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本文对生物质发电的原料——小麦、玉米秸秆的收、储、运3个环节及相适应的配套作业机具和价格体系进行了综合分析,旨在建立秸秆收、储、运的工艺路线和合理的秸秆价格体系。  相似文献   

为做好水稻秸秆禁烧和秸秆机械化还田工作,沛县积极探索水稻秸秆机械化全量还田的技术路线。文章分析总结了深翻深埋、复式作业、旋耕作业、套播免耕作业秸秆机械化还田的技术路线、作业要求、机具配置、适用范围及其优缺点。  相似文献   

针对黑龙江省望奎县一年一熟地区玉米大豆秸秆综合利用的实际,根据国能生物发电有限公司黑龙江望奎电厂对黄色秸秆、现代农业技术、装备和运行模式的需求,农业部农机推广总站和国能生物发电有限公司合作开展《黑龙江省望奎县玉米大豆秸秆收储运模式》研究。  相似文献   

我国东北地区玉米秸秆收储运技术模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农作物秸秆的收储运已成为我国秸秆规模化工业利用的瓶颈问题.为此,针对玉米秸秆收储运的发展现状以及我国农业生产的具体国情,对当前东北地区玉米秸秆的收储运技术模式进行了调查分析.根据实际调查数据,计算了各种技术模式下的经济成本、能量消耗、劳动力消耗和污染物排放,并进行了比较分析.结论:通过农机与农艺相结合,籽实收获机具与秸秆收储运装备相衔接,提高秸秆收储运机械化程度是秸秆规模化工业利用的必然选择.  相似文献   

我国棉花秸秆收获装备及收储运技术路线分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花秸秆是一种优质的生物质资源,但棉花秸秆收储运难度大、成本高,制约了棉秆规模化利用产业发展.通过分析我国棉花秸秆收获装备的发展现状,提出了我国现存的3条棉花秸秆收储运技术路线,并对3条技术路线进行了系统的分析和比较, 为推进我国棉秆规模化工业利用的快速发展提供参考.  相似文献   

介绍了农作物秸秆收集的主要方式、使用机具以及秸秆收运储各环节的划分和关联。结合江苏省秸秆收运储作业费用分析,指出秸秆综合利用的思路与建议。  相似文献   

分析了东北一熟区、水旱轮作稻区、双季稻区三大稻区的水稻秸秆直接还田配套机具的研究进展,从水稻收获、耕整地两个作业环节指出各区域实施秸秆还田过程中存在的技术难点及待解决问题。目前,长江中下游地区的水稻秸秆直接还田配套机具已经基本满足农艺要求;东北一熟区的秸秆直接还田仍存在很多问题,由于秸秆韧性强、秸秆量大,造成秸秆粉碎抛撒不均匀问题,导致后期整地困难及春季泡田搅浆后秸秆漂浮严重问题,仍是亟需解决的技术难题;南方双季稻及西南稻区由于地势限制导致的机收水平低问题,也同样限制了水稻秸秆直接还田技术的发展。在此基础上,提出了我国水稻秸秆直接还田技术配套机具发展建议,以期为下一步研究解决稻田秸秆还田关键机具问题提供参考。  相似文献   

《农机具之友》是侧重于农机专业方面的科普期刊,其主要介绍的内容具体讲有以下方面:1.农机操作技巧和维修技术 不论驾驶拖拉机、三轮农用运输车、变型运输机、摩托车,还是操作耕、耙、播、收等环节的田间作业机具,以及更大范围的种、养、加、运、  相似文献   

在西瓜生产主要环节推行机械化技术,有利于减轻劳动强度、提高生产效率、增加农民收入.该文介绍了设施西瓜生产主要环节机械化技术路线和技术要求,并结合实际提出适用机具配置方案和机具使用注意事项.  相似文献   

为解决沈阳地区以往采用的保护性耕作方法存在的问题,提出两种实用保护性耕作新模式。介绍新型保护性耕作模式的作业程序,分析其实施的技术和机具可行性,从经济性和实用性角度出发,科学地配置各生产环节的机具和动力主机。  相似文献   

