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<正>一、草地贪夜蛾从哪里来草地贪夜蛾原产于美洲地区,是重要的农业害虫。该虫从东南亚迁飞入侵我国,2019年1月首次在我国云南出现,之后迅速蔓延到17个省份。该虫对我国粮食生产构成严重威胁,目前侵入我国的玉米型草地贪夜蛾主要为害玉米,也为害高粱、甘蔗、薏苡等作物。二、草地贪夜蛾为什么危害重草地贪夜蛾具有能生、能吃、能飞  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾起源于美洲热带和亚热带地区,广泛分布于美洲大陆,具有适生区域广、迁飞速度快、繁殖能力强、防控难度大的特点.2019年6月25日,内乡县东川村首次发现草地贪夜蛾,接着在桃溪镇黑山村、大路村、彭沟村,赵店乡莲花村,马山口镇郑湾村,湍东镇罗岗村玉米地都有草地贪夜蛾发生.自2019年发现草地贪夜蛾在内乡县发生为害后,...  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾是一种外来物种,在山东省诸城市连续3年发现草地贪夜蛾发生为害,通过田间调查,更加准确地了解其迁飞规律、生物学习性以及有效的防治策略和科学的用药方法,并研究市面上应用较广的杀虫剂对草地贪夜蛾的防治效果,深入探究了草地贪夜蛾的生物学习性,草地贪夜蛾对玉米的为害程度、为害时间节点、迁飞规律等。采用草地贪夜蛾“点杀点治”的防治策略,选用3种不同杀虫剂,每种杀虫剂喷施2种不同用量进行比较试验,并调查大田防治效果,通过3年的平均数据综合评价了3种杀虫剂对草地贪夜蛾的防治效果,其中4%甲维·氟铃脲微乳剂无论是速效性还是持效性均有较好的大田表现。  相似文献   

正2019年,易门县高度重视草地贪夜蛾防控工作,认真落实省、市相关工作部署,采取"虫口夺粮"有效防控措施,全县玉米产量危害损失率控制在8%以下,成效明显。一、草地贪夜蛾发生情况易门县于2019年4月26日首次在十街乡和绿汁镇玉米植株上发现草地贪夜蛾为害;5月10日全县7个乡镇(街道)玉米植株上均发生为害;7月16日在十街乡甘蔗上发现为害症状但没  相似文献   

1.课程简介草地贪夜蛾是外来入侵重大迁飞性害虫.湖南省是草地贪夜蛾迁飞过渡区,面临春季北迁、本土繁殖、秋季南回等多重虫源的压力.草地贪夜蛾可为害300多种作物,主要危害玉米,而湖南省玉米种植面积大、分布范围广、生育期很不一致,草地贪夜蛾极易持续危害玉米,防控形势复杂严峻.本期课程将从草地贪夜蛾发生特点、为害症状、识别、...  相似文献   

<正>重大入侵性害虫草地贪夜蛾自2019年1月入侵云南省以来,在国内迁飞扩散速度快,发生危害区域大。截至7月,已在湖南及云南、广西、贵州、广东等省区查见草地贪夜蛾危害玉米情况,来势异常迅猛。湖南省于4月26日在宜章县最先发现草地贪夜蛾,之后快速蔓延扩展,发生区域持续扩大,主要为害作物为玉米。湖南省是玉米种植面积比较大的省份,且分布范围广,夏秋高温高湿条件有利于草地贪夜蛾发生发展;同时湖南省农  相似文献   

【目的】明确草地贪夜蛾在福建省的入侵动态及应急药剂防治技术。【方法】通过田间实地调查,开展福建省玉米草地贪夜蛾发生与为害监测;利用茎叶喷雾法开展杀虫剂田间药效试验评价。【结果】2019年5月6日,福建省首次发现草地贪夜蛾在玉米上发生为害,随后全省多地陆续发现草地贪夜蛾侵入为害,截至11月4日,草地贪夜蛾在福建省的寄主范围仅限于为害玉米,共有53个县(市、区)发生草地贪夜蛾,累计发生面积达646.23 hm2;药效试验结果表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺、茚虫威、乙基多杀菌素、虫螨腈、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐、高效氯氟氰菊酯对草地贪夜蛾具有良好的田间防效,药后3 d、10 d的防效分别为88.08%~91.46%和91.41%~94.01%,可以有效控制草地贪夜蛾的发生为害。【结论】草地贪夜蛾已侵入福建省并在玉米上发生为害;氯虫苯甲酰胺、茚虫威、乙基多杀菌素、虫螨腈、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐、高效氯氟氰菊酯等6种杀虫剂可作为草地贪夜蛾应急防治的理想药剂。  相似文献   

