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Large-bodied Demodex mites were detected in 4 dogs. The mites were readily detected in material obtained via deep skin scrapings and were most commonly found on the trunk. The mites were distinguishable from D. canis, because adult males were approximately 100% longer and adult females were approximately 50% longer than adult male and female D. canis mites, respectively. The large-bodied mites were found in the hair follicles, sebaceous ducts, and sebaceous glands in histologic sections of skin from 2 dogs. All dogs had adult-onset generalized demodicosis. Two dogs had coexistent iatrogenic hypercortisolism, 1 dog had hypothyroidism, and 1 dog did not have coexistent disease. Infestations responded to miticidal therapy, control of the coexistent disease, or both.  相似文献   

郑州市犬蠕形螨虫病流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为初步了解郑州市犬蠕形螨虫病的流行情况,于2008年7月-2009年1月期间对郑州市多家宠物医院病例进行统计,并对疑似蠕形螨虫病患犬进行了皮肤刮片和显微镜检查,确诊118例,对该病的发病时间、患病部位以及患犬的品种、性别和年龄等进行了统计分析.结果表明,犬蠕形螨虫病于7-10月发病率较高;患病部位多集中在腹部、颈部,其次是四肢、耳部、头部和趾部等;杂种犬和京巴犬较多发,其次是金毛犬、松狮犬、博美犬和拉布拉多犬等;1-2岁的犬多发;公犬较母犬的发病率稍高.  相似文献   

Demodex cuniculi in a number of dwarf rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is reported. In contrast to previous reports the findings suggest that the mite should be considered as a normal resident of the epidermis and hair follicle of the rabbit.  相似文献   

Three clinically normal beagles, 3 beagles with localized demodectic mange (LDM), and 3 beagles with generalized demodectic mange (GDM) were investigated simultaneously 1-3 and 4-6 weeks from the appearance of the clinical signs. Blood clinical examination and reactivity of peripheral lymphocytes to Con A and PHA were investigated in the first instance, and reactivity to Con A, PHA, and LPS in the second. Eight aliquots were used in each blastogenesis assay for each dog. All dogs were negative for rheumatoid factor. The results of blastogenesis showed that many observations were distributed non-normally, and that not all dogs in each group responded homogeneously. Comparison of blastogenesis results between dogs demands careful statistical analysis. Responses to mitogens were normal in all dogs at 1-3 weeks except for the LDM dogs that showed an increased response to PHA. Only the response to Con A was moderately inhibited in the LDM dogs at 4-6 weeks. All responses were severely depressed in the GDM dogs at 4-6 weeks. This means that immunosuppression follows rather than precedes the clinical manifestations of GDM, and implies that the phenomenon is induced by the parasite or the host's reaction to it.  相似文献   

 犬脂螨病是由蠕形螨寄生于犬皮脂腺或毛囊引起的一种常见而又顽固的皮肤病。犬脂螨病在我国发病率较高,并且全国各地都有流行,特别是幼犬发病率很高。若不及时治疗或治疗不彻底会导致病情恶化,严重者可继发感染死亡,还会造成病原的扩散,易造成该病在犬群中流行。论文介绍了犬脂螨病的分类、诊断和治疗方法,着重强调了各种类型脂螨病治疗的原则、常用药物的安全性和副作用,为兽医选择安全、有效地治疗犬脂螨病方案提供参考。  相似文献   

好食链孢霉的分类鉴定及对山羊蠕形螨病的防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在贵阳地区从山羊蠕形螨病霉变的病料上分离得一株真菌 ,经鉴定该真菌属于链孢霉属 (Neurospora)的好食链孢霉 (N .sitophila)。取该菌人工增殖后的菌丝体与生理盐水按 1∶50 0混合涂洒于患病山羊体表 ,2 0d后检查 ,患羊完全康复 ,有效率为 90 %~ 95%。同时还发现 ,该菌代谢产物对兔足螨也有一定的防治效果。  相似文献   

Short form of Demodex species mite in the dog: occurrence and measurements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A form of Demodex species mite shorter in length than Demodex canis was found in six consecutive cases of canine demodicosis. The mean length of the parasite was 122.6 microns (SD 12.0 microns, 39 mites counted), significantly shorter than either male or female forms of D canis (P < 0.0001). The proportion of short to long mites in each case varied from 0.5 to 22 per 100. In young dogs, skin signs associated with the presence of mites were first noted after about seven months, while in the oldest subject the disease became apparent at 10 years of age. This form of mite has now been found in four countries over three continents, the findings suggesting that it is not uncommon and is acquired in puppyhood, although it may be carried unnoticed for many years.  相似文献   

All life stages of Demodex cati are described and compared with D. canis. Presence of D. cati is reported for the first time from the external auditory meatus. In the two cases examined mites occurred in large numbers with little pathogenic effect.  相似文献   

Background – It is unproven that all dogs harbour Demodex mites in their skin. In fact, several microscopic studies have failed to demonstrate mites in healthy dogs. Hypothesis/Objectives – Demodex canis is a normal inhabitant of the skin of most, if not all, dogs. This hypothesis was tested using a sensitive real‐time PCR to detect Demodex DNA in the skin of dogs. Animals – One hundred dogs living in a humane society shelter, 20 privately owned and healthy dogs and eight dogs receiving immunosuppressive or antineoplastic therapy. Methods – Hair samples (250–300 hairs with their hair bulbs) were taken from five or 20 skin locations. A real‐time PCR that amplifies a 166 bp sequence of the D. canis chitin synthase gene was used. Results – The percentage of positive dogs increased with the number of sampling points. When a large canine population was sampled at five cutaneous locations, 18% of dogs were positive for Demodex DNA. When 20 skin locations were sampled, all dogs tested positive for mite DNA. Our study indicates that Demodex colonization of the skin is present in all dogs, independent of age, sex, breed or coat. Nevertheless, the population of mites in a healthy dog appears to be small. Demodex DNA was amplified from all 20 cutaneous points investigated, without statistically significant differences. Conclusions and clinical importance – Using a real‐time PCR technique, Demodex mites, albeit in very low numbers, were found to be normal inhabitants of haired areas of the skin of healthy dogs.  相似文献   

犬蠕形螨病的流行病学调查与治疗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1992年至2002年对全国几个大型养犬场(基地)发生和流行的犬蠕形螨病的情况进行了调查,并时典型病例进行了临床观察和治疗。共调查1008头犬,典型发病的238头,发病率为23.6%,其中幼犬发病率明显高于其它年龄组的犬,占总发病数的66.4%,群养犬发病率高于散养犬。春夏之交与初冬换毛季节发病率高于其它季节。本病呈现明显的接触感染特点。临床以脱毛、皮屑增多、毛囊炎、皮肤溃烂等为主要特征。患犬可继发化脓性炎症,血液白细胞总数升高。病理切片观察病变皮肤组织出血、坏死、溃疡。测量了101只蠕形螨虫,对虫体结构进行了描述。试用多种方法治疗病犬238例,治愈206例,好转20例,死亡12例。对严重病例发病部位取病料进行细菌培养检查,发现有葡萄球菌、链球菌、绿脓杆菌等感染。  相似文献   

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