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The increasing demand for forest biomass for energy generation could be partially met by growing denser stands and use of fertilizer. Before this is done at large scale, more knowledge of the effects of stand density and fertilization on aboveground allocation patterns and stem form is needed. Therefore, effects of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) to 3000 stems ha?1, an unthinned dense control (C), and PCT combined with two levels of fertilization (100 kg ha?1 of nitrogen applied either during the establishment of the field experiment (F1) or annually (F2)) were examined in 23- to 26-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands six years after the establishment of the field experiment. In total, 114 sample trees were harvested using destructive biomass sampling. The growth allocation and stem form of trees with diameter at breast height (DBH; 1.3 m height) >5.0 cm were not affected by either the PCT or fertilization. Small trees (DBH < 5 cm) in denser, unthinned control plots had more slender stems (lower DBH/height ratios) and allocated less growth to branches and foliage than trees in PCT plots. Fertilization had little effect on the stem form and growth allocation of the smallest trees. Therefore, effects of stem density and fertilization on stem form and growth allocation to foliage were only found for small suppressed trees, and the treatments had very little influence on dominant and codominant trees.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) on tree growth, product recovery, stand value and financial return in jack pine stands in Northwestern Ontario. Ten sites composed of both control and PCT stands representing various stand densities (2000–6000 trees/ha) and stand ages (26–36 years old) were selected for this study. Three thousand and eighty-two trees were measured for DBH and total height, and were reconstructed in 3-D using a taper equation for jack pine. The reconstructed virtual trees were then “sawn” using the software package Optitek to obtain optimal lumber value recovery, which was then used to determine total product value per tree and financial return. The quadratic mean DBHs of trees from the PCT stands were significantly larger than those from the control stands for all 10 sites. Six of ten PCT stands had significantly taller trees than did the controls of the same sites. With increasing stand density, tree DBH decreased in the control stands while no consistent pattern could be recognized for the DBH of the PCT stands. The increment in average DBH due to PCT increased with increasing thinning intensity. PCT reduced total tree volume per hectare, benefited merchantable stem volume per hectare, and improved the total lumber volume and value recovery per hectare. On average, the PCT stands produced approximately $2760 and $1770/ha (or 19.6 and 16.1%) more product value per hectare for the dimension mill and stud mill, respectively. PCT also significantly reduced logging and lumber conversion costs. Higher total product values and lower total costs resulted in higher benefit/cost (B/C) ratios in the PCT stands than did in the control stands. The increased financial return due to PCT is associated with the magnitude of difference in quadratic mean DBH resulting from PCT. The B/C ratio difference between control and PCT stands increased with increasing thinning intensity. Overall, this study indicates that PCT appears to be an economically viable silvicultural investment for jack pine stands in Northwestern Ontario.  相似文献   

广西大青山柚木人工林生长过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]研究柚木人工林生长过程及其与气象因子的相关性,为柚木抚育经营提供理论依据。[方法]以优良、中等和差3种生长类型的30余年生柚木人工林为对象,基于样地调查,选取优势木、平均木、被压木进行树干解析,对比分析其生长过程,应用灰色关联分析法揭示气象因子对柚木生长的影响。[结果]表明:3种生长类型林分柚木胸径、树高和材积生长过程基本一致,各分级木的生长过程亦相似,其胸径平均和连年生长量随年龄的增大呈先增加后逐渐降低的趋势,树高生长整体上呈下降趋势,材积生长则呈递增趋势。各优良林分的林木及各类型林分的优势木,其胸径、材积平均和连年生长量较大,速生期持续时间长,生长衰减慢,而其树高生长量的优势相对不明显;30余年生时柚木尚未达数量成熟龄。各类型林分间柚木生长与气象因子关系的差异仅体现在胸径,优良林分胸径连年生长量主要受极端低温影响,而中等和差林分则与年均降水量相关性最大;各分级木间柚木生长与气象因子的关系无明显差异;影响树高和材积连年生长量的最主要气象因子分别为年均降水量和年均气温。[结论]柚木各生长类型及分级木的生长过程整体趋势基本一致,其差异主要体现在生长量大小和快速生长期长短。约30年生柚木人工林仍未达到数量成熟,后期抚育经营对于其优质大径材高效培育仍不可忽视。  相似文献   