<正>草地贪夜蛾属鳞翅目夜蛾科灰翅夜蛾属,1797年在美国首次被发现,广泛分布于美洲大陆,是当地重要的农业害虫,对玉米为害尤为严重,是联合国粮农组织全球预警的重大迁飞性害虫之一。2016年1月西非的尼日利亚等地首次发现,推测是由商贸货运由美  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾是一种跨境迁飞性重大害虫,具有寄主范围广、繁殖能力强、迁飞扩散快、为害程度重、防治难度大等特点。自2019年草地贪夜蛾入侵我国云南后,当年已扩散至包括陕西省在内的26个省份发生为害,发生面积5 013.36 hm,严重威胁粮食安全。2019年,西安各区县的玉米种植区草地贪夜蛾普遍发生,全市发生面积2 172.81 hm,占据全省的43.34%。文章对草地贪夜蛾在西安地区2019年的发生情况进行总结,旨在为今后草地贪夜蛾防控及可持续治理提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾是联合国粮农组织全球预警的迁飞性农业重大害虫,具有适生范围广、迁飞距离远、繁殖能力强、危害损失重等特点。主要危害玉米、高粱等作物,严重时可使玉米减产20%-40%,其世代更迭快,28℃下,30天左右完成一个世代。2019年王集镇夏玉米病虫害防控是不平凡的一年,草地贪夜蛾在王集镇首次发现,笔者现就王集镇草地贪夜蛾的防控工作初报如下,以供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】明确草地贪夜蛾(Spodoptera frugiperda)在广西玉米主要种植区的种群动态及发生为害规律,为草地贪夜蛾周年繁殖区和其他玉米主产区草地贪夜蛾的预测预报和精准防控提供科学依据。【方法】2020年在广西崇左市、南宁市和河池市选择7个固定调查监测点,采用对角线五点取样法,在玉米生长期每隔7 d调查草地贪夜蛾幼虫数量及对玉米植株的为害特征,计算植株受害率和百株虫量;在7个调查监测点各放置2组桶型诱捕器和诱芯,每隔7 d调查记录1次诱虫情况,统计成虫数量。【结果】各调查点草地贪夜蛾幼虫发生量春秋季各有1次高峰,春秋季百株虫量最高值分别为35.00头和64.67头,秋季虫量明显高于春季。幼虫发生动态呈区域性差异,崇左市扶绥县、南宁市江南区和武鸣区幼虫发生期较短且集中,3个点春季百株虫量和峰值均较高。玉米各生育期均受幼虫为害,苗期以低龄幼虫为主,开花期和成熟期以5~6龄幼虫为主,其他生育期可见各龄期幼虫,世代重叠明显。各调查点春季草地贪夜蛾成虫数量总体上呈抛物线增加趋势,春季每诱虫桶最高虫量为25.33头;秋季虫量呈波浪状,约21 d出现一次峰值,每诱虫桶最高虫量为34.67头;秋季成虫数量总体上高于春季。【结论】草地贪夜蛾在广西全年均可发生,年发生代数在7代及以上,秋季虫量明显高于春季,发生程度随温度升高而加重。幼虫发生期和虫量存在区域差异,幼虫可为害各生育期玉米。草地贪夜蛾严重为害玉米生长,应进一步加强监测预报,根据区域气候和玉米长势,强化低龄幼虫和成虫高峰期的防控力度,以降低草地贪夜蛾造成的危害。  相似文献   