Summary We study the effect of surface resistance r (whether of monolayers on free water or plant diffusive resistance) on evaporation rate, energy balance, and microclimate, under advective conditions. We use power-law representations of the vertical profiles of mean windspeed and eddy diffusivity, and exploit two known similarity solutions, one for a step-function change of surface concentration, and the other for a step-function change of surface flux density. To a very close approximation, these two contrasting canonical advective problems yield the same (spatially variable) boundary layer transfer coefficient expressing the ratio of the surface flux perturbation to the surface concentration perturbation. Adopting this coefficient reduces the (spatially variable) surface energy balance for the advective boundary layer with surface resistance to a quadratic equation, with the solution yielding the fetch distances x at which the surface temperature assumes a given value To. With To (x) established thus, the other significant properties of the boundary layer follow simply and directly.The results reveal the profound influence of r, especially at small x. As boundary layer atmospheric resistance increases with x, r becomes relatively less important. It can be regarded as primarily reducing advective effects. Antievaporation films thus work best on small water surfaces in arid surroundings, but are less effective the larger the water body and the moister the surrounds. If leaf temperatures are not limiting, increasing r has greatest effect for small vegetated areas in an arid environment, but may not be optimal for extensive continuous monocultures. Control of surface resistance offers means of manipulating microclimate, for example when arid landscapes are watered for this purpose. The exploratory nature of this investigation, and its many limitations, are stressed.  相似文献   

冀、鲁、豫、苏、皖五省农机夏收跨区作业调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农机跨区作业是我国农民自发进行的又一项伟大的制度创新,为促进我国农业机械化发展做出了重要的贡献.为此,采用问卷调查法、文献资料法和数理统计法,对冀、鲁、豫、苏、皖等省505户参与跨区作业的农机大户进行了问卷调查.以问卷数据为基础,分析了农机大户的自身特征和经营状况,并总结了影响跨农机大户参与跨区作业的主要因素,最后提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

To study the salt movement in a soil profile, experiments were conducted on sandy loam and silty clay loam in tanks. The chloride concentration and electrical conductivity of the soil water were found from soil water samplers and salinity sensors. The standard deviation of the chloride concentration at each depth was small at the beginning of the percolation process when the soil was uniformly non-saline or highly saline; it increased strongly during the process and returned to its original value at the end. This points to a very heterogeneous water and salt movement through the soil profile. The chloride concentration, when increasing or decreasing rapidly, shows a large scattering. The effective mixing length in the tank experiments appears to be much greater than in laboratory soil columns. It varies between 10 and 15 cm in sandy loam and between 15 and 30 cm in silty clay loam. Irrigation water and soil moisture do not mix completely. An increasing part of the irrigation water moves through the soil without contributing to the leaching process. The results of the tank experiments agree with those of field experiments on similar soils. The consequences for the calculation of the leaching requirement in practice are discussed.  相似文献   

砀山县丰产农机服务专业合作社位于安徽省宿州市砀山县朱楼镇朱楼村,成立于2015年5月13日。合作社目前占地1.33 hm^2(20余亩),拥有成员200余人,拖拉机40多台,收割机18台,灌溉机械14套,植保飞机80多架,烘干机6组,配套农具230多台(套),机械资产达到1 200余万元。  相似文献   

【目的】寻找烤烟适宜的水肥一体化方式。【方法】通过田间试验研究了2种水肥一体化方式(滴灌施肥和浇灌施肥)和2种氮肥用量(100%推荐量和80%推荐量)对烤烟生长、氮磷钾利用及烟叶产量的影响。【结果】不同水肥一体化方式对烟株氮素累积量和利用率无显著影响(P>0.05),对磷素累积量和利用率均有显著影响(P<0.05),对烟株钾素累积量和利用率均有极显著影响(P<0.01),对烤烟旺长期最大叶宽和最大叶面积有极显著影响(P<0.01),对烤烟产量和产值有显著影响(P<0.05)。与滴灌施肥相比,浇灌施肥处理磷素累积量和利用率分别提高了21.1%~21.2%和20.9%~43.0%,钾素累积量和利用率分别下降了15.1%~19.6%和47.5%~49.1%,最大叶宽和最大叶面积分别减小了17.4%~22.4%和22.1%~24.4%,烤烟产量和产值分别下降了12.7%~16.2%和7.7%~20.2%;施肥(氮)水平对烟株氮素累积量有显著影响(P<0.05),对磷素和钾素累积量无显著影响(P>0.05),对烤烟农艺性状及产量均无显著影响(P>0.05)。【结论】与滴灌施肥相比,浇灌施肥促进了烤烟对磷素的吸收,但不利于氮素和钾素的累积利用。相对而言,减氮滴灌促进了烤烟对氮磷钾的吸收利用,并有利于烤烟产质量的形成和农田养分投入的减控,是更为科学合理的抗旱水肥一体化方式。  相似文献   

