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连栋温室可移动式双层内保温幕保温节能效果初探   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
在连栋温室内用聚乙烯膜、镀铝膜(单层镀铝,镀铝面朝下)设置可移动式双层内保温幕,与对照温室和双层充气膜温室相比较研究其保温节能效果和对温室内光照度的影响。结果表明在甘肃榆中地区,连栋温室内使用可移动式双层内保温幕在初冬时节可以使供暖设施启动的时间推延1个月左右,具有明显的节能效果;在启动供暖设施后,可以使温室内凌晨的温度提高2.5~3.5℃,其保温效果优于双层充气膜;在阴雪天气下,与双层充气膜相比可以提高正午12:00温室内气温;对温室内光照度的影响有3种情况:在晴天,室内光照低于对照但高于双层充气膜的温室;在阴雪天,室内光照度略低于双层充气膜的温室;在多云天气下,对一个座北朝南的温室而言,可移动式双层内保温幕的聚乙烯膜正午在温室内距地面不同高度的平面上对光照度的影响面积占温室总面积的比因温室结构和当日正午太阳高度角的不同而不同,可由公式:A=1-(β-x)/(α?tgα)确定  相似文献   

微生物菌剂对小麦秸秆和尿素静态堆腐过程的影响(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨微生物菌剂对小麦秸秆和尿素静态堆腐过程的影响机制,研究了在静态通气条件下,微生物菌剂对堆腐过程温度和水解酶活性的影响。结果表明,G+J(添加葡萄糖活化的微生物菌剂)、J(微生物菌剂)和CK(不加微生物菌剂)处理的最高温度分别为66 .0℃、67.1℃和59.5℃,整个堆腐过程温度高于50 ℃的时间为:G+J(240 h)>J(120 h)>CK(96 h)。G+J处理的纤维素酶活性峰值出现在第9 d,达到 334.37 mg/(g·d),J和CK酶活性峰值较G+J滞后3 d和6 d出现,酶活性峰值分别为271.59 mg/(g·d)和236.67 mg/(g·d);G+J处理蔗糖酶活性峰值是CK处理的2.53倍,J处理蔗糖酶活性是CK处理的2.33倍;随着堆腐时间的延长,23 d后各处理脲酶活性均小于 20.00 mg/(g·d)。相关性分析表明,3个处理的纤维素酶活性与温度负相关,但是不显著(P>0.05);G+J处理的蔗糖酶活性与温度呈极显著负相关,J处理的蔗糖酶活性与温度呈显著性负相关;3个处理的脲酶活性与温度均达到显著或极显著负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01)。可见,复合微生物菌剂可以改变腐解过程中温度与水解酶活性。  相似文献   

为了改良农作物秸秆制备栽培基质中p H值、EC值偏高,通气孔隙度、持水孔隙度等理化性质不良等问题,研究了在秸秆预处理(堆腐)过程中添加酒糟对基质理化性质的影响。以稻秸秆中混入体积比例20%的菇渣作为基质堆腐处理的对照(CK),采用在高温好氧堆腐及穴盘育苗试验的方法,研究了混入相同比例的酒糟及腐熟物料组配无机物珍珠岩等方法,对基质理化性质、蔬菜幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,在堆腐阶段稻秸秆+酒糟有利于高温堆腐进程,提高堆腐效率。堆腐温度大于50℃的高温维持天数较对照增加14 d,平均堆腐温度较对照增高9.50℃,稻秸秆+酒糟处理最终腐熟物p H值、EC值较对照分别下降15.0%、26.8%。稻秸秆+酒糟腐熟物组配珍珠岩后,进一步降低了EC值(P0.05),基质物理性质也得到提高(P0.05),从而促进了幼苗地上与地下部分的生长,稻秸秆+酒糟腐熟物料与珍珠岩的体积比例以7∶3较好。采用稻秸秆堆腐制备基质过程中,加入体积比例20%的酒糟能提高堆腐效率,有效改善腐熟物料中pH值、EC值等不良理化性质,为稻秸秆的基质化利用提供了方法。  相似文献   

