门水平上,细菌类群中厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)为优势菌门,在真菌菌门中担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和毛霉亚门(Mucoromycota)相对丰度较高,雌性和雄性大熊猫粪便菌群丰度没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。Unigenes功能分析表明,大熊猫粪便微生物的功能主要涉及碳水化合物、氨基酸代谢等过程。在大熊猫粪便中共检测出25大类、304种耐药基因,其中,外排泵类基因的种类最多、相对丰度最高。此外,在大熊猫粪便中共发现63属126种寄生虫,寄生虫种包括线虫、绦虫和吸虫,其中,线虫为优势虫种。通过相关性分析发现,链球菌属(Streptococcus)、埃希杆菌属(Escherichia)、肠球菌属(Enterococcus)、苏黎世杆菌属(Turicibacter)与外排泵类、喹诺酮类、四环素类、糖肽类、多肽类和磺胺类耐药基因呈显著正相关性(P<0.05)。本研究从宏转录组水平揭示了大熊猫粪便中微生物、耐药基因组成以及寄生虫种类,对大熊猫微生物相关疾病和寄生虫病防控具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An unidentified coccidia was found in chinchillas. Treatment with sulfamethazine apparently eradicated the infection from several herds. Ostertagia females and 1 Trichostrongylus colubriformis male were also found in chinchillas, causing emaciation. A dose of thiabendazole of 100 mg./kg. of body weight was effective against the roundworms, but it was toxic. A dose of trichlorphon, 100 mg./kg. of body weight, was effective and safe. Hymenolepis infection caused emaciation and death. Treatment with doses of niclosamide, 200 mg./kg. of body weight, was successful in removing tapeworms, ending deaths, and improving the condition of the host. It did not eradicate the infection.  相似文献   

A total of 363 Thoroughbreds (62 males, 292 females, and 9 geldings), 1 to 26 years of age, were examined at necropsy for internal parasites for about a 12-month period from February 1981 through February 1982. Emphasis was on examining the stomach for nematodes and the small intestine and cecum for tapeworms. Parasites recovered from the stomach and infection rates were: Habronema spp--immature (24%), H muscae--adult (38%), Draschia megastoma--immature (13%), D megastoma--adult (62%), and Trichostrongylus axei--adult (4%); lesions caused by D megastoma were found upon gross observation in 58% of the stomachs. The tapeworm, Anoplocephala perfoliata, was recovered from 54% of the horses; A magna was not found. There was no obvious difference in infection rates of the stomach worms and tapeworms according to age or sex of the horses. Seasonal differences were apparent only for immature Habronema spp and immature D megastoma for which infection rates began increasing in June, peaking in October, and declining thereafter. Presence of 4 additional species of parasites was recorded, but only a cursory examination was made for them. These were the large strongyles, Strongylus vulgaris, S edentatus, and S equinus, from the cecum and a filariid, Setaria spp (probably S equina), from the abdominal cavity, for which recovery rates from the horses were 8%, 8%, 1%, and 7%, respectively.  相似文献   


Nonnative parasites have been blamed for the decline of native fish species in the American Southwest. The Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi has parasitized many native fish species, but little is known of its effects on native cyprinid fish hosts. I found a strong negative correlation (Spearman's rank correlation, rs = ?0.846; P < 0.001) between total length of roundtail chub Gila robusta and number of Asian fish tapeworms. A significant, but weaker negative correlation existed between weight of fish and number of tapeworms (rs = ?0.687; P < 0.001). In addition, infected fish were significantly shorter (P = 0.0241) than uninfected fish. Infection by Asian fish tapeworm may slow growth, increase susceptibility to infestation, and increase predation on roundtail chub and possibly other native cyprinids.  相似文献   

朝鲜鹌鹑的生长发育性能研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选择300只10日龄的朝鲜鹌鹑(公、母各半),在相同的饲养管理条件下饲养4周,系统测定了各周的体重和体斜长、胸骨长、胸宽、胸深、胫长等体尺指标,并拟合了公、母鹑体重的Logistic生长曲线。结果表明,朝鲜鹌鹑公、母鹑38日龄体重为109.38 g和117.92 g,母鹑的生长速度明显高于公鹑,所拟合的公、母鹑体重的生长曲线方程分别为yt=122.5/[1+e-0.1200×(t-20.0921)](R2=0.9914)和yt=134.5/[1+e-0.1154×(t-21.0727)](R2=0.9933),鹑群生长发育均匀整齐。  相似文献   

A controlled blind test was performed in 1984 to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of experimental formulations of compound F28249-alpha against gastrointestinal parasites in lambs in Kentucky. Twenty-five lambs were allotted to 5 groups of 5 lambs/group. The drug was administered SC to 2 groups (A, 0.2 mg/kg of body weight; B, 0.3 mg/kg) and orally to 2 groups (C, 0.2 mg/kg; D, 0.3 mg/kg). Group E received a placebo subcutaneously. Lambs were euthanatized 7 days after treatment for necropsy and identification and enumeration of worm parasites in the gastrointestinal tract. Group-E lambs harbored 7 genera (including 10 species) of nematodes and 1 genus of tapeworms. Worm collection data for group-A lambs indicated 97% to 100% of the mature Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, and Trichuris, and immature Haemonchus were removed; and 23% to 73% of the mature Cooperia, Nematodirus, and Strongyloides, and immature Nematodirus were removed. In group-B lambs, 94% to 100% of the mature Haemonchus, Nematodirus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, and Trichuris, and immature Haemonchus were removed as were 70% to 84% of mature Strongyloides and immature Nematodirus, respectively, and 0% for mature Cooperia. The percentage of all nematodes removed in group C and D was 100%, except for Cooperia (95%) in group C and immature Nematodirus (93% and 95%), respectively. Toxicosis was not apparent. Small fibrotic or blood streaked lesions were observed at necropsy in muscle at the injection site of 2 lambs in group B and 1 lamb in group E.  相似文献   

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