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对稻田养蟹项目的实施情况及所获收益情况进行了介绍,从田间工程建设、投放田螺、移栽水草、蟹种投放、饵料投喂、水质调节、病害防治等方面总结了稻田生态养殖大规格河蟹技术,分析了项目实施过程中存在的问题和不足,并提供了一些实用的经验。  相似文献   

稻虾鳅绿色高效种养模式能够提高稻田综合生产能力,实现农业增效及农民增收,是水稻种植和水产养殖结合后农业生态系统重建的典范模式.从田间工程改造、清沟消毒、施用基肥、投放有益生物、水稻品种选择、水稻栽培管理、放养苗种、饵料投喂、日常田间管理、水稻和水产品收获等方面介绍了稻虾鳅种养模式的关键技术.  相似文献   

依据水稻、河蟹的生态学和生物学原理,进行稻蟹种养技术研究,在推广水稻大垄双行插栽模式的基础上,应用测土配方施肥,由原来的稻田水表面施肥改为地表浅层施肥技术,解决了池水氨氮超标,危害河蟹生长的问题。通过实验研究出河蟹苗种的放养规格、放养密度、饵料投喂、水质调节、病害防治等技术,取得了水稻产量720 kg/667 m~2,河蟹产量33.2 kg/667 m~2,稻蟹综合效益1 497.8元/667 m~2的良好成果。  相似文献   

毕金德 《北方水稻》2023,(6):57-58+61
近年来,由于在规模化稻蟹综合种养地块发挥作用的空间较大,农用无人机在盘锦市推广应用速度较快。以大疆T40无人机为例,总结了农用无人机在稻蟹综合种养生产过程中高质高效开展施药、追肥、蟹料投喂三项标准化作业所必须遵循的技术要点,以加快推进稻蟹综合种养地块农用无人机标准化作业进程,推进稻蟹生产高质量发展。  相似文献   

对盘锦地区稻田生态养殖成蟹的操作技术进行了总结:稻田的选择,放养前稻田内的准备工作,水稻的栽植及一龄扣蟹的放养,在日常管理方面强调了水质调节、饲料的投喂和河蟹的疾病防治。  相似文献   

李绪美 《中国稻米》2005,11(1):36-36
稻田养蟹是一种高效立体生态农业,是根据水稻生态特征、生物学特性与河蟹的生活特点设计出的一种立体种养模式。稻田水质清新,水温适宜,能促进浮游生物生长,为河蟹提供部分饵料资源;茂盛稻株又为河蟹提供栖息、隐蔽的场所。稻田养蟹具有改土、培肥、减少污染、生产绿色产品等作用。经检测表明,稻蟹双作一年,喂蟹剩余的残饵、河蟹粪便,可增加土壤0.05%~0.26%的有机质含量。  相似文献   

在盘锦地区"养大蟹"的河蟹养殖模式下,使河蟹的品质与产量得到提升始终是这个产业的一项重要任务。笔者经过多年的养殖实践与摸索,初步总结出环境、蟹种、饵料和管理等稻田养大蟹的关键因素,并从养殖田块的选择、田块规模、稻田工程修建、水质调控、蟹种选择、饵料数量及种类、投饵方法、放养管理等方面详细阐述了上述诸项因素在稻田养大蟹过程中的合理运用,为北方地区稻蟹种养模式的长足发展夯实基础。  相似文献   

宋双 《北方水稻》2012,42(2):63-64
推广水稻大垄双行插栽模式的基础上,应用测土配方施肥,解决了池水氨氮超标,危害河蟹生长的问题。介绍了稻田养蟹稻田的选择、放养前稻田内的准备工作,水稻的栽植及扣蟹的放养,在日常管理方面强调了水质调节、饲料的投喂和河蟹的疾病防治。  相似文献   

推广水稻大垄双行插栽模式的基础上,应用测土配方施肥,解决了池水氨氮超标,危害河蟹生长的问题。介绍了稻田养蟹稻田的选择、放养前稻田内的准备工作,水稻的栽植及扣蟹的放养,在日常管理方面强调了水质调节、饲料的投喂和河蟹的疾病防治。  相似文献   

运用水稻、河蟹、泥鳅的生物学和生态学原理,进行稻田河蟹与泥鳅混养试验研究,在水稻、河蟹不减产的情况下,取得了"稻田泥鳅产量44 kg/667 m2,增收384元/667 m2"的成果,提出了稻田河蟹与泥鳅混养工程设施的建设方法,蟹苗、鱼苗的选择标准及各自的放养规格、放养密度,并提出了饵料投喂、病害防治等技术要点。  相似文献   

转mtlD/gutD双价基因稻米对大鼠的毒性试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对转mtlD/gutD双价基因稻米进行了大鼠急性、亚急性毒性实验,致突变试验和30 d喂养试验。结果表明,大鼠经口LD50>30 g/kg体质量,无致突变作用;30 d喂养试验中,18、36、54 g/kg体质量各剂量组大鼠发育、增重、食物利用率、血常规、脏体比及病理组织学观察等各项指标与基础对照组相比均无显著差异。初步表明转mtlD/gutD双价基因稻米对大鼠来说是安全的。  相似文献   

