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利用近红外高光谱图像技术快速鉴别西瓜种子品种   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
为了研究采用近红外高光谱图像技术对西瓜种子品种快速无损鉴别的可行性,该文采用近红外高光谱图像技术,通过提取西瓜种子的光谱反射率,结合Savitzky-Golay (SG)平滑算法,经验模态分解算法(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)和小波分析(wavelet transform,WT)对提取出的光谱数据进行去除噪声处理,采用连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm,SPA)和遗传-偏最小二乘法(genetic algorithm-partial least squares, GA-PLS)进行特征波长选择。基于全波段光谱建立了偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares-discriminant analysis,PLS-DA),基于特征波长建立了反向传播神经网络(back-propagation neural network,BP NN)判别模型和极限学习机(extreme learning machine,ELM)判别模型。试验结果表明,基于特征波长的BPNN模型和ELM模型的结果优于基于全部波长的PLS-DA模型,基于SG预处理光谱提取的特征波长建立的ELM模型取得最优的判别效果,建模集和预测集的判别正确率均为100%。结果表明应用近红外高光谱成像技术对西瓜种子品种鉴别是可行的,为西瓜种子的品种快速鉴别提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

采用3种不同深度的50孔穴盘进行断根嫁接西瓜苗试验.试验证实嫁接苗龄20 d时,处理期间株高、茎粗、叶面积、叶片数等生物学特征无显著性差异,与根际营养体积无显著性相关关系.嫁接苗龄25 d之后,3个处理之间表现出株高、地下部干重、叶面积指数、壮苗指数及根系活力与根际营养体积间呈显著相关关系,78.4、82.9 cm3的孔穴体积抑制了秧苗的生长和根系生理活性.分析研究认为孔穴为78.4 cm3和82.9 cm3的穴盘苗嫁接后最佳苗龄为20 d,最长不宜超过25 d;孔穴为131.6 cm3的穴盘苗嫁接后苗龄可达30 d.  相似文献   

便携式作物生长监测诊断仪的设计与试验   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
为了解决当前作物生长信息实时、快速、无损测量手段瓶颈问题,研发了一种基于多光谱传感器的便携式作物生长监测诊断仪。该仪器由多光谱传感器系统、处理器系统及附属机构组成,能实时无损地获取作物叶层氮含量、叶层氮积累量、叶面积指数、生物量等主要生长指标。对水稻的试验结果表明,便携式作物生长监测诊断仪测得的DVI值与水稻叶层氮含量、氮积累量、叶面积指数、叶干重的决定系数R2分别为0.711,0.8231,0.7698,0.7212。该仪器结构简单,集成度高,性价比好,携带方便,易于田间操作。  相似文献   

采用3种不同深度的50孔穴盘进行断根嫁接西瓜苗试验。试验证实:嫁接苗龄20 d时,处理期间株高、茎粗、叶面积、叶片数等生物学特征无显著性差异,与根际营养体积无显著性相关关系。嫁接苗龄25 d之后,3个处理之间表现出株高、地下部干重、叶面积指数、壮苗指数及根系活力与根际营养体积间呈显著相关关系,78.4、82.9 cm3的孔穴体积抑制了秧苗的生长和根系生理活性。分析研究认为:孔穴为78.4 cm3和82.9 cm3的穴盘苗嫁接后最佳苗龄为20 d,最长不宜超过25 d;孔穴为131.6 cm3的穴盘苗嫁接后苗龄可达30 d。  相似文献   