粪肥堆腐过程中尿囊素的变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过室内模拟和室外堆腐试验,研究了奶牛粪和鸡粪腐熟过程中尿囊素含量的变化规律,分析了高浓度尿素对奶牛粪中尿囊素形成和降解的影响。结果表明,奶牛粪肥的三种不同堆腐方式,因温度及通气状况不同,腐熟速度各异;粪肥腐熟过程中尿囊素的变化均呈抛物线型,但变化速度和幅度不同。粪肥的腐熟速度和粪肥种类影响堆腐过程中尿囊素的含量,粪肥腐熟速度越快,尿囊素含量变化越大;奶牛粪和鸡粪的尿囊素差异明显,堆腐过程中鸡粪的尿囊素含量始终高于奶牛粪。在嫌气条件下,给奶牛粪肥中加入高浓度尿素,能使粪肥中尿囊素含量显著提高,也可抑制和延缓尿囊素的降解。  相似文献   

农业废弃物静态高温堆腐过程中微生物变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在静态通气条件下,研究了农业废弃物堆腐过程中微生物的动态变化。结果表明,以猪粪和小麦秸秆为原料,加入微生物菌剂堆腐,细菌数在堆腐3 d达到高峰值3.85×1012CFU/g,放线菌在第5 d达到高峰值6.25×108CFU/g,真菌数在堆肥第3 d就达到高峰值8.29×106CFU/g;未加菌剂的堆腐处理细菌数在第8 d达到高峰值7.54×1010CFU/g,放线菌数在第5 d达到高峰值4.22×108CFU/g,真菌数随着温度上升而下降,在堆腐后期上升。在以牛粪和小麦秸秆为原料,加入微生物菌剂堆腐,细菌数在第2 d达到高峰值5.62×1012CFU/g,放线菌数在堆腐第3 d达到高峰值1.46×1010CFU/g,真菌数在堆腐第1 d达到高峰值1.13×109CFU/g;未加菌剂的堆腐处理,细菌数在第4 d达到高峰值2.01×1011CFU/g,放线菌数在第3 d达到高峰值1.46×1010CFU/g,真菌数在堆腐第1 d达到高峰值8.51×108CFU/g。在整个堆腐过程中,真菌数一直较低,细菌和放线菌相对较高。  相似文献   

在静态通气条件下,分别以养殖场鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪为材料,加入麦秸作为调节物质,研究了加入外援菌剂堆腐过程堆体脱氢酶活性变化及其与温度的关系。结果表明,添加微生物菌剂使得堆体温度迅速上升,整个堆肥过程中的堆体温度高于对照,在堆肥的第1~2 d进入高温期,且高温阶段持续时间延长为16~20 d;对照处理在堆腐的4~5 d后进入高温期,持续时间较短仅为7~8 d。3种物料脱氢酶活性大小相比较,加菌剂处理, 牛粪 [H+ 29.32 μL/(g·d)]鸡粪 [H+ 25.66 μL/(g·d) ]≈猪粪 [H+ 25.34 μL/(g·d)],脱氢酶高峰出现的时间以牛粪 (6 d) 鸡粪(12 d) 猪粪(14 d) 。CK处理均在堆肥后第10 d脱氢酶活性达到最高,3种物料的脱氢酶大小的顺序为牛粪 [H+ 24.62 μL/(g·d)] 鸡粪 [H+ 21.6 μL/(g·d)] 猪粪 [H+ 18.62 μL/(g·d)]。加菌剂处理在高温堆肥初期过高的温度不利于土壤微生物的活动,因此在温度大于60℃以上时,脱氢酶的活性与温度呈直线负相关,此后脱氢酶活性与温度成显著性直线正相关;对照处理升温较缓慢,酶活性和温度增长同步,整个堆腐期间的脱氢酶活性与温度成显著性直线正相关。  相似文献   

未消化城市污泥与稻草堆肥过程中的养分变化研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用静态强制通气堆和人工机械翻堆两种试验方式对城市污泥进行堆肥处理,对堆肥过程中养分的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,堆肥过程中全量P和全量P和全量K含量呈线性上升,氮由于以氨气形式挥发损失,全氮含量的上升幅度较小,有效磷含量在堆肥前期上升,后期则下降;速效钾含量呈不断上升趋势;水溶性全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮、有机氮和水溶性全磷、正磷酸盐形态磷、水溶性有机磷的含量在堆肥初期上升,但后期下降。污泥稻草堆肥的时间以50d左右为宜。  相似文献   

