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2019年初,巴西亚马逊地区连续发生森林火灾,造成严重损失,引起国际社会广泛关注。通过对巴西亚马逊森林火灾的分析,反思巴西森林火灾的教训,结合我国森林防火风险分析,对完善我国森林火灾重大风险防控策略有着重要意义。  相似文献   

分析了我国森林防火工作中存在的森林生态意识淡薄;林分结构单一,森林植被附属物多,森林自身抗火能力低下;森林防火经费投入不足;防火措施不力;火灾责任追究不到位等问题。提出了抓好行政首长负责制;强化宣传教育,切实增强干部群众防火意识;加强森林队伍建设,配足扑救工具;严管火源;加大防控森林火灾的投入;重视生物防治措施;加强现代森林防火应急机制建设等措施和对策。  相似文献   

森林火灾损失评估技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林火灾损失评估是森林防火管理的重要内容,森林火灾评估标准制定及森林火灾损失评估系统建设对于森林火灾防控具有十分重要的意义。结合《森林火灾损失评估标准》的编制任务,介绍了森林火灾损失评估标准的编制背景,回顾了我国森林火灾损失评估现状,分析了我国森林火灾损失评估中关键技术问题,提出了基于森林火灾损失评估标准的森林火灾损失评估系统,为科学准确评估森林火灾损失提供重要依据。  相似文献   

加强森林防火信息化建设的重要性及新技术应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出了森林火灾具有突发性强的特点,并且会带来严重的破坏。从我国森林火灾的发展动态来看,当前的防火任务尤为艰巨,森林防火信息化建设至关重要。近年来,遥感、GIS、GPS、通信、数据库等技术的应用对森林防火工作起到了极大地促进作用,今后林业部门应加强新技术的推广应用,从而提升森林防火能力。  相似文献   

对桓仁县2015年至2019年森林火灾发生情况相关数据进行了统计分析,结合桓仁本地森林防火实际情况,对桓仁县森林火灾的防控能力进行了深入研究,剖析了桓仁县森林火灾防控存在的自然条件因素、组织体系不健全、监测建设不足、基础设施配备不足、科技含量不足、案件查处困难、辖区交界管理困难等问题和短板,并提出了加强宣传教育、加强执法力度、加强森林防火人才科技建设、加强隔离预防措施、提高森林火险预警监测水平等意见建议,为进一步提升桓仁县森林火灾防控能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对苏州市吴中区2003-2013年11年间森林火灾发生起数、过火面积、受害面积、出动救火人员、动用车辆等数据的分析,总结了森林火灾在时空上的分布和火源特点,并针对该区森林防火工作面临引发森林火灾因素增多,预防森林火灾期限延长,扑救森林火灾难度增大,防扑队伍战斗力不强,成绩面前自满情绪增加的新形势,提出了落实森林防火责任,做好森林火灾防控,加快完善基础设施,发展智慧防火工作,强化防火队伍建设的预防对策。  相似文献   

安宁市创新森林火灾措施□安宁市森林防火指挥部办公室一直以来,安宁市是全省森林防火的重点地区,森林防火任务十分繁重,野外火源管控压力大,火灾扑救难度高。为认真做好森林防火工作,安宁市结合本地实际,创新森林防火工作措施,森林火灾防控能力得到明显提升。推行夫妻瞭望台试点。为加强林火监测,提高森林火情火灾监测效果,2013年开始,安宁市对境内瞭望台开展了夫妻负责制试点。目前,全市的15个瞭望台中,已经有9个是夫妻瞭望台、占60%。  相似文献   

森林防火一直是林区资源保护的重要一环。概述了雾灵山国家级自然保护区森林防火现状,分析了当前防火工作存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了相应的防控对策和建议,为自然保护区森林火灾防控工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了祁县近几年发生森林火灾的次数、地点、原因与火灾发生面积、损失程度以及全县森林防火工作现状,提出了在市场经济的新形势下加强森林防火工作中的防控对策。  相似文献   

王芝义 《绿色科技》2019,(11):167-168
为切实加强森林防火防控,遏制重大森林火灾的发生,转变现有的森林防火应急处置机制。分析了应用无人机进行森林防火优缺点,提出了进一步的优化设计与处置思路,可从根本上解决森林防火处置难度大、应急响应慢等问题,为消除林区火灾易燃点排查盲区提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

以可视化开发环境Visual Basic6.0与Map Objects控件作为系统开发平台,建立以东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场为研究区域的林火蔓延可视化系统。根据影响林火行为的各项因素,将空间信息和属性数据结合在一起,并将GIS技术成功应用到系统中,实现了在栅格地形背景图上进行林火蔓延的动态模拟,获得同一燃点在不同蔓延模型下的林火蔓延扩展图像。  相似文献   

根据我国森林火灾蔓延的特点,在分析了国内外主流林火蔓延模型的基础上,将元胞自动机原理与林火蔓延自身的特点相结合,着重研究了风作用系数、地形坡度调整系数等在元胞自动机中的作用形式,并引入地图代数中距离系数的概念,对原有林火蔓延速度模型进行改进,以提高模拟精度,使模拟结果更加真实地反映现实世界中林火的蔓延特点。最后采用C#语言结合ArcEngine的编程技术,以汕头市某山地DEM(数字高程模型)数据为例,动态模拟了林火蔓延的过程。  相似文献   