基于高光谱图像的茶树LAI与氮含量反演   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
为了对茶树进行实时、快速、无损的叶面积指数LAI和氮含量检测,该文以英红九号茶树为试验对象,利用便携式高光谱成像仪采集光谱数据、人工破坏性采摘叶片进行叶面积指数的计算以及传统化学方法测量叶片氮含量,比较不同高光谱特征变换形式与LAI和氮含量之间的相关性,并选择其中相关系数较高的高光谱特征变量作为自变量,分别采用线性、指数、对数和抛物线表达式建立LAI和氮含量的回归模型。结果显示:在多种高光谱数据变量建立的模型中,以绿峰反射率R_g为自变量的对数拟合模型最佳,其拟合样本的决定系数R~2和验证样本的均方根误差RMSE值分别为0.9和0.087 6。以植被指数变量VI_4(红边面积/黄边面积)与氮含量建立的指数模型为最佳建模效果,拟合样本的决定系数R~2和验证样本的均方根误差RMSE值分别为0.830 3和0.102 9,研究结果可为茶树叶面积指数LAI和营养成分的无损检测提供参考。  相似文献   

味精废浆对西瓜根际土壤生物学特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨味精废浆与化肥配施对西瓜根际土壤环境的作用效果以丰乐一号西瓜为试材,通过大田试验,利用平板计数法和末端限制性片段长度多态性分析(T-RFLP)技术,研究了T1(尿素提供100%的氮)、T2(味精废浆和尿素分别提供10%和90%的氮)、T3(味精废浆和尿素分别提供30%和70%的氮)和T4(味精废浆和尿素各提供50%的氮)等处理对西瓜根际土壤微生物数量、微生物量碳和氮、根系分泌物及细菌群落结构多样性的影响。结果表明:与T1处理相比,T3处理显著增加了根际土壤细菌数、放线菌数、微生物总量及微生物量碳、氮含量,而对真菌数的影响较小,其中细菌数、微生物量碳和氮含量分别增加53.59%、39.80%和45.59%;明显提高了根际土壤中根系分泌物含量。同T3处理相比,T2和T4处理对根际土壤微生物数量及根系分泌物含量的影响较小。此外,T3处理的细菌群落结构的丰富度及多样性指数最高,分别比T1处理提高91.79%和97.31%,差异达显著水平(p0.05);同时也明显高于T2处理,但与T4处理差异不显著。综合分析认为,配施味精废浆可有效改善西瓜根际土壤的微生态环境,而味精废浆与化肥的搭配比例是关键因素。  相似文献   

基于高光谱成像技术的猪肉新鲜度评价   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
该文研究利用高光谱成像技术预测猪肉新鲜度参数,挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)和pH值。在470~1000nm波长范围内,从高光谱图像中提取的反射光谱,分别经过2次Savitzky-Golay(S-G)平滑、多元散射校正(MSC)处理后,建立PLSR(偏最小二乘法)的预测模型。对TVB-N的预测,使用2次S-G平滑处理、MSC光谱建立的PLSR预测模型相关系数分别为0.90和0.89,预测模型标准差分别为7.80和8.05。对pH值的预测,经过MSC处理比2次S-G平滑处理的结果好,相关系数为0.79,预测模型标准差为0.37。同时综合2个参数利用MSC处理后的预测模型对猪肉新鲜度进行评定,准确率达91%。研究结果表明,高光谱成像技术可以用于猪肉新鲜度快速无损检测。  相似文献   

柑橘黄龙病高光谱早期鉴别及病情分级   总被引:13,自引:12,他引:1  
为实现柑橘黄龙病的早期、快速确诊,有效阻止病害蔓延,达到早期防治、保障柑橘生产的目的,该文研究基于高光谱成像的柑橘黄龙病早期无损检测及病情分级,并对多种预处理方法的建模结果进行探讨。试验获取370~1 000 nm健康、不同染病程度及缺锌共5类柑橘叶片的高光谱图像,用遥感图像处理平台(environment for visualizing images,ENVI)得到各类样本感兴趣区域的光谱反射率平均值。运用一阶微分、移动窗口拟和多项式平滑(savitzky-golay,SG)进行数据处理,结合偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares-discriminate analysis,PLS-DA)构建黄龙病的早期鉴别及病情分级模型。结果表明:建立的3个判别模型,验证集相关系数均不低于0.9548。其中,经SG平滑及一阶微分预处理所建立的模型分类效果最佳,总体预测准确率达96.4%,预测均方根误差0.1344。该研究为柑橘病害早期诊断和预警提供了新方法,也为黄龙病病害程度遥感监测提供了基础。  相似文献   

