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播期与密度对烤烟群体光合生产及产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究不同群体特征对烤烟生育期光合生产及产量和品质的影响,以云烟87为材料,通过设置不同播期与种植密度来构建不同烤烟群体,分别在烟株移栽后各生育时期完成光合生产相关指标测定及对烤后烟叶进行经济性状分析。结果表明:随着播期的推迟,烤烟大田期缩短,群体干物质积累量降低,叶面积系数(LAI)、光合势(LAD)降低,净同化率(NAR)、作物生长率(CGR)在现蕾-成熟期显著提高,16 500株/hm2种植密度下成熟期烟株群体干物质积累量最高,降低种植密度可显著提高烟株中部干物质积累量、NAR、群体平均叶倾角(MLIA)、烟叶均价、中上等烟比例和中部烟比例,但会降低LAI、LAD、CGR、消光系数(K);种植密度过大会导致烤烟中上等烟比例、中部叶比例降低。当播种期为11月24日左右、植烟密度为16 500株/hm2时,能有效改善烤烟在生育期的群体光合生产各项指标,前期物质生产量适宜,中后期适时缓增,干物质总量大且部位分配合理,其经济性状较优,有效缓解烤烟等级结构及部位结构矛盾。  相似文献   

籼、粳超级稻光合物质生产与转运特征的差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明籼、粳超级稻干物质积累及光合生产特征的差异,以江苏地区大面积推广种植的5个超级杂交籼稻组合和5个常规粳型超级稻品种为试验材料,对稻麦两熟制条件下籼、粳超级稻干物质积累、分配、运转及叶面积、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率、秧苗素质、叶型等方面进行了系统的比较研究。结果表明,粳稻生育前期(移栽至拔节期)干物质积累量、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率及上三叶叶长、叶基角、叶开角、披垂度和叶面积衰减率、收获指数均小于籼稻,而生育中后期(拔节至成熟期)干物质积累量、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率及有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率、粒叶比(颖花/叶、实粒/叶、粒重/叶)、最大叶面积指数、总充实量、实收产量、生物产量、茎鞘最大输出量和表观输出量及比率均大于籼稻,差异显著或极显著。虽然粳稻主要生育期单茎干物重均不及籼稻,但群体数量优势保证粳稻具有较高的群体干物质积累量和叶面积,且随着生长发育的持续,群体光合物质生产优势不断加大,群体干物质积累量于抽穗后25 d前后超过籼稻。粳稻灌浆后期(乳熟至成熟期)仍保持强劲生长优势,而灌浆初期(抽穗至乳熟期)茎鞘贮存物质合理输出,有效保障了高效光合层的安全支撑及高积累产量库的流畅充实。高生物学产量的稳定形成和叶面积“稳升缓降”态势以及拔节至成熟期较强的高效光合物质生产,是粳稻光合系统高效持续产出、灌浆充实多及高产形成的重要特征和原因。  相似文献   

籼、粳超级稻光合物质生产与转运特征的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明籼、粳超级稻干物质积累及光合生产特征的差异,以江苏地区大面积推广种植的5个超级杂交籼稻组合和5个常规粳型超级稻品种为试验材料,对稻麦两熟制条件下籼、粳超级稻干物质积累、分配、运转及叶面积、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率、秧苗素质、叶型等方面进行了系统的比较研究。结果表明,粳稻生育前期(移栽至拔节期)干物质积累量、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率及上三叶叶长、叶基角、叶开角、披垂度和叶面积衰减率、收获指数均小于籼稻,而生育中后期(拔节至成熟期)干物质积累量、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率及有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率、粒叶比(颖花/叶、实粒/叶、粒重/叶)、最大叶面积指数、总充实量、实收产量、生物产量、茎鞘最大输出量和表观输出量及比率均大于籼稻,差异显著或极显著。虽然粳稻主要生育期单茎干物重均不及籼稻,但群体数量优势保证粳稻具有较高的群体干物质积累量和叶面积,且随着生长发育的持续,群体光合物质生产优势不断加大,群体干物质积累量于抽穗后25 d前后超过籼稻。粳稻灌浆后期(乳熟至成熟期)仍保持强劲生长优势,而灌浆初期(抽穗至乳熟期)茎鞘贮存物质合理输出,有效保障了高效光合层的安全支撑及高积累产量库的流畅充实。高生物学产量的稳定形成和叶面积"稳升缓降"态势以及拔节至成熟期较强的高效光合物质生产,是粳稻光合系统高效持续产出、灌浆充实多及高产形成的重要特征和原因。  相似文献   

