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濒危植物缙云卫矛不同种群的种子萌发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取重庆特有濒危植物缙云卫矛7个相互间有不同程度空间隔离的种群,对其种子萌发特征进行研究.结果表明:7个种群的种子在实验室条件下萌发率差异极显著,种子萌发率与所处种群的大小呈极相关,大种群与小种群的种子萌发率差异达极显著水平,而各种群的种子萌发率与其所处生境的土壤因子相关性不显著.各种群的平均种子质量与种群大小及土壤条件均无关,说明种群平均种子质量是一个较为稳定的不易受影响的参数.小种群低萌发率的主要原因可能是由于近交衰退带来遗传多样性的丧失引起的,而不是环境因素的影响.研究表明:要长期保护这些小种群,应将种群统计因素与种群遗传因素结合起来考虑,增加种群中个体数目,扩大种群,提高种子萌发率,促进种群更新,才能有效地维持这些小种群的生存发展.  相似文献   

分析了中国东北小兴安岭林区红松种群的生活史过程及其影响因素,对红松生活史的4个阶段进行了分析,并讨论了其进化和保护对策.红松的传粉和受精主要受天气条件的影响.林冠下的光照是控制红松幼苗生长和存活的主要因素.红松种子生产的周期性波动会引起有关动物种群的相应变化.动物是阔叶红松林生态系统中不可缺少的组成成分,松鼠在红松种群的天然更新中起着非常重要的作用.了解森林生态系统中物种的协同进化关系对于我们保护森林生物多样性和生态系统的完整性有着重要的意义.在红松的保护中,我们不仅要保护树木本身,而且还应当保护与红松相关的动物、生境乃至整个生态系统.  相似文献   

苦槠种子形态性状的地理变异分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
苦槠(Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott.)为壳斗科(Fagaceae)栲属(Castanopsis (D. Don.) Spach.)植物[1],是亚热带地区常绿阔叶林的重要建群树种,也是亚热带常绿阔叶林次生演替阶段重要的先锋树种,对群落的组成、外貌、功能等都有一定控制作用[2].苦槠作为优良多用途树种,其生态效益、经济价值、食品保健功用及其在园林绿化中的地位已逐渐得到认可[3-4].目前,国内对苦槠的研究已有了一定基础,但对苦槠种群遗传学研究较少.种子是物种遗传变异的重要特征之一,在分类和遗传上具有重要的价值[5],种子形态不仅决定其扩散能力,也影响到种子的萌发和幼苗定植,进而影响到种群的分布格局[6].研究苦槠种子性状变异及其地理分化,对了解苦槠种群遗传分布格局具有重要意义,进而也可为苦槠天然林的保护和人工林的营建提供理论参考.  相似文献   

干扰与森林更新   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
干扰是森林生态系统动态中的主要影响因素。它可破坏或改变原有的环境,对森林群落的发展产生深远的影响。森林对于各种干扰的反应十分复杂,但总的反应可分为两类:一种格局表现为植被结构的重组,另一种格局是通过更新,形成新的植被。因此,森林更新是与各种干扰不能分隔的一个极为重要的生态学过程。本文主要对近年来有关干扰和森林更新的研究进行了综述,分析了干扰的强度、频率和空间范围等方面的变化,以及这些变化对森林产业的作用及其森林的反应,重点讨论了不同的干扰与森林更新机制的关系、干扰对更新的窨格局的影响,干扰与更新周期性的关系、干扰对种子扩散和更新幼苗的影响等方面的问题。  相似文献   

川西南山地高山栲种群种子雨和地表种子库研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究川西南山地区两个高山栲低密度种群的种子雨模式、种子雨过程中地表种子库动态和种群的幼苗状况,讨论种子产量、种子存留和种子对成苗的贡献.结果表明:1)种子雨持续时间超过2个月,但种子下落的高峰期存在样地间差异;2)该地区高山栲的种子产量很低,种子雨散落的密度不大(2.3~2.8个·m-2).3)在种子雨过程中,地表种子库各组成的动态不同,霉烂种子和萌发种子为零,完好种子和虫蛀种子有轻微的波动,完好种子的存留密度为0.13个·m-2;和它们相反,地表的壳斗和败育种子存在积累效应.4)动物捕食是地表种子损失的主要原因,两种群分别占91.3%和97.83%,地表种子的存留率仅为8.7%和2.17%.5)研究样地的高山栲种群低的种子生产量、地表种子存留率和幼苗建成困难等3个环节都限制了高山栲种群的实生更新.  相似文献   