We found that Pantana phyllostachysae, a dangerous pest of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens), showed differences in growth and development after feeding on diverse types of moso bamboo leaves. The mortality rate of Pa. phyllostachysae due to Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus, was also affected by the varied larval diet. Larval and pupal developmental duration of Pa. phyllostachysae was longer when feeding on “off-year” bamboo leaves. Pupal weight and adult fertility were higher when feeding on “on-year” bamboo leaves. Mortality due to B. bassiana was significantly lower in larvae fed on on-year bamboo leaves than in larvae fed on off-year bamboo leaves. Larvae fed on new bamboo leaves had a shorter development period and higher survival rate than those fed on off-year bamboo leaves. However, mixed feed (mixture of new, on-year, and off-year bamboo leaves) decreased the egg production of Pa. phyllostachysae. After infection by the second generation of B. bassiana, the survival time of Pa. phyllostachysae fed on mixed feed increased significantly compared with the first generation. We also fed Pa. phyllostachysae different proportion of new bamboo leaves in mixed feed to simulate natural conditions. We found that increasing the proportion of new bamboo leaves in the food promoted pupal development and increased egg production; it also increased the resistance of larvae to the first generation of B. bassiana. The pathogenicity of the second generation of B. bassiana declined in all mixed feed treatments.  相似文献   

Marine-derived substances are known for their beneficial influences on aquatic animals’ performances and are recommended to improve intestinal health, immunity, and anti-oxidative status. The present study investigates the role of chitosan nanoparticles on the intestinal histo-morphometrical features in association with the health and immune response of Grey Mullet (Liza ramada). Chitosan nanoparticles are included in the diets at 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 g/kg and introduced to fish in a successive feeding trial for eight weeks. The final body weight (FBW), weight gain (WG), and specific growth rate (SGR) parameters are significantly increased while feed conversion ratio (FCR) decreases by chitosan nanoparticles compared to the control (p < 0.05). The morphometric analysis of the intestines reveals a significant improvement in villus height, villus width, and the number of goblet cells in chitosan-treated groups in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, there is a positive correlation between the thickness of the enterocyte brush border and the chitosan dose, referring to an increasing absorptive activity. Histologically, the intestinal wall of Grey Mullet consists of four layers; mucosa, sub-mucosa, tunica muscularis (muscular layers), and serosa. The histological examination of the L. ramada intestine shows a normal histo-morphology. The epithelial layer of intestinal mucosa is thrown into elongated finger-like projections, the intestinal villi. The values of hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cells (RBCs), total protein (TP), albumin, and globulin are significantly increased in fish fed 1, and 2 g/kg of chitosan nanoparticles compared to fish fed 0 and 0.5 g/kg (p < 0.05). The highest levels of TP and albumin are observed in fish fed 1 g/kg diet (p < 0.05). The lysozyme activity and phagocytic index are significantly enhanced by feeding chitosan nanoparticles at 0.5, 1, and 2 g/kg, whereas the phagocytic activity is improved in fish fed 1 and 2 g/kg (p < 0.05). The highest lysozyme activity and phagocytic index are observed in fish fed 1 g/kg. SOD is significantly activated by feeding chitosan nanoparticles at 1 g/kg. Simultaneously, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) activities also are enhanced by feeding chitosan at 1 and 2 g/kg, compared to fish fed 0 and 0.5 g/kg (p < 0.05). The highest GPx and CAT activities are observed in fish fed 1 g/kg (p < 0.05). Conversely, the malondialdehyde (MDA) levels are decreased by feeding chitosan at 1 and 2 g/kg, with the lowest being in fish fed 1 g/kg (p < 0.05). To summarize, the results elucidate that L. ramada fed dietary chitosan nanoparticles have a marked growth rate, immune response, and anti-oxidative response. These improvements are attributed to the potential role of chitosan nanoparticles in enhancing intestinal histo-morphometry and intestinal health. These results soundly support the possibility of using chitosan nanoparticles at 1–2 g/kg as a feasible functional supplement for aquatic animals.  相似文献   

Health authorities worldwide have consistently recommended the regular consumption of marine fishes and seafood to preserve memory, sustain cognitive functions, and prevent neurodegenerative processes in humans. Shrimp, crabs, lobster, and salmon are of particular interest in the human diet due to their substantial provision of omega-3 fatty acids (n-3/PUFAs) and the antioxidant carotenoid astaxanthin (ASTA). However, the optimal ratio between these nutraceuticals in natural sources is apparently the key factor for maximum protection against most neuro-motor disorders. Therefore, we aimed here to investigate the effects of a long-term supplementation with (n-3)/PUFAs-rich fish oil, ASTA-rich algal biomass, the combination of them, or krill oil (a natural combination of both nutrients) on baseline redox balance and neuro-inflammation indexes in cerebellum and motor cortex of Wistar rats. Significant changes in redox metabolism were only observed upon ASTA supplementation, which reinforce its antioxidant properties with a putative mitochondrial-centered action in rat brain. Krill oil imposed mild astrocyte activation in motor cortex of Wistar rats, although no redox or inflammatory index was concomitantly altered. In summary, there is no experimental evidence that krill oil, fish oil, oralgal biomass (minor variation), drastically change the baseline oxidative conditions or the neuro-inflammatory scenario in neuromotor-associated rat brain regions.  相似文献   