选用微量及大量营养元素11个在春小麦抽穗后叶面喷施,研究其对重要生理指标NAR,LAR,RGR,CGR及生物产量的影响.结果表明各处理对NAR影响较大,以P最高,Se次之,而Fe,Cu,B,Mn,K均低于对照;对LAR影响不大,仅Fe高于对照;对RGR的影响Zn,Cu,Fe,Se,Mn,Mg,Mo,P,N,K均超过对照,并依次增高,表明这些营养元素均可提高相对生长率RGR,其作用以K,N,P居前3位;对CGR的影响,各处理有较大差异,除B处理和对照相近外,其他均高于对照,以K,N,Mo,P,Mg居前列,表明这些营养元素,对后期干物质增长有利.各处理对增加生物产量有益,且各不相同,其效应K>N>Mo>P>Mg>Se>Mn>Ca>Fe>Zn>B>ck.  相似文献   

为了探讨水稻在覆膜直播和常规手栽2种不同种植方式下干物质以及光合生产特征,以早熟型杂交籼稻安优136、香早优2017,迟熟型杂交籼稻金优785、Ⅱ优838这2种类型4个水稻品种为试验材料,对覆膜直播湿润栽培和常规手栽水作栽培2种种植模式下水稻的干物质积累、转运、分配及叶面积、群体生长率、光合势、净同化率等方面进行了比较试验。结果显示:在2种不同种植方式下主要生育期(孕穗期、抽穗期、蜡熟期、成熟期)单株茎干物质量、群体干物质量,以及各主要生育阶段群体干物质积累量,单株叶、茎、鞘干物质的表观输出量、输出率、转化率均表现为覆膜直播高于常规手栽。迟熟型品种的干物质量和群体干物质积累量占成熟期总干物质积累量的比例都略高于早熟型品种。叶、鞘干物质比例在孕穗期达到最大值,成熟期降为最低;茎干物质比例在抽穗期达到最高,蜡熟期降为最低,之后又会出现一个短暂的回升,所以茎干物质表观输出量、输出率以及转化率都表现为负值。2种不同种植方式下,在光合生产上,叶面积指数、光合势、净同化率都表现为覆膜直播比常规手栽高,由于覆膜直播后期灌浆速度较快,造成衰减率也同样表现为覆膜直播略高于常规手栽。说明不同种植方式下水稻干物质和光合生产均有各自的特征。  相似文献   

不同种植方式水稻高产栽培条件下的光合物质生产特征研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
为探明不同种植方式水稻在长江下游稻-麦两熟制条件下的干物质及光合生产特征,以早熟晚粳、迟熟中粳和中熟中粳3种类型水稻品种(含常规粳稻和杂交粳稻两种)为材料,对旱育中苗壮秧精量手栽、小苗机插、直播3种种植方式水稻的干物质积累、分配、运转及叶面积、光合势、群体生长率、净同化率等方面进行了系统的比较研究。结果表明,(1)不同种植方式水稻产量与总干物质积累量和抽穗至成熟期干物质积累量呈极显著正相关,与拔节至抽穗期的干物质积累量(在确保抽穗期干物质积累量适宜的前提下)也呈极显著正相关,与播种至拔节期干物质积累量和收获指数相关不显著;(2)群体干物重拔节前无明显差异,拔节后均是手栽稻最高,机插稻次之,直播稻最小,并随生育进程差异越来越大,而单茎干物重整个生育期都是手栽稻最大,直播稻最小;(3)阶段干物质积累上,播种至拔节期差异较小,拔节至抽穗期和抽穗至成熟期都是手栽稻极显著高于机插稻,机插稻极显著高于直播稻,占总干物重的比例播种至拔节期手栽、机插、直播依次增大,拔节至抽穗期大体相当,抽穗至成熟期依次降低;(4)干物质分配上,成熟期穗和茎干物重占总干物重的比例手栽、机插、直播依次降低,而叶和鞘的比例依次增大,但叶的比例在孕穗、抽穗、蜡熟3个时期手栽、机插、直播依次降低;(5)物质输出和转化上,叶、茎物质输出率和转化率手栽、机插、直播依次降低,且蜡熟期后茎都有物质回运现象,手栽回运的最多,直播最少;鞘物质输出率相当,转化率手栽和机插低于直播;(6)光合生产上,拔节前不同种植方式水稻叶面积指数相当,光合势手栽、机插、直播依次降低,群体生长率和净同化率依次增大;拔节至抽穗期,光合势也是依次降低,群体生长率和净同化率差异较小;抽穗期有效叶面积率不同种植方式水稻间没有明显差异,而高效叶面积率手栽极显著高于机插,机插又极显著高于直播;抽穗以后,叶面积指数、光合势、群体生长率和净同化率均是手栽最大,直播最小。说明不同种植方式水稻干物质和光合生产有各自特征,与机插稻和直播稻相比,手栽稻前期物质积累量适宜,中后期物质积累量显著高,干物质总量大而且分配合理,运输转化效率高,抽穗后光合生产能力强。  相似文献   

