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马铃薯营养综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马铃薯块茎大约含有20%干物质,干物质主要由淀粉组成,还含有少量的蛋白质、膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质等。马铃薯储存能量的形式几乎完全是淀粉,因为烹饪过的马铃薯淀粉糊化以后几乎能够完全被消化吸收,被认为是高血糖指数食品,但是糊化后返生的马铃薯淀粉含有抗性淀粉,抗性淀粉可以被当成膳食纤维。马铃薯蛋白必需氨基酸含量高,营养价值高,富含赖氨酸,这一点刚好能弥补大米、小麦等主粮的缺陷。然而,马铃薯可溶性蛋白营养价值的一个限制因素是含硫氨基酸含量低,包括蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸。尤其是半胱氨酸含量低,这一点会对马铃薯面条、馒头的开发造成不利影响。对马铃薯块茎的营养进行了全面综述:阐述马铃薯淀粉的理化性质及消化过程中对血糖的影响,马铃薯蛋白的营养价值及对加工性能的影响,同时也对马铃薯膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质和植物营养素的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

以菠萝蜜种子淀粉为原料制备油脂模拟品,在单因素的基础上,采用响应面方法优化菠萝蜜种子淀粉油脂模拟品的制备工艺。结果表明,最佳制备工艺为:淀粉浓度为15.11%,酶用量为0.14%,酶解时间为17.10  min,酶解温度为50.10  ℃,在此工艺条件下制备的油脂模拟品的DE值为4.38;并确定了该油脂模拟品的糊化温度为80 ℃和糊化时间为10 min。  相似文献   

压热-酶法制备紫薯抗性淀粉的工艺优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高紫薯抗性淀粉的含量,以紫薯淀粉为原料,采用压热-酶法制备紫薯抗性淀粉,通过单因素试验,研究了淀粉乳浓度、普鲁兰酶用量、酶解时间、压热时间对紫薯抗性淀粉含量的影响。利用正交方法优化了压热-酶法制备紫薯抗性淀粉的最佳工艺条件。结果表明:普鲁兰酶用量、压热时间对紫薯抗性淀粉的含量影响显著(p<0.05);制备紫薯抗性淀粉最佳工艺为:淀粉乳浓度30%、酶用量1 U/g淀粉、酶解时间12 h、压热时间45 min;在此条件下,所得紫薯抗性淀粉含量为17.16%,较单一压热法提高了67.74%。说明经过普鲁兰酶的脱支协同处理,能进一步提高紫薯抗性淀粉的含量,这对紫薯抗性淀粉的制备有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

EMS对新春11小麦抗性淀粉和农艺性状的诱变效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为给甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)在高抗性淀粉小麦诱变育种中的应用提供依据,以春小麦新春11为材料,分析了不同浓度EMS诱变小麦种子的M2代成熟籽粒抗性淀粉含量的变化,同时结合株高等农艺性状时优异材料进行了筛选.结果表明,不同浓度EMS(0.3%、0.5%和0.7%)处理后,M2代籽粒平均抗性淀粉含量分别为2.76%、3.22%和4.31%,高于未处理的籽粒抗性淀粉含量(2.57%),并发现了抗性淀粉含量较高和较低的突变体.其中,0.3%浓度EMS最适宜新春11农艺性状的诱变,突变类型最多;0.7%的EMS处理获得的高抗性淀粉含量的突变体更为丰富.综合农艺性状、产量性状和品质的表现,筛选出7个抗性淀粉含量高且综合性状优良的M2突变家系.  相似文献   

直链淀粉和支链淀粉含量及其比例是木薯淀粉品质的重要指标。采用双波长法对30个木薯株系的直、支链淀粉的含量进行了测定,根据碘分别与直链和支链淀粉反应生成复合物的吸收光谱,我们最后确定了直链淀粉的和支链淀粉的参比波长和测定波长分别是609和469.5 nm、542和721 nm。根据回归方程得到了30个木薯株系的直链淀粉和支链淀粉的含量。本实验中用于测定木薯的直链淀粉浓度在0~26μg/m L,支链淀粉浓度在0~100μg/m L范围内符合比耳定律。结果表明:SC8不同株系的直链淀粉含量变化范围:14.879%~21.905%,支链淀粉含量变化范围:47.864%~56.955%;SC6不同株系的直链淀粉含量变化范围:15.494%~24.726%,支链淀粉含量变化范围44.292%~57.465%。该方法准确性高、重复性好、效率高,工作量小,适于批量木薯样品分析。  相似文献   