转反义PEP基因油菜超油1号菜籽油毒理性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价转反义PEP基因油菜超油1号菜籽油的食用安全性,对该样品进行了急性毒性试验和致突变试验.结果表明,转反义PEP基因超高油油菜菜籽油属无毒级,无致突变作用.大鼠90d喂养试验结果显示,各试验组大鼠体重、进食量、食物利用率、血常规、脏体比及病理组织学观察等各项指标与阴性对照均无显著性差异,无作用剂量为10.0ml/kg体重.  相似文献   

李果  杨知建  王华 《作物研究》2014,(2):154-158
为了解冬闲田播种的不同种类牧草田的杂草群落发生动态,调查了30%黑麦草+70%白三叶,30%黑麦草+70%紫云英,30%黑麦草+70%紫花苜蓿,3种不同牧草混播处理下冬闲田杂草的生长特点。结果表明:牧草混播种类的变化使冬闲田杂草的发生有差异,主要表现为杂草种类和危害程度不同,其中以30%黑麦草+70%紫云英处理下的冬闲田杂草危害程度最低。  相似文献   

Two groups of ewes, each containing single and twin lambs, were folded over a 'worm-free' pasture, with a creep provided for the lambs, allowing them to graze ahead of the ewes. The lambs of one group received supplementary feeding. Higher growth rates of the Iambs were recorded than those previously reported by other workers. The growth rates of twin lambs were improved more than those of singles and the lambs receiving supplementary feeding gained at a significantly faster rate than those on pasture only. Faecal egg counts indicated that worm infestation in the lambs was maintained at a very low level.  相似文献   

Stable hybrids were produced between tetraploid perennial and Italian ryegrasses derived from commercial varieties and germplasm introduced from European collections. Spaced plant characteristics were used to select Fl plants for the production of F2 families which were assessed in small plots for growth and quality traits. Ten of the 19 selected hybrid families were based on perennial ryegrass collected from the Zurich Uplands. The influence of this parental material in improving vegetative growth during early spring, late summer and autumn was demonstrated. Its use in improving feeding value by increasing the water-soluble carbohydrate content of hybrids was also shown. Consequently, selected hybrid varieties based on this new genetic resource showed considerable improvements in seasonal growth and quality over the older hybrid variety Augusta and Italian ryegrass variety RvP.  相似文献   

Malnutrition is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality among young children in most of the developing countries. To minimize the adversities of malnutrition, low-cost infant supplementary foods have been developed and are being supplied to the needy through state-sponsored nutrition intervention programmers. The present study had two objectives: to determine the best combination of nixtamalized extruded quality protein maize (NEMF) and extruded chickpea (ECF) flours for producing a weaning food, and to evaluate the nutritional properties of the optimized NEMF/ECF mixture and the weaning food. The NEMF and ECF were produced applying combinations of extrusion temperature/screw speed of 79.4°C/73.5 rpm, and 150.5°C/190.5 rpm, respectively. Response surface methodology was applied to determine the optimum combination NEMF/ECF; the experimental design generated 11 assays. Mixtures from each assay were evaluated for true protein (TP) and available lysine (AL). Each one of 11 mixtures were used for preparing 11 weaning foods which were sensory evaluated for acceptability (A). The best combination of NEMF/ECF for producing a weaning food was NEMF = 21.2%/ ECF = 78.8 %. This mixture had a global desirability (D) of 0.93; it contained 20.07% proteins (DM), 5.70% lipids (DM), and 71.14% carbohydrates (DM); its essential amino acids (EAA) profile satisfactorily covered the EAA requirements for children 2–5 years old, except for Trp. The weaning food prepared with the optimized mixture had high protein quality and digestibility and could be used to support the growth of infants.  相似文献   

The Asian bush mosquito (Aedes japonicus japonicus, Theobald 1901) is an invasive culicid species which originates in Asia but is nowadays present in northern America and Europe. It is a competent vector for several human disease pathogens. In addition to the public health threat, this invasive species may also be an ecological threat for native container-breeding mosquitoes which share a similar larval habitat. Therefore, it is of importance to gain knowledge on ecological and eco-toxicological features of the Asian bush mosquito. However, optimal laboratory feeding conditions have not yet been established. Standardized feeding methods will be needed in assessing the impact of insecticides or competitional strength of this species. To fill this gap, we performed experiments on food quality and quantity for Ae. j. japonicus larvae. We found out that the commercial fish food TetraMin (Tetra, Melle, Germany) in a dose of 10 mg per larva is the most suitable food tested. We also suggest a protocol with a feeding sequence of seven portions for all larval stages of this species.  相似文献   

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