外源水稻根系和茎叶碳氮在稻田土壤中释放的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东北地区气候寒冷,稻田土壤休耕期长,多处于冻结状态;水稻生长期短,土壤温度高且季节性淹水。外源水稻秸秆碳氮在东北地区稻田土壤休耕期和水稻生长期不同水热条件下的释放特征尚不完全清楚。通过室外培养试验方法,利用双标记(~(13)C和~(15)N)水稻根系和茎叶示踪技术和稳定同位素质谱分析技术,研究水稻根系和茎叶在稻田土壤中的腐解率、有机碳(氮)释放率的动态变化特征。结果表明:水稻茎叶、根系于秋季添加稻田土壤后,经过寒冷漫长的土壤休耕期(11月至次年5月),S1(标记根系+不标记茎叶)和S2(不标记根系+标记茎叶)处理的秸秆腐解率分别达30.2%和34.5%,水稻根系和茎叶碳释放率分别达30.9%和38.2%,氮释放率分别达7.4%和35.0%。添加一年时,S1和S2处理的秸秆腐解率分别达66.5%和66.6%,水稻根系和茎叶碳释放率分别为63.7%和65.8%,氮释放率分别为28.6%和51.1%,水稻根系氮释放率显著低于水稻茎叶氮释放率(P0.05)。本试验条件下,水稻根系和茎叶添加稻田土壤1年,水稻根系和茎叶的腐解率达65%左右,其碳释放与腐解几乎同步,但氮释放相对缓慢,水稻根系氮释放速度显著低于茎叶氮释放速度,温度升高明显促进了水稻根系和茎叶的腐解及其碳氮释放。  相似文献   

基于PLSR方法的马铃薯叶片氮素含量机载高光谱遥感反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作物氮素状况是评价土壤肥力和作物长势的重要指标,叶片氮素状况的实时无损估测对合理氮素管理、提高产量和改善品质具有重要意义。本文选择不同氮处理条件下的马铃薯作为研究对象,利用AISAEagle机载高光谱成像系统获取试验区的高光谱图像,在对图像进行精确的几何、辐射校正和反射光谱重建基础上,提取每个处理马铃薯冠层的高光谱数据。选取波长430-910nm范围内原始光谱R及其D1(R)、D2(R)、Log(1/R)、DLog(1/R)、D2Log(1/R)5种变式数据,根据田间同步采样叶片的氮素含量数据,利用偏最小二乘回归法(PLSR)构建了马铃薯叶片氮素含量的光谱预测模型,并进行全氮含量填图。结果表明:基于一阶导数光谱D1(R)的偏最小二乘回归模型的效果最优,决定系数(R2)和校正均方差(RMSEC)分别为0.82、0.38%。将该最优估算模型应用到整个高光谱图像上,得到试验区马铃薯叶片全氮分布图,图像上氮的值域为3.35%~5.95%,与地面实测结果3.59%~5.89%基本一致,且叶片全氮值的大小分布与马铃薯长势分布一致。研究结果可为研制和开发基于高光谱成像技术的马铃薯叶片氮素预测方法提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

不同砧木对嫁接西瓜经济产量及叶片矿质营养含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以西农八号西瓜为接穗,金瓜、中国南瓜、葫芦为砧木,研究了不同砧木对嫁接苗成活率、经济产量及各个处理生长发育期内叶片中9种营养元素含量变化的影响。结果表明,以葫芦为砧木的嫁接苗成活率最高,达到91.8%,极显著高于另外两种砧木嫁接苗的成活率; 同时,该组合产量也极显著高于对照及其他两个嫁接组合。三种砧木显著提高了生殖生长期接穗叶片中N、K、Ca、Mg的含量,其中葫芦砧木还显著提高了叶片中Cu、Zn、Mn的含量。金瓜-西农八号组合(Q-X)营养生长期叶片N、Zn含量,生殖生长期叶片中Cu、Mn的含量显著低于对照; 中国南瓜-西农八号组合(R-X)营养生长期Cu、Zn含量,生殖生长期Mn的含量显著低于对照。相关分析显示,西瓜叶片中不同矿质元素含量间的相关性随生育阶段而异。试验结果表明,葫芦砧木能显著提高接穗叶片中矿质营养含量,是组合葫芦-西农八号(G-X)增产的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