木薯肉与木薯皮营养成分的研究初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高木薯块根的利用价值,选取3个木薯品系,分别测定木薯肉、木薯皮中7种营养成分的含量。结果表明:木薯肉鲜样干物质含量为31.5%~42.1%,木薯肉干样粗淀粉含量为76.4%~87.0%,均极显著高于木薯皮;木薯皮鲜样含0.28~0.63 mg/hg的β-胡萝卜素和11.9~26.1 mg/hg维生素C,木薯皮干样含25.0%~28.2%粗蛋白、10.5%~21.5%可溶性糖、14.0%~19.9%粗纤维,均极显著高于木薯肉;与相关研究比较,木薯肉营养优于或不亚于甘薯和马铃薯,木薯皮营养优于或不亚于米糠和小麦麸皮。此外,木薯肉和木薯皮中均存在高干物质含量、高粗淀粉含量和低粗纤维含量的相互关系。  相似文献   

为确定快速粘度计(rapid visco analyzer, RVA)制备菠萝蜜淀粉-椰子油复合物的最佳工艺条件,探讨椰子油添加量、复合时间、复合温度3个因素对菠萝蜜淀粉-椰子油复合物的复合指数的影响。在此基础上,利用Box-Benhnken响应面法优化RVA制备菠萝蜜淀粉-椰子油复合物的工艺条件。此外,对比了菠萝蜜淀粉和复合物的糊化特性、膨胀力和溶解性。结果表明,菠萝蜜淀粉-椰子油复合物的最佳制备条件参数为:椰子油添加量为4%,复合时间为2.40 min,复合温度为90.70℃。在最佳条件下,菠萝蜜淀粉-椰子油复合物的复合指数理论值为24.64%,实际验证值为24.33%,拟合模型预测值与实际验证结果吻合。复合物的糊化温度、峰值黏度和谷值黏度高于原淀粉,而最终黏度和回生值有所下降,说明复合物的热稳定性提高;复合物的形成阻止了淀粉膨胀,导致膨胀力和溶解度相较原淀粉明显降低。  相似文献   

淀粉是人体摄入碳水化合物的主要来源,经消化后以葡萄糖的形式被人体吸收,其消化特性与人体健康密切相关。为探究小麦品种西农836淀粉理化性质与消化特性的关系,以商品粉金沙河、香雪、金龙鱼作为对照,测定其与西农836中直链淀粉含量、淀粉粒度和结晶度、糊化特性以及体外消化率的差异,并在小鼠体内模拟消化。结果表明,与金龙鱼、金沙河、香雪相比,西农836淀粉中直链淀粉含量和B型淀粉粒含量最高,与前3者差异显著(P<0.05);西农836淀粉的峰值温度最高,峰值黏度和最终黏度最低;淀粉体外消化试验结果显示,西农836的快消化淀粉(RDS)、总消化淀粉(RDS+SDS)含量最低,抗性淀粉(RS)含量最高。小鼠体内消化试验结果表明,与金沙河相比,灌食西农836淀粉的小鼠血糖峰值较低,说明高直链淀粉小麦西农836有利于延缓消化和控制血糖升高。相关性分析结果显示,直链淀粉含量与抗性淀粉含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