双季晚稻不同类型品种产量及其群体动态特征差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在长江中游双季稻地区(江西上高),以籼粳杂交稻、杂交粳稻、常规粳稻和杂交籼稻4种类型20个具有代表性的品种为材料,采用湿润育秧大苗移栽种植方式,设置各类型品种最适的高产栽培处理,系统比较分析了不同类型水稻品种产量及其构成、茎蘖动态、叶面积动态与组成、光合势、干物质积累、群体生长率和净同化率等方面的差异,以期为双季稻区适宜品种的选用以及高产栽培提供理论依据与技术支撑。结果表明,双季晚稻不同类型品种产量表现为籼粳杂交稻杂交粳稻常规粳稻杂交籼稻,差异极显著。籼粳杂交稻群体产量最高的原因是在保持一定穗数的基础上,极显著增加每穗粒数,进而提高群体颖花量,同时保持稳定的结实率和千粒重。与杂交粳稻、常规粳稻和杂交籼稻群体相比,籼粳杂交稻群体茎蘖数于生育前期稳步增长,在有效分蘖临界叶龄期及时够苗,够苗后增长平缓,高峰苗数量较少、下降平缓,成穗率中等(73.19%左右);群体叶面积指数前期增长较缓,最大值出现在孕穗期,为7.93左右,此后平稳减少,抽穗期叶面积指数、有效叶面积率、高效叶面积率及粒叶比均极显著增高,成熟期仍保持3.85以上;群体干物质积累量有效分蘖临界叶龄期和拔节期少,拔节后干物质积累速度较快,孕穗期、抽穗期、乳熟期和成熟期显著或极显著增高,且生育中后期干物质积累比例高;群体光合势、群体生长率和净同化率表现为"前小,中高,后强"。  相似文献   

甬优籼粳杂交稻栽后地上部干物质积累动态与特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015—2016年,以甬优籼粳杂交稻(甬优1540和甬优4540,全生育期天数169~171 d),常规粳稻(镇稻13号和武运粳30,全生育期天数159~160 d)和杂交籼稻(两优培九和扬两优6号,全生育期天数140~141 d)为试材,比较分析不同类型品种栽后地上部干物质积累特征及其差异。甬优籼粳杂交稻2年平均产量为12.4 t hm^–2,较常规粳稻和杂交籼稻分别增产7.8%和23.3%,差异显著。与常规粳稻和杂交籼稻相比,甬优籼粳杂交稻穗数、结实率和千粒重较低,每穗粒数则较高;籼粳杂交稻成熟期干物质积累量较高,收获指数较低。成熟期茎鞘和叶部干物重及其所占比例均呈籼粳杂交稻>常规粳稻>杂交籼稻;穗部干物重以籼粳杂交稻最高、杂交籼稻最低,穗部干重所占比例则呈相反趋势。甬优籼粳杂交稻、常规粳稻和杂交籼稻栽后地上部干物质积累动态均以Gompertz方程拟合效果较好。不同类型品种栽后地上部干物质积累速率均呈先升后降的单峰曲线变化趋势,籼粳杂交稻、常规粳稻和杂交籼稻最大干物质积累速率出现的时间分别在栽后61~62、64~66和63~64 d。籼粳杂交稻栽后最大干物质积累速率较常规粳稻和杂交籼稻分别高17.7%和17.3%。与常规粳稻和杂交籼稻相比,籼粳杂交稻在渐增期、快增期和缓增期阶段平均干物质积累速率均较高;渐增期和快增期阶段的干物质积累天数较低,缓增期阶段的干物质积累天数则较高。籼粳杂交稻在渐增期、快增期和缓增期阶段的干物质积累量均高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻。本研究建立了符合不同类型水稻栽后地上部干物质积累动态特征的Gompertz方程;与常规粳稻和杂交籼稻相比,籼粳杂交稻在渐增期、快增期和缓增期阶段的干物质积累量均具优势,渐增期和快增期较高的干物质积累量主要由于此阶段较高的干物质积累速率,缓增期较高的干物质积累量是由于较高的干物质积累天数和积累速率。  相似文献   