以树中心湿木为样品,富集分离获得一株具有较强纤维素分解能力的中温厌氧纤维素降解细菌CSZM-6.分离菌株革兰氏染色阴性,直杆或稍弯曲杆状,多数单生,少数成对或成串,部分菌体产芽孢.菌体大小为0.5μm×1.7~2.6μm,严格厌氧,最适生长温度40℃,最适pH6.5,以葡萄糖为底物时倍增时间8.0h.分离菌株在纤维素粉固体培养基中培养3周后,菌落为圆形或不规则形状,产黄色素,直径为0.5~4.0mm,水解圈直径为2.0~18.0mm.分离菌株不仅能利用纤维素、纤维二糖、葡萄糖等碳水化合物,还能利用未经处理的报纸、水稻秸秆、麦秆.发酵纤维素产乙醇、乙酸、H2、CO2、甲酸、丙酸、乳酸.在菌株CSZM-6的纤维素酶系中,只存在外切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶(C1酶)和内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶(Cx酶)两种组分,最适温度分别为40℃和45℃.通过16SrDNA序列分析表明,菌株CSZM-6为梭菌属Clostridium,与C. papyrosolvens具有99.6%的相似性.  相似文献   

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is the driest region of the world with only 1% of the world’s freshwater resources. The increasing competition for good-quality water has cut into agriculture’s water share but since the use of freshwater for domestic, industrial and municipal activities generates wastewater, the volume of wastewater used in agriculture has increased. About 43% of wastewater generated in the MENA region is treated; a relatively high percentage compared to other developing-country dominated regions. This is because of the perceived importance of wastewater as a water resource and several oil-rich countries with the resources to treat wastewater. The MENA region has an opportunity for beneficial reuse of wastewater but few countries in the region have been able to implement substantial wastewater treatment and reuse programs. The major constraints leading to seemingly slow and uneven reuse of wastewater are: inadequate information on the status of reuse or disposal of wastewater and associated environmental and health impacts; incomplete economic analysis of the wastewater treatment and reuse options, usually restricted to financial feasibility analysis; high costs and low returns of developing wastewater collection networks and wastewater treatment plants; lack of wastewater treatment and reuse cost-recovery mechanisms and lack of commitment to support comprehensive wastewater treatment programs; mismatch between water pricing and regional water scarcity; preference for freshwater over wastewater; and inefficient irrigation and water management schemes undermining the potential of wastewater reuse. However, some countries such as Tunisia, Jordan, and Israel have policies in place that address wastewater treatment through a range of instruments. Policymakers in these countries consider use of treated wastewater to be an essential aspect of strategic water and wastewater planning and management. With flexible policy frameworks addressing rapid demographic changes and increasing water scarcity in the MENA region, water reuse has great potential if integrated with resource planning, environmental management and financing arrangements.  相似文献   

沙棘的抚育管理应当协调使用化学或无公害有机防治规程,来适时防治沙棘林有害生物。然而,关于沙棘病虫害防治方面的研究在全球范围内也是很少的,在加拿大也没有记录用于沙棘园的化学农药、无公害有机防治措施在防治中可加以利用,但其防治管理因不同的有机作物种植者协会而不同。在种植之前,种植者应该向隶属的有机种植协会咨询。  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2002,74(1):141-177
FARMSCAPE (Farmers', Advisers', Researchers', Monitoring, Simulation, Communication And Performance Evaluation) is a program of participatory research with the farming community of northeast Australia. It initially involved research to explore whether farmers and their advisers could gain benefit from tools such as soil characterisation and sampling, climate forecasts and, in particular, simulation modelling. Its current focus is facilitating the implementation of commercial delivery systems for these same tools in order to meet industry demand for their access. This paper presents the story of what was done over the past decade, it provides performance indicators of impact, it reflects on what was learnt over this period and it outlines where this research is likely to head in the future.Over the past 10 years, the FARMSCAPE team employed a Participatory Action Research approach to explore whether farmers could value simulation as a decision support tool for managing their farming system and if so, could it be delivered cost-effectively. Through farmer group engagement, on-farm trials, soil characterisation, monitoring of crops, soils and climate, and sessions to apply the APSIM systems simulator, FARMSCAPE represented a research program on decision support intervention. Initial scepticism by farmers and commercial consultants about the value of APSIM was addressed by testing its performance both against measured data from on-farm trials and against farmers' experiences with past commercial crops. Once this credibility check was passed, simulation sessions usually evolved into participants interactively inquiring of the model the consequence of alternative management options. These ‘What if’ questions using APSIM were contextualised using local climate and soil data and the farmer's actual or proposed management rules.The active participation of farmers and their advisers, and working in the context of their own farming operations, were the key ingredients in the design, implementation and interpretation of the FARMSCAPE approach to decision support. The attraction of the APSIM systems simulator to farmers contemplating change was that it allowed them to explore their own system in a manner equivalent to learning from experience. To achieve this, APSIM had to be credible and flexible. While direct engagement of farmers initially enabled only a limited number of beneficiaries, this approach generated a commercial market for timely and high quality interactions based on soil monitoring and simulation amongst a significant sector of the farming community. Current efforts are therefore focused on the training, support and accreditation of commercial agronomists in the application of the FARMSCAPE approach and tools.The FARMSCAPE approach to decision support has come to represent an approach to guiding science-based engagement with farm decision making which is being tested nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

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