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控释氮肥在新疆葡萄上的肥效及其施肥优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以8a生红提葡萄为试材,研究了2种控释氮肥和1种普通氮肥不同用量及不同配比对葡萄产量和品质的影响.结果表明:2种控释氮肥明显能提高葡萄产量,各施氮处理比对照增产11.23%~25.30%,同一氮肥品种下的葡萄产量与单穗重、施氮量呈正相关,3种氮肥品种的单穗重、产量表现为树脂包膜尿素(PCU)>树脂包裹硫衣尿素(SPCU)>普通尿素(PU)>CK,且氮肥农学利用率明显提高.而葡萄品质和单粒重表现出与葡萄产量呈负相关的趋势;控释氮肥掺混一定量的普通氮肥后可以进一步提高葡萄产量,掺入30%和50%尿素的2个处理与单一控释氮肥相比,增产率分别为7.37%、5.79%,应用效果更佳.  相似文献   

本试验于1986~1987年对山砧嫁接葡萄苗春季发根特性进行研究,结果表明:山葡萄根系发生新根首先在0.10~0.80mm粗度的细根上发生;山葡萄根系自栽植到发生新根的天数与土壤日平均温度呈极显著的负相关;0.10~0.80mm之间的根系,根皮率大都在88.00左右,而大于0.80mm者根皮率则迅速下降;光合产物向根中的输导强度往往是较细的根大于较粗的根。  相似文献   

葡萄黑痘病又叫疮痂病,是葡萄的主要病害之一。在4月上旬高温多湿天气,有利于葡萄黑豆病的发生。5月中、下旬至6月上旬为发病盛期。主要危害植株的幼嫩绿色部分,造成葡萄的产量和品质降低,对葡萄生产者造成较大的经济损失。  相似文献   

<正>葡萄黑痘病又叫疮痂病,是葡萄的主要病害之一。在4月上旬,高温多湿的天气有利于葡萄黑痘病的发生。5月中、下旬至6月上旬为发病盛期。主要危害叶片、新梢、穗轴及幼果,造成葡萄的产量和品质降低,对葡萄生产者造成较大的经济损失。现将其综合防治技术介绍如下。1清洁果园由于黑痘病的初侵染主要来自病残休上越冬的菌丝体,因此冬季修剪时,剪除病枝梢及残存的病果,彻底  相似文献   

经调查,贺兰山东麓葡萄主要病虫害为葡萄白粉病、葡萄灰霉病、葡萄霜霉病、葡萄毛毡病、葡萄病毒病(主要是葡萄扇叶病毒病和葡萄卷叶病毒病)和葡萄斑叶蝉。葡萄白粉病自7月上旬开始发生,一直持续到落叶;葡萄灰霉病7月14日零星发生,直到9月上旬开始大发生;葡萄霜霉病7月底8月初开始发生,之后呈直线上升趋势;葡萄毛毡病在各葡萄园普遍发生,而且发生严重,尤其是永宁县玉泉营地区。葡萄斑叶蝉在当地1年发生3代,从5月上旬开始即在葡萄上为害,一直持续到10月。  相似文献   

葡萄根茎癌肿病是在病原细菌的诱发下,寄主植物的细胞分裂失控而形成的,主要危害根颈、主根、侧根及近地面2年生以上枝蔓。病部初期产生如愈伤组织状肿瘤,稍带绿色,光滑质软,后变褐硬化,表面粗糙龟裂。瘤内组织灰白坚硬,后呈腐朽状。病灶呈球形或扁球形,小如杏核,大如馒头。病株生长弱、叶黄,以至整株死亡。近年来,该病是吐鲁番地区葡萄园中发生较多的一种病害,严重影响葡萄的产量及其品质。1998年7月上旬我们在鄯善葡萄主产区,对鄯善葡萄开发公司400公顷无核白葡萄进行了调查。  相似文献   