不同水稻产量形成过程的干物质积累与分配特征   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
2003年在福建农林大学教学农场以晚季稻汕优63(三系杂交稻)、两优2186(二系杂交稻)和IR64(常规稻)为材料,研究了3种晚季水稻产量形成过程的干物质积累与分配特征。结果表明,汕优63、两优2186和IR64的干物质积累量在各生育期的变化趋势相似,干物质积累量间亦无显著差异。汕优63、两优2186和IR64的干物质积累量均在黄熟期最高,依次达到2074.13 g/m2、1976.10 g/m2和1924.14 g/m2,完熟期时依次降低到1926.38 g/m2、1933.80 g/m2和1842.30 g/m2,完熟过程中损耗的干物质分别占其干物质积累量的7.12%、2.63%和4.25%,这与呼吸消耗增强,稻株自然衰老有关。汕优63和IR64的群体生长率均以孕穗初期最大,分别为52.13 g/(m2·d)和44.26 g/(m2·d),两优2186的CGR以齐穗期最大(45.15 g/),3种水稻各生育期CGR的大小依次为:孕穗初期(齐穗期)>灌浆期>黄熟期>分蘖盛期>分蘖初期。3种水稻的干物质在各器官中的分配比例均以籽粒的最大,汕优63、两优2186和IR64的干物质分配在籽粒中的比例分别为47.94%,41.14% 和45.69%。灌浆过程中,汕优63、两优2186和IR64总干物质的表观转化率依次为46.87%、24.98%和34.41%。汕优63(三系杂交稻)在物质转化和分配方面比两优2186(二系杂交稻)和IR64 (常规稻)更优。采用三次曲线模型和Logistic模型对3种水稻产量形成过程干物质积累变化进行拟合的结果表明,三次曲线模型拟合的精度均比Logistic模型高,R2均大于0.99。  相似文献   

甬优籼粳杂交稻花后干物质积累模型与特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甬优籼粳杂交稻甬优1538和甬优7176为试材,常规粳稻宁粳3号和武运粳24,杂交籼稻扬两优6号和两优培九为对照,研究甬优籼粳杂交稻花后干物质积累特征及比较不同类型品种花后干物质积累特征差异。结果表明: (1)两年中甬优籼粳杂交稻的平均产量为11.5 t hm-2 (11.3~11.7 t hm-2),较常规粳稻和杂交籼稻分别高7.8%和10.4% (两年平均值)。甬优籼粳杂交稻抽穗至成熟期的干物质积累量为8.9 t hm-2,较常规粳稻和杂交籼稻分别高19.1%和26.9%(两年平均值)。(2)不同类型品种花后干物质积累量与花后天数(抽穗当天为0 d)均可用Richards方程拟合(R2均大于0.990);各品种花后干物重积累速率均呈先平缓增加后下降的趋势,花后最大干物重积累速率和平均干物重积累速率呈杂交籼稻>常规粳稻>籼粳杂交稻,籼粳杂交稻达最大干物重积累速率的时间大致在花后42~44 d,常规粳稻和杂交籼稻则在花后26~28 d;籼粳杂交稻在花后渐增期天数和干物质积累量显著高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻,渐增期干物重积累速率以杂交籼稻最高。常规粳稻在花后快增期和花后缓增期天数和干物质积累量均显著高于籼粳杂交稻和杂交籼稻,快增期和缓增期干物重积累速率则以杂交籼稻最高。本研究表明甬优籼粳杂交稻花后较强的干物质积累优势主要体现在花后渐增期,而花后渐增期较强的干物质积累能力主要在于其较长的渐增期持续天数。  相似文献   

