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The origins of such varied features of contemporary life as the national state and the desire to uphold generous and civic social norms are to be found in a combination of conflict between groups and attenuation of both inequalities and conflicts within groups. In contrast to the adoption of a better tool or a more productive crop, which can be adopted by a single individual, a new institution works only if most people adopt it. This explains why collective action against those benefitting from the status quo at the expense of others, as well as conflict between groups governed by different norms and institutions, figures so prominently in our capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and to harness new knowledge for human benefit.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的深化发展,多元化医疗服务竞争机制的形成需要民营医疗机构市场准入。在我国鼓励社会资本办医政策下,民营医疗机构有了一定发展,但却存在逐利性和市场退出制度缺失等问题。引发这些现象的主要原因是医患信息不对称、医疗服务负外部性、供给诱导需求、医疗公共产品短缺等市场失灵现象。基于此,为确保医疗事业发展和医疗安全,政府应以从严规制与从宽规制相结合的方式,对民营医疗机构市场准入适度干预,建立民营医疗机构市场准入法律制度,明确其市场准入条件和准入范围,建立市场退出制度,以促进和引导民营医疗机构健康、快速和稳定发展。  相似文献   

社会各界采取了一系列的资助政策和举措,帮助贫困大学生顺利完成学业。分析了高等学校社会资助项目工作的现状,并对中国肯德基曙光基金的"资金资助+餐厅实践+社会公益"的资助模式进行了深入的思考,提出了完善高校社会资助工作的措施。  相似文献   

Ross IM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1982,217(4555):130-131
The promise of technology for improving the quality of life has never been greater, and American science and technology has led the way toward fulfillment of that promise. Now this preeminence is threatened by forces that may affect technological progress throughout the world. It is up to those of us in science, industry, and government to strengthen the institutions that have made us the leaders and to restore our initiative.  相似文献   

Taxonomy and systematics underpin our ability to conserve and benefit from biodiversity in sustainable ways as envisaged under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Despite progress in phylogenetics towards reconstructing the "Tree of Life" and in biodiversity informatics, the fundamental documentation of species necessary to complete the inventory of life has lagged behind. It is argued that this reflects a lack of appreciation of the role played by species-level taxonomic information in underpinning conservation and sustainable use and under investment in the relevant institutions at the expense of supporting the centralised financial mechanism of the CBD.  相似文献   

为跟踪中国生命科学领域的发展动态,以"自然指数"期刊论文为分析对象,从发文趋势、领域分布、机构贡献3个方面揭示中国生命科学研究的发展动态,研究结果表明:1)中国生命科学研究能力在持续提升,主要科技发达国家顶尖论文产出力在下降;2)中国生命科学研究形成"会聚"式发展,学科多点突破、交叉融合的趋势,CRISPR/Cas9和RNA-Seq等前沿技术得到快速应用;3)中国科学院及其直属单位集中了中国生命科学的优势科研力量,国内高校科研团队在不断成长,在个别学科领域上形成了各自的比较优势。最后,对中国生命科学研究发展存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

提升老年农民精神养老水平是推进农民精神生活共同富裕进程中无法回避的现实问题。通过对皖北二村及村中养老院中老人的深度访谈发现,老年农民精神支持多元但不足、精神文化活动较为单一、精神养老政策主观满意度高、精神需求分层化,同时老人普遍具有较强的自我无用感。此外,居家养老和机构养老的老人精神养老状况没有显著差异,而养老机构是独居、患病、失能老人的有益保障。因此,在推进精神生活共同富裕过程中要提升老年农民精神养老水平,需要增强老年农民精神支持力度、丰富老年农民精神文化活动、帮助老年农民树立积极健康的心态,引导农村养老机构健康发展。  相似文献   

我国农业公共科研机构专利保护现状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张熠  白优爱 《农业科技管理》2010,29(2):30-33,41
文章统计了1985~2007年我国农业领域公共科研机构的专利数量及地域性分布等,对专利的申请成功率、申请频次、联合申请、主要领域、存活率等指标进行分析,对比国内外部分研究机构,提出加强对专利工作的重视,建立积极氛围;确定专利工作重点,提高专利质量;加强对农业领域科研人员的专利申请技能培训,提高专利申请成功率;考虑农业科技的特殊性,在特定领域开展专利申请和保护的试点工作等建议。  相似文献   

大学生非正式群体的教育与管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
名目繁多、形式多样的各种大学生非正式群体在高校已经成为非常普遍的现象,在学生当中起着日益重要的作用。对大学生非正式群体的特征、作用和形成原因进行了分析,并就如何正确对待大学生中的非正式群体提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

【目的】为促进北京郊区农村养老资源配置和养老服务供给提供参考。【方法】使用描述统计方法探明农村老年人当前养老方式和意愿养老方式,使用Logistic回归方法考察意愿养老方式的影响因素和作用方向。【结果】农村老年人意愿养老方式呈现多样化,家庭养老仍是最主要的意愿养老方式,但已较大程度低于当前家庭养老比例,意愿养老方式选择公办养老机构、社区居家、私营养老机构的比例呈增加态势;女性、高龄、文化程度为初中、收入与支出平衡、仅有儿子、子女经济条件较差的农村老年人更倾向选择机构养老。【结论】农村老年人意愿养老方式的实现面临经济有限、子女工作忙和与子女居住距离远、日常生活和生病时缺乏照顾、养老服务供给匮乏等现实挑战,建议加强农村养老资源和养老服务的合理优化配置,促进农村养老服务的发展。  相似文献   

