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以西湖龙井为例,对龙井茶精制拼配过程中的原料收购、初步分级、筛分、成品拼配、质量效益等进行了比较试验,结果表明,采用人工筛分和机械筛分工艺进行拼配是可行的,通过拼配可以对外形品质进行扬长避短的效果,经济效益可提高27.2%.并总结提出了龙井茶精制拼配作业中的工艺技术要点.  相似文献   

茶叶拼配是商品茶叶加工的重要步骤,是将不同品质特征与加工工艺的茶混合搭配,以提升茶叶品质、提高经济效益的技术措施。文章介绍了拼配的作用、基本原则,综述了拼配在传统茶类、组合茶类、再加工茶类中的运用情况,分析了当前拼配茶产品的不足之处,提出未来茶叶拼配向标准化、智能化、多样化发展的趋势,为茶产品拼配技术发展提供参考。  相似文献   

茶叶拼配的类型大体可分为原料拼配、筛号茶拼配、半成品拼配、成品茶拼配等几种。一、原料拼配即是毛茶的定级归堆,并于付制前进行以内质为主的拼配,目的是要保证主级茶有最大的回收率。原料拼配是按“毛茶付制通知单”在毛茶仓库进行,拼配后向精制车间发货。原料拼配必须参照毛茶收购标准样,按“以嫩度为依据,外形适当升降”的原则进行毛茶定级归堆。具体归堆方法:正茶按原级归堆,例如嫩度上符合标准样二级的毛茶则归入二级堆,次品茶要降一级归堆。  相似文献   

陈美柑 《福建茶叶》2013,35(2):14-18
拼配是乌龙茶加工中重要的一个环节,既可以提升茶叶品质,促进产品品种的多样化,满足不同消费者的需求,也可以降低生产成本,提高企业经济效益。本文结合长期实践经验,阐明了制定乌龙茶拼配方案需掌握的技术要点与需考虑的关键因素,包括产地不同、品种差异、季节变化、毛茶等级原料进厂批次等,论述了扬长避短和高低平衡的拼配技术以及相应的拼配流程。  相似文献   

本文综合阐述了武夷岩茶拼配技艺是商品茶加工的重要步骤,将不同风格特征的武夷岩茶拼配混搭,以提升茶叶质量,提高企业经济效益为方法措施.茶叶拼配分两种,一种是初制阶段的毛茶拼配,一种是精制阶段的成品拼配,该项技术的运用稳定保证产品质量形成高品质技术方针.  相似文献   

茶叶拼配是指两种以上不同品牌茶叶拼合在一起,这是一种常见的加工茶叶工艺.大红袍拼配,是各取所需,发挥所长,通过标准化拼配方式容易制作出好茶.酱香酒勾兑期间,综合调味过程和勾兑过程,通过联系与不同,凸显酱香酒的灵魂和精髓.本文将运用勾兑酱香酒的标准,探究大红袍拼配工艺.通过分析酱香酒勾兑流程,按照其勾兑标准将拼配茶叶作出...  相似文献   

沈其松 《中国茶叶》1995,17(4):38-39
云南茶厂是担负云南省自营出口红茶拼配加工任务的主要厂家,该厂1992年由云南省茶叶进出口公司投资700余万元,建设了一条茶叶拼配生产线,年生产能力为1万吨,拼配原料来自云南省近30个县的近百个精制茶厂,拼配茶叶以红碎茶为主,兼顾工夫红茶.进厂原料的包装方式有麻袋、编织袋、纸板箱、木板箱等,拼配后成品包装使用纸板箱、纸袋、麻袋、木板箱等.现将该厂这条拼配生产线的工艺设计和设备配备作一介绍.  相似文献   

吴平 《中国茶叶》2022,(4):50-53
为解决渥堆后拼配六堡茶陈化时间计算问题,文章阐述渥堆后拼配六堡茶的拼配工艺、渥堆前拼配六堡茶陈化时间计算方法、加权平均法及其适用条件,分析、判断出用于拼配的六堡茶半成品的陈化时间具有可加性和独立性。研究提出使用加权平均法计算渥堆后拼配六堡茶的陈化时间,计算方法简单,结果能体现相对重要性,是一个准确的分数度量。应用加权平均法计算渥堆后拼配六堡茶陈化时间,与渥堆前拼配陈化时间的计算方法相衔接,可提高计算方法的统一性和规范性。  相似文献   

