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杂草防治是棉花增产的重要措施之一。20世纪60年代以前主要靠人工、机械除草,70年代初引进了氟乐灵等化学除草剂,改变了棉田以人工为主防治杂草的局面。化学除草剂除草快、效果好,应用十分广泛,是目前生产上采用的主要除草技术。  相似文献   

介绍生物防火林带化学除草抚育技术:杀草机理、使用时机、除草剂选择、除草技术措施及注意事项。通过采用化学药剂除草抚育的方法能有效的提高生物防火林带的防火效能及延长有效防火时长,进一步确保森林防火安全,同时能节约防火林带抚育维修投资成本。  相似文献   

稻糠替代化学除草剂控制早稻田杂草的试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验表明,化学除草剂中加入一定量的稻糠,可以减少化学除草剂的用量而不影响除草效果,在35%丁.苄WP化学除草剂常规用量减半的情况下,每m2配施100~200 g的稻糠,在施药后15 d和30 d对杂草的防治效果与35%丁.苄WP全量施用的处理相当;单纯施用稻糠对早稻田进行除草,施后15 d对杂草的防效为41.78%~76.51%,施后30 d对杂草的防效则下降到20.76%~47.27%,可见稻糠对早稻田杂草的前期抑制效果较好,但后期防控效果下降。  相似文献   

化学除草具有除草及时、省工、高效、经济等优点,已逐渐被人们认识和接受。自1983年以来,我们开始推广应用除草剂,销售量逐渐增加。1991年,江西省九江市销售各种除草剂40t,主要是应用在水稻、花生等作物上。在九江市棉花迅速发展的今天,我们认为,在棉田上全面推广应用化学除草,是当前科技兴农的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

甜菜田化学除草根据不同情况可采取播前土壤处理、播后苗前土壤处理和苗后茎叶处理3种处理方法。采取有效配比、合理搭配、抓住杂草防除的最佳施药期等措施以扩大杀草谱、减少用药次数和用药量。研制开发新型、高效的除草剂品种,以使甜菜田化学除草技术逐步提高和完善。要进一步加强甜菜田除草剂低用药量的研究,应用抗除草剂甜菜品种,广泛普及甜菜除草剂的应用技术和增进国内外合作与交流,研制开发新产品,使甜菜田化学除草更加科学化、规范化。  相似文献   

参地除草是一项非常繁重的田间作业,特别是农田1年生参地到6-7月份杂草特别多,如果采用化学除草的方法将大大降低人工除草劳动强度和生产费用。本试验选用“拿捕净”作为1年生西洋参地的化学除草剂,通过浓度的筛选观测其除草效果和对1、2年生西洋参生长发育的影响。1试验材料与  相似文献   

几种除草剂在豆科作物田除草效果及安全性测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨几种化学除草剂对大豆田主要杂草的除草效果及对其他豆科作物安全性,选用除草剂异恶草酮、咪草烟、恶草酮和氯嘧磺隆在4种豆科作物间作田进行播后苗前土壤处理.结果表明:4种除草剂的总杂草株防效和鲜重防效分别为84.2%和84.4%以上,均与对照达到极显著水平,除草效果优良.4种除草剂对藜、马齿苋、反枝苋的株防效最高可达到100%.异恶草酮对反枝苋株防效为45.2%.氯嘧磺隆对稗草的株防效仅为11.7%,但对多年生问剂防效达89.8%,其他3种除草剂对稗草防效均较高,对问剂防效较低.从对豆科作物安全性看,4种除草剂都可以用于大豆田除草,与实际应用情况相符;异恶草酮禁用于绿豆、黄芪和黑豆;恶草酮禁用于黄芪和黑豆;氯嘧磺隆禁用于黄芪;只有咪草烟对4种豆科作物安全.  相似文献   

除草药肥研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
除草药肥是指将化学除草剂与肥料相混合,并通过一定工艺生产而成的除草型肥料。与除草剂相混合的肥料可以是单一品种的化肥,也可以是多种化肥混配在一起的BB肥、液体肥或其它有机无机复合肥以及植物生长调节剂等。其特点是:使农业生产在安全可靠的基础上,达到降低成本,减少污染,省工省力,实用方便,增加收入,提高效益。一次田间作业,便能达到施肥与除草的双重效果。1 国外研究进展情况1 1 有关日本研究的发现1964年,以日本本谷耕一为代表的研究人员发表了《日本东北农业试验场研究报告》,提出了以化学除草剂五氯酚钠(PCP)混入肥料中…  相似文献   

