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摘要2011年,课题组在莱州湾东部芙蓉岛海域开展黑鲷标志放流研究,共放流平均体长8.6cm以上黑鲷苗种23.6万尾,其中有效挂牌标志放流68224尾。标志鱼经暂养4天后,脱牌率和死亡率分别为1.88%和2.03%。9—11月,通过地笼网回捕、回捕电话统计和实地走访3种方式累计回捕标志黑鲷1041尾,回捕率为1.53%,其中放流后20~30天和30—40天,标志鱼的回捕率较高,分别为0.63%和0.48%。回捕标志黑鲷的生物学分析表明,10月份,放流鱼生长缓慢,叉长日均增长0.53mm,之后生长速度加快,11)7份又长日均增长达到0.85mm。放流鱼主要分布于鱼礁海域,并随着水温降低,逐渐向渤海湾口移动。  相似文献   

1998年5月 24~29日,在辽宁省葫芦岛市连山湾近岸水域放流体长10.6±1.1mm的日本对虾2 798.8万尾。 8月中旬~10月中旬期间,沿岸作业的 534只渔船兼捕到本种商品虾 24.5 t,平均体长 147.3mm,平均体重 40.7 g,相当于 60.3万尾,回捕率为 2. 15%,放流投资与增殖虾产值的比例为 1:5.4,效果良好。  相似文献   

东吾洋中国对虾移植放流效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶泉土 《海洋渔业》1999,21(2):61-65
本文根据1986~1995年在东吾洋水域放流的97948万尾中国对虾种苗材料,研究了移植放流虾在放流海区及福宁湾海区的分布和移动规律,阐明了中国对虾已在东海南部福宁湾海区繁衍生息并形成了自然的生殖群体。此外,还分析了不同规格苗种的放流效益比较,得出在东吾洋放流平均体长在10mm的虾苗,其年均回捕率可达5.26%的增殖效果。  相似文献   

岱衢族大黄鱼放流增殖试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了恢复舟山渔场本地种岱衢族大黄鱼(Pseudosciaenac Focea)资源,2000~2009年进行了岱衢族大黄鱼增殖放流试验。10年间共放流了经过人工繁育的岱衢族大黄鱼苗种1288.0×10^4尾,其中包括标志鱼62680尾。回捕标志鱼1432尾,平均回捕率2.73%。回捕试验结果表明,在岱衢洋进行本地大黄鱼的放流可行,体外挂牌法适合于大黄鱼的标志放流,放流鱼苗不仅可以成活、生长,还能够产卵、增殖并进行洄游;放流使舟山渔场本地岱衢族大黄鱼资源得到显著恢复,并产生了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文根据辽东湾中国对虾标志放流实验与重捕资料,对辽东湾中国对虾放流场的选择、种苗的放流规格和放流增殖效果进行了研究。根据上述实验分析表明,在辽河口海区进行对虾放流增殖是较理想的场所,在秋汛生产期洄游分布遍及辽东湾传统的中心渔场;放流种苗的适宜体长规格为5cm以上,回捕率较高,最高达3.31%。这将对辽东湾生产性对虾放流提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

东吾洋中国对虾的移植放流   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1986~1990年在东吾洋水域放流中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)种苗70919万尾,其中96.2%是末经中间培育,体长为8~15mm 的仔虾。共回捕对虾917t,年平均回捕率5.02%,优化了东吾洋对虾种类结构和数量组成。东吾洋中国对虾移植性放流增殖取得了显著的经济、社会和生态效益。还探讨了东吾洋中国对虾的放流时间、海区和增殖前景。  相似文献   

中国对虾增殖放流跟踪调查与效果评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对黄骅、丰南中国对虾放流区进行的三次跟踪调查表明,放流对虾与自然对虾的比例为:两个放流区第一次跟踪调查100%为放流对虾,回捕率为2.7%;第二次分别为89.47%和87.5%;第三次分别为78.73%和83.3%,回捕率为0.82%。前期对虾分布特点是,向近岸移动,并沿岸向南北散开,多集中于水深1.0m以内区域,随着对虾的生长,分布区逐渐向深水区移动,到第三次调查时,两个放流区的对虾分布区已经混合成一体。放流虾与自然虾有明显的体长差异,8月中旬放流虾平均体长145.1mm,最大体长为180mm,平均体重50.5g,测算产量为110~120t,其中放流虾为90t。文章还就回捕率偏低的原因进行了分析并提出了相应的管理措施。  相似文献   