采用抽样调查的方法,对济南市的6个主要公园黄河森林公园、千佛山公园、环城公园、大明湖公园、五龙潭公园、趵突泉公园的树木进行调查。通过树种数、树种丰富度、树种多样性、树种均匀度4个指标对济南市各公园的树种组成结构进行分析,同时通过上述6个公园的树木总数、树木种类和胸径分布关系对公园树木结构特征进行分析。结果表明,大明湖公园的树种数最多,趵突泉公园的树种丰富度最大,千佛山公园的树种丰富程度最高,黄河森林公园树种最均匀。国槐(Sophora japonica)出现比例最高,占全部树木的10.69%。前20位树种总数占全部树木的75.06%,树木的数量构成具有明显的聚集性,出现少数树种主导整个群落的现象。从树木株数随胸径的分布看,同天然林存在差异,表现为近似的抛物线状。从不同胸径等级树种数分布上看,小径级的树种数多,大径级的树种数少,反映出济南市城市公园树种丰富度不断增加的趋势。    相似文献   

Lack of available workforce in motor-manual operations has led to increased interest in mechanized precommercial thinning (PCT) treatments. We evaluated 15 years of growth and yield development of a very dense (27,000 stems ha–1) balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) stand after six PCT treatments: (1) motor-manual (MAN), (2) motor-manual with crop tree release (MAN-C), (3) mechanized (MEC), (4) mechanized with residual patches (MEC-P), (5) semi-mechanized (mechanized followed by motor-manual, MEC-S), and (6) unthinned control (CON). Compared to CON, both MAN and MEC-S increased height of balsam fir study trees by 53–56% and diameter at breast height (DBH) by 57–58%. MAN-C and MEC-S increased DBH of black spruce study trees by 15–31% over all other treatments. The proportion of merchantable basal area (BA) was higher in MAN (62%) and MEC-S (56%) than in CON (22%) and MEC (25%), without a reduction in total BA. PCT treatments that provided a uniform distribution of potential crop trees (MAN, MEC-S) performed better than MAN-C and MEC-P, while MEC yielded the poorest responses. Our findings highlight the need to develop new tailored mechanized systems for high wood production and low operational cost.  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同强度采伐下马尾松的生长动态,筛选适宜的采伐强度,为马尾松人工林近自然经营提供技术支撑。[方法]2007年10月在14年生马尾松人工林(保存密度1 100株·hm~(-2))内进行采伐试验,设置4个采伐强度,即保留密度分别为225、300、375、450株·hm~(-2),以不采伐为对照;其后,自2008年开始连续8 a,每2 a测定1次马尾松的胸径、树高、枝下高和冠面积等生长指标,并计算单株材积和林分蓄积量,应用方差分析和Duncan多重比较分析生长指标对不同采伐强度的动态响应。[结果]表明:采伐强度显著影响林分生长,其中,林分平均胸径、单株材积、冠面积的年均增长量随保留密度增大而减小,但均显著高于对照(P0.05)。采伐后第1 3年,马尾松冠面积增长量显著高于采伐后期,胸径则在采伐后第3 5年最高,而不同采伐强度对林分树高生长影响不明显。保留密度显著影响林分枝下高和蓄积量的动态变化,其年均增长量随密度增大而递增。5个处理间林分蓄积年均增长量的差异随林龄的增大而逐渐缩小。[结论]马尾松人工林生长对不同强度采伐的动态响应以树冠最敏感,冠面积首先陡然增大,进而引起胸径的快速生长。树高和枝下高在采伐后年均增量变化相对平稳。4个采伐强度均显著促进单株材积生长,而仅保留密度为225株·hm~(-2)的采伐对林分蓄积增长量影响显著。综合比较林分的单株材积和林分蓄积连年增长量,建议在桂西南15年生马尾松人工林近自然经营中宜选择300株·hm~(-2)的保留密度进行采伐。  相似文献   

