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The retention walls in a pond containing the residues from the pyrite mine of Aznalcóllar (southern Spain) broke open on 25 April 1998, spilling approximately 6 × 106 m3 of polluted water and toxic tailings, which affected some 55 km2. Drying and aeration of the tailings resulted in oxidation, forming an acidic solution with high pollutant contents, the effects of which were studied in a calcareous soil. The infiltration of this solution markedly affected only the first 12 mm of the soil, where strong acidification caused the weathering of the carbonates, and where the fine mineral particles were hydrolysed. The SO42− ions in the acidic solution precipitated almost entirely at this depth, forming gypsum, hydroxysulphates and complex sulphates. The Fe3+ ions also precipitated there, mainly in amorphous or poorly crystallized forms, adsorbing to As, Sb, Tl and Pb dissolved in the acidic solution. The Al3+ ions, though partly precipitating in the acidic layer, accumulated mostly where the soil pH exceeded 5.5 (12–14 mm in depth). They did so primarily as amorphous or poorly crystallized forms, adsorbing to Cu dissolved in the acidic solution. The Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions accumulated mainly at pH > 7.0 (19–21 mm in depth), being adsorbed chiefly by clay mineral. After 15 months, only the first 20 mm of the soil were acidified by the oxidation of the tailings and most of the pollutants did not penetrate deeper than 100 mm. Consequently, the speed of the cleanup of the toxic spill is not as important as a thorough removal of tailings together with the upper 10 cm of the soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. A review of recent data shows that (i) dissolved CO2 has its greatest acidifying effect in soils with pH values above about 6.5, (ii) fertilizers containing NH−1+ ions or urea will acidify soil whether the ions are taken up directly by plants or are first nitrified, (iii) oxidation of nitrogen and sulphur in soil organic matter causes acidification especially after deforestation, and (iv) the acidifying effect of rainfall and dry deposition is due to sulphuric and nitric acids, SO2 and NH−1+ ions. A table is given showing the order of magnitude of each source of acidification.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of repeated application (once every 2 d) of a fertilizer solution with different ratios of NH4+ - and NO3-N on N2O emission from soil. After the excess fertilizer solution was drained from soil, the water content of soil was adjusted to 50% of the maximum water-holding capacity by suction at 6 × 103 Pa. Repeated application of NH4+- rich fertilizer solution stimulated nitrification in soil more than NO3-rich fertilizer. Although the evolution of N2O through nitrifier denitrification tended to increase with the repeated addition of a fertilizer solution rich in NH4+ rather than in NO3, the contribution of nitrifier denitrification remained at levels of 20 to 36% of the total emission regardless of the inorganic N composition. The total emission of N2O also tended to increase with the application of NH4+- rather than NO3-rich fertilizer. It was suggested that the coupled process of nitrification and denitrification at micro-aerobic sites became important when fertilizer rich in NH4+ was applied to soil under relatively aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Ion Transport and Permeability in an Allophanic Andisol at Low pH   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Allophanic Andisols have a significant pH-dependent charge. The positive charge increases and the negative charge decreases as pH decreases; therefore, anion movement becomes slower and cation movement becomes faster as pH decreases in the soil. At low pH, soil dispersion occurs easily due to electric repulsive force. The permeability of the soil then decreases because of structural changes that occur when dilute HCl or HNO3 is percolated in the soil. However, soil permeability does not decrease when dilute H2SO4 is percolated in the soil. This is because SO42- strongly adsorbs on the soil surface at low pH and the soil remains flocculated.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of increasing rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the yield response of 3 or 4 consecutive winter cereal crops after ploughing out grass was investigated at six field sites on commercial farms in England and Wales. Amounts of N required for an economically optimum yield (>3 kg of grain for each kg of fertilizer N applied) ranged from 0 to 265 kg ha−1 and were dependent on soil N supply, but not on crop yield. Optimum N rates were large (mean 197 kg N ha−1) at three sites: two sites where cereals followed 2-year grass leys receiving low N inputs (<200 kg N ha−1), and at one site where a cut and grazed 4-year ley had received c . 315 kg N ha−1 of fertilizer N annually. At the other three sites where 4 and 5-year grass leys had received large regular amounts of organic manures (20–30 t or m3 ha−1) plus fertilizer N ( c . 300 kg ha−1 each year), optimum N rates were low (mean 93 kg N ha−1) and consistently over-estimated by the farmer by an average of 107 kg N ha−1. Optimum N rates generally increased in successive years after ploughing as the N supply from the soil declined. Determination of soil C:N ratio and mineral N (NO3N+NH4N) to 90 cm depth in autumn were helpful in assessing fertilizer N need. The results suggest there is scope to improve current fertilizer recommendations for cereals after grass by removing crop yield as a determinant and including an assessment of soil mineralizable N during the growing season.  相似文献   