茶叶拼配基本上有两种;一种是生产拼配,另一种是销售(贸易)拼配。它们在同一理论指导下,但具体的拼配原则又不尽相同。生产拼配,一般来讲,是两种以上的品质、规格比较接近,又互有特点的茶叶才能相拼合;而销售拼配,也是两种以上,但品质较接近或品质特点根本不同的茶叶(如茉莉花茶、玉兰花茶……),根据一定的要求和规格标准拼合在一  相似文献   

乌龙茶生产过程中十分重要的一个环节就是拼配环节,乌龙茶的拼配技术对成品的风味塑造、风味稳定性、全年可供应量、成本控制、茶叶综合品质等起到至关重要的作用。优秀的拼配技术也能够降低乌龙茶的加工成本及原料成本从而提高乌龙茶企业的经济利润和产品的标准化程度,也能够促进乌龙茶产品综合风味的提升。本文将对乌龙茶使用拼配技术进行综合讨论分析,同时分析影响乌龙茶拼配效果的各类因素,讨论乌龙茶拼配技术的应用,希望能够为相关业界人士提供一些有价值的拼配经验以供参考。  相似文献   

The effect of blending different types of rice bran in wheat flour on the rheological, pasting and baking properties is reported. Dough development time and strength as measured through farinograph decreased with the blending of unstabilized full fat and defatted bran; whereas, blending of stabilized fullfat and defatted bran improved the dough strength. Pasting properties revealed an increase in gelatinization temperature and decrease in paste viscosities and set-back values with the blending of various types of rice bran. Bread volume and cookie spread decreased with blending of different types of rice bran; however, the decrease was more pronounced with the defatted bran. Muffin volume improved with the blending of rice bran. Stabilized fullfat rice bran up to 20% level and unstabilized fullfat or stabilized defatted rice bran up to 10% was found suitable in various food products.  相似文献   

The fibrogram theory is newly derived from the superposition principle of the conventional staple diagram, in which the left-hand ends of the fibers have to share a common starting point in order for the fiber length distribution to be measured, and the right-hand ends of the fibers form points. It is shown that the fibrogram is the staple diagram of the fiber sample having different random starting points, as well as the double cumulative distribution function of the frequency length function in the length biased sample. Also, the various means, viz. the numerical mean length, numerical mean length in median, length biased mean length, and length biased mean length in median, and the various upper half means, viz. the numerical upper half mean length, numerical upper half mean length in median, length biased upper half mean length, and length biased upper half mean length in median, are discussed in relation to the cotton blending process.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了控释氮肥对茶园土壤无机氮含量、茶叶产量、品质成分、氮素利用效率和茶叶中氮磷等主要矿质元素吸收的影响,比较了不同施肥方式对经济效益的影响。结果表明,不同氮肥处理间土壤无机氮含量无显著差异,但控释肥处理土壤中无机氮变化幅度较小,而且比较稳定。与普通氮肥相比,控释氮肥单施或与普通氮肥配施,茶叶产量分别提高7.5%和15.2%。施控释氮肥对茶叶游离氨基酸总量、茶多酚含量、酚氨比值不会产生明显的影响。控释氮肥能促进茶树对氮、磷等主要矿质元素的吸收,提高茶树新梢氮素利用率,其中新梢氮素利用效率(NUE),控释氮肥和普通氮肥配施比普通氮肥高5.38个百分点,比单施控释氮肥高2.39个百分点,新梢氮素偏生产率(PNE),控释氮肥和普通氮肥配施比普通氮肥处理高1.16βkg·kg-1,比单施控释氮肥高0.57βkg·kg-1。与普通氮肥相比,单施控释氮肥每年每公顷增加纯收入0.93万元,控释氮肥和普通氮肥配施增加纯收入2.01万元。本研究结果表明,控释氮肥与普通氮肥配施增产、增效明显。  相似文献   

不同小麦品种搭配生产兰州拉面专用粉的灰色关联度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究配麦粉制作兰州拉面的特性,将强筋小麦品种甘春20号与中筋小麦品种宁春18号或弱筋小麦品种高台麦分别以11种比例搭配成22份配麦粉,测定了其面粉理化品质及面团品质,并用灰色关联度分析法对所有配麦粉的兰州拉面品质做了初步分析.结果发现,所有配麦粉中拉面品质位居前5名的依次是甘春20∶宁春18=2∶8,4∶6,5∶5,3∶7,0∶10;甘春20号占100%或高台麦比例较高的配麦粉,品质名序都很靠后.这说明,较低比例的强筋小麦与较高比例的中筋小麦搭配的面粉适合做兰州拉面,单纯的高筋力和弱筋力小麦粉都不适合做拉面.  相似文献   