利用新制度经济学中制度结构的理论,本文对日本农业技术推广体系制度结构进行分析。研究结果表明:日本农业技术推广体系的成功建立得益于其制度结构中基础性制度与重大性制度的相互配合。在基础性制度安排上加强国家强制性制度供给,在重大性制度安排上对现有基层农技体系的管理制度、经费投入制度、农技员聘用制度和考评制度进行创新是我国基层农技推广体系制度结构创新的方向和重点。  相似文献   

Causal pathways to achieve social and ecological benefits from forests are unclear, because there are few systematic multicountry empirical analyses that identify important factors and their complex relationships with social and ecological outcomes. This study examines biodiversity conservation and forest-based livelihood outcomes using a data set on 84 sites from six countries in East Africa and South Asia. We find both positive and negative relationships, leading to joint wins, losses, and trade-offs depending on specific contextual factors; participation in forest governance institutions by local forest users is strongly associated with jointly positive outcomes for forests in our study.  相似文献   

科学的指标体系是大学排行榜具有较高权威性的重要标志。与国外著名大学排行榜的指标体系相比,目前我国的大学排名评价指标体系很难全面反映学校的情况,原因在于国内大学排名指标体系受传统的单项排名影响,未能充分考虑到学生的主体地位。因此,我国非官方评估机构应设立进一步完善大学评价指标体系的选择性进路,即强化学生主体地位。  相似文献   

为预测丘陵山区多功能茶园管理机变速箱齿轮的失效部位以及使用寿命,采用CAXA CAD和Solidworks软件建立茶园管理机变速箱齿轮副三维有限元模型.通过分析齿轮副在载荷作用下的力学特性,得到齿轮的范·米塞斯(Von Mises)应力、位移及应变分布情况,最大范·米塞斯应力约为209.63MPa,小于材料的屈服极限,齿轮根部不会发生断裂.运用极大似然估计法建立齿轮的三参数Weibull分布函数和概率密度函数.预测齿轮的失效概率和平均失效时间,得到齿轮工作1 000h失效概率为98.04%,平均失效时间约为642h.运用Simulation疲劳分析模块对齿轮进行疲劳寿命分析,仿真结果表明,齿轮工作700h左右完全失效.该研究分别从齿轮失效概率和疲劳失效两个角度对其使用寿命进行预测,并且得到相近的结果,从而为茶园管理机变速箱的维护提供参考.  相似文献   

我们当下处在一个被营销包围的世界,周围的一切推广活动都可以用营销的概念来理 解,甚至市场营销可以贯穿一个人的生老病死。市场营销是我们生活中必不可少的,因为我们 在不知不觉中会经历营销,就像你面试的时候,其实就是在营销你自己,懂得营销的人可以把自 己身价定高,不懂的可能就被pass 了,所以我们在日常生活中都会经历到营销,从微小的事物到 面试工作这个很重要的事情,这些都是营销,因为我们的生活充满营销。  相似文献   

The main idea of this article is to present various perspectives in order to analyze the recent crisis concerning the agriculture-based rural societies in the developed capitalist communities. In all of these countries there is a production crisis, resulting in too much food. But this is also an ideological crisis, because the consumer thinks that the food is produced at too high a price. And it is a political crisis as well because a major part of the voters think subsidies and trade barriers are too high. The paper argues that beneath the present agricultural and rural policy crisis lies the failure of three great projects of our time: 1) The project of natural science; 2) The project of liberal capitalism; and 3) The project of scientific socialism. The failure of these three projects has to do with the breakdown of the positivist idea of modernization. Modernization theory was partly wrong because it overlooked the persistence of locally based life modes. Those life modes must be understood before a sustainable rural development is found. The article reviews some contemporary social science perspectives that have recently been developed to grasp the fundamental changes of today's rural societies. Based on those perspectives and primarily the life mode perspective, five key elements that are essential to analyze if we want to understand future development are isolated: food production, resources, space, social diversity, and culture.Reidar Almås is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Trondheim, Norway, where he directs the Center for Rural Research. He received his Dr. philos. at the University of Trondheim with a dissertation on group farms. Almås is now doing research on food policies, rural development, and public perception of biotechnology. In addition to several books in Norwegian, he has publishedRural Norway, a gift to Europe. Fifteen selected articles on rural persistence and change.  相似文献   

即将到来的2l世纪是一个知识经济的时代。高等院校面对知识经济的挑战,必须树立教育是首要战略资源的观念,加强教学改革,培养学生的创新能力,注重通才教育,全面推进高校素质教育。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程实施20年来,积累了大量学术成果。基于1999—2019年间CNKI收录的858篇相关文献,采用CiteSpace文献计量工具绘制知识图谱,对相关研究成果的发展轨迹及特征进行可视化分析。研究发现:1999—2019年,以退耕还林工程为主题的研究呈现先增后降的趋势;中国科学院、西北农林科技大学、北京林业大学等是该领域的核心机构,以各一级机构及内部二级机构合作为主,作者跨单位和地域合作较少;研究热点与关键词为"黄土高原""农民"和"可持续发展"等,涉及学科集中于农学、林学、农林经济管理等领域;研究范畴逐渐转向对实践导向的探索总结,多数研究肯定了退耕还林工程对生态环境和农户福利的恢复与提高。  相似文献   

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