不同绿肥与牛粪混合堆腐过程中有机组分的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过苜蓿、猫尾草、籽粒苋分别与牛粪混合堆腐进行改性处理,研究堆腐过程中有机组分的动态变化。结果表明,绿肥与牛粪混合堆腐可以使堆腐产物中水溶性有机组分的含量增加,提供更多的营养物质供作物直接吸收利用,并且显著提高了堆腐产物持续生成水溶性胡敏酸的能力,其中添加苜蓿堆腐处理产生的水溶性有机组分含量大于其它处理。添加苜蓿和猫尾草堆腐不但可以增加堆腐产物中碱溶性有机物和碱溶性胡敏酸的含量,提高堆腐产物的HA/FA值,而且在堆腐后期可以降低堆腐产物中碱溶性富里酸的减小,添加籽粒苋堆腐处理这种作用不明显。  相似文献   

以鸡粪和麦秸为原料,在静态通气条件下,研究了堆腐过程堆体温度及氧化还原酶活性变化。结果表明,添加微生物菌剂后,堆体不同部位温度均高于CK(不加微生物菌剂)处理,且升温阶段持续时间较短。微生物菌剂处理堆料50℃以上的持续时间为14~20 d,CK处理50℃以上的持续时间7.5~10 d;添加微生物菌剂处理的过氧化氢酶活性在第1~26 d均大于CK处理;堆料中添加菌剂处理在堆腐中期的脱氢酶活性大于CK处理;添加菌剂处理在堆肥的第5~28 d,多酚氧化酶活性大于CK处理的活性;说明微生物菌剂可促进有机物的降解及其降解产物的转化。添加菌剂处理在堆腐30 d后E4/E6(为胡敏酸在465 nm与665 nm波长下吸光值的比值)比值为1.57~1.68,CK处理为2.16~2.41,表明添加菌剂能促进腐殖质的缩合和芳构化。  相似文献   

3种配比的通风静态堆肥试验表明:在适宜的C/N、水分、通风条件下,不同辅料和配比的堆体均能够达到设定温度55℃,并维持一定的高温期,堆肥产品的卫生学指标达到国家粪便无害化标准。通风是静态好氧堆肥的关键因素,不同原料的升温速率明显不同, 通气性能好的锯末和秸秆混合配料可在3~4 d达到设定温度,升温速率明显优于单独使用锯末配料,堆肥过程的高温和水分蒸发可明显降低堆体的含水率,堆肥后堆体体积比堆肥前减少1/2~1/3。  相似文献   

秸秆对猪粪静态兼性堆肥无害化和腐熟度的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为促进猪粪静态兼性堆肥产品无害化和腐熟,通过添加玉米秸秆调控堆体物理结构特性和碳氮比,采用传统自然发酵方式进行为期90d的静态兼性堆肥试验,分别设置纯猪粪处理(P)和秸秆调控处理(PC)研究静态兼性堆肥过程腐熟度指标、粪大肠菌群以及微生物群落结构演变特征。结果表明,秸秆调控增加了堆体孔隙率(提高19.41%),促进氧气向堆体内部扩散,增强了好氧微生物对有机质的降解,降低NH4+-N,可溶性有机氮(dissolved total nitrogen, DTN)等植物毒性物质含量,提升了堆肥腐熟度,两组处理堆肥产品种子发芽指数分别为40.84%(P)和114.60%(PC)。静态兼性堆肥经过30~40 d自然发酵后,粪大肠菌群数量达到卫生安全标准,堆体温度、NH4+-N和有机酸含量均会影响粪大肠杆菌的活性。堆体中微生物以厚壁菌门、放线菌门、变形菌门等与木质纤维素降解相关的菌门为优势菌门,堆体自上而下由好氧菌属演替为厌氧菌属,并形成好氧、兼性、厌氧的微生物分层。秸秆调控增加了堆体的好氧区域,促进和提高了猪粪...  相似文献   