侯旭锋 《现代园艺》2012,(21):24-25
<正>1适用范围吐鲁番、鄯善县和托克逊县是新疆葡萄主产地,有悠久葡萄栽培历史,特别适合葡萄生长,使用温室大棚技术进行反季节栽培,能调节葡萄上市时间,提高种植效益。温室大棚适用于葡萄立体栽培。2上市时间及产量指标温室大棚葡萄于5月下旬至6月上旬上市,一般吐鲁番地区露地葡萄在8月上市,比露地栽培提早50~60天;667m2产量可达1500~2000kg。3温室要求温室设计符合高效节能的要求,具有良好的采光、  相似文献   

葡萄霜霉菌孢子囊扩散动态及与田间病情的相关性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
病原体的数量和密度是病害发生和流行的重要因素之一,也是病害预测预报的重要依据。葡萄霜霉病是新疆葡萄上的一种重要病害,有必要对其病菌的扩散动态进行研究,从而对病害进行预测。采取孢子捕捉和田间系统调查相结合的方法,研究了葡萄霜霉菌孢子囊的时空扩散动态,并分析其与田间病情的相关性。结果表明,葡萄霜霉菌孢子囊一般在6月上中旬开始出现,7月下旬到9月上旬为高峰期,随后进入消退期。其孢子囊通常在葡萄冠层以下分布较多,一天24 h内都可捕到孢子囊,但一般8:00左右和20:00左右捕捉量最多。孢子囊的扩散与温度呈正相关,与湿度和降雨量呈负相关。在P<0.01水平下,霜霉病菌孢子囊扩散动态与5 d后病害的发生呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

龙眼葡萄可溶性固形物与产量、果梢比的相关性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要报道张家口半干旱地区龙眼葡萄浆果可溶性固形物与早期产量、果/梢比及单位蔓截面积载果量的相关性。研究表明,浆果可溶性固形物含量与株产、果/梢比、单位蔓截面负载果实量呈极显著负相关。在13~19度浆果可溶性固形物范围内,3~5年生单株产量越高,浆果品质越低。而适当地控制单株产量是提高浆果品质的关键。  相似文献   

以"黄冠"梨树为试验材料,分别设定2个处理:充分供水处理(Well-irrigation,WI)和逐步干旱处理(Gradual-drought,GD),通过连续监测"黄冠"梨树茎直径、土壤水势(SWP)和日平均温度(T)等环境因子,研究梨树的茎直径微变化规律,为进一步利用梨树茎直径微变化来指导梨树节水灌溉提供参考依据。结果表明:WI处理和GD处理的日变化趋势有明显差异,GD处理的茎直径日最大收缩量(MDS)明显小于WI处理。GD处理的茎直径日最大值(MXSD)随着时间的延长,呈先升后降的抛物线趋势;随着土壤水势的下降,GD处理的茎直径日最大收缩量、日增长量(DI)和日复原时间(RT)与土壤水势之间分别呈很好的开口抛物线、斜率为正和斜率为负的线性关系趋势;GD处理的茎直径日最大收缩量与日平均温度、空气相对湿度(RH)和光照强度(L)呈显著的正相关,而WI处理的茎直径日最大收缩量与日平均温度、空气相对湿度和光照强度呈显著的负相关;WI处理的DI,不受空气相对湿度、光照强度和风速的影响,但受日平均温度的影响显著,呈负相关;GD处理的DI,不受空气相对湿度和风速的影响,但显著受日平均温度和光照强度的影响,为负相关。综上所述,在GD处理中,土壤水势与DI之间的线性关系更具实际意义,可以用DI作为指导梨树灌溉的指标。  相似文献   