攀枝花山地高山栲种群种子雨动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了攀枝花山地两个高山栲低密度种群的种子雨模式和种子雨动态,并讨论了种子产量、种子存留和种子对幼苗建成的贡献。研究结果表明:(1)种子雨持续时间超过两个月,但种子下落的高峰期存在样地间差异;(2)该地区高山栲的种子产量很低,种子雨散落的密度不大(样地1和样地2的密度为2.3个.m-2和2.8个.m-2)。(3)在种子雨过程中,地表种子库各组成的动态不同,霉烂种子和萌发种子为零,完好种子和虫蛀种子有轻微的波动,完好种子的存留密度为0.13个.m-2;和它们相反,地表的壳斗和败育种子存在积累效应。(4)动物捕食是地表种子损失的主要原因,样地1和样地2分别占91.3%和97.83%,地表种子的存留率仅为8.7%和2.17%。(5)研究样地的高山栲种群低的种子生产量、地表种子存留率和幼苗建成困难等三个环节都限制了高山栲种子途径的种群更新。  相似文献   

在森林的天然更新过程中,林窗扮演着重要角色。林窗对群落组成、功能结构、物质循环、能量流动和生物多样性维持起着重要作用,是群落演替的主要驱动力。本文综述了天然林林窗更新与种子萌发、物种多样性、生物入侵等热点。重点对自然更新与生境各要素系统性联系、大尺度的森林干扰、森林生态系统多样性与社会服务功能、生物入侵的响应机理、林窗植物的萌生更新、层间植物对林窗影响等进行深入探讨和展望,以期为天然林自然更新和森林可持续经营提供参考。  相似文献   

森林天然更新障碍机制研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在搜集国内外大量文献资料的基础上,综述种子缺乏,动物取食与侵害,植物化感作用,微生物致病,光照、温度、湿度、水分等生态因子异常,林下活地被物与枯枝落叶的物理阻隔,自然和人为干扰作用以及群落结构特征对森林天然更新的障碍机制,提出现有研究存在的问题和发展思路。  相似文献   

林下土壤种子库是森林植被的物种组成、种群延续和种群演替的物质基础。林下凋落物影响土壤种子库种子的萌发,幼苗的生长,进而影响到种群更新及森林群落的演替。凋落物对种子萌发的影响主要有三大作用机制,即物理作用机制化学作用机制、和生物作用机制。其中化学作用机制特别是化感作用对土壤种子库的影响尤其重要。本文将从这三个作用机制的层面,分析总结前人有关土壤种子库种子的萌发及其与林下凋落物、林下植被多样性的研究,论述土壤种子库研究面临的挑战,并对土壤种子库与生物多样性的研究进行了相关展望。  相似文献   

在沙区植被恢复研究中,植冠种子库作为沙生植物的主要特征之一逐渐体现出它独具特色的生态功能。为了探讨风沙干扰下的植冠种子库在种群繁衍过程中的作用及揭示沙生植物的适应机制,通过选择具有植冠种子库的典型沙生植物,采用实验室分析、模拟试验、野外调查等方法,系统研究植冠种子库在个体和景观尺度对种子库时空格局的影响、植冠种子库对种子萌发和幼苗出土的调节作用。结果表明,植冠种子库通过调节繁殖体传播、种子库时空格局、种子萌发和幼苗出土减缓季节性干旱、风蚀沙埋对种子供应和幼苗生成造成的威胁,提高沙生植物补员和定居的成功率。  相似文献   