森林火灾是危害森林资源的重要自然灾害,突发性强、危害性广、毁灭性大,历来受到社会的广泛关注和重视。森林生物防火通过防火林带建设、林下枯落物降解等措施主动降低森林火灾隐患、减小了森林火灾损失。今后应加强防火专家系统建设、防火林带布局拓扑优化以及森林生物防火技术标准等方向研究,达到森林生物防火标准化、自动化和信息化,发挥森林生物防火的最佳效果。  相似文献   

With the influence of the world scope human being to the forest and climatic anomalies, forest fires in the world show the trend of escalation. US, Australia, Russia and Indonesia one after another had forest fires that were above 1 million hectares (ha). Impacted by the whole world forest fires situation, forest fires in China are very serious in the recent years. Forest fires in northeast and southwest China are unceasing, and the distribution of forest fires has the tendency to move south…  相似文献   

In recent years, especially in the summer of 2002, the most serious forest fires occurred in the Daxingan Mountain of Heilongjiang province and Inner Mongolia. There has been long time serious forest fire environment in summer in Daxingan Mountain. The grass in the forest is scorched for long time drought and the moisture content of litter and turf layer decrease rapidly. The accumulation and dryness of fuel build the summer forest fire environment, which are major caused by Meteorological environment. Human are lack of the right recognition of summer fires, and can not achieve the goal of detecting and fighting in time. Also summer fires have the tendency to increase in some areas of the world and human have to pay much more attention to how to prevent and control summer fires.  相似文献   

针对当前森林火灾动态监测与预警中海量、异构、多源、动态的数据在存储、计算、管理方面所面临的挑战,以及国内外在森林火灾动态监测与预警上的研究往往只考虑单一领域或技术的问题,结合新兴的大数据分析与处理技术,融合林火动态监测与预警不同技术领域的研究成果,对林火多源异构数据采用混合处理方法,基于Hadoop和Spark大数据集成平台构建了一个森林火灾混合大数据分析系统。并设计一个林火火点检测实验,通过实验验证了该系统的可行性和有效性,可为后续研究和建立森林火灾动态监测与预警可视化大数据平台提供参考。  相似文献   

森林火灾损害生态环境,造成巨大的财产损失和人员伤亡,因而对森林火灾的管理是各级政府的重要职责。根据森林火灾的发生特点,指出在政府承担责任认定中存在的问题;以森林火灾与其他自然灾害不同的致灾原因为基础,提出政府责任的归责原则及免责事由。  相似文献   

我国是世界上开展森林消防较早的国家。采用航空技术灭火,具有快速降低火势、不受地形影响、优势集中的特点,在我国历次扑救森林大火中发挥了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Lightning fire is one of natural fires; its mechanism is very complex and difficult to control. Daxing'an Mountain is the main region that lightning fires occur in China. Research on lightning fires indicates that special fuel, dry-storm weather and high altitude form the lightning fire environment. Lightning fires have close relation with lights. When lightning occurs, especially dry-lightning which brings little precipitation with surface temperature growing and fuel dehydrating, these often lead to lightning fires. Lightning fires have characteristics of geography, time and topography. The higher altitude forest region in Daxing'an Mountain, the more lightning fires occur. Valley with altitude above 800 m in the north of 51.N and Larix gmelinii-Pinus pumila, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica -Pinus pumila forests on the top of mountain are the most concentrating region where lightning fires occur. One serial dry-storming can ignites many lightning fires, the furthest between them is as long as 150 km.  相似文献   

Forest and land fires are a recurrent phenomena in Indonesia and little progress has been made in reducing their occurrence. The mineral and peat fire in 2015 burnt 2.6 million hectares, mostly in the provinces of Riau, South Sumatra, Jambi, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and Papua, and costed USD16.1 billion as estimated by the World Bank in 2015. Although only 30% of the fire was on peatland area, it had a much higher impact than that on mineral land because of its fire density. Fires in Indonesia are caused by human both individually or collectively. Indonesian President Joko Widodo has committed to reducing fire during his term of office. Government actions have focused on fire suppression, biophysical and technological issues such as canal blocking and an early warning system. Significant actions on the underlying causes of fires such as providing economy incentives for land preparation without burning are rare. We conducted a political economy study of fire and haze to provide policy makers with an understanding of the economic, social and political causes of forest and land fires. The study focused on four districts in Riau Province, which experienced fires and forest transition to palm oil plantations. We collected social, policy and economy data from survey in ex post fire sites and carried out focus group discussions with the key stakeholders. We implemented value chain and social network analyses to the collected data. We found a diversity of actors were involved and gaining benefits from fires. We found that farmer group organizers obtained enormous benefits, as much as USD486 per hectare. These actors influence decision-making processes through their patronage network for their own interests. The networks provide power, support, protection and access to various resources. To effectively reduce fire, governments need to disempower these farmer group organizers through law and policy.  相似文献   

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