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A级绿色水稻栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1良种选择(1)品种选定:选择高产、优质、抗逆性强的优良品种。(2)品种选择:根据本县的积温、生态条件及绿色食品对品种的要求,三个积温区分别可种植富士光、北优二、五优稻1号C。(3)种子要求:要求种子纯度98%、发芽率90%、净度97%、含水量15%以下的二级良种。2种子处理(1)晒种:种子出库后,选晴天晒种1~2d,且经常翻动,增加种皮通透性。(2)筛种:筛出草籽和杂质,提高种子净度,减轻草害,从而达到少施农药的目的。(3)选种:用比重为1.10的盐水选种,捞出秕谷,再用清水冲洗种子1~2遍。(4)消毒:用10%使百克5000倍液浸种5~7d,水温15℃,每天翻动2次…  相似文献   

Sustainability has become a focal topic and important goal for many people concerned about environmental issues. It is, therefore, important for educators, and others, to talk about sustainability with their students and colleagues—about its meaning, curricular application, and practice. However, I do not think this is sufficient. In this paper I will examine limitations of the language of sustainability and implications for environmental thinking. Before launching into a critique, I do acknowledge the importance of "sustainability" and the usefulness of this concept. Many ecological processes are not sustained—not kept going continuously. Species are going extinct at an alarming rate and whole ecosystems are at risk. So, sustainability is important. However, we must also pay attention to what sustainability is not. And, we should consider why these limitations matter. For example, "education for sustainability" has gained rapid acceptance, yet little critical attention has been given to the term. Just as many environmental educators have expressed reservations about "education for sustainable development," I believe there are serious problems associated with allowing our work to be subsumed by the term "education for sustainability." In this presentation I will explore reasons for educators, and others, to be concerned about relying on the language and goals of sustainability. These areas of concern, or limitations, are discussed in terms of determinism, exclusivity, and conceptualization. Some suggestions are provided to help refocus our direction.  相似文献   

褪黑激素(melatonin,MEL)是一种重要的内分泌激素,主要由松果体和视网膜分泌,通过与褪黑激素受体(melatonin receptor,MTNR)结合而发生作用,具有广泛的生物学功能。本文主要介绍了褪黑激素受体1A基因(melatonin receptor 1A,MTNR1A)的结构、表达及其在不同物种上克隆、定位、多态性、性状关联分析的研究进展,重点讨论了该基因与季节性繁殖的关系,并对未来MTNR1A基因的研究重点进行了展望,为进一步阐明季节性繁殖机理相关研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

谷子是粮草兼用作物。俗话说“旱谷涝豆”。龙江县是黑龙江省西部典型干旱县份。自然条件适宜谷子生产。小米的产量和质量在全国小有名气,其营养丰富是其他粮食不可替代的。特别是加人世贸后,本县为响应省委、省政府提出的“打绿色牌,走特色路”的指示精神,“龙江小米第一县”正在申办之中,为此,生产A级绿色谷子已成当务之急,重中之重。  相似文献   

A级绿色食品西瓜产地要求排水良好,土层深厚肥沃、疏松的沙壤土或黑钙土,有机质含量在2%以上,土壤pH值为6-6.5左右,环境条件符合NY/T391要求。品种选择抗逆性强,优质高产适应性强,经国家或省级专门机构审定并适应当地推广的品种。  相似文献   

大麦具有早熟、丰产、适应性强的特点,是世界广泛栽培的作物。我国大麦栽培历史悠久,全国各地均有种植。大麦的营养成分高于水稻、小麦、玉米等,是食用、饲用、工业原料兼用作物。在大麦干物质中,淀粉含量达到45%~70%:蛋白质含量8%~22%,有清蛋白、谷蛋白、球蛋白和胶蛋白等4类;脂肪含量较低,约2%~3%;氨基酸、维生素、钙、镁、磷等含量较丰富。大麦的综合利用率高,经济效益好,1kg大麦可酿造啤酒5kg,酿造后的啤酒渣营养价值也高,是极好的饲料。发展瘦肉型猪和肉牛,大麦是重要的饲料。因此,要生产符合人们需求的产品,就要生产符合要求的原料。  相似文献   