The grafting of melon plants onto cucurbit rootstocks is a common commercial practice in many parts of the world. However, certain cucurbits have been shown to accumulate large quantities of weathered persistent organic pollutants from the soil, and the potential contamination of grafted produce has not been thoroughly evaluated. Large pot and field experiments were conducted to assess the effect of grafting on accumulation of weathered DDX (the sum of p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, and p,p'-DDE) from soils. Intact squash (Cucurbita maxima × moschata) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), their homografts, and compatible heterografts were grown in pots containing soil with weathered DDX at 1480-1760 ng/g soil or under field conditions in soil at 150-300 ng/g DDX. Movement of DDX through the soil-plant system was investigated by determining contaminant levels in the bulk soil and in the xylem sap, roots, stems, leaves, and fruit of the grafted and nongrafted plants. In all plants, the highest DDX concentrations were detected in the roots, followed by decreasing amounts in the stems, leaves, and fruit. Dry weight concentrations of DDX in the roots ranged from 7900 ng/g (intact watermelon) to 30100 ng/g (heterografted watermelon) in the pot study and from 650 ng/g (intact watermelon) to 2430 ng/g (homografted squash) in the field experiment. Grafting watermelon onto squash rootstock significantly increased contaminant uptake into the melon shoot system. In the pot and field studies, the highest stem DDX content was measured in heterografted watermelon at 1220 and 244 ng/g, respectively; these values are 140 and 19 times greater than contaminant concentrations in the intact watermelon, respectively. The xylem sap DDX concentrations of pot-grown plants were greatest in the heterografted watermelon (6.10 μg/L). The DDX contents of the leaves and fruit of watermelon heterografts were 3-12 and 0.53-8.25 ng/g, respectively, indicating that although the heterografted watermelon accumulated greater pollutant levels, the resulting contamination is not likely a food safety concern.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of the calcium (Ca) concentration in the nutrient solution on the development of bacterial wilt and the population of its pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Momotarou) seedlings grafted onto the rootstock of a highly resistant cultivar (cv. Hawaii 7998). The grafted seedlings were cultured in a nutrient solution containing Ca at concentrations of 0.4, 4.4, and 20.4 mm, and inoculated with the pathogen by stem puncture at the base of the stem of the rootstock, and the disease incidence was recorded for a period of 21 d. In another experiment, xylem exudates were collected from decapitated scions of the Ca-treated seedlings 5 d after inoculation, and the population of the pathogen in the exudates was counted by plating on a selective medium. The grafted tomato seedlings were highly resistant to bacterial wilt, when cultured in the nutrient solution containing Ca at 20.4 mm. The population of the pathogen in the xylem exudates decreased with increasing concentration of Ca in the solution. However, even in the presence of Ca at a high concentration, infection with the virulent pathogen was observed in the xylem of the scion.  相似文献   

2JC-500型自动嫁接机西瓜苗嫁接效果生产试验   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
为了解2JC-500型自动嫁接机嫁接西瓜苗的生产效果及其影响因素,进行了西瓜机械嫁接育苗的生产试验,并测定了嫁接用苗形态对嫁接机嫁接效果的影响。试验结果表明,砧木瓠瓜苗子叶展开角小于45°、接穗西瓜苗胚轴弯曲和子叶不对称于胚轴的情况会分别显著地影响砧木机械打孔和砧穗对接的作业质量;当砧木子叶展开角大于45°,接穗西瓜苗胚轴不弯曲且子叶对称于胚轴时,机械嫁接育苗生产中嫁接机的嫁接成功率可大于90%,2JC-500型嫁接机作业生产率可达450株/h。  相似文献   


