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以五台山风景区游客为研究样本,通过实地考察和随机问卷调查,将风景区客源市场进行分类并对游客的旅游行为特征进行比较分析。结果表明:1)五台山风景区客源市场空间分布符合距离衰减规律。2)不同客源市场游客在旅游组织形式、交通方式、住宿类型、旅游总花费、住宿花费、餐饮花费、对旅游商品的满意度和游客旅游景点选择方面均存在显著差异,涉及"食、宿、行、游、购"五个要素。其中,省内游客旅游景点选择的空间分布较为集中,省外游客旅游景点选择的空间分布明显分散且高频次等级景点数也较多。3)不同客源市场游客行为特征在旅游动机、信息获取渠道、停留时间、交通花费、门票花费以及游客总体满意度等方面均不存在显著差异。其中,省内、省外游客旅游活动都以基本层次中的休闲度假和专门层次中的宗教朝拜为主,获取信息渠道都以朋友介绍和互联网为主,停留时间都较短。这也从一个侧面说明不同客源市场游客行为特征对比分析对有些信息提取的作用是有限的。  相似文献   

本文构筑了一个旅游决策行为模型,并分析了对旅游决策行为共同影响的多种因素。同时在2004年六大旅游热点城市入境游客调查数据的基础上,运用李科特量表系统对比分析了旅华日美游客决策行为。从旅华日美游客旅游方式、来华次数、停留时间及旅游城市选择等方面研究揭示旅游决策行为的不同特征,并在此基础上提出了对日本客源市场实施亚文化区域旅游特色宣传,对美国客源市场进行区域联合旅游推介等营销策略。  相似文献   

美国出境旅游市场特征及旅华美国市场拓展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是世界出游大国,同时也是我国第一大远程客源国和第四大入境旅游客源国,在我国入境旅游市场中占据着举足轻重的地位。文中运用2001-2010年美国出境旅游市场统计数据,采用季节变动指数、地理集中指数和首位度、位序-规模分布等理论,通过对美国出境旅游市场规模变化、季节分布、全球流向分布及在中国和亚洲其他国家之间分配特征的研究,提出拓展旅华美国市场的对策。研究发现美国出境旅游市场具有以下特征:1)出境旅游市场规模大且持续增长,但是受国内和国际危机事件影响显著;出境旅游旺季在3月、6月、7月和12月,最主要的出境旅游目的地是墨西哥、加拿大和欧洲,亚洲虽非美国人的主要旅游目的地,但其占美国出境市场的份额逐年上升;2)美国人在亚洲旅游的主要目的地包括日本、中国大陆、印度、中国香港、韩国、中国台湾等6个国家和地区;3)中国大陆对美国出境市场的旅游吸引力持续上升,日本对美国市场的垄断地位开始动摇,但仍是中国大陆最大的竞争对手。最后,根据研究结论提出旅华美国市场的拓展对策。  相似文献   

互联网的发展使得网络成为旅游目的地营销的重要手段和工具,由此也引发了学者对于网络信息与旅游客流之间作用关系探讨。文中以网络信息流与现实旅游流的耦合关系为切入点,遴选澳大利亚网民关注度高的10个旅游网站,运用文本挖掘和质性分析方法,测度旅游网站对我国城市的网络推荐。利用统计数据统计分析,探讨旅华澳大利亚游客入境旅游流强度,从虚拟信息流和现实旅游流双重维度下,探讨两者的耦合关系。研究发现:旅华澳大利亚游客旅游流强度和网络推荐度耦合关系表现出四种形态:高耦合型、中耦合型、低耦合型和极不协调型。两者的耦合关系整体上符合"高网络推荐度引起高旅游流强度,低网络推荐度引起低旅游流强度"的一般认识,但极不协调型耦合区域的存在说明两者的耦合关系并非直接简单的对应关系。  相似文献   

旅游客源市场空间结构对比研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
客源市场是旅游业发展的生命线 ,客源市场研究是旅游规划和市场营销等工作的基础。本文通过客源市场空间分布图对比和客源市场空间结构定量评价 ,对分别位于我国东、中、西部的十个旅游地客源市场空间结构特征进行了对比研究。结果显示 ,我国国内客源市场空间结构具有集中率高、距离衰减显著、多因素决定客源空间范围和以东部地区为重要客源市场等共性特征和规律。最后对形成客源市场空间结构特征的原因进行了分析。本研究对进行旅游规划和市场营销等工作具有一定的指导意义  相似文献   

