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世界植胶近一万万亩,1977年植胶面积较大的国家依次是印尼(3458万亩)、马来西亚、泰国、中国(576万亩)、尼日利亚、斯里兰卡、印度、利比里亚(197万亩).1976年世界天然橡胶总产量354万吨,消费量353万余吨.产胶较多的国家依次为马来西亚(近164万吨)、印尼、泰国、斯里兰卡、印度、利比里亚、中国(78800吨)、尼日利亚.单产以象牙海岸最高(133公斤/亩).进口量最多的国家是美国、日木、中国(217500吨)、苏联、西德.  相似文献   

综述“一带一路”战略沿线的天然橡胶主产国橡胶补贴政策,对东盟的中国、越南、泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚和缅甸,南亚的印度和斯里兰卡等国家扭转橡胶低迷市场局面的应对策略进行了梳理和分析,为中国“一带一路”战略下天然橡胶产业走出去提供决策参考和依据。  相似文献   

据统计,1982年世界天然橡胶产量比1981年增产45000吨(1.23%).原因是泰国、斯里兰卡、印度、中国和世界上其它植胶国产量均普遍提高.1982年,三个主要天然橡胶生产国仅泰国增产5.15%,而马来西亚却分别减产0.92%和0.86%.  相似文献   

对国外天然胶主产国泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、工及斯里兰卡等的生产、消耗及发展趋势等进行综述。  相似文献   

世界三大天然橡胶生产国——泰国、印度尼西亚和马来西亚,包括第五大产胶国越南都是以出口为主的国家,尤其是泰国、印度尼西亚和越南90%左右的天然橡胶供出口,对外部世界的依赖十分严重。  相似文献   

世界第二大天然橡胶生产国印尼和世界第三大天然橡胶生产国马来西亚市场的生胶量正在稳步增长,但是由于最近的降雨导致天然橡胶产期推迟,致使库存低于正常水平,因此实际供给仍然处于短缺状态。  相似文献   

用SWOT分析方法,研究我国企业“走出去”投资橡胶种植、加工和贸易的区域选择。在种植方面,柬埔寨、老挝和缅甸三国以及非洲主产国是重点投资区域;在加工方面,基础较好的马来西亚、泰国以及基础较落后的柬埔寨、缅甸和斯里兰卡等国为较佳选择;在贸易方面,以新加坡为宜。  相似文献   

本研究利用文献计量方法结合研究前沿热度指数,比较分析天然橡胶主要国家在12个研究前沿的科研表现与创新水平。从农业与植物科学、生态与环境科学、化学与材料科学三大领域,揭示各国研究前沿进入创新卓越、创新前列和创新行列的位势,以及处于创新追赶和创新空白的状态。结果表明:中国已经成为世界天然橡胶研究的主要国家,其研究前沿热度指数得分位居全球首位;美国得分约为中国的65%,位居第二;法国、德国、泰国、印度和马来西亚分别排名3~7,法德泰、印马分别在同一个活跃梯级。中国当前在100%研究前沿上已经进入创新卓越位势,美国、法国在绝大多数研究前沿(50.00%以上)处于创新卓越位势。德国、泰国、印度、马来西亚与中国、美国、法国在前沿研究上有较大差距,有16.67%的研究前沿仍处于创新追赶状态。中国在3个学科领域均进入创新卓越位势,均是中国的优势领域。其他6个国家在不同学科领域上的表现有所差异。在农业与植物科学领域,美国、法国进入创新卓越位势,德国、泰国、马来西亚进入创新前列及行列位置,印度处在创新追赶状态,美国、法国的表现优于德国、泰国、马来西亚,印度落后。在生态与环境科学领域,美国、德国进入创新卓越...  相似文献   