水稻免耕抛秧技术具有高产稳产、轻型节本、安全环保等优点,如何选择操作方便、经济有效、安全环保的灭生性除草剂是推广普及该项技术中需要研究解决的一个重要问题。试验结果表明,目前推荐使用的灭生性除草剂———20%克无踪、10%草甘膦、农民乐747均可取得理想的除草灭茬效果和显著的节本增收作用。内吸型除草剂的灭茬效果优于触杀型除草剂,但触杀型除草剂见效快速,可因地制宜选择使用。免耕抛秧比翻耕抛秧每公顷每年直接节约的翻耕费用和增产的稻谷,20%克无踪分别为1 170元和97.5 kg,10%草甘膦分别为1 230元和124.5 kg,农民乐747分别为930元和280.0 kg。土壤和稻谷送检均未检出除草剂残留。  相似文献   

寿延林  石世盈 《茶叶》1999,25(2):83-86
比较了8种除草剂的灭草效果,证明该8种除草剂均有除草效果,但除草剂之间具有显著差异。同时发现,除草剂对茶树具有一定的药害。  相似文献   

Clove tree vegetative growth and yields were significantly improved by herbicide ring weeding compared with hand hoeing (‘jembe’ ring weeding). With jembe ring weeding, tree growth was not appreciably improved by using a larger ring weeding circle than normal. In non-intercropping situations, the application of nitrogen fertilizer or the use of herbicide ring weeding helped to prevent the appearance of the juvenile decline condition in young trees and increased tree yields. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers stimulated weed growth and this was much better controlled by herbicide than by jembe ring weeding. The better weed control with herbicide ring weeding apparently made more of the applied fertilizer available and estimates of clove yields suggested that the maximum response of trees to nitrogen fertilizer occurred at a lower level with herbicide than with jembe ring weeding.  相似文献   

Weed management under conservation agriculture (CA), especially when manually controlled is one of the major setbacks for the widespread adoption of CA in southern Africa. This study was conducted at three on-station and three on-farm sites: CIMMYT-Harare, Domboshawa Training Centre and Henderson Research Station (on-station sites), Hereford farm, Madziva communal area and Shamva communal area (on-farm sites). The evaluation focused on the effect of initial herbicide application and succeeding manual weeding whenever weeds were 10 cm tall or 10 cm in length for grasses with stoloniferous–rhizomatous growth habit. Weeds counts, weeding time and grain yields were collected at all on-station sites. At the on-farm sites, weed counts were done before weeding and a number of farmers were timed during weeding. The results showed that herbicides use reduced the weed density and time taken on weeding at all sites. Combining herbicides e.g. atrazine, glyphosate and metalachlor had the lowest weed density and weeding time at all sites. However, the treatments had no effect on maize grain yields suggesting that appropriate and timely manual weeding reduced crop/weed competition. Herbicides treatments had higher input costs than manual weeding due to the additional cost of herbicide but the treatment with manual weeding only had more overall labour days compared to the mixture of three herbicides. In order to achieve economic benefits, smallholder farmers may use the time for value addition e.g. expand cropped land area, use time for value addition, or sell new products on the market. Herbicides use reduces the manual labour needed to control weeds and minimise total crop failure due to untimely weeding hence, herbicides are an important but not the only weed control option under CA systems in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

为科学地制定除草体系,在比较详尽地查实历史资料的基础上,将本县80a来的稻田除草方法划分为5个除草阶段,阐述了每个阶段的除草特点和除草效果,提出了今后稻田化学除草的发展方向。  相似文献   

介绍了甘蔗除草地膜全膜覆盖栽培技术应用效果,认为甘蔗全膜覆盖栽培技术配合甘蔗除草地膜技术对甘蔗栽培节本增效显著;同时,阐述了该栽培技术推广过程中存在问题,如除草、残留地膜污染、整地质量等问题,并提出了解决措施,建议使用甘蔗除草光降解地膜替代不可降解的除草地膜。  相似文献   

