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成功的英文写作对于目的语学习者来说并非易事,这需要目的语学习者掌握一定的方法,从最基本的段落写作开始。段落写作成功则意味着文章写作的成功。本文主要探讨段落写作成功要从写好主题句和支持句开始,以引起目的语学习者的重视。  相似文献   

文章都是由若干段落构成的 ,而许多段落又是由若干句群所构成的。因而分析文章段落中句群间的关系 ,分析句群内部句与句的关系 ,对于理解段落大意是很有帮助的  相似文献   

"形散而神不散"是衡量散文质量的重要标准,是作者为了更好地表达自己的思想观点所采用的一种常用方法."形"即散文的表现形式,包括遣词造句、结构、角度、创意等多方面."神"即散文的主题或中心."神"是"形"的内容,"形"是"神"的外在表现形式.  相似文献   

在英语语篇中,说话者(或作者)为了使话语达到最佳语境效果,借助话语联系语,盖大限度地传达自己的思想和文章主旨。本文从句子内部的关系,列句子之间的联系,再到段落之间的过渡等方面,探讨话语联系语在英语语篇结构中的作用。文章指出:话语联系语在语篇中起到了桥梁、纽带的作用,使用话语联来语可以使语篇结构连贯、语义明确,使主题的表达畅通无阻。  相似文献   

多媒体技术应用于小学语文基础知识教学之中,学生的识字过程不再枯燥,认字能力明显提高。将多媒体技术运用于小学语文阅读教学之中,学生更容易理解文章的主题和核心内容,更能体会文章所要表达的情感。本文旨在对小学语文教学和多媒体技术的结合进行研究,将本人多年的工作经验与大家分享。  相似文献   

通过分析英汉语句法的差异,即英语是形合语言,汉语是意合语言;英语是主语语言,汉语是主题语言;据此归纳了学生英语习作中在句法上所犯的错误类型,从文化差异角度探讨了英汉语篇章组织上不同特点,即英语是逻辑分段,汉语是情感分段,并选取学生习作分析了英语写作中在段落划分及段落内容设置上存在的问题,强调要提高学生的英语写作能力,不能只单纯纠正语法错误,还蓝须加强其对英汉文化差异敏感度的认识。  相似文献   

阅读是外语教学中的重要组成部分。阅读的核心是正确理解文章所要表达的内容含义和思想。而要做到准确阅读 ,除了熟练运用语法、准确掌握词义等外 ,对该国语言文化背景的学习和了解也是十分必要的。为此 ,对社会文化背景作为英语阅读教学环节进行探讨。  相似文献   

为便于作者投稿,现将本刊对稿件的要求及相关事项做如下说明:一、内容选题新颖,论点正确,资料翔实,论证严谨,层次分明,文笔流畅。字数以4000~6000字为宜,但亦遵照国际通例,不拒"有话则长",一切视文稿质量而定。二、结构及版式(一)题目简洁明了,切中主题,力避题文不符。(二)作者署名(三)作者单位、所在地及邮编  相似文献   

语言是人际交往的重要手段之一,它除了能够传达你所要表述的信息之外,其中还有感情要素表现在其中。比如询问公司是不是八点开会,中国人会回答"是的!",美国人会回答"yes!",而日语在回答这个问题的时候则会采取委婉、暧昧的表达用语,比如"はい、そういうことになります"|,这句话的含义是说"会议是三点开始,是公司的规定,不论谁都必须遵守",而且这句日语隐含的表达含义还是"这是公司的规定,和我没有关系。"委婉暧昧。每个国家和地域的语言表达方式并不是语言本身所决定的,这种语言表现形式不只由语言本身决定,还由隐藏在背后的文化背景、社会习惯等来决定。本文从日语语言的暧昧性和委婉性等各类表现形式入手来观察日本人的人际交往,研究日语在日本人人际交往中的重要性。  相似文献   

以CNKI数字资源近五年来"农家书屋"的文献作为研究对象,对发文量、期刊分布、作者合著统计、热点研究主题进行了分析与研究。研究结果表明农家书屋研究呈平稳趋势,形成了核心期刊群,论文发表比较分散。本文用文献分析的方法从文献来源、文献内容角度对"农家书屋"专题进行分析,对农家书屋研究进行全面梳理,有助于把握全局,发现新研究的生长点。  相似文献   