胶州湾中国对虾增殖放流适宜量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据1985-1990年胶州湾对虾放流增殖结果,对放流增殖适宜量进行了研究,结果:超过一定数量之后,随放流数量的增加,增殖对虾体长瞬时生长速度参数下降,二者呈KL=3.5950e^7.4740*10^-5N负相关关系。从开捕时增殖对虾平均体长、资源量与放流数量的关第式分析,胶州湾放流中国对虾数量以6500-8000万尾为宜。  相似文献   

东吾洋中国对虾小规格仔虾种苗放流技术及其增殖效果   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
张澄茂 《水产学报》2000,24(2):134-139
根据1986-1995年在东吾洋放流的97948万尾中国对虾种苗资料。研究了仔虾种苗放流技术和增殖效果,结果表明,只要掌握好种苗放流技术,加强海区管理,直接放流未经中间暂养培育,平均体长在10mm以上的仔虾种苗,年平均加捕率可达5.26%,增殖效果十分显著。  相似文献   

10月11日,6000尾被注射荧光制剂作为放流回捕标志的小牙鲆鱼苗,被放流到烟台市开发区套子湾海域,这是全国首次放流荧光标志的牙鲆鱼苗,据介绍,如果渔民能够捕到这种标志鱼,可以获得每条150元的奖励。  相似文献   

用烧结法标志中国对虾,在靖海湾和五垒岛湾进行增殖放流,研究其回游与分布规律。重捕资料表明,6月中旬幼对虾对湾内河口浅水区生活随体长增长,逐步向深水扩散;8月上,中旬主群陆续游向湾外,按地形走向向西南回游,部分向东或东南;10月份回游对湾外水域的对虾有向东,东北或东南回游的现象。  相似文献   

大亚湾黑鲷标志放流及回捕率调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为评价大亚湾海域黑鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)增殖放流效果,使用塑料椭圆标志牌(plasticovaltags,POTs),开展了黑鲷幼鱼标志保持率与生长实验。结果显示,背鳍鳍棘基部第4~6鳍棘下方5mm左右的背部肌肉为最适标志位置, 90 d后标志保持率为81.76%。POTs标志黑鲷幼鱼45 d内生长与对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05),而90 d后标志组生长显著缓于对照组(P<0.05)。并于2014—2016年每年1次在大亚湾开展黑鲷幼鱼标志放流试验。采用有奖回收方式进行标志鱼回捕,测量体长、体重,收集回捕日期、回捕地点、回捕方式等信息,整理分析相关数据。3年共放流标志黑鲷幼鱼60115尾,共2758尾回捕标志鱼被定置网、流刺网及垂钓捕获(总回捕率4.59%);大规格放流苗种回捕率高于小规格放流苗种;垂钓回捕鱼数量占总回捕数量的比例为62.08%。通过对反馈信息的分析,认为放流后的标志鱼最初主要沿湾内和湾外两个方向呈近岸辐射状扩散,最远扩散距离约70 km。放流后1~2个月标志黑鲷生长较慢,随后相对加快,放流5~7个月后,黑鲷幼鱼体长、体重分别增长59.51%~127.20%和322.75%~989.83%。结论认为,POT是黑鲷幼鱼体外标志的适宜选择;在研究海域,放流后的标志黑鲷更易于被垂钓方式捕获;丰富的食物和可供躲避敌害的空间是影响其扩散、生长的因素。  相似文献   

The first attempt to rear the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, in brackish water ponds in Egypt was conducted from April 1976 to February 1977. Experimental ponds were stocked with Sparus aurata fry of about 32 mm and 1.5 g average length and weight respectively at a rate of 3000 fry per one feddan of pond water (i.e. 0.42 ha). The growth rate was recorded monthly. An average length and weight of 190 mm and 78 g respectively was attained after 8 months without supplementary feeding or fertilization of pond water. mathematical equations expressing length-weight relationship and condition factor were derived for both wild and reared fish. The higher values of condition factor obtained for the reared fish in comparison to the wild fish signify their improved condition and hence their suitability for farming in Egypt.  相似文献   