In acid soils in the Eastern Plains of Colombia, forage grasses planted on land prepared before the previous dry season produced 40–50% more dry matter than when land was prepared immediately before planting. Virtually no NO3 accumulated in surface (0–10 cm) soil from three native undisturbed savanna sites. Where land was ploughed before the dry season, NO3 levels increased gradually after a 2–3 month lag, and dropped at the beginning of the rains. In samples incubated for 4 weeks, more NO3 accumulated in the wet than the dry season. A similar 2–3-month lag occurred when land was ploughed after the dry season. NH4+ levels were higher in ploughed than savanna soils, and rose in all soils at the beginning of the rains. More NO3 and NH4+ accumulated on incubation in pots than in soil cores. Forage grasses inhibited NO3 accumulation in the soil, relative to plant-free plots, and legumes stimulated it. N fertilization overcame this inhibition except in the case of Brachiaria humidicola .  相似文献   

A model is developed which describes uptake of Ca, Mg, K, NO3, Cl, and SO4. The electrical neutrality of plant and soil are maintained through exchange of H or OH at the root-soil interface, constant partial pressure of CO2 and non-exchangeable H reaction with the soil cation exchange complex.
An important innovation in this model is the inclusion of electrical neutrality as a condition for plant, soil and soil solution. The uptake of cations is a function of both concentration of anions in solution and the suite of exchangeable cations. The model emphasizes an important role for CO2 in soil chemistry and plant nutrition. Presently, the model is most useful for generating research hypotheses. Perhaps the most important hypothesis is that something about as complicated as the present model will be required to model multiple ion uptake and crop yields.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined the effect on soil nutrient status and sustainability of water percolation through an irrigated paddy field in Japan, to the depth of drainage (40 cm). The difference between amounts of nutrients leached by percolation and those supplied by irrigation indicated that 25–130 kg ha−1 Ca, 8–24 kg ha−1 Mg, from −1 to 9 kg ha−1 K, and 8–17 kg ha−1 Fe, respectively, were lost each year from the 0–40 cm soil layer during rice cultivation, when the supply from fertilization and rainfall and the loss in grain harvest were not accounted for. When the supply of K from rainfall and the loss in grain harvest were taken into account, a total K loss of about 10 kg ha−1 was estimated. The electrical neutrality of inorganic ions in the percolating water was always maintained. From these results we estimate that the amounts of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the soil to a depth of 40 cm would decrease by 50% within 50–260 and 30–100 years, respectively, if similar management were continued without fertilization. The total amount of carbon dioxide (ΣCO2) leached in percolating water during the period of rice cultivation was 120–325 kg C ha−1, which corresponded to 0.47–0.94% of the soil organic carbon to 40 cm depth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Lime was applied in summer 1981 at rates up to 201 ha−1 prior to reseeding an unimproved peaty hill soil. A marked pH gradient with depth developed showing that 3 years after application lime had very little effect below a depth of 5 cm. Soil pH values for 0–7.5 cm samples were: nil lime-4.2; 1 t ha−1-pH 4.3; 2 tha−1-pH 4.6; 4 t ha−1-pH 5.0; 6 t ha−1-pH 5.6. In the 0–2.5 cm layer pH values were much higher.
In all years at least 80% of maximum yield was achieved from an initial application of 21 ha−1 lime. Botanical analysis showed that maximum persistence of sown species, perennial ryegrass and timothy, occurred from 2 t ha−1 lime; 6 t ha−1 lime was necessary for maximum persistence of clover. Lime application had only small effects on the mineral composition of the herbage.  相似文献   