信息刺激对旅华游客决策影响度研究——以西安为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过2005年9月旅华西安游客的第一手旅游市场调查资料,从信息刺激角度研究了旅华游客决策行为,研究揭示:信息刺激影响位于前四位的为亲朋推荐、旅游指南、国家政策宣传、海外促销活动;女性受信息刺激程度高于男性;以“口碑效应”传递的人际间信息传播影响度明显高于信息媒体的影响度;关于旅游目的地信息越详尽的资料对旅华游客决策行为影响度越高;各年龄阶段游客对于新旧媒介信息传递的影响度呈明显不对称状态;有一定家庭义务的游客旅游决策行为受人际传递信息影响度高;经济发达国家游客信息刺激敏感度低于经济次发达国家。并就研究结果提出了相应的市场促销建议。  相似文献   

历史文化名城武威与敦煌的客源市场空间结构比较分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文通过对历史文化名城武威和敦煌两目的地客源市场空间结构的分析研究 ,得出两地的国内客源市场在空间上十分分散、吸引半径较大 ,而海外客源市场高度集中。具体而言 ,武威海外客源地的地理集中指数较大 ,客源吸引半径较小 ;敦煌海外客源地的地理集中指数适中 ,客源吸引半径大。本文还分析比较了两目的地客源市场空间分布格局对旅游业发展和旅游市场促销的影响。  相似文献   

新疆国际旅游客源市场研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
新疆具有明显的旅游资源优势,是中国很有吸引力和巨大潜力的旅游地区。特别是近年来,国际旅游发展较快。因此,对其国际旅游客源市场结构进行研究,有利于进行明确的国际客源市场定位,制定切实可行的客源市场开拓策略,进一步加快国际旅游的发展。本文在分析大量数据的基础上,利用了年际变化强度指数和地理集中指数对新疆国际旅游客源市场的时间结构、空间分布结构进行了分析,然后利用SPSS统计软件建立了新疆国际旅游客源市场的线性回归预测模型,并提出了今后新疆国际旅游客源市场的开拓对策,为新疆国际旅游业的发展提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

内蒙古入境旅游市场结构研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
旅游业的发展离不开客源市场。通过对内蒙古入境旅游市场的年际变化、地域构成、境内分布情况和消费构成的分析,阐明了内蒙古入境旅游市场的基本特点。提出了确定市场重点,定位客源结构;合理进行空间布局,扩大入境游客在自治区境内的流向;深度开发旅游资源,打造名牌产品;优化旅游消费结构等进一步开拓入境旅游市场的建议。  相似文献   

酒泉市海外客源市场空间结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
酒泉市正在逐步形成以东北亚、港澳台市场为主体的多元化结构海外游客市场。游客数旅游旺季、淡季变化很大 ,客源市场空间分布不平衡。敦煌莫高窟等为酒泉市吸引海外游客主要景点 ,空间吸引力集中 ,且分布范围广泛。以各客源国近 1 0年以来分时段年平均增长率和 2 0 0 1年现状市场占有率数据进行因子混合聚类分析 ,结果表明 :酒泉市海外游客市场可基本划分为 7类。研究认为酒泉市海外市场空间结构为东北亚市场、港澳台市场、洲外市场、洲内其他市场等 4个层次 ,并确定了各层次市场的核心、基本、机会市场客源国。据此 ,提出了酒泉市海外游客市场开发对策  相似文献   