Alternate technologies of compost manufactured from poultry litter (manure) were studied as a means of producing a value-added product for the landscape and nursery industry. Static pile and turned windrow technologies were investigated on a commercial scale with the composting of nearly 300 tons of material. The major difference between the technologies is the amount of energy and labor required. Static pile systems require less energy but more time than windrow turned systems. There was no process advantage found for passively aerated static piles over static piles but costs of passive aeration for pipes and labor were higher than for static piles. Machine turned windrows completed active temperature production within 100 days while portions of both the static and passively aerated piles continued to actively compost past 300 days. Process operational costs and compost quality were similar among the compost methods studied. Production operational cost is driven by the cost of compost ingredients and accounted for 60 to 70% of the cost in the pilot study. Ingredients were poultry litter, wood chips and sawdust. Screened compost was produced at an operational cost of $30 while unscreened compost could be produced for $20 per ton of compost. A production scheme where poultry litter is static pile composted on farms for later transport to regional processing centers appears feasible. This two-part composting procedure will eliminate the transport of raw litter and improve poultry biosecurity. Most likely, a private compost business would provide the expertise, on-farm compost procedures and operate the regional facility.  相似文献   

针对奶牛养殖场粪便含水率高,堆肥处理成本高的特点,采用以干燥玉米秸秆为调理剂,在较高初始含水率条件下(70%~80%),进行了强制通风堆肥槽和翻转式堆肥仓的对比试验,并且探讨了晾晒脱水作为预处理对堆肥效果的影响。结果表明,各处理堆体升温迅速,且均在50℃以上维持8~12d,满足堆肥无害化的卫生标准(GB7959—1987)要求。至堆肥结束时,各处理含水率均降至40%以下,C/N均降至20以下,WSOC均低于16g·kg-1,NH4+-N含量均低于0.4g·kg-1;除采用堆肥槽在初始含水率为65%下堆肥NH4+-N/NO3--N〉3尚未腐熟完全外,其他处理NH4+-N/NO3--N均小于0.5,腐熟情况较好;所有处理的GI均大于50%,其中采用堆肥槽在较高初始含水率堆肥和晾晒预处理后堆肥GI已达80%,基本消除了植物毒性。采用较为开放的堆肥槽时,以玉米秸秆作调理剂,在较高的初始含水率条件下堆肥效果更好;以晾晒脱水作为预处理后堆肥,可减少所需调理剂的用量,节约了堆肥的成本。  相似文献   

Manures lose N through volatilization almost immediately after deposit. Attempts to control losses include the addition of a C source to stimulate nitrogen immobilization. Composting is a treatment process that recommends the addition of carbonaceous materials to achieve a C:N ratio of 30:1 to stimulate degradation and immobilize nitrogen. Dairies near cities may be able to reduce N loss from manures by composting with urban carbonaceous residues such as municipal solid waste (MSW) or MSW compost that, by themselves, have little agronomic value. Studies were conducted using a self-heating laboratory composter where dairy solids were mixed with MSW compost to determine the reduction of N loss during composting. One-to-one mixtures (v/v) of dairy manure solids and MSW compost were composted and NH3 volatilization, CO2 evolution and temperatures were compared to composting of manure alone. Addition of MSW compost resulted in increased CO2 evolution and reduced N loss. Nitrogen loss from composting dairy manure alone was four to ten times greater than that from composting dairy manure mixed with MSW compost. Adjustment of the C:N ratio to 25 by adding MSW compost to manure appeared to be the major factor in reducing N losses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the viability of the composting of goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) manure (GM) and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) manure (RM) and to evaluate the quality of the compost obtained. For this, a mixture of these manures was prepared at a goat/rabbit ratio of 44:56 (fresh-weight basis) and 50:50 (dry-weight basis). The mixture was composted by the Rutgers static pile composting system, with forced aeration and controlled temperature. Throughout the composting process, the temperature was monitored and physicochemical, chemical, and biological parameters were evaluated. The temperature evolution showed the suitable development of the composting process, with thermophilic values (>40 °C) maintained for more than 90 days. The finished compost had stabilized and humified organic matter. However, the pH (9.4) and the salinity (EC of 13.4 dS/m) could limit its potential agricultural use.  相似文献   