Phosphorus loss from agricultural soils to water is recognized as a major contributor to eutrophication of surface water bodies. There is much evidence to suggest that liming, a common agricultural practice, may decrease the risk of P loss by decreasing P solubility. An unsaturated leaching column experiment, with treatments of control and two lime rates, was carried out to investigate the effects of liming on P mobility in a low-P acid Irish soil, which was sieved and then packed in columns. Phosphorus was applied at the soil surface in the form of KH2PO4 in solution or as cow slurry. Soil solution was sampled at time intervals over depth and analysed for P fractions. Organic P (OP) was the dominant form of P mobile in soil solution. Liming increased OP mobility, probably through increased dispersion of OP with increased pH. Slurry application also increased OP mobility. Results indicated the potential for OP loss following heavy (100 m–3 ha–1) cow slurry application, even from low-P soils, and suggested that liming may increase this risk. Reactive P (RP) was sorbed strongly and rapidly by the soil and did not move substantially below 5 cm depth. As a result, Olsen-P values in the top 2 cm were greatly increased, which indicates an increased risk of RP loss in overland flow. Lime showed little potential as a soil amendment to reduce the risk of P loss.  相似文献   

Abstract. Inputs of acidity to the ground arise through two distinct routes: wet deposition which includes all acidity deposited in rain and snow and dry deposition, the direct sorption of SO2, NO2 or HNO3 gases by vegetation or soil surfaces. The acidity from dry deposition of SO2 and NO2 is created during the oxidation of deposited SO2 and NO2 to SO24 and NO3 respectively. The areas of Britain experiencing the largest wet deposition of acidity are the high rainfall areas of the west and north, in particular the west central highlands of Scotland, Galloway and Cumbria where inputs exceed 1 kp H+ ha−1 annually. Wet deposited acidity in the east coast regions of Britain is in the range 0.3–0.6 kg H+ ha−1 a−1. Monitoring data for rainfall acidity at rural sites throughout northern Britain show a decline in deposited acidity of about 50% during the last six years. Dry deposition is largest in the industrial midlands and southeast England and in the central lowlands of Scotland, where concentrations of SO2 are largest. In these regions the dry deposition of SO2 following oxidation may lead to acid inputs approaching 3 kg H+ ha−1 a−1 and greatly exceeding wet deposition.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the treatment processes inside a MSL system were investigated by using a laboratory-scale MSL system, which was set up in a D 10 × W 50 × H 73 cm acrylic box enclosing "soil mixture blocks" alternating with permeable zeolite layers. For the study of the treatment processes inside the system, wastewater, with mean concentrations (mg L−1) of COD: 70, T-N: 12, T-P: 0.9, was introduced into the system at a loading rate of 1,000 L m−2 d−1. Treatment processes in the MSL system were different for the COD, P and N pollutants. Eighty percent of COD was removed in the 1st soil layer among the 6 layers, and the removal rate increased as water moved down and finally reached 90% in the last layer of the system. Phosphorus concentration was lower under the soil mixture layers than under the permeable layers, presumably because P was adsorbed mainly by soil and mixed iron particles. The P concentration in water gradually decreased in the lower layers of the system. The concentration of PO43--P was generally lower in the aerated MSL system than in the non-aerated one. NH4+-N was adsorbed and nitrified in the upper part of the system. The NO3-N concentration was lower in water under the soil mixture layers than under the permeable layers, indicating that denitrification mainly occurred in the soil mixture layers.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil samples from a 32-year grassland field experiment were taken from 0–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm soil depths in February 2002. Plots received annual treatments of unamended control, mineral fertilizer, three rates of pig slurry and three rates of cow slurry, each with six replicates. Samples were analysed for cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchangeable cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), pH and Olsen P. Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was calculated as a sodicity indicator. Mean ESP was generally greater for slurry treatments than the control, with a trend of increasing ESP with application rate. This was particularly marked for cow slurry. At 0–5 cm depth ESP increased from 1.18 in the control to 1.75 at the highest rate of pig slurry and 5.60 at the highest rate of cow slurry. Similar trends were shown for CEC, exchangeable Na+, K+ and Mg2+, Ca2+ and Olsen P. The build-up of soil P due to slurry applications, together with this combination of physical and chemical factors, may increase the risk of P loss to surface waters, particularly from soils receiving high rates of cow slurry.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the effects of five diverse non-agricultural organic wastes on soil composition, grass yield and grass nitrogen use in a 3–year field experiment. The applied wastes were distillery pot ale, dairy salt whey, abattoir blood and gut contents, composted green waste (two annual applications each), and paper-mill sludge (one annual application). With the exception of N immobilization in the paper-mill sludge treatment, the wastes had no unfavourable effects on the soil. In the 2–year treatments, grass dry matter yields from the abattoir and distillery wastes (26.3 t ha−1) were larger than those from a NH4NO3 fertilizer treatment (24.3 t ha−1) and from the dairy waste (20.4 t ha−1) and composted waste (22.8 t ha−1). Yield and N recovery were impaired markedly after the single application of paper-mill sludge, both in the year of application and in the following year. The results demonstrated clear differences in the ability of the applied wastes to provide crop-available N. We conclude that in order to improve prediction of both the benefits and risks from waste recycling to land, more information should be gathered on soil/waste/crop interactions.  相似文献   