据泰国出口商称,铁路和港口的工人罢工给泰国天然橡胶出口造成了重大损失,导致外国进口商转而从马来西亚和印度尼西亚进口天然橡胶。  相似文献   

谷物稻谷播种面积每公顷产量总产量播种面积每公顷产量总产量(khm2)(kg)(kt)(khm2)(kg)(kt)世界主要国家谷物、稻谷生产情况表 (2001年 )国家 (地区 )世界总计亚洲中国孟加拉国印度印度尼西亚伊朗以色列日本韩国马来西亚蒙古缅甸巴基斯坦菲律宾斯里兰卡泰国土耳其越南非洲埃及尼日利亚南非北美洲加拿大墨西哥美国南美洲阿根廷巴西委内瑞拉欧洲保加利亚捷克共和国法国德国匈牙利意大利波兰俄罗斯罗马尼亚英国南斯拉夫大洋洲澳大利亚新西兰669811314724831451161999150151027…  相似文献   

利用HP滤波法测定1970~2010年间我国天然橡胶产量波动的周期,分析波动的周期性特征和成因,并分阶段研究了开割面积、单产波动与产量波动的关系,揭示了我国天然橡胶生产的波动规律。  相似文献   

为遥感监测全球橡胶主产区橡胶的长势,选取橡胶产量最大的泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚三国,开展基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)的橡胶林分布遥感提取研究。通过目视解译选择典型样本区,根据Landsat 7多波段光谱特征、MODIS NDVI反映的植被物候特征建立分类回归树CART分类模型提取橡胶林分布。精度评价显示模型总体分类精度为95.8%,Kappa系数为0.94,生产者精度达到94.8%,用户精度为88.2%,达到较高水平。模型提取结果显示:橡胶林在泰国中部、南部半岛,马来半岛的东部和南部地区,苏门答腊岛分布较为集中,而泰国北部、加里曼丹岛及其他岛屿橡胶林相对稀疏。  相似文献   

吉林省玉米产量波动分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1980~2009年吉林省玉米产量的统计数据,应用波动理论分析吉林省玉米产量波动规律,考察吉林省玉米产量波动的历史过程和数量特征。结果表明,2000年前吉林省玉米产量波动具有短周期波动特征,2000年后具有长周期波动特征,产量波动主要是受农业政策变迁、自然灾害等因素的影响。  相似文献   

分析全国和某一省、市、自治区的花生产量时间序列,花生产量曲线上升而在年际间有波动。对产量负波动随时间的变化进行估算求得了负波动显著的年份。明确降水和温度的波动所引起的灾害性气象是产量波动的原因。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):288-297

Cultivation of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has expanded tremendously in recent years such that it is now second only to soybean as a major source of the world supply of oils and fats. Presently, Southeast Asia is the dominant region of production with Malaysia being the leading producer and exporter of palm oil. This paper reviews the various factors that have led to oil palm occupying its present position, including biological, technical, managerial, environmental, and socio-political aspects. Biological features recognised as critical to the high productivity of the crop are examined. These include its perennial and evergreen nature (giving a continuous year-round canopy cover intercepting a high proportion of incoming radiation), the year-round production of fruit bunches and the high partition of total assimilates into harvested product. Scientific and managerial aspects contributing to the success of the crop include the significant genetic improvements and production of high quality planting materials, the development and application of finely-tuned agronomic practices, the appropriate scale and efficient organisation of oil palm plantations and the continuous R&D and good infra-structural support provided in the main producing countries. The programmes of crop improvement through the utilisation of traditional breeding and selection methods, the development and benefits of vegetative propagation techniques using tissue culture and ongoing efforts to apply molecular and genetic engineering techniques to improve and modify oil composition, are reviewed. Finally, the nutritional qualities of palm oil as a healthy component of diet are briefly described.  相似文献   