Seed predation and dispersal are key processes in the survival and distribution of plant species. Many animals cache seeds for later consumption, and, failing to recover some of these seeds, act as seed dispersers, influencing post-dispersal seed and seedling survival. Both animal and plant benefit from scatterhoarding and natural selection of seed characteristics and adaptations of seed predators (and dispersers) is one of the most important examples of co-evolution and mutualism. We studied the producer–consumer Arolla pine (Pinus cembra)–red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) system in a subalpine forest in the Italian Alps. Arolla pine produced large seed-crops (masting) at irregular intervals, followed by years with poor or moderate seed production. Squirrel density fluctuated in synchrony with the food resource, eliminating the time-lag normally present when resources are produced in pulses. In all years except 2009 (a mast-crop year), all Arolla pine cones were harvested (their seeds consumed and/or cached) by September to late October by different species. Both squirrels and nutcrackers (Nucifraga caryocatactes) fed on seeds, and their relative pre-dispersal predation rates (on cones in the canopy) differed between years. Overall, nutcrackers consumed more seeds between July and October than squirrels, but in 1 year squirrels took the largest number of seeds. Pre-dispersal seed predation by squirrels tended to be lower in years with large seed-crop size and there was a positive correlation, over the entire study period, between density of recovered hoards and Arolla pine seed density of the previous year. We conclude that (i) squirrels and nutcrackers are important pre-dispersal seed predators and seeds dispersers; (ii) squirrels are also post-dispersal seed predators, and (iii) the proportion of cached seeds consumed by squirrels increased with the size of the Arolla pine seed-crop, suggesting that red squirrel is a conditional mutualistic scatterhoarder of Arolla pine seeds.  相似文献   

The last remains of native laurel forest in the Azores are highly threatened by the spread of invasive plants. Because landslides are very frequent in these islands, conservation of native laurel forest requires knowledge of the patterns of bird-dispersed seed rain into forest gaps. We monitored 78 seed traps over 1 year to investigate (1) the role of perches in attracting avian dispersers into gaps, (2) temporal patterns in the dispersal of exotic and native seeds, (3) how seed rain affects vegetation establishment in gaps at different distances from the native forest and (4) whether the caloric content of fruits could explain the number of seeds dispersed. Perches were highly effective in concentrating avian seed dispersal. While some native fruits are produced all year-round, most exotic plants set fruits during the main peak of the native fruit production (August–November). Most seeds recovered from the traps were native, and native seed rain inside the native forest was higher than in gaps. However, deposition of exotic seeds was not affected by distance from native forest. Seed dispersal frequencies monitored by seed traps and by faecal analysis were correlated with each other, but not with fruit caloric content, suggesting that other factors are more important that the nutritional value in predicting avian fruit choice. Forest restoration activities should take into consideration that seed dispersal decreases sharply beyond 100 m from native forest and the attractive potential of perches to direct natural seed dispersal into forest gaps.  相似文献   

茂兰喀斯特森林主要树种的繁殖更新对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘济明 《林业科学》2000,36(5):114-122
一种森林植被类型 ,一个树木种群 ,在地球上怎样发展与存在下去 ,树种的繁殖与更新是关键。关于植物的繁殖与更新 ,国外已作过许多工作 ,如“PopulationBiologyofPlant”、“SeedEcology”、“Introduc tiontoPlantPopulationEcology”、“PlantReproductiveEcology”等 (Harper,1 977;Michale ,1 985;Silver town ,1 982 ;Willson ,1 983)。近年来国内也作了一些研究 ,如剌五加生殖生态研究 (祝 宁 ,1 99…  相似文献   

二滩库区锥连栎林土壤种子库和幼苗格局初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对二滩库区群落优势树种锥连栎林土壤种子库和幼苗分布格局进行了调查研究,结果表明:(1)锥连栎群落土壤种子库不存在霉烂种子,虫蛀种子的数目较少,仅为2.08个/m^2;而败育种子和种子壳数目相对较多,平均密度分别达到42.78个/m^2和42.96个/m^2。(2)锥连栎土壤种子库组成中完好种子的密度为0.28个/m^2;雨季已萌发的种子密度为0.92个/m^2。(3)土壤种子库各组成的垂直分布较为明显,随土层厚度加深而减少,但霉烂种子例外。(4)经测算,锥连栎种子散布后的主要命运是动物捕食和转移,种子的保存率和萌发率分别仅占到单个树木种子产量的0、59%和1.95%。(5)在锥连栎树木分布的上坡有较多的萌生苗,而下坡实生苗的数量较多。(6)距树干距离不同,萌生苗和实生苗的分布模式有差异。  相似文献   