Toxic trace metals may percolate to the ground water from sewage sludge disposed onto land. Analyses are presented of the soil solution from a slightly acid loamy soil treated 7 years earlier with single applications of digested sewage sludge in amounts equivalent to 0, 150 & 330 t dry matter ha−1
These very heavy dressings correspond to 2 & 4.5 times the recommended 30–year limit. Samples of soil and soil solution from four depths to 80 cm were analysed for Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cl, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, S, Sr, V, Zn, together with the OM of the soil, and the pH, alkalinity, dissolved organic carbon, and absorbance at 350 nm of the solutions.
These very heavy sludge applications were apparently still releasing substantial quantities of NO3, and some SO4 even after 7 years. Nitrate, SO4, Mg, Ca, Sr, B, and possibly Ba are still moving through the profile, possibly to the ground water. Solution concentrations of Cu and Zn are considerably higher at all depths than those in the untreated plot, but they fall off sharply with depth. It is unlikely that any Cu or Zn is now reaching the ground water.
The paper also presents a set of published solution analyses for soils, sludge–treated soils and digested sludge, as a basis for further studies.  相似文献   

为探究播深和播量对宁夏地区直播稻幼苗生长发育和产量的影响,以宁夏水稻主栽品种富源4号为试验材料,采用二因素裂区设计,设置4种播深:1、2、3和4 cm,4个播量:112.5、187.5、262.5和337.5 kg·hm-2,研究不同播深和播量对直播稻幼苗素质及其产量的影响。结果表明,播深×播量对水稻出苗率的影响存在显著的互作效应,其中播深1~2 cm、播量112.5~187.5 kg·hm-2四种组合较其他组合的出苗率明显增加;幼苗素质中苗高、茎基宽、充实度和壮秧指数4个指标均在播深2 cm、播量262.5 kg·hm-2组合中优于其他组合;发根力在播深2~3 cm、播量187.5 kg·hm-2两种组合中优于其他组合;幼苗整齐度在播深3 cm、播量262.5 kg·hm-2组合中优于其他组合。在幼苗素质指标中,播深×播量对充实度和壮秧指数的影响均存在极显著的互作效应。对于根系生理指标,根系活力、根系总吸收面积和根系活跃吸收面积在播深2 cm、播量187.5~262.5 kg...  相似文献   