本实验采用湿磨法、酶法、表面活性剂法、碱法4种方法提取菠萝蜜种子淀粉,研究不同提取方法对菠萝蜜种子淀粉性质的影响。结果表明:湿磨法(SMF)、碱法(氢氧化钠和硫代硫酸钠)、酶法(P7、PBS、ANP、SDN、PBL、P6)、表面活性剂法的提取率分别为18.92%、64.46%、63.82%、55.30%、66.68%、43.57%、46.89%、52.48%、41.03%、70.55%;淀粉膨胀力和溶解性随着温度升高而升高;溶解度和膨胀力均显示湿磨法最高。以淀粉提取率为指标,确定中性蛋白酶(Protex-7L)法为菠萝蜜种子淀粉提取的方法。  相似文献   

为了解青稞全麦食品的营养及品质,为其进一步发展和应用提供理论基础,以10份青稞全麦粉和面粉(去麸粉)为原料,加工成100%的青稞全麦粉饼干和面粉饼干,并对其营养品质、功能特性及质构特性进行了比较。结果显示,10份青稞材料的直链淀粉含量为19.50%~26.60%;全麦粉的β-葡聚糖(5.09%)、蛋白质(12.00%)、Cu(6.17μg·g-1)、Mn(14.12μg·g-1)和Zn(24.89μg·g-1)含量均高于面粉中相应组分的含量,但其总淀粉含量(64.5%)低于面粉中总淀粉含量(70.18%);青稞全麦粉饼干和面粉饼干中营养组分的差异与原材料中的差异趋势一致。淀粉体外水解模拟显示,全麦粉的最大淀粉降解水平(58.91%)和血糖指数(90.37)均低于面粉(66.07%和97.85),且其非常快速消化淀粉(VRDS)和快速消化淀粉(RDS)含量也低于面粉,而慢速消化淀粉(SDS)和抗性淀粉(RS)含量则相反;全麦粉饼干和面粉饼干的淀粉体外水解差异与原材料的差异趋势一致。饼干质构特性分析显示,全麦粉饼干的硬度(1 096.88g)、脆性(751.15g·s-1)和咀嚼性(987.29g·s-1)均大于面粉饼干(947.21g、683.74g·s-1和724.76g·s-1)。综上所述,青稞全麦粉比青稞面粉具有更高的营养价值,青稞全麦粉饼干比面粉饼干不仅具有较高的营养价值和功能特性,并具有独特的口感,是健康饮食的最佳选择之一。  相似文献   

The effect of partial gelatinization and retrogradation on in vitro enzymatic digestibility of waxy rice starch was investigated, and the relationship between the residual crystallinity and digestibility measured. An aqueous dispersion of starch (5%, dry weight basis) was partially gelatinized by heating at different temperatures (60, 65, or 70 °C for 5 min). The relative melting enthalpy values of the starch samples, based on the melting enthalpy of native starch, were 69.0, 36.7, and 8.5%, respectively. Retrograded starch samples were also prepared by storing a fully gelatinized starch paste (5% starch) at 4 °C for 2, 4, or 7 d, and the relative melting enthalpy values for the starch samples were 36.7, 67.2, and 79.9%, respectively. The partial gelatinization and retrogradation changed the enzymatic digestion behavior of the waxy rice starch samples, and the changes were significant in the initial stage of digestion. The digestion rate was reduced as the melting enthalpy increased. The amounts of slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) correlated positively with the relative melting enthalpy of the partially gelatinized or retrograded starch samples. The glycemic index (GI) estimated using an in vitro digestion test correlated negatively with the relative melting enthalpy. At similar melting enthalpy levels, the partially gelatinized starch samples were more resistant to enzymatic digestion than the retrograded starch samples, indicating that the thermal history and the crystalline morphology affected the enzymatic digestion behavior of starch.  相似文献   

Three types of rice cultivars (indica, japonica and hybrid rice) with four levels of amylose were selected for assessing variability in starch digestibility. A vitro enzymatic starch digestion method was applied to estimate the glycemic index in vivo based on the kinetics of starch hydrolysis in vitro. The results indicated that significant differences in term of glycemic response were observed in three types of rice. Amylose content had an obviously impact on the estimated glycemic score (EGS) value and resistant starch (RS) content. The contents of RS were increased with the increasing amylose in the same type of rice. Japonica rice was significantly lower in RS content compared to indica rice and hybrid rice with similar amylose. The high amylose rice cultivar ZF201, which was characterized by low major RVA parameters, i.e. peak viscosity (PKV), hot paste viscosity (HPV) and cool paste viscosity (CPV), were obviously higher in RS content and lower in EGS. The retrogradation of cooked rice led to a reduction of HI and EGS of all varieties. Starch hydrolysis tends to be more quick and complete for the waxy and low amylose rice than for the intermediate and high amylose rice.  相似文献   