The response of glasshouse grown tomatoes, cv. Counter, to day/night temperature regimes was examined in two consecutive years. In both years three day/night temperature regimes, with the same average 24-hour temperature, were applied in duplicate, i.e. high/low, equal, and low/high. Differences in temperature were maintained from three days after planting (4 December 1984 and 3 February 1986) until 13 May 1985 and 1 May 1986, respectively. Plant development (increase in number of trusses) was not affected.by the temperature regime. Growth in length of the stem was strongly reduced by a lower day temperature. In the first experiment the crop at the low day temperature treatment was damaged by leaf scorch, most likely caused by low transpiration. Consequently, early yield was lower for this treatment. In the second experiment no leaf scorch occurred and no significant differences in early yield were found. Final yield and average fruit weight, until 1 July for both experiments, were higher at the higher night temperature. Shelf life of the fruits and internal quality was not influenced by the temperature regime. Thus, the length of a tomato plant can be manipulated by the difference between day and night temperature, while development and early yield depend greatly on the average 24-hour temperature. Final yield can be higher at higher night temperature and the same average temperature because the crop is more robust. Temperature control based on average 24-hour temperat-ure can be used to minimize energy. consumption and, together with other growth factors, to optimize financial yield.  相似文献   

研究了早春时期河西张掖地区酿酒葡萄根系覆盖麦草、黑地膜、白地膜和不覆盖(CK)4种方法对酿酒葡萄根系温度的影响,并对土壤不同深度的温度进行了测量。结果表明:覆盖膜比覆盖麦草效果好,葡萄根系温度在垂直方向上明显较高,尤其覆盖白地膜的效果明显。  相似文献   

D. Kok 《Erwerbs-Obstbau》2016,58(4):241-246
Cluster thinning (CT) and basal leaf removal (BLR) are common canopy management practices used in grape growing. In recent years, novel viticultural techniques have been evolved all around the world to decrease costs of yield management, causing improvement in grape quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of CT and early and late period BLR treatments on yield and quality components of cv. ‘Muscat Hamburg’. While BLR treatments were performing at pre-bloom (PB, early), berry set (BS), berries with pea size (PS), verasion (V), CT treatment was conducted at verasion period. Compared to Control, while the total phenolic compounds content, total anthocyanin content, free volatile terpenes content and potentially volatile terpenes content were made better by CT treatment and BLR treatments applied from berry set to verasion period gradually raised all these quality components.  相似文献   

不同覆盖方式土壤生态效应与成龄葡萄增产效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过小区试验研究了不同覆盖保墒灌溉措施对土壤水分动态变化、土壤温度、葡萄生长状况、生理生态指标以及产量等的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,覆盖措施明显减少了土壤水分蒸发,提高了蓄水保墒作用;覆盖措施可明显提高土壤表层温度,但随深度的增大,影响程度逐渐减小;保墒处理的果树生长势强、枝条增长量大、果粒大、产量高。草帘子覆盖措施与塑料薄膜覆盖措施效果相当。  相似文献   

Yield management is important subject in modern grape growing and winter pruning and cluster thinning treatments were used for yield control. Standard cluster thinning is generally labor intensive and expensive method and grape growers try to new methods, which are alternative to cluster thinning for reducing berry set. The goal of the present research was to investigate the effects of chemical thinning treatments such as ethephon (ETH), gibberellic acid (GA3), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and non-chemical thinning treatments such as early leaf removal (ELR) and standard cluster thinning (SCT) on decreasing grape yield and enhancing berry composition of cv. Shiraz. In this study, percentages of berry set of cv. Shiraz were decreased by both chemical and non-chemical thinning treatments compared to Control. The results from these two different thinning methods shown certainly significant differences in berry composition of cv. Shiraz. Eventually, the best results in improved quality characteristics of cv. Shiraz were obtained from ELR treatment and treatments of ELR, ETH, GA3, NAA and SCT successively resulted in considerable enhancements in quality attributes of cv. Shiraz.  相似文献   