Long-term temporal changes in natural 15N abundance (δ15N value) in paddy soils from long-term field experiments with livestock manure and rice straw composts, and in the composts used for the experiments, were investigated. These field experiments using livestock manure and rice straw composts had been conducted since 1973 and 1968, respectively. In both experiments, control plots to which no compost had been applied were also maintained. The δ15N values of livestock manure compost reflected the composting method. Composting period had no significant effect on the δ15N value of rice straw compost. The δ15N values increased in soils to which livestock manure compost was successively applied, and tended to decrease in soils without compost. In soils to which rice straw compost was successively applied, the δ15N values of the soils remained constant. Conversely, δ15N values in soils without rice straw compost decreased. The downward trend in δ15N values observed in soils to which compost and chemical N fertilizer were not applied could be attributed to the natural input of N, which had a lower δ15N value than the soils. Thus, the transition of the δ15N values in soils observed in long-term paddy field experiments indicated that the δ15N values of paddy soils could be affected by natural N input in addition to extraneous N that was applied in the form of chemical N fertilizers and organic materials.  相似文献   

针对当前猪粪好氧堆肥过程中存在的腐熟度低、氮素损失严重、污染气体排放量大等问题,该研究以木本泥炭作为添加剂与猪粪进行联合堆肥,研究了不同木本泥炭添加量(添加比例依次为占物料湿基质量的5%、10%、15%和20%的4个处理)对猪粪好氧堆肥产品腐熟度和堆肥过程中CH4、NH3和H2S等污染气体排放变化的影响。结果表明:在猪粪堆肥中添加木本泥炭作为调理材料,堆体可成功启动升温,在第2~4天堆体可进入高温期,并持续7 d以上,达到无害化卫生标准;经28 d好氧堆肥以后,堆肥产品p H值为8.0左右,电导率值为1.47~1.82 m S/cm,发芽指数均大于80%,达到腐熟标准;木本泥炭添加量增加至15%以上时,有机质分解程度高,物料干质量降解率达22%左右,28 d堆体含水率下降35%左右,CH4、NH3和H2S排放量分别减少82.12%~89.48%、53.47%~63.31%、50.98%~62.76%,总温室气体排放当量减少70.34%~83.26%,堆体总氮损失减少率达44%~63%,保氮效果显著。因此,建议木本泥炭用作猪粪堆肥添加剂的最优添加量为15%~20%(以物料总湿重计)。  相似文献   

猪粪比例对烟草废弃物高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烟草废弃物为基本原料进行堆肥试验,研究了不同比例猪粪与烟草废弃物混合堆肥体系中温度、pH、全氮、C/N比、水溶性NH+4-N和种子发芽指数(GI,germination index)的动态变化规律,探讨了不同猪粪比例对烟草废弃物高温堆肥腐熟进程的影响。结果表明,在烟草废弃物中加入猪粪能缩短进入高温分解阶段的时间,增加高温分解持续时间,增加全氮含量,加快物料NH+4-N和C/N比降低的速率,加快烟草废弃物堆肥腐熟化进程。添加一定比例猪粪的处理(烟草废弃物∶猪粪=7∶3、烟草废弃物∶猪粪=8∶2和烟草废弃物∶猪粪=9∶1),分别在堆肥第3、4、5 d进入高温分解阶段(〉50 ℃),高温持续时间分别为11、10、8 d;而纯烟草废弃物处理,最高温度为43 ℃,未进入高温分解阶段;至堆肥26 d,NH+4-N含量分别比纯烟草废弃物对照降低47.7%、61.9%和25.6%;GI分别达到81.4%、84.1%和83.7%。  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究嗜热复合菌对畜禽粪污堆肥理化特性和腐熟度的影响,探讨嗜热菌影响堆肥过程的微生物机制。  【方法】  堆料由75%羊粪和25%养鸡发酵床垫料构成,初始原料C/N为28,堆料量1.2 t,高度70~90 cm,开放条垛式堆沤。处理组为堆肥添加0.1%嗜热菌B. fordii FJAT-51578和U. thermosphaericus FJAT-51579等比混合的发酵液,对照组为添加1%市售枯草芽孢杆菌堆肥菌剂(Bacillus subtilis)。堆肥时间为2021年9月18日—10月14日,每两天检测1次温度。堆肥前15天,每两天进行一次翻抛,后期每5天进行一次翻抛,保持堆肥含水量50%~60%,直至高温期结束。在堆肥开始后第1、9和26天取堆肥样品,分析氮磷含量、硝化指数和种子发芽指数。结合扩增子测序,分析堆肥细菌群落结构变化,并揭示其主要环境影响因子。采用PICRUSt分析堆肥有效氮和有效磷代谢的微生物机制。  【结果】  嗜热复合菌添加促进堆肥硝化指数的降低和种子发芽指数的升高,促进堆肥腐熟;堆肥产物碱解氮和有效磷的含量分别比市售菌剂组高11.8%和7.7%。同时,嗜热复合菌的添加改变了细菌群落的分布,降低了堆肥细菌的多样性和丰富度,提高了糖单胞菌、链霉菌和嗜热葡萄孢菌等降解菌的丰度。RDA分析表明,pH和C/N是影响堆肥微生物群落多样性的主要因素,碱解氮与芽孢杆菌和糖单胞菌属丰度正相关,有效磷与嗜热裂孢菌、直丝菌属和马杜拉放线菌属丰度正相关。氮、磷代谢相关京都基因和基因组百科全书同源基因(KO)的PICRUSt分析显示,微生物氮磷循环相关KO的丰度随着堆肥进程均有所增加。添加嗜热菌剂提高了氨化、铵同化、硝酸盐同化、同化/异化硝酸盐还原等氮循环相关KO,及无机磷溶解、酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶等磷循环相关KO。  【结论】  在畜禽粪污堆肥中添加嗜热复合菌剂加快并延长了高温期,降低了C/N,提高了堆肥中碱解氮和有效磷含量,其中C/N、硝化指数和GI指数等指标在堆肥中期达腐熟程度标准,促进堆肥腐熟。堆肥中添加嗜热复合菌剂增加了细菌氮磷代谢相关KO的表达,提高了腐熟中期堆肥中嗜热菌的丰度和种类,碱解氮与芽孢杆菌和糖单胞菌属丰度呈正相关,有效磷与嗜热裂孢菌、直丝菌属和马杜拉放线菌属丰度正相关。因此,添加嗜热复合菌促进了堆肥有效氮磷的含量。  相似文献   

