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<正> 在对虾育苗过程中,通常以施用抗生素的方法来达到防治病害的目的,但由于掌握不准药物的适宜浓度,常常给幼体造成伤害或达不到预期的效果。本文将中国对虾幼体对几种药物的耐受浓度实验结果报告如下:  相似文献   

不同药物对中国对虾育苗期病害防治的初步试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国对虾人工育苗和养殖已摸索出一套规律,特别是对虾工厂化育苗正在形成一种规范。怎样在现有的育苗设施中,通过施加药物来防治病害及提高幼体的成活率(即提高单位水体的出苗量)乃是人们正在研究的重要课题。虽然在育苗期间生产单位普遍使用抗菌素等药物,但具体的报道还少见。为探索提高对虾幼体成活率的可能性,我们于1983年3~4月间在浙江省普陀县对虾育苗厂进行了初步试验。  相似文献   

中国对虾幼体消化酶活力的实验研究   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56       下载免费PDF全文
潘鲁青 《水产学报》1997,21(1):26-31
以酶学分析方法测定了中国对虾各期幼体几种消化酶活力,实验结果表明,在中国对虾幼体发育过程中,五种消化酶活力表现出四种变化模式,其中胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力逐渐增大,淀粉酶活力呈下降趋势,纤维素酶和脂肪酶活力极微,在食性转换过程中,胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶出现较明显的变化。中国对虾幼体消化酶活力对饵料中的营养物质有着明显的适应性,而且饥饿实验表明消化酶活力受个体发育的影响。作者认为中国对虾幼体消  相似文献   

对虾的聚缩虫病及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)幼体的聚缩虫病是对虾育苗生产中常见的、危害较大的虾病,它感染速度快,几天之内便可使培育池中的对虾幼体80%以上感染,如不及时防治,则会导致育苗失败。近几年来,我们在对虾育苗生产中,对对虾幼体的聚缩虫病进  相似文献   

中国对虾幼体的聚缩虫病是对虾育苗中常见的、危害较大的虾病,它感染速度快,几天之内便可使培育池中的对虾幼体80%以上感染,如不及时防治,可导致育苗失败。 一、病原体 对虾幼体聚缩虫病的病原体常见种是树状聚缩虫,属原生动物门、纤毛虫纲、缘毛目、钟虫科。聚缩虫寄附于中国对虾蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体、仔虾及成虾的体表和鳃。 二、发病过程及症状 对虾蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体及仔虾都容易感染聚缩虫,尤以蚤状幼体、糠虾幼体的聚缩虫病危害最大。1999年,大连市金州区北海村育苗室对虾蚤状幼体第Ⅲ期时,5月14日发现第20号培育…  相似文献   

在对虾育苗生产中,固着纤毛虫病是经常发生的一种寄生虫病.对虾蚤状幼体期、糠虾幼体期及仔虾期都容易患上固着纤毛虫病,尤其是蚤状幼体期和糠虾幼体期易感染此病,危害性最大,它直接影响对虾幼体成活率,是对虾育苗能否成功的关键一环.  相似文献   

2001年,营口地区对虾育苗期间幼体发生了严重的真菌病害,为了掌握和了解本地区对虾育间苗体真菌感染流行的规律,给今后对虾育苗防治真菌病提供参考,对3家对虾育苗场的发病情况进行了真菌感染的调查与菌体分离培养,认为此次感染流行为垂直传播病源来自种虾及其卵块。  相似文献   

病害对虾荧光病作为育苗生产中的病害,是弧菌感染最严重的病害之一。其发病快,死亡率高,给育苗工作造成被动局面。为科学地认识、积极地预防和有效控制弧菌病的发生,我们在威海、东营、滨州、河北多家育苗厂,在对虾育苗过程中从发病幼体、致病弧菌、环境及三者之间相互作用等方面出发,探讨了对虾育苗中弧菌病的发生以及相应的防治技术措施,特别对药物防治进行了研究探讨,无节幼体到仔虾的变态率达到80%~85%,经济效益十分显著。现总结如下,供同行参考指导。一、发病幼体蚤状幼体到仔虾都有发生,以糠虾及仔虾为多见。发病迅速,死亡率高,从幼…  相似文献   

对虾幼体停食病是近年来对虾苗种生产中的一种严重疾病,本文就其表现症状、防治实践和防治效果等进行了详细描述,并就与此相关的外源亲体和幼体的引入以及苗种生长中的幼体消毒和水处理工艺等问题进行了探讨,提出了防治途径与技术措施。  相似文献   

通过从中国对虾无节幼体期、蚤状幼体期、糠虾幼体期、仔虾期、养成期不同生长阶段的营养需求,看生产过程中投饵发生变化的科学合理性,进而为中国对虾的健康科学投饵养殖提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Microsporidian disease of prawns has generally been recognized by the progressive white opacity associated with the musculature. Such microsporidian-infected prawns are known as 'cotton shrimp', 'milky white' or 'chalky white' prawns. Microsporidians have been reported from prawns of several genera, notably Penaeus , Pandalus and Crangon ( Sprague & Couch 1971 ; Newman, Johnson & Pauley 1976 ). These diseases are highly pathogenic and cause epizootics in feral crustacean populations ( Iverson & Manning 1959 ; Overstreet 1973 ; Lightner, Fontaine & Hanks 1975 ; Sindermann 1990 ).  相似文献   