Studies were carried out at the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore during winter seasons of 1982—83 and 1983—84 to analyse the growth rhythm of onion in relation to irrigation and N fertilization. It was observed that irrigation at 0.45 to 0.65 bar soil water potential recorded higher dry matter accumulation and distribution, leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), leaf area ratio (LAR) and crop growth rate (CGR) during most of the stages, while net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth rate (RGR) were not markedly affected. Highest harvest index was noticed with irrigation at 0.65 bar.
Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased dry matter accumulation and distribution into different parts, LAI, LAD, LAR, CGR and harvest index. Although NAR and RGR showed an increasing trend with N fertilization, the effect was not significant during most of the stages. There was no significant interaction between soil water potential and N fertilization on any of the growth parameters.  相似文献   

A Reid experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil moisture on growth of two mustard cultivars using classical and functional techniques of growth analysis. Two soil moisture levels were irrigated at 10-day intervals and a rainfed control was included. Total dry matter (TDM), leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD) were significantly increased by irrigation at most of stages of growth. Starting from a lower value, LAI and LAD reached a peak and then gradually declined. Among the growth attributes, crop growth rate (CGR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and leaf weight ratio (LWR) increased significantly under irrigation. Net assimilation rate (NAR) decreased more in the irrigated plants than the rainfed plants at the later stages of growth. LAR and LWR declined throughout with increasing time and plant weight. Seed yield of the irrigated plants was positively correlated with the pre-flowering LAI and the post-flowering CGR and NAR. In the rainfed plants, seed yield was positively correlated with LAI and CGR at the post-flowering stage and negatively with the post-flowering NAR and pre-flowering LAR.  相似文献   

Plant height, number of leaves, diameter and fresh weight of the bulbs, and the dry weights of the component plant parts of 3 onion cvs were measured weekly, starting 40 days after transplanting, up to maturity. Red Kano had singificantly more leaves, greater leaf area, larger bulbs and fresh and dry weights than Eclipsel Bermuda and Texas Grano.
Net Assimilation Rate (NAR), Relative Growth Rate (RGR), and Relative Leaf Growth Rate (RLGR) were generally high in the early stages of growth in all cvs and declined with plant age. Red Kano had much higher values than the other two. Crop Growth Rate (CGR) of tops was positive in the early stages of plant growth in all the cvs but decreased to negative values towards maturity which was due to a decrease in the dry weight of the leaf blades caused by decrease in leaf number. Red Kano and Texas Grano showed positive values throughout the experimental period. The higher CGR for the bulbs as compared to the blades was due to large quantities of carbohydrates which were translocated to the bulbs. Leaf Area Ratio (LAR) was constant in Red Kano , due to proportionate increase in leaf blade area and weight.
Results of all the growth characteristics showed that Red Kano was superior to the other cvs in attaining a larger bulb size due to large number of leaves and longer growing season, resulting in the translocation of more carbohydrates to the bulbs.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of four breeding lines and two cultivars of slicing cucumber with different growth at low temperature and light intensity was analysed in relation to night temperature. Plants were grown from 17 days after sowing at 20°C day temperature and 20, 15 or 10°C night temperature (NT), a light intensity of 24 W/m2 visible radiation and a daylength of 8 hours. Data from six successive harvests, ending 47 days after sowing, were analysed according to a MANOVA procedure.RGR, NAR, LAR, SLA and LWR generally decreased with time. Ln W and RGR were largely similar at 20 and 15°C NT, but reduced at 10°C NT. LAR and SLA decreased at each lower NT, whereas LWR increased. NAR was only marginally affected by NT. Significant genotypic differences occurred for 1n W, LAR, SLA, LWR, stem length and percentage of dry matter in leaves and stems at all NT's and for RGR and NAR only at 20°C. Genotypic differences for 1n W could not be explained by differences for RGR, but by differences for initial plant weight.Significant genotype × night temperature interactions were present for LWR. Breeding lines increased LWR in response to lower NT, while that of cultivars remained fairly constant. Implications for breeding are discussed.Abbreviations and definitions L plant length - LA leaf area - W dry weight of the shoot - RGR relative growth rate (the increase in W per unit of time and unit of W) - NAR net assimilation rate (the increase in W per unit of time and unit of LA) - LAR leaf area ratio (the leaf area at time t per unit of W) - SLA specific leaf area (the leaf area at time t per unit of leaf weight) - LWR leaf weight ratio (the leaf weight at time t per unit of W) - RGR NAR × LAR - LAR SLA × LWR - MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during khariff 1984 in sandy clay loam soil under irrigated condition at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, with a view (i) to find out the possibility of introducing short duration dwarf variety of sorghum CO 22 as an intercrop with pigeonpea genotypes, (ii) to study the effect of different plant population levels and intercropping of sorghum CO 22 on pigeonpea genotypes, and (iii) to find out compatible pigeonpea genotypes and plant population level for pigeonpea based intercropping system with sorghum CO 22.
It was observed that increased plant density significantly increased the dry matter production, leaf area index (LAI) and crop growth rate (CGR) during early stages and reduced the net assimilation rate (NAR), relative growth rate (RGR) and CCR during later part of the growth. Intercropping of sorghum CO 22 significantly reduced the dry matter production LAI, CGR, NAR and RGR. Plants in the intercropped stands recorded higher CGR, NAR and RGR during later part of the growth. Among pigeonpea genotypes CO 5 was much affected due to intercropping with sorghum CO 22.  相似文献   