A tag-release-recapture study was conducted to evaluate size-at-release impacts upon recruitment of cultured, juvenile striped mullet, Mugil cepahlus released in inshore habitats of Oahu, Hawaii, USA. In June and July 1990, 85,848 juvenile mullet were graded into five size groups (ranging from 45 to 120 mm in length), identified with binary-coded wire tags, and released into two estuaries (2×5 factorial design). Of the tagged fish, 42,822 were released into Kaneohe Bay on the east (windward) coast of Oahu; 43,026 were released into Maunalua Bay on Oahu's dryer south shore. The fish were released into both bays simultaneously. Releases were blocked in time across 5 release lots. To evaluate growth and survival rates of released mullet, both bay systems were sampled monthly with cast nets over a ten-month period after release. Overall, 733 tagged M. cephalus were recaptured, 277 from Kaneohe Bay and 456 from Maunalua Bay. Overall proportions of tagged fish in samples declined from 33.4% (±25.2%) of the total M. cephalus catch at week 5 to 1.88% (±0.95%) by week 23. From week 23 on, tagged fish averaged 2.09% (±0.23%) of the striped mullet in monthly samples. Within 9 wk after releases, recapture frequencies were clearly skewed in favor of fish that were larger at the time of release. Fish smaller than 70 mm when released were rare or absent in collections within 18 wk after release. This confirms results of a smaller-scale pilot study in Maunalua Bay and shows that fish size-at-release can have a major impact on the success of hatchery releases in marine habitats. Pilot studies to identify minimum fish size-at-release should be conducted at all sites targeted for full-scale marine hatchery releases.  相似文献   

条纹锯鮨海水网箱养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
条纹锯鮨(Centropristis Striata Linnaeus)俗称美洲黑石斑,在宁德三都澳海区,条纹锯鮨经480 d养殖,个体平均体质量由初始的6.8g增长到590.3 g,平均全长由初始的55.2 mm增长到287.9 mm,养殖成活率为73.8%,饵料系数为7.3.水温高于26℃,条纹锯鮨易得病、死亡,采取有效的渡夏和越冬措施是养殖成功的关键.  相似文献   

JUN  OHTOMI  TAKUYA  TASHIRO  SHIN  ATSUCHI  NATSUKI  KOHNO 《Fisheries Science》2003,69(3):505-519
ABSTRACT:   The Yatsushiro Sea and Shibushi Bay are, respectively, located on the western and south-eastern coast of Kyushu, southern Japan. The Yatsushiro Sea is a shallow semi-enclosed inland sea, whereas Shibushi Bay is an open-type bay with a deep and wide mouth facing the open sea. The size at sexual maturity and spatiotemporal patterns of reproduction of the kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus (Decapoda, Penaeidae) were examined and compared between these two regions. In the Yatsushiro Sea, the size at sexual maturity was estimated to be 131 mm body length. However, the estimated size at sexual maturity was considerably larger (154 mm) in Shibushi Bay. The spawning season of M. japonicus was estimated to continue from April to September in the Yatsushiro Sea, whereas it was estimated to be longer in Shibushi Bay, from March to November. It is believed that the warm water temperature due to the strong effect of the Kuroshio Current prolonged the spawning season of M. japonicus in Shibushi Bay. The spawning grounds were estimated to be in areas deeper than 10 m in the Yatsushiro Sea and deeper than 20 m in Shibushi Bay. In Shibushi Bay, body size distribution of mature females was considered to be less affected by water depth in comparison with the Yatsushiro Sea, although older mature females larger than 200 mm body length also spawned outside of the bay.  相似文献   

The use of the fluorescent visible implant elastomer (VIE) tagging system in juvenile gilthead seabream, Sparus auratus L., between 7 and 18 g was examined. Four different colours (red, green, orange and yellow), three body positions (dorsal, lateral and caudal) and two orientations (horizontal and vertical) were tested. The mean tag application time for each fish was 15.7±0.32 s. There was no mortality associated with the method of tagging. The most visible tag colour was red. Injection orientation had a significant effect on length, width, fragmentation and fluorescent intensity of the tag. Horizontal tagging is recommended because of high fluorescent intensity, low fragmentation and for double tagging. There were no differences in growth between untagged controls and the VIE‐tagged fish.  相似文献   