To assess whether grafting raised the salt tolerance of cucumber seedlings by limiting transport of Na+ to the leaf and to test whether the salt tolerance of grafted plants was affected by the shoot genotype, two cucumber cultivars (“Jinchun No. 2”, a relatively salt-sensitive cultivar, and “Zaoduojia”, a relative salt-tolerant cultivar) were grafted onto rootstock pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. cv. “Chaojiquanwang”, a salt-tolerant cultivar). Ungrafted plants were used as controls. The effects of grafting on plant growth and ion concentrations were investigated under NaCl stress. Reductions in the shoot and root dry weights, leaf area and stem diameter of grafted plants were lower and concentrations of K+ and Cl? in the leaves were higher than those of ungrafted plants under the same NaCl stress. The Na+ concentration and Na+/K+ ratio in scion leaves and in the stems of grafted plants were lower, whereas those in rootstock stems and roots were higher than in ungrafted plants under the same NaCl stress. Shoot and root dry weight, leaf area and stem diameter were negatively correlated with leaf Na+ concentrations and Na+/K+ ratio, but were positively correlated with leaf K+ concentrations. The Na+ concentrations and Na+/K+ ratio were lower, whereas the K+ concentrations in the leaves of grafted “Zaoduojia” plants were higher than those in grafted “Jinchun No. 2” plants under the same NaCl stress. The reductions in leaf area and stem diameter of grafted “Jinchun No. 2” plants were more severe than those of grafted “Zaoduojia” plants. These results indicate that: (1) the higher salt tolerance of grafted cucumber seedlings is associated with lower Na+ concentrations and Na+/K+ ratio and higher K+ concentrations in the leaves, (2) grafting improved the salt tolerance of cucumber seedlings by limiting the transport of Na+ to the leaves, (3) the salt tolerance of grafted cucumber seedlings is related to the shoot genotype.  相似文献   