菌株A1 (Arthrobactersp .A1 )分离自降解含盐 (NaCl浓度为 0 .77molL- 1)苯乙酸生产污水的活性污泥。该菌株能在NaCl浓度为 0 .1molL- 1~ 2 .0molL- 1,以苯乙酸为惟一碳源的基础培养基中生长。在不同的NaCl浓度下 ,菌株A1细胞内的QAC(Quaternaryammoniumcompounds)、游离谷氨酸和K 含量与盐浓度的升高成正相关。在盐激条件下 ,菌株A1细胞内的QAC、游离谷氨酸和K 含量急剧增加 ,当外界的盐浓度突然从 0 .1molL- 1增加到 1 .0molL- 1时 ,其细胞内的QAC和游离谷氨酸含量在 40分钟内分别增加了 4.9倍和 2 .1倍。  相似文献   

为提高稻谷附加值增加粮农生产效益,依有关标准,结合当地生产实际,集中科研力量解决技术难题,制订和完善了“浙南A级绿色食品稻米生产技术规程”。并严格按规程指导和规范基地生产,所生产的大米经检测符合A级绿色食品所要求的22项指标,所申请的“科力”牌绿色食品稻米获绿色食品统一编号——LB-18-0101119091,这也是浙江省第一个A级绿色食品稻米品牌。绿色食品稻谷的订购价比普通稻谷高30%,增产增收效果明显。  相似文献   

双酚A对植物影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
双酚A(BPA),一种典型环境内分泌干扰物,也是工业生产树脂、塑料以及涂料的原料,在奶瓶、食品饮料包装、牙齿固封剂等材料中存在,因其大规模的生产和广泛使用,目前BPA在环境中已无所不在。近年来,国内外学者主要研究了BPA对动物的影响,而对植物影响的报道却相对较少。本文综述了BPA在植物体内的检测方法、对植物的影响(对种子萌发、植物地下器官、地上器官和藻类的影响等)、对植物影响的机理(对植物生长、光合作用和抗氧化系统的影响等)和植物修复等4个方面,并指出未来BPA对植物影响的研究重点,主要包括:植物代谢、细胞形貌和超微结构、矿质元素及信号转导等的研究,旨在为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

ZHOU HUI-ZHEN 《土壤圈》1993,3(2):153-160
A SOTER(soil and terrain digital database) project at the scale of 1:500000 has been tested using the GIS (geographical information system) methodology in Hainan Province of tropical China.Soil and terrain map units were delineated by SOTER manual .An ARC/INFO GIS software has been used for grometric data storing and map editing,with attribute data stored in a relational database management system,dBASEIII PLUS.  相似文献   

泰来县位于黑龙江省西南部,松嫩平原沃土带,无污染的嫩江南部。属寒地花生栽培区。花生A级绿色食品栽培技术.首先要根据申报产品或产品原料的特点,结合当地的生态环境,因地制宜。充分体现绿色食品生产特点,达到科学实用、高产、高效。  相似文献   

1产地环境条件产地环境条件应符合NY/T391要求。大气:产地周围不得有大气污染源,上风口没有污染源,不得有有害气体排放,生产生活用的燃煤锅炉需要除尘除硫装置。土壤:产地土壤元素位于背景值正常区域,周围没有金属或非金属矿山,无农药残留污染源,  相似文献   

以辣椒雄性不育系8A为不育源,以优良自交系2为回交亲本材料,经过连续5代回交,选育出不育性稳定、综合性状优良的辣椒雄性不育系2A。其不育株率达到100%,不育性稳定,且综合性状优良,果实商品性好。利用不育系2A与32个辣椒自交系测交,仅有4个组合全部植株育性恢复并能正常结果。  相似文献   