阿勒泰地区旅游业发展缓慢,旅游收入较低的原因之一是近年来一直未充分重视旅游市场细分,对于目标市场不能准确定位从而限制了其旅游业的发展。本文通过实地问卷调查,获取分析阿勒泰地区旅游市场的资料,通过对阿勒泰地区国内旅游市场的需求特征进行分析,定位出阿勒泰地区的目标市场。主要从二个方面进行分析:一是疆内外旅游需求的对比分析,二是对乌鲁木齐游客需求特征的分析。在理论上得出对阿勒泰地区的旅游市场开发有重要意义的结论,如新疆本地市场是阿勒泰地区的一级目标市场,乌鲁木齐是阿勒泰地区疆内市场开发的重点区域;阿勒泰地区以中青年市场为主,青少年市场发展潜力较大;应注重对疆外散客市场、家庭市场、旅行社等团体市场予以引导培育,疆内市场着力开发公费旅游;距离因素不构成阿勒泰地区疆外旅游市场的阻力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The population genetic structure of the fungal pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans was determined in Australia using six microsatellite and two minisatellite markers. Ascospores were sampled from Brassica napus stubble in disease nurseries and commercial fields in different sites over 2 years. The 13 subpopulations of L. maculans exhibited high gene (H = 0.393 to 0.563) and genotypic diversity, with 357 haplotypes identified among 513 isolates. Although the majority of genetic variation was distributed within subpopulations (85%), 10% occurred between the regions of eastern and Western Australia, and 5% within regions. F(ST) analysis of subpopulation pairs also showed the east-west genetic differentiation, whereas factorial correspondence analysis separated Western Australian subpopulations from eastern ones. Bayesian model-based population structure analyses of multilocus haplotypes inferred three distinct populations, one in Western Australia and an admixture of two in eastern Australia. These two regions are separated by 1,200 km of arid desert that may act as a natural barrier to gene flow, resulting in differentiation by random genetic drift. The genetic differentiation of L. maculans isolates between eastern and Western Australia means that these regions can be treated as different management units, and reinforces the need for widespread disease nurseries in each region to screen breeding lines against a range of genetic and pathogenic populations of L. maculans.  相似文献   

旅游客源市场空间结构研究是旅游产业发展的重要动力。旅游偏好特征则是游客差异化市场选择的根本原因。文中以喀什市游客市场调查问卷结果为基本研究对象,运用SPSS软件中的多重对应分析方法,实证研究了喀什市国内客源市场空间分异与游客选择偏好的耦合性。研究发现,环渤海、长三角等远程客源市场偏好于观光旅游、民族旅游等旅游产品以及高质量的餐饮、住宿等旅游设施条件;新疆及近中程游客市场则对商务旅游、探亲旅游等旅游产品更为关注,且对商务、信息和交通等基础旅游条件更为关注。文中特别指出,旅游地发展只有更加关注差异化地域客源市场的游客偏好区别,采取有针对性地措施提升旅游地产品、设施、形象,才能全面有效推动旅游地可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于旅游流转移的陕西省入境旅游时空动态分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陕西省入境旅游自改革开放以来取得了迅速的发展,其游客市场中有很大一部分是从环渤海、长三角、珠三角三大入境旅游发达区转移而来的,但三大区域入境旅游流向陕西的扩散转移成长过程各不相同,研究发现:环渤海是陕西最大的入境旅游中转地,且年际变动较小,比较稳定;长三角向陕西转移人数少于环渤海,年际变动大,处于波动增长状态;珠三角向陕西转移数量最少,且这些年不增反减,年际变动较大;陕西省入境旅游市场趋于多元化,日渐稳定和均衡;陕西省对三大区域入境游客的吸引力呈现出下降的趋势,需在开拓三大区域入境旅游市场上下功夫。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sequence-tagged microsatellite profiling was used to develop 110 microsatellites for Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (causal agent of wheat stem rust). Low microsatellite polymorphism was exhibited among 10 pathogenically diverse P. graminis f. sp. tritici isolates collected from Australian cereal growing regions over a period of at least 70 years, with two polymorphic loci detected, each revealing two alleles. Limited cross-species amplification was observed for the wheat rust pathogens, P. triticina (leaf rust) and P. striiformis f. sp. tritici (stripe rust). However, very high transferability was revealed with P. graminis f. sp. avenae (causal agent of oat stem rust) isolates. A genetic diversity study of 47 P. graminis f. sp. avenae isolates collected from an Australia-wide survey in 1999, and a historical group of 16 isolates collected from Australian cereal growing regions from 1971 to 1996, revealed six polymorphic microsatellite loci with a total of 15 alleles. Genetic analysis revealed the presence of several clonal lineages and subpopulations in the pathogen population, and wide dispersal of identical races and genotypes throughout Australian cereal-growing regions. These findings demonstrated the dynamic population structure of this pathogen in Australia and concur with the patterns of diversity observed in pathogenicity studies.  相似文献   