为综合评价露地小型西瓜产量品质的砧木效应,以接穗京颖-6自根苗为对照,研究南瓜砧和葫芦砧分别嫁接同一接穗品种后,不同嫁接组合的幼苗质量、植株长势、产量、果实性状和品质变异特征。结果表明,所有砧木的嫁接成活率均高于90%,供试南瓜砧中幼苗质量以兴盛和铁砧尔帝较好,葫芦砧以强根和京欣砧1号表现较好。嫁接成株长势和产量也因选择砧木不同而表现不同,其中南瓜砧嫁接植株长势较强,产量较高,最低增产率也达17.0%;葫芦砧嫁接植株长势和产量变异较大,强根增产率达49.4%,但京欣砧王单位产量较对照低12.3%,且嫁接对小型西瓜果实特性及果实营养品质的影响显著。构成小型西瓜果实品质相关指标的综合评价结果表明,仅2个南瓜砧和4个葫芦砧嫁接果实品质优于自根苗。综上,供试南瓜砧均显著提高了小型西瓜的产量,但多降低了果实品质;葫芦砧中仅强砧和京欣砧1号嫁接西瓜的产量有所提高,且果实品质有所改善。本研究为嫁接小型西瓜优质高产栽培提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum Smith is a serious disease in Japan. We previously reported that calcium (Ca) nutrition in tomato significantly affected the resistance to the disease, and that highly resistant cultivars were characterized by a high Ca uptake. We examined the relationship between the Ca uptake and resistance using mutually grafted seedlings of tomato cultivars differing in their resistance. A susceptible (‘Ponderosa’) or moderately resistant (‘Zuiei’) cultivar (scion) was grafted on the rootstock of a susceptible, moderately resistant, or highly resistant cultivar (‘Hawaii 7998’). Roots or petioles of the grafted seedlings were inoculated with the pathogen, and the development of bacterial wilt was observed. Although Ca uptake by shoot increased by grafting on the rootstock of a highly resistant cultivar, the development of the disease was not influenced by the difference in Ca uptake, and depended on the resistance of the cultivar to which the inoculated part of the graft belonged. It was concluded that the differences in Ca uptake of the shoot of the grafted tomato seedlings might not be related to the expression of the resistance to bacterial wilt.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of grafting on nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) in mini‐watermelon plants. In the first study, mini‐watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus [Thumb.] Matsum. and Nakai cv. Minirossa) either ungrafted or grafted onto Macis, Vita (Lagenaria siceraria [Mol.] Standl.), PS1313, and RP15 (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne × Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) rootstocks grown in hydroponics were compared in terms of shoot dry biomass, leaf area, root‐to‐shoot ratio, SPAD index, shoot N uptake, and nitrate reductase (NR) activity 40 d after transplantation in response to nitrate concentration in the nutrient solution (0.5, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, or 20 mM of NO$ _3^- $ ). In the second experiment, the suitability of a selected rootstock with high NUE (Vita) to improve crop performance and NUE of grafted mini‐watermelon plants was evaluated under field conditions. In the hydroponic experiment mini‐watermelon grafted onto Vita rootstock needed the lowest nitrate concentration (1.31 mM of NO3) in the nutrient solution to reach half maximum shoot dry weight. Total leaf area, SPAD index, and shoot N uptake increased in response to an increase of N concentration in the nutrient solution. At 2.5 mM NO$ _3^- $ , mini‐watermelon grafted on either Vita or RP15 had the highest NR activity whereas no significant difference was observed at 10 mM NO$ _3^- $ . The open‐field study indicated that increasing N‐fertilization rates from 0 to 100 kg ha–1 improved total and marketable yields of mini‐watermelon plants while decreasing NUE. When averaged over N levels, the marketable yield, NUE, N‐uptake efficiency, and N‐utilization efficiency were significantly higher by 39%, 38%, 21%, and 17%, respectively, in Minirossa grafted onto Vita compared to ungrafted Minirossa plants. Therefore, grafting mini‐watermelon plants onto selected rootstocks can be used as a quick and effective method for improving productivity and NUE.  相似文献   

Citrus sinensis grafted on C. limonia produces a considerable number of compounds that are not common in both plants developed from germination of seeds. The chemical profile of scion and rootstock differ notably for absence in the form of flavonoids and coumarins containing C5 prenyl groups attached to the carbon atoms of aromatic and heterocyclic systems or to oxygen. Only linear pyranocoumarins xanthyletin and xanthoxyletin were found in scion. This observation indicates that the prenylated compounds once biosynthesized in the roots could have been translocated to other organs. Xylella fastidiosa colonizes the xylem of plants causing diseases on several economically important crops such as citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC). A number of flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids, dihydrocinnamic acid derivative, anacardic acid, triterpenes, and limonoids were tested for in vitro activity on the growth of Xylella fastidiosa. Azadirachtin A was the most active. Hesperidin, which occurs in great amounts in cells of the mesophyll of the affected leaves with CVC, showed a moderate activity suggesting that it can act as a good barrier for small-size colonies from X. fastidiosa.  相似文献   

2JC-350型蔬菜插接式自动嫁接机的研究   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
辜松 《农业工程学报》2006,22(12):103-106
为解决中国蔬菜嫁接育苗作业中存在的人工嫁接速度低、嫁接苗成活率不高等问题,该研究采用成活率高、应用广泛、作业简单的插接法开发半自动机械嫁接装置。研究表明砧木与接穗对插接合作业环节是提高嫁接成功率的关键,采用双销定位机构,减小接穗外伸长度可以有效提高嫁接成功率。另外,机械嫁接作业与人工嫁接作业相比具有速度快、嫁接质量稳定等优势。研究开发出的2JC-350型插接式自动嫁接机操作方便、成本低廉、嫁接成功率高于90%,生产能力达350株/h,适合规模化嫁接育苗生产。  相似文献   

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