Summary In three experiments the growth of 16 genotypes of tomato was examined. The plants were raised in growth rooms at a day temperature of 19°C and night temperatures of 14, 10 or 6°C respectively under a light intensity of 24 Wm-2 visible radiation and a daylength of 8 hours. The results were analysed by a multivariate analysis of variance.Relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf weight ratio (LWR) decreased with time. The change in net assimilation rate (NAR) was small. The decrease in RGR was mainly due to the decrease in LAR.RGR, LAR and SLA were lower and LWR slightly higher at lower night temperatures. NAR was hardly affected. The lower RGR at lower night temperatures was mainly due to a lower SLA.Significant differences between genotypes were found in total dry weight, NAR, LAR, SLA and LWR, but hardly in RGR. Significant genotype × temperature interactions occurred.LAR and SLA were positively, NAR and LAR, and NAR and SLA negatively correlated.  相似文献   

An irrigated field study was conducted to determine the relative importance and inter‐relationships of growth parameters of three dormant alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars grown in the highlands of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, in 2000–2003. The fast‐growing cultivar Savas had the greatest dry matter (DM) yield at the final sampling date with the greatest mean crop growth rate. In addition to a greater relative growth rate (RGR), this cultivar had more stem branching and greater leaf area in the canopy, which resulted in greater leaf area index (LAI) and greater leaf area duration. Despite the considerable increase in leaf area ratio (LAR: leaf area per unit shoot DM), the reduction in RGR of all cultivars over time was the result of a large decline in net assimilation rate (NAR) due to increasing specific leaf area (SLA). Intracultivar variation in the RGR of alfalfa is mainly determined by NAR and SLA, and both were significantly higher for Savas than the other two cultivars. The relative importance of NAR and SLA to RGR changed due to increasing self‐shading as the LAI of the canopy increased, creating a trade‐off between NAR and SLA.  相似文献   

Summary To study the mode of inheritance of W, RGR, NAR, LAR, SLA and LWR, the growth of 15 tomato genotypes and 104 of their F1's was analyzed. The plants were grown at a 19°C day temperature and a 10°C night temperature under a light intensity of 24 Wm-2 visible radiation and a daylength of 8 hours. Combining ability analyses of variance revealed highly significant differences in GCA values between parents for all characters studied and significant SCA values for some of the characters. GCA values for NAR and LAR, and for NAR and SLA were strongly negatively correlated. A strong positive correlation existed between GCA values for LAR and SLA. The possibilities for improving growth under low energy conditions by using growth characters in breeding are discussed.Abbreviations W dry weight of the plant - RGR relative growth rate - NAR net assimilation rate - LAR leaf area ratio - SLA specific leaf area - LWR leaf weight ratio - MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance - GCA general combining ability - SCA specific combining ability  相似文献   

新疆北疆不同积温条件下棉花生育进程及生长解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新疆北疆玛河流域棉田为例,通过分期播种的方式调控积温,分析了不同积温下棉花的生育进程,并利用植物生长解析法研究了棉花干物质积累与分配、叶面积指数、净同化率、相对生长率以及群体生长率的动态变化规律,研究了不同积温水平下棉花群体生长率与叶面积指数的关系。研究结果表明:棉花完成各生育阶段所需的有效积温是一定的,而活动积温具有一定的波动性,但是较生育期天数而言波动性小;不同积温水平下的棉花结铃盛期至吐絮期的干物质积累量差异最为明显;群体生长率(CGR)和叶面积指数(LAI)之间具有一元二次函数的关系,由此可以确定棉花的最适宜叶面积指数。  相似文献   

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