The study was carried out to evaluate the impact of tillage system in combination with different herbicides on weed density, diversity, crop growth and yields on 18 farms in Kadoma, Zimbabwe. Experiments were set up as a split plot design with three replications on each farm. Tillage was the main plot (Conservation Tillage (CT), Conventional Tillage (CONV)) and weeding option (hand weeding, cyanazine, atrazine, glyphosate only and mixture of cyanazine + alachlor and atrazine + alachlor) as the sub-plots. Due to the heterogeneous nature of farmers' resource base, the farms were grouped into three farm types: high (Type 1), medium (Type 2) and poorly resourced farmers (Type 3). The hand hoe weeded treatments had 49 percent higher total weed densities in CT relative to CONV, and was statistically similar to the glyphosate treatment. The mixed pre-emergence herbicides reduced the diversity indices by 69 and 70 percent when compared to the hand hoe weeded treatment under CT in cotton and maize, respectively. The effectiveness of all pre-emergence herbicides were not influenced by tillage but were affected by farmers resource endowments with pronounced effect in Farm Type 1. Maximum plant heights of 85 and 238 cm were recorded for mixed pre-emergence herbicides under CT for cotton and maize, respectively. Minimum plant heights of 75 and 217 cm were recorded for the respective hand hoe weeded treatments. The hand hoe weeded treatments resulted in average cotton lint yield of 1497 and 2018 kg ha−1 for maize. The mixed pre-emergence herbicides treatments gave yields of 2138 and 2356 kg ha−1 of cotton and maize, respectively. The higher weed densities in CT under hand weeded treatments underscored the need for other weeding options. Similarly, a mixture of cyanazine + alachlor in cotton and atrazine + alachlor in maize is recommended for suppressing broad and grass weed populations and enhancing yields in CT systems.  相似文献   

檀香(Santalum album Linn.)+降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen.)混交林是当前我国南方地区珍贵树种种植的典型模式。为揭示不同抚育措施下其林下植被多样性的变化规律,探索林地环境对这一特殊寄生特性林分的影响。本研究选取8年生檀香+降香黄檀混交林,连续开展了3年铲草(W)、施肥(F)、铲草+施肥(W+F)抚育对其林下植被多样性影响的研究。结果表明,檀香+降香黄檀混交林下出现的植物种类为20科31属32种,其中木本植物6科7属8种,草本植物14科23属24种,抚育管理初期各处理间差异显著(P<0.05),铲草、铲草+施肥处理后相较于对照物种丰富度指数(R)、Simpson多样性指数(D)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)显著下降(P<0.05),施肥处理变化较小。连续抚育管理后,R值对照、施肥处理平稳变化,铲草、铲草+施肥处理呈逐年上升趋势,并最终超越对照;D值、H值、Jsw值对照呈逐年降低趋势,施肥处理逐年上升,铲草、铲草+施肥先增加后减小,最终D值、H值、Jsw值均表现为施肥最高,铲草最低。施肥增加了林下物种多样性并表现出对林下物种多样性降低的一种拮抗作用,铲草则加剧了林下物种多样性降低。因此,从长远来看,施肥可增加檀香+降香黄檀混交林林下物种多样性,有利于其生态稳定性的提高。  相似文献   

以凯捷政和生态茶园基地为示范点,探索山区丘陵地带生态茶园适用耕作机的选型与操作技术,总结出耕作机在茶园管理中翻土、除草和施肥的应用技术,并对耕作机在茶园应用中的效果和效益进行了调查、统计和分析,为耕作机在南方丘陵茶园中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究"零天化除"机插秧技术在水稻实际生产中的适用性,开展了"零天化除"高速插秧机和常规高速插秧机田间实际生产对比试验,并在田间测产和生产成本核算的基础上分析了该技术的经济效益。经核算,在其他生产条件相同的情况下,该技术可增产5.8%、增加收益84.69元/667 m^2。结果表明,"零天化除"机插秧技术在促进水稻生产机械化的同时,亦减少了用药次数,提高了生产效益,是一项高效省工节本的生产技术。  相似文献   

张兴华  李捷 《江西棉花》2009,31(1):27-28
利用扇形喷头于棉花生育中期进行行间除草具有精确效果,对棉花不产生药害。且雾滴细,附着度高,喷雾质量好,药液不易流失入土从而环保,防效和工效均比常规切向离心式喷头高,且除草安全。  相似文献   

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