采用梯度格局法沿海拔梯度设立样方,对河北承德辽河源地区天然油松林的垂直分布格局进行研究。结果表明:随着海拔的升高,油松林最大株高和海拔呈现负相关线性关系;油松林的最大胸径沿海拔梯度变化趋势不明显,呈现出先增大后减小的趋势;油松林的平均株高在海拔775~1270 m之间差异不显著,在海拔1340~1465 m之间差异不显著,只有在海拔775 m的平均株高与1340 m和1465 m的平均株高比较差异显著;油松的平均胸径随着海拔的升高差异不显著。  相似文献   

陆江 《林业调查规划》2021,(2):153-156,164
以广西来宾灰木莲阔叶林、杉木针叶林分作为研究对象,分别以树冠竞争指数、Hegyi简单竞争指数作为因变量,3 a内胸径增长量作为自变量,研究林分内林木竞争对单木胸径生长量的影响。结果表明,林木胸径增长量与竞争指数均为负相关,表明林木受到的竞争越大,林木的胸径增长量就越小;作为阔叶树种的灰木莲胸径的增长量比针叶树杉木更容易受到林木树冠竞争的影响;相对于Hegyi简单竞争指数,树冠竞争指数更能说明林木胸径增长量与林木竞争程度的关系。  相似文献   

5种北美栎树在我国长三角地区的引种生长表现   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从美国东南部引进属于红栎组的纳塔栎、舒玛栎、水栎、柳叶栎和属于白栎组的弗栎,在我国长江三角洲平原地区多个地点和不同土壤类型条件下进行造林研究.采用1~2年生裸根苗经长途运输后进行栽种,纳塔栎、舒玛栎和水栎成活率达94%以上,柳叶栎为76%~81%,弗栎仅42%~50%.不同树种之间,幼年阶段的根系发育、枝梢生长习性、秋冬叶色变化和虫害状况存在明显差异.在3~6个地点水稻土上建立的前4种栎树人工林,8~10a后在保留密度900~1 500株·hm-2条件下,其年均径生长量和年均高生长量达到0.96~1.76 cm和0.8~1.33 m.在山坡红黄壤地上栽种的纳塔栎、舒玛栎和柳叶栎,其年均径生长量和年均高生长量分别为0.64~1.01cm和0.57~0.78 m.采用2~4年生带土弗栎苗在6个地点滨海盐土上造林的成活率达87%以上,在保留密度1 110~3 900株·hm-2条件下,其7~9 a林木年均径生长量和年均高生长量分别为0.78~1.13 cm和0.59~0.75 m.当树龄达6~9 a时,5种栎树均开始结实.研究表明,5种北美栎树在长江三角洲地区有较强的适应性,水栎、纳塔栎、舒玛栎、柳叶栎可以应用于平原地区生态景观林和城镇园林绿化建设,而弗栎在沿海防护林建设中具有推广前景.  相似文献   

We examined how tree growth and hydraulic properties of branches and boles are influenced by periodic (about 6 years) and annual fertilization in two juvenile lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) stands in the interior of British Columbia, Canada. Mean basal area (BA), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height increments and percent earlywood and sapwood hydraulic parameters of branches and boles were measured 7 or 8 years after the initial treatments at Sheridan Creek and Kenneth Creek. At Sheridan Creek, fertilization significantly increased BA and DBH increments, but had no effect on height increment. At Kenneth Creek, fertilization increased BA, but fertilized trees had significantly lower height increments than control trees. Sapwood permeability was greater in lower branches of repeatedly fertilized trees than in those of control trees. Sapwood permeabilities of the lower branches of trees in the control, periodic and annual treatments were 0.24 x 10(-12), 0.35 x 10(-12) and 0.45 x 10(-12) m2 at Kenneth Creek; and 0.41 x 10(-12), 0.54 x 10(-12) and 0.65 x 10(-12) m2 at Sheridan Creek, respectively. Annual fertilization tended to increase leaf specific conductivities and Huber values of the lower branches of trees at both study sites. We conclude that, in trees fertilized annually, the higher flow capacity of lower branches may reduce the availability of water to support annual growth of the leader and upper branches.  相似文献   

