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With medical general practitioners soon being able to buy themselves out of the requirement to provide overnight cover for their patients, for how much longer will the veterinary profession be able to sustain its 24-hour commitment? Here, Professor Bob Michell argues that it is time for the profession to rethink how it provides out-of-hours services--and, with the RCVS about to review the situation, concludes that something will have to change.  相似文献   

Avian Tuberculosis In Mink In Alberta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

以宇宙时间和空间具有平权性的观点,指出宇宙膨胀是四维时空的膨胀,从而导出太阳系中行星天体轨道半径、运行周期的增长以及地球膨胀等与宇宙年龄的关系,说明太阳系中存在的地日、地月轨道半径距离增加以及地球膨胀等自然现象实质上都是宇宙膨胀的效应。  相似文献   

Allergy Testing for Skin Disease in the Cat In Vivo vs In Vitro Tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— The results of in vitro and in vivo tests for 36 cats with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease were compared. The cats were presented to the dermatology section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bristol, with a variety of skin conditions. Intradermal skin testing with flea extract alone (six cats) or combined with a panel of 40 inhalant altergens (30 cats) was employed. Serum samples were tested with a commercial IgE ELISA against flea extract and 36 inhalant allergens. A diagnosis of flea bite hypersensitivity was made in 18 cats, atopic disease in nine cats and food hypersensitivity in one cat. Intradermal skin testing gave a positive predictive value in over 85 per cent of flea allergic cases and 100 per cent of atopic cases; the IgE ELISA test demonstrated relatively low predictive values for flea allergy and atopic disease and was not considered to be a useful diagnostic test. Résumé— Les résultats de tests in vitro et in vivo faits chez 36 chats ayant des symptômes évocateurs d'une dermite allergique ont été comparés. Des tests cutanés à la seule puce (six chats) ou combinés avec un panel de pneumallergènes (30 chats) ont été utilisés. Les sérums ont été testés avec un kit commercial de dosages d'IgE spécifiques de la puce et de 36 pneumallergènes par technique EIA. Un diagnostic de dermite par hyperseensibilité aux piqùres de puce a été fait chez 18 chats, une atopie chez neuf et une hypersensibilité d'origine alimentaire chez un. Les tests cutanés avaient une valeur prédictive de 85% pour les allergies à la puce et 100% pour les cas d'atopie; les tests IgE EIA avaient une valeur prédictive assez faible et n'ont pas été considérés comme étant un test utilisable en diagnostic. Resumen En este artículo se comparan los resultados de pruebas in vivo e in vitro efectuadas en 36 gatos con cuadro clínico indicativo de alergias cutáneas. Éstos animales fueron presentados en la sección de Dermatología del departamento de medicina de la Universidad de Bristol con una variedad de condiciones cutäneas. En las pruebas de invecciones intradérmicas se utilizaron alergenos de extracto de pulga solos o combinados con un panel de 40 alergenos inhalatorios (30 gatos). También se llevaron a cabo pruebas de suero con el test comercial de IgE ELISA para el extracho de pulga y 36 de los alergenos inhalatorios. En 18 de los gatos se diagnostico hipersensitividad a las pulgas, en nueve atopía y solo uno hipersensitividad a los alimentos. Las pruebas intradérmicas produjeron una predictividad positiva en 85% de los casos de alergia a las pulgas y 100% de los casos de atopía. Sin embargo el test ELISA de IgE produjo una baja predictividad relativa en los casos de hipersensitividad a las pulgas y casos de atopía y no se consideró como un test de gran utilidad diagnóstica.  相似文献   

The effect of cysteamine on in vitro nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of equine oocytes collected by transvaginal ultrasound guided follicular aspiration was assessed. Oocytes were matured in vitro with (cysteamine group) or without (control group) cysteamine. The nuclear stage after DNA Hoechst staining, penetration rates after two different in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques (IVF media with ionophore and Hepes buffer with heparin) and the embryo yield following oocyte intra-oviductal transfer were used as a criterion for assessing nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation, respectively. Contrary to the data described in other domestic species, there was no effect of cysteamine on in vitro nuclear maturation, IVF or in vivo embryonic development under our conditions. Ovum pick up yields (52%) and maturation rates (control group: 47% and cysteamine group: 55%) were similar to those previously reported. From 57 oocytes transferred to the oviduct in each group, the number of embryos collected was 10 (17%) in the control group and five in the cysteamine group (9%). Those two percentages were not statistically different (p > 0.05). No effect of IVF technique was seen on the success rate (6%) in each group.  相似文献   

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