为了解铠平鲉繁殖生物学特征及胚胎发育规律,完善铠平鲉繁殖生物学研究内容,为其种质资源保护和资源可持续利用提供基础资料,实验利用春季于青岛胶州湾海域采集的铠平鲉生殖群体样本,开展了其繁殖生物学研究,并使用显微数码摄像系统,观察了铠平鲉体内胚胎的发育过程,定性和定量描述了各发育阶段胚胎的形态特征。结果显示,实验采集样本的体长范围为62~137 mm,体质量范围为9.4~126.8 g,雌雄性比为1.85∶1,最小性成熟年龄为2龄,生殖群体主要由2~4龄个体组成,初次性成熟体长为70.6 mm。绝对怀卵量F为656~9235粒,平均3176粒,体长相对怀卵量FL为12~67粒/mm,体质量相对怀卵量FW为72~140粒/g。雌鱼体内受精卵呈正圆球形,平均卵径为(1.50±0.03)mm,淡黄色,自心跳期开始,受精卵逐渐由正圆球形变为梨形。受精卵在海水中为沉性,具多个油球,在胚胎发育早期存在油球聚合现象,一般至原肠胚末期时仅剩1个大油球。雌鱼体内初孵仔鱼全长(5.57±0.06)mm。研究表明,虽然卵胎生铠平鲉的胚胎发育规律与大多数海水硬骨鱼类基本相似,但胚胎发育中油球数量、色素分布和受精卵外部形态变化等仍具有其特异性。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of female Pasiphaea japonica, including the minimum size of females carrying embryos, spawning and hatching seasons, and brood size, was examined in Toyama Bay, central Japan, during 2004 through 2007. Sampling was conducted onboard a commercial seiner and a fisheries research vessel. The minimum size of ovigerous females was 47.7 mm body length. The percent occurrence of ovigerous females increased with body size, reaching 50% at 57.9 mm body length. Ovigerous females occurred all year round with a seasonal change in percent occurrence, ranging between 41.5 and 94.3% of the total observed females. Consequently, reproduction in females seems to occur throughout the year in Toyama Bay, with seasonal differences in reproductive intensity. Spawning intensity was high during April–July and October–January based on the occurrence of the early developmental stage of embryos, while hatching intensity was high in October–May based on the occurrence of embryos just before hatching. Brood sizes were similar at the same size of body length regardless of embryo stage, except just after spawning.  相似文献   

洪波  王淼  周轩 《水产科技情报》2020,47(6):332-336
为探究张网捕捞作业对凤鲚幼鱼的损害性,根据2017年5—10月杭州湾北部张网渔业资源调查数据,利用全长分析、幼鱼密度和质量占比等方法,对张网渔获中凤鲚幼鱼的生物学特征及幼鱼密度的变化进行了研究分析。结果表明,5—10月各月份张网渔获物中均有凤鲚幼鱼出现,6月份凤鲚幼鱼的平均全长达到最大值112.8 mm,8月份最小,仅为64.7 mm;平均体质量则是10月份最大,达4.4 g,8月份最小,仅1.7 g。5月份凤鲚幼鱼质量密度最高,达到493.1 g/kg,8月份最低,仅为70.3 g/kg;凤鲚幼鱼的数量密度则是7月份最高,为225 ind/kg,6月份最低,为63 ind/kg。渔获中凤鲚幼鱼质量占比5月份最高,为49.3%,8月份最低,仅7.0%;9月份渔获中凤鲚幼鱼数量占比最高,为21.0%,6月份最低,仅为5.3%。研究结果表明,5月和7月杭州湾北部张网对凤鲚幼鱼的损害程度最高。为保护凤鲚幼鱼资源,除调整禁渔期以外,建议组织开展张网网目尺寸试验,研究不同网目尺寸对凤鲚幼鱼释放的效果。  相似文献   

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