In the low fertility acid soils of the Orinoquian savannas of Colombia, Urochloa humidicola cv. Tully or Humidicola is one of the most widely planted tropical forage grasses for improving livestock productivity. Low nutritional quality of this grass limits sustainable livestock production in this region. In this study, we conducted a phenotypic evaluation under field and greenhouse conditions of one of the first hybrid populations of U. humidicola generated from the forage breeding program of CIAT. Our objective was to identify a set of new hybrids of U. humidicola that combine improved productivity and nutritional quality plus the biological nitrification inhibition (BNI) trait/ability to reduce nitrogen (N) losses via leaching and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. To this end, we tested 118 hybrids (planted in pots) in the greenhouse for over 6 months and measured potential nitrification rates (NR) using soil microcosm incubation. NR values observed ranged from 0.27 to 5.75 mg N-NO3 kg soil−1 day−1. Later, 12 hybrids with different levels of NR were selected and field-tested in the Orinoquia region over a 4 years period (2013–2017) for dry matter production, nutrition quality (crude protein, in vitro digestibility and fibres content) and NR in each year. In the rainy season of 2018, two hybrids with superior agronomic performance and contrasting field level NR (Uh08/1149 and 0450) were subjected to analysis of soil-borne N2O emissions after fertilization during 13 days. The NR values recorded were not directly correlated with the forage quality parameters evaluated, however, the two grasses with the lowest NR values were among those with the highest biomass production, crude protein content, and N uptake. The grass hybrid Uh08/1149 and the germplasm accession CIAT 16888 were found as materials with superior forage value, with production of 14.1 and 14.6 tons dry matter ha−1 year−1 (up to 8% higher than the cv. Tully), crude protein of 11.5 and 9.1% per cut (up to 20% higher than the cv. Tully), and N uptake of 31.6 and 25.7 kg N ha−1 cut−1 (up to 30% higher than the cv. Tully). Additionally, these two grasses are likely to exhibit high-BNI ability, with potential to improve N use efficiency in managed pastures.  相似文献   

Bioethanol production using yeast has become a popular topic due to worrying depleting worldwide fuel reserve. The aim of the study was to investigate the capability of Malaysia yeast strains isolated from starter culture used in traditional fermented food and alcoholic beverages in producing Bioethanol using alginate beads entrapment method. The starter yeast consists of groups of microbes, thus the yeasts were grown in Sabouraud agar to obtain single colony called ST1 (tuak) and ST3 (tapai). The growth in Yeast Potatoes Dextrose (YPD) resulted in specific growth of ST1 at micro = 0.396 h-1 and ST3 at micro = 0.38 h-1, with maximum ethanol production of 7.36 g L-1 observed using ST1 strain. The two strains were then immobilized using calcium alginate entrapment method producing average alginate beads size of 0.51 cm and were grown in different substrates; YPD medium and Local Brown Sugar (LBS) for 8 h in flask. The maximum ethanol concentration measured after 7 h were at 6.63 and 6.59 g L-1 in YPD media and 1.54 and 1.39 g L-1in LBS media for ST1 and ST3, respectively. The use of LBS as carbon source showed higher yield of product (Yp/s), 0.59 g g-1 compared to YPD, 0.25 g g-1 in ST1 and (Yp/s), 0.54 g g-1 compared to YPD, 0.24 g g-1 in ST3 . This study indicated the possibility of using local strains (STI and ST3) to produce bioethanol via immobilization technique with local materials as substrate.  相似文献   

对世界主要热带作物生产国家和地区进行了划分,在此基础上,分别对这些国家的农业资源基本情况做了简要介绍,最后对主要热带作物生产国农业发展的基本特征进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

The plasticity in root system development (RSD) is a key trait for the adaptation of rice to mild drought. However, the enhanced RSD due to the plasticity may not be always a sole function of promoted lateral root (LR) production, but also of the integrated responses of nodal root (NR) development. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of mild drought intensities on the development of the NR and LR, and their contribution to the entire RSD. We used six genotypes including KDML105 (indica, lowland adapted), a high lateral rooting ability genotype. The plants were grown up to heading or maturity stage for two years under soil with limited soil depth (20 cm) assuming the presence of the hardpan and at different moisture gradients generated by the line source sprinkler system. The effects of drought intensities generally differed between the development of NR and LR. In both years, all genotypes showed highest LR development under mild drought stress intensities. However, in some genotypes including KDML105, NR development was maintained in a limited soil moisture range only, which was narrower and wetter than that in which LR plasticity was expressed. Furthermore, the entire RSD was maintained only when both the NR and LR were simultaneously promoted or maintained. These results suggest that the NR have less plasticity than the LR in response to drought and the contribution of the plasticity in LR development to the entire RSD is dependent on both the soil moisture and nodal rooting ability.  相似文献   

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