Freshwater prawns, particularly, the Giant Freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii, are one of the most economically important farmed species in the world. Faced with increasing disease problems in penaeid shrimp culture, farmers turned to freshwater prawn farming. Freshwater prawns were considered relatively less susceptible to diseases. However, with intensification of culture and increased world trade of the farmed species, emerging diseases are beginning to constitute an increasingly serious health problem in freshwater prawn culture. This article is a review of the important diseases reported in freshwater prawns, with particular emphasis on the white tail disease of M. rosenbergii as it is the most important disease recorded to date and also the most well studied among the diseases of freshwater prawns. Steps to be taken for proper health management in the farming of this species is also touched upon.  相似文献   

This paper describes the successful use of two tagging systems, both produced by Northwest Marine Technology Inc., on larval and postlarval giant freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Visible implant (VI) elastomer tags (a coloured liquid that solidifies under the epidermis) were used on stage XI larval prawns (mean weight 0.01 g) and postlarval prawns (mean weight 0.07 g). VI alphanumeric tags (small biocompatible plastic labels also inserted under the epidermis) were tested on postlarval prawns (from a weight of 0.5 g). Tags were inserted using clove oil as anaesthetic, and survival, mortality and growth rates of tagged animals were compared with those of controls that were handled but not anaesthetized or marked. Twenty per cent of the larval prawns (the smallest of the group) died just after tagging, but thereafter the remaining prawns survived well, as did all the tagged postlarval prawns. Visibility of the VI elastomer tags in larval prawns deteriorated with time, though 79% of marks were still visible to the naked eye 70 days after tagging. VI elastomer tags in the postlarval group remained clearly visible for up to 100 days. Visibility of the VI alphanumeric tags fell shortly after tagging, but remained adequate thereafter. Moult rates in control and tagged animals were the same in larvae with VI elastomer tags and postlarvae with VI alphanumeric tags, but the moult rate in the postlarval prawns given elastomer tags was slower than in controls. Rates of growth were similar in tagged (elastomer and alphanumeric) and control postlarval prawns, once the size‐dependent mortality of tagged larval prawns was taken into account. We conclude that VI elastomer tags could be used to mark small numbers of individual larval and immediately postlarval prawns for periods of several months, and that VI alphanumeric tags could be used to mark an unlimited number of individuals from a size of approximately 0.5 g.  相似文献   

本试验研究改良了池塘水质环境,预防了疾病的发生和避免了虾蟹相残,使以虾为主的虾、蟹、藻混养试验池与对虾单养对照池的对虾成活率大体接近,实现亩均综合产量222.05kg,亩均产值6985.13元,亩均盈利2472.61元,是一种高产、优质、高效的多元化养殖模式。  相似文献   

用烧结法标志中国对虾,在靖海湾和五垒岛湾进行增殖放流,研究其回游与分布规律。重捕资料表明,6月中旬幼对虾对湾内河口浅水区生活随体长增长,逐步向深水扩散;8月上,中旬主群陆续游向湾外,按地形走向向西南回游,部分向东或东南;10月份回游对湾外水域的对虾有向东,东北或东南回游的现象。  相似文献   

1993年6月至8月在唐山市养殖对虾大面积死亡期间,选取病虾标本若干份,经电镜检查结果发现,病毒与病毒包涵体存在部位均在胞浆内,而细胞核内则无。  相似文献   

经过30多年的发展,广东已经成为中国最大的对虾生产和出口地区。广东既具有对虾生产和出口方面的绝对优势,又具有资源和竞争力等方面的相对比较优势。面对国内外同业的竞争,增加高附加值产品、促进出口市场多元化是增强广东对虾竞争优势的关键。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of dietary vitamin C and ammonia concentration on the cellular defense response of Macrobrachium nipponese . The response of the cellular defense was determined by monitoring changes in reactive oxygen intermediates in hemocytes, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase activity, glutathione peroxidase activity, glutathione reductase and glutathione transferase activity in muscle. The results showed that prawns fed the basal diet had a significant increase in reactive oxygen intermediates in response to exposure to ammonia-N. When dietary vitamin C was added to the feed, there was a significant decrease in reactive oxygen intermediates in response to exposure to ammonia-N. Total superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity of prawns fed the basal diet decreased as ammonia-N increased. This decrease in activity was significantly less pronounced in prawns that were fed the dietary vitamin C supplement. In prawns that were fed the dietary vitamin C supplement there was no significant variation in catalase reductase or gluxathione reductase activity in response to variations in ammonia-N concentration. The glutathione transference activity increased at a low concentration of ammonia-N in prawns that were fed the dietary vitamin C supplement, but there was no significant variation in the prawns fed the basal diet. Overall the results indicate that dietary vitamin C supplements enhance the capacity of M. nipponese to respond to elevations in ammonia-N. This response involved several biochemical reactions known to be involved in cellular defense.  相似文献   

对虾病毒病的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要依据90年代关于对虾病毒病的资料,就对虾病毒的病原、诊断技术、预防进行综合述评,总结概括了对虾病毒病的研究现状。  相似文献   

孙丕喜  陈皓文 《河北渔业》2007,(10):6-11,22
据病原动物类别,牡蛎寄生虫病分作5类,对寄生虫病的病原、流行状况、检测诊断和防治分别作了讨论。  相似文献   

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