PLA/LPCL/HPCL blend fibers composed of poly (lactic acid) (PLA), low molecular weight poly (ɛ-caprolactone) (LPCL), and high molecular weight poly (ɛ-caprolactone) (HPCL) were prepared by melt blending and spinning for bioabsorbable filament sutures. The effects of blending time and blend composition on the X-ray diffraction patterns and tensile properties of PLA/LPCL/HPCL blend fibers were characterized by WAXD and UTM. In addition, the effect ofin vitro degradation on the weight loss and tensile properties of the blend fibers hydrolyzed during immersion in a phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.4 and 37°C for 1–8 weeks was investigated. The peak intensities of PLA/LPCL/HPCL blend fibers in X-ray diffraction patterns decreased with an increase of blending time and LPCL contents in the blend fibers. The weight loss of PLA/LPCL/HPCL blend fibers increased with an increase of blending time, LPCL contents, and hydrolysis time while the tensile strength and modulus of the blend fibers decreased. The tensile strength and modulus of the blend fibers were also found to be increased with an increase of HPCL contents in the blend fibers. The optimum conditions to prepare PLA/LPCL/HPCL blend fibers for bioabsorbable sutures are LPCL contents of 5 wt%, HPCL contents of 35 wt%, and blending time of 30 min. The strength retention of the PLA/LPCL/HPCL blend fiber prepared under optimum conditions was about 93.5% even at hydrolysis time of 2 weeks.  相似文献   

无性系良种径山茶品质特征暨多品种拼配研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴步畅  龚淑英 《茶叶》2014,40(4):187-193
本文通过对鸠坑群体种(CK)、乌牛早、浙农139、浙农113、龙井43、龙井长叶、茂绿、迎霜、白茶、日本薮北种10只品种样的感官品质审评和生化呈味成分测试分析,以及7组品种的拼配加工效果试验,论证了无性系茶树良种的品质特征和某些不足是可以通过拼配加工实现优势互补的。由于径山茶是极易断碎的毛峰类名茶,故其拼配应在加工过程中进行。  相似文献   

优质面包专用小麦新品种中优9507配粉特性研究   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
用优质面包小麦中优 95 0 7与普通小麦京冬 8号和京 4 11进行配粉 ,测定粉质仪参数和面包、面条、馒头加工品质 ,结果表明 ,在中优 95 0 7中搭配 2 0 %的京冬 8号或 10 %的京 4 11,其湿面筋含量、粉质仪参数等仍然达到强筋粉的标准 ;中优 95 0 7为优质面包、面条和馒头兼用型品种 ,京冬 8号不适合制做上述三种食品 ,京 4 11的馒头加工品质较好 ;用 5 0 %的京冬 8号或 4 0 %的京 4 11与中优 95 0 7搭配 ,面包评分仍然超过 85分 ;用 5 0 %~ 6 0 %的京冬 8号或 80 %的京 4 11与中优 95 0 7配粉 ,可显著改善二者的馒头品质 ;用 90 %的京冬 8号或 5 0 %的京 4 11与中优 95 0 7搭配 ,可显著改善二者的面条加工品质  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bending properties and drapability on the hand and appearance of wool-blended fabrics for comparison of real clothing with online and 3D virtual garments. Objective evaluations were performed by measuring mechanical properties of fabrics, while subjective evaluations were performed by subjects evaluating sensory images of fabrics; real clothing evaluations were performed offline and online, and 3D virtual garments were evaluated. Bending properties and drape coefficients of fabrics were affected by wool blending ratio, and fabrics with high wool blending ratio showed low stiffness, warm-cool, weight, and high smoothness, drapability image. In the real clothing evaluation, stiffness image showed many differences with online evaluation with respect to wool blending ratio. Objective bending properties and drape coefficients showed no correlation with subjective sensory images offline. For the online results, objective mechanical properties had good correlations with all sensory images except smoothness. Stiffness and warm-cool online scores were higher than the offline ones and the offline drapability was higher than the online one for 100 % wool fabrics. Thus, clothing was generally evaluated online as more hard and moist than real clothing. For the virtual garment evaluation, sensory images had no difference according to wool blending ratio compared with real clothing. Many differences in subjective sensory images between real clothing and virtual garments were observed, except for smoothness and weight images. The results showed that it is difficult to exactly predict the hand and appearance of clothing according to fabric properties using 3D virtual garment system.  相似文献   

张强  黄静 《茶叶通讯》2005,32(2):23-24
本文主要论述了拼配技术在茉莉花茶中的应用,及其对花茶品质的改善和稳定进行简要阐述。  相似文献   

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