Studies on porous starch have been directed to explore different industrial applications as bio-adsorbents of a variety of compounds. However, the analysis of starch digestibility is essential for food application. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of porous structure on in vitro starch digestibility. Porous starches were obtained using a range of concentrations of amyloglucosidase (AMG), α-amylase (AM), cyclodextrin-glycosyltransferase (CGTase) or branching enzyme (BE). Porous starches exhibited major content of digestible starch (DS) that increased with the intensity of the enzymatic treatment, and very low amount of resistant starch (RS). Porous starches behaved differently during in vitro hydrolysis depending on their enzymatic treatment. AMG was the unique treatment that increased the digestive amylolysis and estimated glycemic index, whereas AM, CGTase and BE reduced them. A significant relationship was found between the pore size and the severity of the amylolysis, suggesting that a specific pore size is required for the accessibility of the digestive amylase. Therefore, pore size in the starch surface was a limiting factor for digestion of starch granules.  相似文献   

Flour from long-grain, high-amylose, milled rice was extruded in a double screw extruder. Response surface methodology (RSM) using a face-centered cube design was used to evaluate the effects of operating variables, namely the screw speed (200–300 rpm), barrel temperature (100–160 °C), and feed moisture content (16–22%) on some functional, physical, pasting, and digestibility characteristics of the extrudates. Regression analyses showed that water absorption index (WAI) was significantly (P<0.05) affected by all linear, quadratic, and interaction terms. Viscosity values of extruded rice flours were far less than those of their corresponding unprocessed rice flour dispersed in the Micro Visco Amylo Graph (MVAG) indicating that the starches had been partially pregelatinized by extrusion process. Peak viscosity indicated a high positive correlation with hot paste viscosity (HPV) and cold paste viscosity (CPV) with r>0.700 (P<0.01). The effects of processing on the in vitro digestibility of starch fractions in rice extrudates was tested using controlled enzymatic hydrolysis with alpha-amylase and glucoamylase. The starch-digestion rate depended mainly on processing conditions. Rapidly digestible starch (RDS) was found to correlate negatively with slowly digestible starch (SDS) (r=−0.964, P<0.01) and with resistant starch (RS) (r=0.793, P<0.01), respectively. Whereas SDS correlated positively with RS (r=0.712, P<0.01).  相似文献   

Germinated brown rice (GBR) recently has received renewed attention due to its enhanced nutritional value. Pasting properties and in vitro starch digestibility of GBR were examined before and after hydrothermal treatments. Steeping in water (30 °C, 24 h) raised the moisture content and germination percentage of brown rice. Pasting viscosity was substantially decreased but gelatinization temperatures and enthalpy were decreased only marginally by germination (30 °C, 48 h). However, annealing (50 °C, 24 h) and heat-moisture treatment (100 °C, 1 h at 30% moisture) after germination resulted in increased pasting viscosity and gelatinization temperatures. The hydrothermal treatments, however, induced browning reactions to darken the flour of GBR. The digestibility of starch in brown rice was increased by germination. The contents of rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) in the cooked brown rice were 47.3%, 40.8%, and 11.9%, respectively, but changed to 57.7%, 39.1%, and 3.2%, respectively upon germination. The hydrothermal treatments, however, decreased the digestibility of starch in GBR. The heat-moisture treatment decreased the RDS content in GBR near to that of native brown rice. The digestibility and physical properties of brown rice can be controlled by germination and hydrothermal treatments.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest for an environment-friendly nixtamalization process. Nixtamalization with calcium salts generates a minimum level of polluting residues. The effect of a nixtamalization process with calcium carbonate (NCC) on the indigestible carbohydrate content and starch digestibility of tortillas was evaluated. Traditional and NCC tortillas showed lower moisture content than commercial tortillas. Similar protein, ash, and carbohydrate content were found for the three tortillas, but NCC tortillas showed the highest lipid content. The NCC tortilla had the highest dietary fiber content, with the highest insoluble dietary fiber level. Fresh and stored (96 h) NCC and traditional tortillas showed similar resistant starch content. Fresh traditional tortilla showed the highest slowly digestible starch (SDS), but upon storage the rapidly digestible starch (RDS) content of NCC tortilla decreased. Fresh traditional and NCC tortillas had lower predicted glycemic index (pGI) than commercial tortillas, and upon storage, the three tortillas presented lower pGI values than their fresh counterparts. Consumption of tortillas produced with the NCC can produce positive effects in the human health.  相似文献   