A pot culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of amorphous iron-(hydr)oxide (Am-FeOH) amendments on arsenic (As) availability and its uptake by rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. BR28) irrigated with As-contaminated water. A rhizobag system was established using 3.5 L plastic pots, each containing one central compartment for plant growth, a middle compartment and an outside compartment. Three levels of laboratory-synthesized Am-FeOH (0, 0.1 and 0.5% w/w) were used to amend samples of the As-free sandy loam paddy soil placed into each compartment of the rhizobag system. The soils were submerged with a solution containing 5 mg L−1 As(V). Two-week-old rice seedlings were planted in the central compartments and cultured for 9 weeks under greenhouse conditions. The addition of 0.1% Am-FeOH to the soil irrigated with As-contaminated water improved plant growth, reduced the As concentration in the plants and enhanced Fe-plaque formation on the root surfaces. Analysis of soil solution samples collected during the experiment revealed higher pH levels and lower redox potentials in the soils amended with Am-FeOH at the onset of soil submergence, but later the soil solution collected from the 0.1% Am-FeOH treatment was slightly acidic and more oxidized than the solution from the 0% treatment. This indicated active functioning of the roots in the soil treated with 0.1% Am-FeOH. The concentrations of As(III) in the soil solution collected from the central compartment were significantly reduced by the Am-FeOH amendments, whereas in the soil treated with 0% Fe, As(III) accumulated in the rhizosphere, particularly during the late-cultivation period. The improvement in plant growth and reduction in As uptake by plants growing in the Am-FeOH treated soil could be attributed to the reduction of available As in the soil solution, mainly as a result of the binding of As to the Fe-plaque on the root surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of various fallow management systems and cropping intensities on water infiltration were measured on an Alfisol at Ibadan in southwestern Nigeria. The objective was to determine the influence of the land use systems (a combination of crop–fallow sequences and intercropping types) on soil hydraulic properties obtained by disc permeameter and double-ring infiltration measurements. The experiment was established in 1989 as a split-plot design with four replications. The main plots were natural fallow, planted Pueraria phaseoloides and planted Leucaena leucocephala . The subplots were 1 year of maize/cassava intercrop followed by 3-year fallow (25% cropping intensity), or 2-year fallow (33% cropping intensity), or 1-year fallow (50% cropping intensity), or no fallow period (100% cropping intensity). Water infiltration rates and sorptivities were measured under saturated and unsaturated flow. Irrespective of land use, infiltration rates at the soil surface (121–324 cm h−1) were greater than those measured at 30 cm depth (55–144 cm h−1). This indicated that fewer large pores were present below 30 cm depth compared with 0–30 cm depth. Despite some temporal variation, sorptivities with the highest mean value of 93.5 cm h−½ increased as the cropping intensity decreased, suggesting a more continuous macropore system under less intensive land use systems. This was most likely due to continuous biopores created by perennial vegetation under long fallow systems. Intercropped maize and cassava yields also increased as cropping intensity decreased. The weak relationship between crop yields and hydraulic conductivity/infiltration rates suggests that the rates were not limiting.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hydraulic properties of soils after rice cropping are generally unfavourable for wheat cultivation. Poor drainage, delayed planting and oxygen stress in the root zone may adversely affect the wheat crop after lowland rice cultivation. We studied long-term effects of lantana ( Lantana spp. L.) residue additions at 10, 20 and 30 t ha−1 yr−1 (fresh biomass) on physical properties of a silty clay loam soil under rice–wheat cropping in northwest India. At the end of ten cropping cycles, soil water retention, infiltration rate, saturated hydraulic conductivity and drying rate of soil increased significantly with lantana additions. The available water capacity (AWC), on volume basis, declined at rice harvest (from 22.0 to 18.8–20.9%), but increased at wheat harvest (from 12.9 to 13.4–15.0%) after lantana treatment. The volumes of water transmission (>50 μm) and storage pores (0.5–50 μm) were greater, while the volume of residual pores (<0.5 μm) was smaller in lantana-treated plots than in controls at both rice and wheat harvest. Infiltration rate in the lantana-treated soil was 1.6–7.9 times that of the control (61 mm d−1) at rice harvest, and 2–4.1 times that of the control (1879 mm d−1) at wheat harvest. Thus lantana addition improved soil hydraulic properties to the benefit of the wheat crop in a rice–wheat cropping sequence.  相似文献   

Tillage management and manure application are among the important factors affecting soil physical properties and crop yield. A 2-year field experiment was conducted on a silty clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, thermic Typic Haplargids). Effects of two tillage systems (moldboard plowing as conventional tillage (T1) and disk harrowing as reduced tillage (T2)) at three farmyard manure rates (zero (M1), 30 (M2), 60 (M3) Mg ha−1) were studied on the soil physical properties and corn (Zea mays L.) yield. The experiment was carried out in split block design with three replications. Organic matter (OM) content, bulk density (BD), saturated hydraulic conductivity (KS), aggregate mean weight diameter (MWD) and dry biomass yield (DBY) were measured after harvesting in the second year. Manure application increased OM on both the row and inter-row tracks significantly. Manure application rate of 60 Mg ha−1 increased MWD (0.33, 0.40 and 0.75 mm for M1, M2 and M3, respectively) at the 0–5 cm soil layer, but the effect was not significant below 5 cm depth. Adding manure significantly decreased soil BD on the row tracks (1.39, 1.22 and 1.17 Mg m−3 for M1, M2 and M3 treatments, respectively), but did not have any significant effect on the inter-row tracks. Hydraulic conductivity was improved by manure applications both on the row and inter-row positions. Manure treatments M2 and M3 increased DBY compared to the M1 treatment. Although moldboard plowing increased the depth of root penetration significantly (43 cm for T1 and 30 cm for T2), the effect of tillage systems on yield and soil physical properties was not significant.  相似文献   

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