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葱是一种栽培范围分布很广的重要蔬菜作物,在它的茎叶中含有丰富的多种营养物质。据北京市食品研究所进行化验分析的资料证明,在每100克鲜葱中,含有维生素A0.05毫克、维生素C20.2毫克、蛋白质2.4克、脂肪0.3毫克、总糖8.6克、碳水化合物9.8克、钙4.6毫克、磷39毫克、铁0.1毫克、各种氨基酸0.0298毫克。在食用上,人们主要食用其茎,而收葱后的葱叶,除少量嫩叶被食用外,大部分葱叶被废弃。但从日常养鸡实践中观察到,葱叶是鸡很喜食的一种青绿饲料和适口性好的营养性诱食剂。章丘大葱闻名国内外…  相似文献   

“增乳散”的研制及应用观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由王不留行,括萎,黄芪等8种药物组成增乳散,奶牛每头每天添加50g,奶山羊,母猪10g,经30天添加饲喂试验,结果,奶牛(791头)头均产奶量增加4.1kg(3.1~6.5kg),奶山羊1.5kg(0.8~2.5kg),哺乳母猪添加6天后,泌乳量增加,并对隐性乳房炎有良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

竹笋系列保健食品加工方法竹笋是我国人民普遍食用的蔬菜。竹笋的营养价值相当高,100克鲜笋中含蛋白质2.1克、糖类4克、脂肪0.1克、磷57毫克、钙11毫克、铁0.5毫克,还含有维生素B1、B2、C等多种人体必需的营养成分。食用竹笋具有促肠胃蠕动、增强...  相似文献   

马铃薯又名土豆、地蛋等。马铃薯是人们生活中的一种常用蔬菜,其营养极为丰富,据测定,每500克鲜马铃薯含蛋白质8.4克、脂肪3.1克、碳水化合物70克、粗纤维6.2克、钙48毫克、铁4毫克、胡萝卜素0.04毫克、硫胺素0.44毫克、核黄素0.13毫米、尼克酸1.8毫克。马铃薯味甘、性平,有和胃调中、健脾益气之功效,对胃病、便秘等病具有一定的疗效。同时,马铃薯又是饲喂奶牛的一  相似文献   

奶牛日粮添加保护性氨基酸产奶量和经济效益显著提高   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择2~3胎、2~4泌乳月、日产奶27~36千克泌乳牛12头,按产奶量高低配对分成试验1组、试验2组和对照组,每组4头。试验1组日粮中添加保护性赖氨酸7克、蛋氨酸15克;试验2组日粮中添加同等剂量的普通赖氨酸、蛋氨酸;对照组日粮中不添加氨基酸。3组日粮组成和营养水平全相同,在试验全过程中保持一致。通过42天的集中饲养奶牛试验,试验1组比试验2组和对照组头日增产牛奶2.45千克和2.88千克,头日增加牛奶产值3.43元和4.03元,头日净增效益3.02无和3.00元,投入产出比分别为1:8.4和1:3.9;试验2组比对照组头日增产牛奶0.43千克,头日增加牛奶产值0.6元,头日净增效益-0.02元,投入产出比为1:0.79。结果表明,奶牛日粮添加保护性赖氨酸和蛋氨酸能显著提高产奶量,可获得显著经济效益,而添加普通氨基酸增产效果和经济效益不明显。  相似文献   

两种香椿制品的加工香椿是我国的传统蔬菜,其可食部分嫩芽、嫩叶质地柔软可口,香气溢人沁脾,是高档的名优蔬菜。据分析,每百克香椿含蛋白质5.7克、脂肪0.8克、糖类7.2克、胡萝卜素93毫克、抗坏血酸56毫克、钙110毫克、磷120毫克、钾548毫克、铁...  相似文献   

1夏季粥内加大量冷水,可使奶牛防暑降温。冬季喂38℃左右的热粥,可提高产奶量10%。2将胡萝卜和甜菜洗净切碎,在饲料中各加15%,可提高产奶量25%。3在奶牛泌乳的最初60天内,让牛每天接受光照16小时,产奶量提高10%~30%。4每头奶牛每天加喂200~300克醋酸钠,日产奶量可增加0.7~1.2千克,乳脂率提高0.16%~0.21%.。5每100千克体重添加尿素15~20克,可提高产奶量10%。6奶牛饮磁化水,产奶量可提高12%,同时还增强机体抵抗疾病的能力。7连续每天给奶牛添喂12~15克…  相似文献   

周广泰 《中国乳业》2001,(11):19-19
1.增加光照法:美国、英国科学家研究发现,在奶牛泌乳的最初60天内,不需增加和改变饲料,让牛每天接受16小时的光照,比处在冬季自然光照条件下的奶牛可多产奶10%。2.调整分娩期法:奶牛产后3~8周,是产奶的黄金时间。如果奶牛夏季分娩,日产奶量要比其它季节少10千克。因此,要注意安排好配种期,避开热季产犊,以提高产奶量。3.补加胡萝卜素法:前苏联的养牛专家在产奶前30天和产后92天的奶牛日粮中补加7克胡萝卜素制剂,使泌乳期缩短约1周,每个泌乳期净增牛奶200.8千克。4.加喂磷石膏法:磷石膏除含有…  相似文献   

鲜葱叶饲喂蛋鸡的试验效果山东省章丘市畜牧局马玉胜葱是一种栽培范围分布极广的重要蔬菜作物之一,它的茎、叶含有丰富的各种营养物质,据北京市食品研究所化验分析,在每100克大葱中,含有维生素A0.05毫克、维生素C20.2毫克、蛋白质2.4克、脂肪0.3克...  相似文献   