The optimum conditions for producing rice starch enriched in slowly digestible and resistant fractions by citric acid treatment determined by a response surface methodology (RSM) model equation, were: reaction temperature, 128.4 °C; reaction time, 13.8 h; and citric acid, 2.62 mmol/20 g starch. The slowly digestible and resistant starch fractions of the optimally acid-treated rice starch totalled 54.1%, which was 28.1% higher than the control. The slowly digestible and resistant fractions of the acid-treated rice starch did not differ significantly after heat treatment, whereas those of raw rice starch decreased by 49.6–63.8%, depending on the type of heat treatment (cooking at 100 °C or autoclaving). The slowly digestible fraction of the acid-treated starch increased by 8.9–14.2%. After autoclaving, the glucose response of the acid-treated starch was lower than untreated starch, but similar to that of Novelose 330. After heat treatment, the rate of blood glucose decrease was slower for the acid-treated starch than for Novelose 330. Compared to raw rice starch, the acid-treated starch exhibited increases in apparent amylose content, blue value, dextrose equivalent, cold-water solubility and transmittance, and decreases in wavelength of maximum absorbance, viscosity, and gel-forming ability.  相似文献   

Whole grain oat flour was extruded under different moisture contents (15%, 18%, 21%), barrel temperatures (100 °C, 130 °C), and screw speeds (160 rpm, 300 rpm, 450 rpm), and selected physicochemical properties, in vitro starch digestibility, and β-glucan extractability of the extrudates were analyzed. An increase in screw speed resulted in an increase in radial expansion index, water absorption index, and water solubility index. Screw speed significantly affected slowly and rapidly digestible starch. Moderate screw speed (300 rpm) led to higher slowly digestible starch with an accompanying decrease in rapidly digestible starch. Low moisture conditions (15%) resulted in the highest resistant starch and water-extractable β-glucan. Under the conditions used in this study, extrusion did not result in changes in water-extractable β-glucan molecular weight. Thus, extrusion might be beneficial in improving functionality and consumer acceptability by affecting physicochemical properties, in vitro starch digestibility, and β-glucan extractability of oat extrudates.  相似文献   

Experimental gluten-free (GF) rice cookies were formulated with 100% rice flour (CTR) or by substituting 50% of rice flour with native waxy rice starch (WRS) or with three different resistant starch (RS) ingredients obtained from debranched, annealed or acid and heat-moisture treated WRS (RSa, RSb and RSc, respectively). Chemical composition, in vitro starch digestibility and physical and textural characteristics were carried out. Among cookies, RSa-cookies had the highest total dietary fibre content, the lowest rapidly digestible starch and the highest RS contents. All the three RS preparations have proved effective in increasing the proportion that tested as RS with respect to native WRS. However, the estimated RS loss for each applied RS ingredients caused by the baking process followed the order of RSa < RSc < RSb. Last, the lowest vitro glycaemic index value was measured for RSa-cookies. Among cookies, differences in colour and hardness were reported. The partial replacement of commercial rice flour with RSa could contribute to formulate GF cookies with higher dietary fibre content and likely slowly digestible starch properties more than equivalent amounts of RSb and RSc.  相似文献   

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