Large scale harvest of Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) seeds as a food product in the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest of northeastern China poses a serious threat to the sustainability and restoration of this endangered regional ecosystem.Seed collection over past decades greatly reduced the seed bank and subsequent seedling and sapling recruitment,and impacting a wide array of granivorous animals that rely on the pine seeds.We surveyed Korean pine seeds,including solid seeds(SS),insect consumed seeds(ICS) and other(animal) consumed(OCS) kernels,of the seed bank(forest floor and the top 10 cm of mineral soil),the seedlings and saplings from 1 m 2 sample plots in five forest types in Liangshui Nature Reserve(LNR) of the southern Xiao Xing’an Mountains in northeastern China to provide accurate information for assessing the Korean pine regeneration potential.The average number of pine seeds in the seed bank were 11.2 seeds/m 2,9.1 seeds/m 2,4.6 seeds/m 2,1.1 seeds/m 2,and 0.2 seeds/m 2 in Korean pine-basswood forest,mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest,mixed conifer-hardwood forest,white birch forests,and oak forests,respectively.In the first three forest types,percentages of SS(potentially viable seeds) were 11.2%,3.5% and 27.8%,respectively.The percentages of ICS(not viable seeds) were consistent at around 35%.The higher but variable percentages of OCS(not viable seeds) indicated high seed predation in these forests.Compared with other studies,we recorded higher percentages of seed damage,probably due to our survey approach and the increased depth of seed bank sampled in our study.Depletion of pine seeds in the seed bank greatly reduced seedling and sapling recruitment.Densities of pine seedlings varied from about 180 trees/ha in the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest to about 5,400 trees/ha in the mixed conifer-hardwood forests and showed a high degree of spatial variation.Saplings were rare in the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest,but ranged in the thousands in other forests.Large scale pine seed harvest has seriously threatened the sustainability of the mixed Korean pine-hardwood forest ecosystem.Scaling down the seed harvest or supplemental planting of pine saplings are urgently needed to maintain the health of the existing Korean pine forests and to restore this endangered ecosystem.  相似文献   

To date, the evolutionary significance of mast seeding is still poorly understood. It is also not clear whether and how seed production and clonal growth interact and then influence the colonization and recruitment of plant species that seeds are dispersed by animals. We released seeds of Corylus mandshurica in seed-rich and seed-poor years (2008–2012), to test the effects of mast seeding and clonal growth on regeneration of this clonal shrub. Our study showed that seed caching of C. mandshurica was higher in seed-rich years than that in seed-poor years. However, mast seeding failed to result in seedling establishment of C. mandshurica. Despite a negative effect of mast seeding, vegetative reproduction was common in the seven consecutive years (2007–2013), suggesting that clonal reproduction plays an important role in population spreading of C. mandshurica. Seeds are unlikely to produce seedlings in both seed-rich and poor years, suggesting that sexual reproduction contributes little to the regeneration of C. mandshurica but may be responsible for initial establishment via episodic seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Climate warming is already influencing plant migration in different parts of the world. Numerous models have been developed to forecast future plant distributions. Few studies, however, have investigated the potential effect of warming on the reproductive output of plants. Understorey forest herbs in particular, have received little attention in the debate on climate change impacts.This study focuses on the effect of temperature on sexual reproductive output (number of seeds, seed mass, germination percentage and seedling mass) of Anemone nemorosa L., a model species for slow colonizing herbaceous forest plants. We sampled seeds of A. nemorosa in populations along a 2400 km latitudinal gradient from northern France to northern Sweden during three growing seasons (2005, 2006 and 2008). This study design allowed us to isolate the effects of accumulated temperature (Growing Degree Hours; GDH) from latitude and the local abiotic and biotic environment. Germination and seed sowing trials were performed in incubators, a greenhouse and under field conditions in a forest. Finally, we disentangled correlations between the different reproductive traits of A. nemorosa along the latitudinal gradient.We found a clear positive relationship between accumulated temperature and seed and seedling traits: reproductive output of A. nemorosa improved with increasing GDH along the latitudinal gradient. Seed mass and seedling mass, for instance, increased by 9.7% and 10.4%, respectively, for every 1000 °C h increase in GDH. We also derived strong correlations between several seed and seedling traits both under field conditions and in incubators. Our results indicate that seed mass, incubator-based germination percentage (Germ%Inc) and the output of germinable seeds (product of number of seeds and Germ%Inc divided by 100) from plants grown along a latitudinal gradient (i.e. at different temperature regimes) provide valuable proxies to parameterize key population processes in models.We conclude that (1) climate warming may have a pronounced positive impact on sexual reproduction of A. nemorosa and (2) climate models forecasting plant distributions would benefit from including the temperature sensitivity of key seed traits and population processes.  相似文献   