榆林市榆阳区杨树地径、胸径、树高、材积相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对60株榆林市榆阳区内生长的合作杨(Populus simonii×P.pyramidalis cv.‘Opera8177)’生长情况的调查,结果表明:随着树木生长加粗,胸径、地径基本同步增粗,胸径/地径比值变化很小,数值是0.84倍左右,其范围在0.82~0.86;树高的生长量随树木的生长加粗呈现放缓的规律,随着树木生长加粗,树高/地径比值逐渐变小,地径8 cm时,树高/地径比值是58.92倍,地径48 cm时,树高/地径比值是33.38倍。  相似文献   

通过对5种密度的湿地松人工林生长现状的调查,选取标准木进行树干解析,分析不同林分密度的湿地松胸径、树高和材积的生长规律。结果表明:湿地松胸径、树高前期生长快,6 a或9 a后生长趋缓,材积年均生长量随树龄增大逐渐增加,连年生长量在第3或第4龄阶达最大值,此后连年生长量逐渐减小。密度越小,胸径生长越快;树高受造林密度的影...  相似文献   

根据林木的生长特点,根径、胸径和单株材积之间的关系,按树种组分别用线性、对数、乘幂、指数型、三阶二项式5种数学模型模拟林木的生长规律,找出林木根径、胸径和材积之间的关系,通过优化、筛选得到最佳模拟数学方程,利用林木根径计算单株材积。应用现代计算机编程技术(DELPHI编程语言),编制根径材积表软件。  相似文献   

On-farm experiments were conducted in Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh from 2001 to 2006 to evaluate the biomass productivity, intercrop yields and profitability of Eucalyptus tereticornis clonal and Leucaena leucocephala variety K-636 based systems. Trees were planted at a spacing of 3 × 2 m and evaluated at three locations. Height growth was significantly higher in leucaena during the 4 year where as difference in diameter growth was not significant. Biomass partitioning to the bole was high in case of leucaena, ranged from 83% in 2.5–5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) trees to 89% in 12.5–15 cm DBH trees and in eucalyptus clones the corresponding values were 71% in 2.5–5 cm DBH trees and 83% in 12.5–15 cm DBH trees. Marketable biomass productivity was higher with leucaena (95 Mg ha−1) in comparison to eucalyptus (87 Mg ha−1). Competition effects of trees on intercrops were observed from the 2 year (2002 post-rainy season). Intercrop yields were 45% of the sole crop in eucalyptus system and 36% in leucaena system during the 2 year. Sole eucalyptus and leucaena plantations and intercropping systems recorded higher gross and net returns over arable cropping. Therefore, it can be concluded that leucaena variety K636 and eucalyptus clonal based agroforestry systems are profitable alternatives to arable cropping under rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

【目的】探索无性系、株行距及两者交互作用对杨树人工林的林木生长和树冠结构的影响。【方法】采用双因素随机试验设计,通过调查36块13年生杨树样地胸径、树高、活枝下高和冠幅等指标,以综合指数法构建3个林分综合指数(生长指数、冠形指数、干冠协调指数)。【结果】南林95杨和南林895杨的胸径、树高和生长指数显著高于南林797杨(P <0.05)。南林797杨的冠幅、树冠体积和树冠圆满度显著高于南林895杨,与南林95杨差异不显著(P> 0.05)。株行距为6 m×6 m和4.5 m×8 m的林分胸径、冠形指数和生长指数均显著高于5 m×5 m和3 m×8 m林分,不同密度林分对树高影响不显著(P> 0.05)。在相同密度条件下,正方形和长方形配置对东西和南北冠幅有显著影响,较大株行距促进树冠生长,但对胸径、树高和平均冠幅等影响不显著(P> 0.05)。无性系和株行距对冠长、活冠比、树冠表面积和干冠协调指数影响均不显著,且无性系和株行距对林木生长和树冠结构均无显著交互作用(P> 0.05)。【结论】杨树无性系对林木胸径、树高和树冠结构的影响大于株行距。综合考虑林木生长和树冠结构等两个方面,在类似的立地条件上,相比于其它无性系和配置方式,以南林95杨在种植株行距为6 m×6 m(278株/hm^2)时具有培育大胸径林木的潜力,适于培育速生、优质大径材。  相似文献   