徐梅娟 《饲料工业》1997,18(5):33-34
鲜葱叶饲喂肉仔鸡的试验山东省章丘市畜牧局徐梅娟葱是一种栽培范围分布极广的重要蔬菜作物。它的茎、叶含有丰富的营养物质。据北京市食品研究所化验分析的资料证明,每100克大葱的茎、叶中,含有维生素A0.05毫克、维生素C20.2毫克、蛋白质2.4克、脂肪0...  相似文献   

Recent studies in Japan of the effect of automatic milking systems (AMS) on the behavior of dairy cows have confirmed the labor-saving aspect of AMS, but have not solved some of the problems affecting milking traits. The influence of AMS on milking was examined in 39 Holstein cows at Iwate Agricultural Research Center from June 1998 to December 1999, by measuring and recording the yield per milking, milking finish time, milking frequency, and daily yield of milking. Four milking traits were analyzed separately as the objective variable in a linear model, with parity, days in milking, month after installation of the AMS as independent variables. Primiparous cows milked more frequently in the middle and late stage of lactation, yielded less per milking and less per day in the early stage of lactation than multiparous cows with the AMS. Lower frequencies were observed at noon and midnight for cleaning of the bulk tank. By contrast, higher milking frequency in the forenoon was shown. The yield per milking rose and declined, following a normal lactation curve. However, milking frequency rose slowly, and declined gradually in the late stage of lactation. After installing a one-way gate, the cows milked more frequently, with a lower yield per milking and a greater daily milk yield, than before installation.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this study to investigate the effect of various factors of the milking technique, milking hygiene and environment on microbial contamination of the milking machine. In 31 dairy herds, the degree of bacterial contamination was examined by taking swabs at four locations (teat cup liner, claw, short and long milk tube) before the milking procedure was started using a standardized protocol (DIN ISO 6887-1:1999). Furthermore, the total germ count was determined in the first milk entering the bulk tank as well as in the bulk tank milk following milking. For each farm, the quality of the milking process and the condition of the milking machine as well as of various environmental factors were recorded. A subjective evaluation of the status of the milking cluster or other parts of the milking machine ("good" or "moderate-poor") gave more information about bacterial contamination than the determination of age and type of material used. A temperature of the rinsing water of < 42 degrees C increased the contamination with Pseudomonas spp. and coliform bacteria. Milking clusters kept out of the cluster pick-up between milking had a higher risk of microbial contamination. Various methods of teat cleaning before milking or of postmilking teat disinfection did not affect the contamination of the milking machine and the bulk tank milk with environmental bacteria. Furthermore, type of bedding material affected bacterial contamination of milking clusters and bulk tank milk. In conclusion, our results suggest that the microbial contamination of the milking machine is not only influenced by the sanitation pro-  相似文献   

Sensors and management support in high-technology milking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two directions can be distinguished in the development of high-tech milking equipment: 1) high-capacity milking parlors with a high throughput of cows per person per hour and 2) automatic milking systems in which manual labor is replaced by a milking robot. High-capacity milking parlors are developed in such a way that one operator is able to milk many cows, partly by automation and partly by optimization of available labor. In such parlors, one operator can milk up to 125 cows per hour. This means that there are only a few seconds available for udder preparation. In an automatic milking system, a robot takes over all manual labor during milking. Currently available systems have one robot arm working with one milking stall (one-stall system) or one robot arm working with more milking stalls (multiple-stall systems). Cows have to go to the automatic milking system voluntarily. Therefore, there is a large variation in milking intervals. Moreover, a large variation between milkings and between cows was observed in milk flow rate, machine-on time and udder preparation time. Both developments in high-tech milking have effects on the milk ejection. The small amount of time dedicated to udder preparation in high-capacity milking parlors has negative effects on the milk ejection, among others leading to more bimodal milk flow curves and longer machine-on time. In automatic milking systems, the variation in time between udder preparation and cluster attachment and in milking frequency might have an effect on milk ejection. Lactation physiology can play a role in solving the questions around milk ejection in high-tech milking systems. The introduction of high-tech milking systems makes decision support systems using sensors necessary. These systems should assist in detection of abnormal milk and mastitis. To a lesser extent, diseased cows need to be brought to the attention of the dairy farmer. Some sensors are currently available for this purpose, but they do not fulfill all demands. In the near future other sensors might be developed. It is important that this development is demand driven and not technology driven. Lactation physiology can play an important role in the determination of milk components useful for automatic detection.  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis is typically caused by microbial infection of the udder, but the factors responsible for this condition are varied. One potential cause is the milking system, and although previous studies have investigated various methods for inspecting these devices, most have not assessed methods for evaluating the milking units. With this in mind, we analyzed the factors that affect the vacuum inside the milking claw by using a simulated milking device and by measuring milking claw vacuum when adjusting the flow rate in five stages. The factors analyzed in each milking system were the vacuum pressure settings (high and low line system) , milk tube length (200‐328 cm), aperture diameter (14‐22.2 mm), constricted aperture diameter (12 mm), tubing configurations, lift formation (0‐80 cm), claw type (bottom and top flow) and use or non‐use of a milk sampler. The study findings demonstrated that all of these variables had a significant impact on claw vacuum and suggest that a diagnostic method using a simulated milking device should be considered when inspecting modern milking systems.  相似文献   

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