In the caption of the cover photograph for 25 May 1973, the word "below" is misplaced; it should be deleted from the first sentence, and the second sentence should read: "(Below) Same view taken through a cylindrical lens . . ." Two errors occurred in the report by Freeman and Thibos in the same issue, p. 876: in column 2, line 4, "Freeman and co-workers" should be changed to "Freeman et al." in column 3, line 44, "the visual resolution" should be changed to "visual resolution"-Ed.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,221(4614):908
In the report "Sequence of 16S ribosomal from Halobacterium volcanii, an archaebacterium" by R. Gupta et al. (12 August, p. 656), the last sentence of the abstract should read: "Since the H. volcanii sequence is closer to both the eubacterial and eukaryotic sequences than these two are to one another, it follows that the archaebacterial sequence is more like the common ancestral sequence than at least one of the other two versions." Also, the sentence beginning on line 6, column 3, page 658, should read: "Although the root of this tree cannot be determined, the data demand that the archaebacterial version be closer to the ancestral version common to all than are one or both of the other two versions."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1989,244(4910):1244
In the report "Distribution and detection of positrons from an orbiting nuclear reactor" by E. W. Hones and P. R. Higbie (28 Apr., p. 448), the following corrections should be noted. The first sentence of the caption for figure 1 should have read, "Location of SMM (dots) and Cosmos 1176 (triangles) at the times of 21 of the most intense 511-keV gamma events recorded by SMM during the 29 April to 2 September 1980 operating period." The first sentence of the caption for figure 3 should have read, "Estimated differential energy spectrum positrons escaping from Cosmos 1176 per joule of fission energy." On page 450, the second sentence of the first full paragraph should have referred to event 5, not event 59.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,236(4802):657
In Eliot Marshall's article "California's debate on carcinogens" (News & Comment, 20 Mar., p. 1459), the last sentence of the third paragraph, which refers to fines to be imposed under Proposition 65, should have read, "Companies found guilty of violating it will be charged $2500 a day and legal costs." The article gave the incorrect figure of "$25,000 a day."  相似文献   

In the editorial "The State Department's opportunity in science" [D. W., Science 123, 205 (10 Feb. 1956)] the word misrepresentation in the last sentence of the third paragraph is a typographical error. The sentence should read: "In sharp contrast with many excellent recommendations of the Hoover Commission, this one seems to us to be completely wrong and probably to arise from a misinterpretation of the attaches' functions."  相似文献   

Due to a printer's error, the word "nitrite" was altered to "nitrate" in two instances in the article, "Ever so cautiously, the FDA moves to-ward a ban on nitrites," (8 September, p. 887). The lead sentence should read," The hazard to animals and man of eating excessive amounts of nitrates and nitrites...." The first sentence in the fourth paragraph should read," These circumstances ... the existent but unquantified hazard of adding nitrites to food." Nitrites-not nitrates-are deliberately added to foods.  相似文献   

汉英句子结构最主要的区别在于意合与形合。意合与形合是两种语言不同的组织特点,各有其深厚的文化传统。汉语注重话题,英语注重主谓,汉语的话题句侧重于语义结构,英语的主谓句侧重于语法结构。汉语句子中动词十分丰富,英语句子只能有一个谓语动词。本 文《红楼梦》及其英译本中的句子为例,分析比较汉英两种语言因句法结构之差异在翻译中所产生的不对应性。  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,225(4662):568
In the article "NIMH faces renewed uncertainties" by Jeffrey L. Fox (News and Comment, 13 July, p. 148), the first sentence of the first full paragraph of column 2 on page 149 was incorrectly printed. The sentence should have begun, "The 1985 budget for research calls for a modest increase...."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,237(4815):576
In the report " Variable occurrence of the nrdB intron in the T-even phages suggests intron mobility" by J. Pedersen-Lane and M. Belfort (10 July, p.182), two sentences were incorrectly printed. On page 182, the sentence beginning at the bottom of the second column should have read, "The td intron is indeed homologous throughout the T-even phages, as demonstrated by hybridization and dideoxy primer-extension analysis of pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) and splice site products (11)." On page 183, in the legend to figure 2, the next-to-last sentence should have read, "Oligonucleotide probes (1 to 4) indicated by arrows are as described (21)."  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,232(4756):1320
The fifth sentence in M. Granger Morgan's editorial "Risk research: When should we say "enough"? (23 May, p. 917) should have read, "But suppose that after significant effort a risk is not demonstrated."  相似文献   

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