在齐齐哈尔市各县区小黑杨人工林带中设置了67块标准地,49株平均解析木。通过对这些资料的统计分析,确定了不同立地条件下小黑杨人工林带平均木胸径、树高、材积的生长过程,建立了胸径、树高、材积各种生长因子的数学模型。  相似文献   

运用随机抽样法抽取马尾松成熟林分50个小班,调查胸径、树高、单位蓄积量及密度等测树因子,运用回归分析法进行测树因子相关性分析,结果表明,林分蓄积量对于密度、胸径、树高之间存在显著线性关系,其相关性数学模型可用三元线性回归方程y=b0+b1x1+b2x2+b3x3表示,其中,密度是影响林分蓄积量的主导因素。相关性变化趋势分析表明,在兼顾林分产量和林木径级的情况下,合理保留密度每667 m2为105株。  相似文献   

长白山林区天然次生林胡桃楸的适宜生长空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用次生林主林层胡桃楸34株平均木(胸径为11.0~39.1 cm)的树干解析数据,结合反映植物生长空间的冠幅,进行5,10和15年抚育间隔期的单株材积定期生长量、林分蓄积增长量与生长空间关系的研究,建立不同抚育间隔期胡桃楸胸径与适宜生长空间关系的模型;利用林冠下层27株胡桃楸平均木(胸径为4.6~14.3 cm)的树干解析数据,评价适宜生长空间模型应用于被压状态胡桃楸时的生长促进效果.结果表明:1)3参数S型曲线模型和二项式模型分别能够很好反映胡桃楸前5,10和15年间单株材积定期生长量、林分蓄积增长量与冠幅的关系;2)不同抚育间隔期胡桃楸胸径与适宜生长空间关系的模型为幂函数模型(y=a×x~b);3)对数函数模型(y=a×ln(x)+b)能显著反映适宜生长空间下胸径与材积定期生长量的关系;4)适宜生长空间下胡桃楸5,10和15年材积定期生长量至少比生长空间受限条件下的林木提高97.8%,114.4%和128.5%.采用5,10,15年抚育间隔期时,不同胸径胡桃楸的适宜生长空间分别是相应胸径的0.256 6~0.368 7,0.344 1~0.447 1和0.449 1~0.504 6倍.  相似文献   

Heartwood, sapwood and bark content of teak trees grown in Karnataka, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated heartwood, sapwood and bark content in teak trees. A total of 27 sample plots were laid out in teak plantations raised by State Forest Department in Karnataka covering different age groups...  相似文献   

异速模型评估森林植被生物量有机碳储量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在孟加拉的吉大港南部森林地区,利用异速模型评估森林植被的有机碳的储量.异速模型被分别应用测试树木(被划分两个胸高直径级)、灌木和草本植物.采用基部面积估算胸高直径级为从> 5 cm 到 ≤ 15 cm 和> 15 cm树木的生物量有机碳储量模型最好,分别有很高的决定系数(胸高直径级> 5 cm 到 ≤ 15 cm 的r2 为0.73697,胸高直径级> 15 cm 的r2为0.87703),且回归系数(P = 0.000)显著.其它模型(包括采用树高,胸高直径,树高和胸高直径,以及综合树高、胸高直径和木材密度)的线性和对数关系都表现出很低的决定系数.分别建立了20种优势树种的异速模型,采用树木基部面积的模型都得到很高的决定系数值.单独采用灌木和草本植物总生物量的异速模型有较高的决定系数(灌木的r2 为0.87948,草本植物的r2 为0.87325),且回归(系数)性显著(P = 0.000).生物量有机碳的评估是复杂的和耗时的研究,本研究所建立的异速模型可以应用于孟加拉和其它热带(地区)国家的森林植被的有机碳储量的测算.  相似文献   

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