通辽市以玉米作为当地主栽农作物,年播种玉米106.7万hm2,占全区三分之一.玉米产业对全市乃至全区国民经济发展起着举足轻重的作用.但是近年来,病虫害成为影响产量的一大因素,因此对玉米病虫害的防治刻不容缓.文章综述了通辽市玉米螟、丝黑穗病等主要病虫害的防治技术.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, which destroys many economic crops such as rice and maize, has recently invaded China. Insect viruses as biological control agents play important roles in killing pests. One potential viral insecticide is the environmentally highly infective and virulent densovirus. We successfully rescued Junonia coenia densovirus(JcDV) using its infectious clone in different insect cell lines and larvae of three insect species. Results showed that the lysate of cultured insect cells transfected by the JcDV infectious clone killed the 2 nd instar S. frugiperda. The LD_(50) of homogenate from JcDV-infected Spodoptera litura to the 2 nd instar S. frugiperda(1.76×10~8 viral genome copies per larva during 10 d post infection) was higher than that of the 2 nd instar S. litura(7.39×10~7 Jc DV genome copies) or Helicoverpa armigera larvae(9.71×10~7 JcDV genome copies). The LT_(50) of the S. litura homogenate(2.60×10~9 viral genome copies each larva) to the 2 nd instar S. frugiperda was 6.96 d, longer than that of the S. litura(6.18 d) or the 2 nd instar H. armigera(5.94 d). JcDV could infect the fat body of H. armigera, but not S. frugiperda or S. litura. Although JcDV can infect all three lepidopteran species, their susceptibility to the virus differs. JcDV has great potential as a biological control agent against pests such as S. frugiperda.  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了7个不同生育期亏水组合和4种施肥水平对糯玉米生长、总干物质量、干子粒产量和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明,与正常灌水相比,中肥水平时拔节前期~孕穗期中度亏水明显降低总耗水量而不显著影响糯玉米总干物质量、干子粒产量和WUE,但是该处理WUE稍高于其它亏水处理。与不施肥相比,施肥明显增加糯玉米孕穗期和开花期叶面积、总干物质量和WUE,并缩短玉米开花至吐丝天数为0.7~1.0 d,其中中肥水平时总干物质量、干子粒产量、WUEt(以干物质为基础)和WUEs(以干子粒产量为基础)分别提高37.7%、50.0%、33.1%和45.1%。因此,中肥水平时(N、P2O5、K2O分别为0.25、0.10、0.25 g·kg-1)糯玉米拔节前期~孕穗期进行中度亏水效果较好。  相似文献   

In this article, the selection of tebufenozide to beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Htibner) was studied by the treatments to alternative generations' 3rd-instar larvae with LC50 dose and to continuous generations' larvae with LC10 dose; the effects of tebufenozide on the biological characteristics of current and subsequent generations were examined by the treatments to 3rd-instar larvae and egg pods in different concentrations. After treatments with LC50 dose till F11, the toxicity of tebufenozide to beet armyworm had no significant change, whereas the pupation rate, pupal weight, and fecundity were reduced markedly. After treatments with LC10 dose till Fl9, the beet armyworm only developed 3.52-fold resistance, and the main biological characteristics were nearly accordant in each generation. The livability was reduced 72 h later after treatments to 3rd-instar larvae, respectively in 2.5-40 μg mL^-1, and larval duration, pupation rate, and pupal weight changed considerably with the increase in concentrations. The fecundity, larval livability, larval weight and pupal weight of subsequent generations were reduced as the dose increased over 10 μg mL^-1. The hatching rate of egg pods did not differ with that of the controls obviously after treatment in 10-300 μg mL^-1. But the larval livability, larval weight and pupal weight were reduced when eggs were exposed to 50 μg mL^-1 dose or more. The results indicated that tebufenozide had low resistance risk to the current and subsequent generations of beet armyworm even if tebufenozide had significant effects on the biological characteristics of this insect.  相似文献   