山西省入境旅游客源市场分析及规模预测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
近年来,山西海外入境旅游保持了高速发展态势。本文根据山西省1996至2005年海外入境旅游客源市场动态变化的时序数据,分析了海外旅游市场的现状特点,并运用灰色系统理论建模方法及借助Lotus1-2-3软件,建立了山西省海外入境旅游市场的GM(1,1)动态预测模型。同时,对山西入境游客规模进行的预测表明,山西入境游客数将继续保持增长趋势。针对今后海外入境游客增长的情况和存在的问题,提出了拓展海外入境客源市场的几点建议,希望能为山西旅游业的可持续发展与旅游资源开发及市场规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Crown rot, caused by the fungus Fusarium pseudograminearum (teleomorph Gibberella coronicola) is a major disease of wheat in the Australian grain belt. However, there is little information available on the population structure of this pathogen. We measured genetic diversity as assessed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis within and between populations of F. pseudograminearum from northeastern, south central, and southwestern regions of the Australian grain belt. Amongst the 217 isolates, 176 haplotypes were identified and grouped into two main clusters. One cluster contained isolates from populations in northeastern Australia, and the other cluster contained isolates from populations in south central and southwestern Australia. The southern populations were distinguished from the northeastern populations by higher levels of population differentiation (Gst) between them and genetic identity amongst the regional populations. We hypothesize that the F. pseudograminearum populations from northeastern and southern Australia are independent, which could result from different founding events or from geographic isolation and the accumulation of genetic differences due to genetic drift and/or selection.  相似文献   

A sterile white fungus was isolated from the healthy looking roots of buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) grown on cleared bush land in Perth, Western Australia. The fungal strain was pathogenic on 12 plant species screened under the greenhouse conditions. The clamp connections and dolipore septa indicated that the isolate was a Basidiomycete. Mycelial features, growth rate at different temperatures, as well as pathogenicity patterns of this sterile white basidiomycete (SWB) were distinctly different from those of a strain with a similar morphology, ATCC 28344, previously described as a pathogen in Florida and Georgia (USA). All attempts to induce sporulation failed. The isolates were also compared using the nucleotide sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA array. Approximately 1 kbp of the 5 end of the large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, complete sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene and the entire ITS region (including ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S gene) were sequenced for the purpose. The obtained sequences were compared with the homologous regions of other genera of Agaricales available in GenBank. Relatively low sequence similarities between the American and Australian strains, as well as the phylogenetic analysis of the studied regions has suggested that these two fungi belong to different genera. Interesting results were achieved in the case of the large subunit ribosomal DNA since this region has been widely studied for taxonomy of Basidiomycetes. The Australian strain 3034 appeared to be closely related to the genus Campanella and the American SWB was identified as belonging to the genus Marasmius, possibly to M. graminum. Our data suggest that the Australian strain is a novel pathogen, and is different from the American SWB isolates described to date.  相似文献   

Endothia gyrosa is a canker pathogen best known as the causal agent of pin oak blight in North America, and causes cankers on other woody hosts such as Castanea spp. and Liquidambar spp. In South Africa, Australia and Tasmania, a fungus identified as E. gyrosa has been recorded on Eucalyptus spp. Some morphological differences exist between the North American fungus and the isolates from Eucalyptus . Phylogenetic relationships between E. gyrosa from North America and E. gyrosa from South Africa and Australia, as well as that of the related fungi Cryphonectria parasitica and C. cubensis , were studied using PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA operon. Endothia gyrosa isolates from South Africa produced the same RFLP banding patterns as those from Australia, which differed markedly from North American isolates of E. gyrosa . In a phylogram based on the DNA sequences, the Australian and South African isolates of E. gyrosa resided in a single, well resolved clade, distinct from North American isolates. Isolates of C. parasitica grouped in the same clade as the South African and Australian isolates of E. gyrosa , but C. cubensis was distantly related to them. The molecular data suggest that the E. gyrosa isolates from South Africa and Australia represent a distinct taxon, and probably belong to the genus Cryphonectria .  相似文献   

Brassicaceae weeds are a widespread problem in Australian oilseed rape crops. The weeds not only compete for resources during crop growth, but also have the potential to reduce both oil and meal quality of the harvested crop. This study investigated oil and meal quality of weedy species from the Brassicaceae family that were collected throughout cropping regions of Australia. Eighty‐nine lines from 19 species were grown and evaluated in the same environment for their potential to contaminate Australian oilseed rape seed lots. Seed and flowering characteristics of each species were also examined. The glucosinolate concentration of most of the weedy species was greater than 100 μmol g?1 of oil‐free meal, well above the threshold for meeting oilseed rape quality. Erucic acid content of 18 of the 19 weedy species also exceeded the oilseed rape quality standard of less than 2% erucic acid. This study highlights the potential of the weedy species to reduce the quality of Australian oilseed rape crops.  相似文献   

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