七叶一枝花种子育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用种子冷藏和沙藏后控温催芽的方法,研究七叶一枝花种子育苗技术。结果表明:种子的出苗率达到了70%~80%。冷藏的种子育苗,其苗床育苗和种植地直播育苗的发芽率和出苗率均高于沙藏的;种植地直播育苗的发芽率和出苗率大小为核桃林杉木林金银花林;苗床育苗1年后移栽于不同林分下,其成活率冷藏的也高于沙藏的,其大小为核桃林杉木林金银花林,与不同林分下种子直播的结果基本一致,但移栽的成活率比种子直播的成活率要低。  相似文献   

Talbotiella gentii is a critically endangered caesalpiniaceous legume endemic to Ghana, restricted in distribution to the margins of the forest zone where there has been extensive fire damage in recent decades. It occurs as isolated, near-monospecific populations, some of which show little seedling regeneration. We studied its reproduction to determine limitations that might inform efforts to prevent its extinction. We report on flowering phenology, pollen dispersal and germination, fruit and seed set, seed size and germination, and seedling survival, using controlled and open pollination. Talbotiella gentii flowers profusely in most years. Although the flowers are coloured and scented, no animal pollinators were observed but pollen can be dispersed by wind. In open pollination, the number of pollen grains on stigmas and their germination was sufficient to fertilise the three ovules, despite competition from heavy stigmatic infestation by fungal spores and hyphae. Fruit set and seed set were low due to high flower losses and fruit abortion during development but ripe seeds showed high germination. Controlled pollination experiments (self, supplemented self, and intra- and inter-population crosses) showed that, while the species is self-compatible, selfing was the least successful treatment in all of the above steps of reproduction, whereas cross-pollination enhanced most steps, the more so for inter-population crosses. Seed size was notably greater in inter-population crosses and was positively correlated with genetic distance of the cross. The larger seeds associated with cross-pollination showed higher germination and seedling survival in the nursery. We conclude that limitations to natural reproduction in T. gentii are principally due to processes between pollen germination and fruit and seed set, including pollen quality (low genetic diversity and inbreeding), fertilisation rates, flower and fruit abortion, and resource limitation. Low seed size in open and self pollination may have implications for seedling establishment. Species fitness might be improved by introducing other genotypes to existing populations, but in situ protection of the populations is essential in the medium term.  相似文献   

以长白松野生种群不同植株的果实与种子为材料,对其性状多样性进行观测与分析,结果表明:不同植株的球果大小、种翅大小与特征、种皮特征、果鳞开裂程度等性状均存在差异或明显差异。各植株的平均出种率均值为1.1%,变化范围在0.28%~2.65%之间;各植株种子的成熟粒百分率的均值为82.7%,变化范围在56.5%~94.0%之间;种子千粒重变化范围在6.6~11.5 g之间,均值为8.3 g,株间差异极显著(F0.01=550**),主要由遗传差异所造成。长白松野生种群不同植株间的种实性状表现出明显的多样性。  相似文献   

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