Integrated pest management (IPM) has been widely promoted in the developing world, but in many regions its adoption rates have been variable. Experience has shown that to ensure IPM adoption, the complexities of local agro-production systems and context-specific folk knowledge need to be appreciated. Our research explored the linkages between farmer knowledge, pest management decision making, and ecological attributes of subsistence maize agriculture. We report a case study from four rural communities in the highlands of southeast Honduras. Communities were typified by their agro-environments, IPM training history, and levels of infestation by a key maize pest, the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith). Although variable, infestation levels generally did not justify pest management intervention. Consequently, crop losses from this pest were considered of low importance and most farmers proceeded in a rational fashion by refraining from action in their fields. Farmers attributed the low degree of pest infestation predominantly to abiotic causal factors (rainfall, temperature). The role of natural enemies in controlling this pest (i.e., biological control) was deemed of low importance by farmers; nevertheless, a broad array of such organisms was mentioned by farmers as operating in their maize crop. Farmers’ knowledge of natural enemies only partially matched scientific knowledge and was associated with the ecological features of their respective field settings. Local knowledge about natural enemies was mainly restricted to abundant and easily observable predatory species. Farmers who were knowledgeable about biological control were also familiar with a larger variety of pest management alternatives than uninformed farmers. Management options covered a wide range of curative techniques, including conservation biological control. Farmers who relied on insecticides to manage pest outbreaks knew less about biological control and pesticide alternatives. In contrast, farmers who received IPM training mentioned more types of natural enemies and were familiar with a broader range of alternative pest management tactics. Our research suggests that IPM training modifies local knowledge to better fit its environmental context. This paper provides insights in the environmental context of local agro-ecological knowledge and its linkage with pest management decision making. It also constitutes a basis for modifying IPM extension programs to deliver locality-specific technologies while strengthening the local knowledge base. Kris A. G. Wyckhuys is a Belgian bio-science engineer and entomologist currently employed as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota. For his PhD research at Purdue University he quantified social and ecological contributions to farmers’ adoption of insect pest management technologies in Honduran subsistence maize. He has a keen interest in the ecological facets of IPM and biological control, as well as in technological innovation in smallholder production systems, ethno-entomology and traditional pest management. Robert J. O’Neil is a Professor of Entomology specializing in biological control, predator–prey dynamics, and implementing biological control in IPM systems. His current work focuses on the ecology and management of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, an invasive pest of soybeans in North America.  相似文献   

The armyworm Mythimna roseilinea(Walker) is a major pest of grain crops in South China. So far little is known about its basic biology and ecology, making prediction of population dynamics difficult. This study examined the relationships of individual development and population growth with temperature based on an age-stage, two-sex life table of M. roseilinea reared on maize in the laboratory at 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30°C. The highest values of net reproductive rate(R_0) and fecundity were observed at 21 and 24°C, respectively. Both the intrinsic rate of increase(r) and finite rate of increase(λ) increased significantly and mean generation time(T) decreased significantly with increasing temperature. M. roseilinea was able to develop, survive and lay eggs at all temperature regimes tested. Development rates of the egg, larval, pupal, as well as the whole pre-oviposition stages had a positive linear relationship with temperature. The calculated development threshold temperatures of egg, larval, pupal, pre-oviposition and total pre-oviposition stages were 13.29, 8.39, 14.35, 7.42, and 12.24°C, respectively, and their effective accumulated temperatures were 63.59, 445.00, 211.11, 89.02, and 698.95 degree-days, respectively. These results provide insight into temperature-based phenology and population ecology of this insect pest and will allow population prediction and management available in the field.  相似文献   

上海地区甜菜夜蛾的抗药性及防治   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过浸渍法测定上海地区甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua)对有机磷、拟除虫菊酯类、昆虫生长调节剂类(IGRs)以及一些新型药剂的抗性,结果表明:甜菜夜蛾对乙酰甲胺磷和氰戊菊酯的抗性分别为2 731.2和619.5倍的超高抗水平。昆虫生长调节剂如抑太保、米满等药剂对甜菜夜蛾抗性表现较好,是防治甜菜夜蛾的理想药剂,但近几年的敏感性有所下降,应注意抗药性抗性的产生和加剧。田间药效与室内毒力测定结果显示趋势一致。除尽、安打、氟铃脲、甲胺基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和病毒制剂等是目前防治甜菜夜蛾的良好药剂。  相似文献   

玉 米耕葵粉蚧生物学特性的研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玉米耕葵粉蚧是河北省玉米上新发现的一种害虫。本文记述了有关其生物学的初步研究结果。此虫以雌成虫及若虫严重为害玉米、高粱等作物根部。在河北省一年发生三代。以卵在玉米根茎上及周围土壤中越冬。对于寄生范围、防治方法以及各虫期的形态也作了记述。  相似文献   

昆虫V-ATP酶(vacular-type ATPase)是以ATP为能量跨膜转运H+的质子泵,对其亚基进行干扰都会影响ATPase的活性,进而影响昆虫的生理生化指标。本研究利用特异性引物通过RT-PCR法扩增东方粘虫(Mythimna separata)V-ATPase H亚基的2个片段,合成相应dsRNA,通过显微注射导入3龄粘虫体内,观察试虫表型及存活情况,RT-PCR检测试虫体内H亚基的表达。结果表明,注射粘虫V-ATPase H亚基的dsRNA能够显著降低粘虫中肠V-ATPase H亚基的表达水平,直至导致目的基因沉默和粘虫死亡。本项研究成功实现东方粘虫体内V-ATPase H亚基基因沉默。  相似文献   

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