A system for simulation of crop dynamics is described. It includes a dynamic crop model for several cultures and a model shell. The model permits to simulate crop dynamics on the second level of plant productivity. The model shell serves for organization and implementation of series of computer experiments in dialogue regime. As it is known, soil and climatic conditions in the majority of Russia's regions differ from that in West Europe in a principal way. It especially concerns the continental Russia regions where deep droughts regularly occur, or Northwest regions, which are subjected to excess of water. So a special attention in model development was paid on account of the influence of water stress on plant production process.  相似文献   

为使J—50A集材拖拉机驾驶员耳旁噪声由100dB(A)左右降到目前国际最低标准90dB(A)以下,运用现代声源测试、分析技术,查明影响耳旁噪声的主噪声源是发动机进气与表面辐射噪声。经采取从架驶室内移出发动机空滤器、在发动机左侧软帘上附加阻尼隔声塑料软板、在驾驶室地板上加垫橡胶板等简易且极少增加成本的综合降噪措施,获得了耳旁噪声降至88~91dB(A)的良好效果。  相似文献   

The upper Great Egg Harbor River watershed in New Jersey’s Coastal Plain is urbanized but extensive freshwater wetlands are present downstream. In 2006–2007, studies to assess levels of total mercury (THg) found concentrations in unfiltered streamwater to range as high as 187 ng/L in urbanized areas. THg concentrations were <20 ng/L in streamwater in forested/wetlands areas where both THg and dissolved organic carbon concentrations tended to increase while pH and concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nitrate decreased with flushing of soils after rain. Most of the river’s flow comes from groundwater seepage; unfiltered groundwater samples contained up to 177 ng/L of THg in urban areas where there is a history of well water with THg that exceeds the drinking water standard (2,000 ng/L). THg concentrations were lower (<25 ng/L) in unfiltered groundwater from downstream wetland areas. In addition to higher THg concentrations (mostly particulate), concentrations of chloride were higher in streamwater and groundwater from urban areas than in those from downstream wetland areas. Methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in unfiltered streamwater ranged from 0.17 ng/L at a forest/wetlands site to 2.94 ng/L at an urban site. The percentage of THg present as MeHg increased as the percentage of forest + wetlands increased, but also was high in some urban areas. MeHg was detected only in groundwater <1 m below the water/sediment interface. Atmospheric deposition is presumed to be the main source of Hg to the wetlands and also may be a source to groundwater, where wastewater inputs in urban areas are hypothesized to mobilize Hg deposited to soils.  相似文献   

本市马铃薯栽培面积较大,保护地栽培有大拱棚、小拱棚和阳畦。一年可春、秋栽培两茬,春季面积较大,耕地面积1.33万hm2左右,通过贮存可周年供应。1选择优良品种主栽品种为鲁引一号、东农303,早春保护地栽培以东农303为主,地膜覆盖以鲁引一号为主。生产上应用脱毒马铃薯占80%以上。2种薯处理马铃薯有休眠期,播前必须进行催芽。催芽不可用“920”,而采用暖种催芽法。每公斤种薯可切50~60块,每块至少有一个中、上部健壮芽眼,每667m2的土地需种薯125kg左右。暖种催芽法:适于春季栽培。在阳畦或暖棚室中,温度20℃~25℃条件下,用砂培、土培或草苫…  相似文献   

Studies on Vertisols of Southwes China show that the distribution of organic matter,mechanical compositon,carbonates and spore-pollen in their profiles exhibits a definite differentiation and the radiocarbon age has a functional variation with soil depth,which sugests that pedoturbation model is a kind of incomplete model for genetic study and that the distubance and inversion of solums of Vertisol are not as rapid and absolute as expected.In further consideration of the characters of swelling pressure and shear strength of Vertisol,vertic soil and other zonal soils.it is speculated that soil mechanics model is more adaptable for interpreting the morphogenesis of vertisols without any contradiction with soil properties.  相似文献   

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