‘富通紫里红’葡萄是以‘红地球’为母本,‘CAU1207-5’为父本经过人工杂交选育出的中熟新品种。果穗大小中等,疏松,每果穗平均质量400 g;果粒大,椭圆形,平均单果质量7.9 g;果皮皮薄,呈暗红色,无涩味;果肉脆,多汁,1 ~ 2粒种子正常发育,可溶性固形物含量18 °Brix,品质好,且丰产性较好,平均总产量 22.5 t • hm-2。在北京市地区露地萌芽期为4月上旬,开花期为5月中下旬,7月中下旬开始转色成熟,8月中旬完全成熟。  相似文献   

 酿酒与砧木兼用葡萄新品种‘华葡1号’是以‘左山一’与‘白马拉加’杂交育成,在辽宁兴城9月中下旬成熟。果穗中等大,平均单穗质量214.4 g,无小青粒及采前落粒现象。果粒圆形,紫黑色,平均单粒质量3.1 g。10月初采收,可溶性固形物含量24.1%,可滴定酸含量1.27%,出汁率70.16%;延迟到12月上旬采收,可溶性固形物含量38.54%,可滴定酸含量1.32%,出汁率20.48%。抗寒、抗病性强。产量高,用其酿造的干红和冰红葡萄酒酒质好。硬枝扦插生根率86.4% ~ 95.7%,成苗率74.1% ~ 88.5%,与‘红地球’和‘巨峰’等鲜食葡萄品种嫁接亲和力好,可作抗寒砧木。  相似文献   

秋季对3个新疆环塔里木盆地的主栽品种(无核白、克瑞森、红地球)进行不同配方叶面肥喷施试验,研究秋季喷肥对3个葡萄品种品质和产量的影响,获得最佳秋季喷肥配方,以期为葡萄优质丰产栽培提供理论依据。结果表明:3个葡萄品种的喷肥处理品质和产量均比对照好,处理4和处理5较其它处理效果好。  相似文献   

The responses of January-sown cucumber cvs Farbio and Sandra to day and night temperature during the early post-planting stage (late February to mid-April) were examined in a glasshouse experiment. Three day temperatures (15°, 20° and 25°C) were combined factorially with three night temperatures (10°, 15° and 20°C). Comparisons were also made between two temperature regimes (21°C day: 19°C night and 24°C day: 17°C night) applied during the pre-planting stage (late January to late February) and between two mainstem cropping methods (restriction or retention of mainstem fruits). In the pre-planting stage the 24°C day: 17°C night temperature combination produced plants which were taller, heavier and leafier than those grown at 21°C day: 19°C night. During the first 12 weeks of harvesting the larger plants produced significantly more fruit and higher gross monetary returns than did their smaller counterparts. The difference then diminished and after 20 weeks of harvesting plants from the two pre-planting temperature treatments had produced similar weights of marketable fruit of equivalent value. In the early post-planting period increases in total leaf area and stem length were closely correlated with 24-h mean temperature. Earliness (first harvest) and total weight of fruit after four weeks of harvesting were also linearly related to mean post-planting temperature. Raising the 24-h mean air temperature (within the range 15.2° to 22.6°C) by 1°C during the early post-planting stage increased early (4 week) yield by 0.82 kg m-2 and total (20 week) yield by 1.17 kg m-2. There was no effect of day/night temperature amplitude. After 20 weeks of harvest, gross monetary returns and profitability were generally highest when mean temperature in the early post-planting period was high and fell progressively with reduced mean temperature. Restricting stem fruits to oné per leaf node produced no significant difference in either the yield or quality of fruit from plants of any of the temperature treatments. The results are discussed from physiological and practical viewpoints and a cost-benefit comparison of temperature treatments is presented.  相似文献   

以废弃葡萄冬剪枝条为主料设置不同培养料配方栽培香菇,观察、记录、分析不同培养料对香菇菌丝生长及子实体形态、产量的影响。试验结果表明,用废弃葡萄枝栽培香菇是可行的,其中以配方葡萄枝40%、杂木屑38%、麦麸20%、石膏1%、糖1%为最好,香菇菌丝发菌快,子实体个体大,产量高,生物效率高。  相似文献   

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