Composting has become an increasingly popular manure management method for dairy farmers. However, the design of composting systems for farmers has been hindered by the limited amount of information on the quantities and volumes of compost produced relative to farm size and manure generated, and the impact of amendments on water, dry matter, volume and nitrogen losses during the composting process. Amendment type can affect the free air space, decomposition rate, temperature, C:N ratio and oxygen levels during composting. Amendments also initially increase the amount of material that must be handled. A better understanding of amendment effects should help farmers optimize, and potentially reduce costs associated with composting. In this study, freestall dairy manure (83% moisture) was amended with either hardwood sawdust or straw and composted for 110-155 days in turned windrows in four replicated trials that began on different dates. Initial C:N ratios of the windrows ranged from 25:1 to 50:1 due to variations in the source and N-content of the manure. Results showed that starting windrow volume for straw amended composts was 2.1 to 2.6 times greater than for sawdust amendment. Straw amended composts had low initial bulk densities with high free air space values of 75-93%. This led to lower temperatures and near ambient interstitial oxygen concentrations during composting. While all sawdust-amended composts self-heated to temperatures >55°C within 10 days, maintained these levels for more than 60 days and met EPA and USDA pathogen reduction guidelines, only two of the four straw amended windrows reached 55°C and none met the guidelines. In addition, sawdust amendment resulted in much lower windrow oxygen concentrations (< 5%) during the first 60 days. Both types of compost were stable after 100 days as indicated by CO2 evolution rates <0.5 mg CO2-C/g VS/d. Both types of amendments also led to extensive manure volume and weight reductions even after the weight of the added amendments were considered. However, moisture management proved critical in attaining reductions in manure weight during composting. Straw amendment resulted in greater volume decreases than sawdust amendment due to greater changes in bulk density and free air space. Through composting, farmers can reduce the volume and weights of material to be hauled by 50 to 80% based on equivalent nitrogen values of the stabilized compost as compared to unamended, uncomposted dairy manure. The initial total manure nitrogen lost during composting ranged from 7% to 38%. P and K losses were from 14 to 39% and from 1 to 38%, respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between C:N ratio and nitrogen loss (R2=0.78) and carbon loss (R2=0.86) during composting. An initial C:N ratio of greater than 40 is recommended to minimize nitrogen loss during dairy manure composting with sawdust or straw amendments.  相似文献   

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